Benchmarking in BaseX: how to set up - perl

Currently I am an intern at a research group that makes large sets of texts (corpora) searchable. Not only can one search for literal strings, but more importantly it is also possible to look for similar syntactical dependency structures as the given input, without the need of being proficient in any programming language or corpus annotation style. It may be clear that this tool is intended for linguists.
At the start of the project - before I was engaged in the project - the tool was limited to rather small corpora (up to 9 million words). The goal is to make large sets of texts searchable as well. We are talking about +- 500 millions words. Attempts have been made that in theory ought to improve speed by reducing the search space (see this paper) but this has not been tested yet. The results of this attempt is a new file structure. Let's call this structure B, compared to a non-processed structure A. We expect B to provide faster results when queried with BaseX.
My question is: what is the best way to test and compare both approaches with a Perl script? Below you find my current script to query BaseX locally. It takes two arguments. A directory that stores different files. These files each individually store XPaths. Those XPaths are the ones that I have selected to benchmark with. A second argument is the limit of results to return. When set to zero, no limit is set.
Because some parts of the dataset are so incredibly huge, we have divided them in different, equally sized files as well, called treebankparts. They are stored in <tb> tags inside treebankparts.lst.
use warnings;
$| = 1; # flush every print
# Directory where XPaths are stored
my $directory = shift(#ARGV);
# Set limit. If set to zero all results will be returned
my $limit = shift(#ARGV);
# Create session, connect to BaseX
my $session = Session->new([INFORMATION WITHHELD]);
# List all files in directory
#xpathfiles = <$directory/*.txt>;
# Read lines of treebank parts into variable
open( my $tfh, "treebankparts.lst" ) or die "cannot open file treebankparts.lst";
chomp( my #tlines = <$tfh> );
close $tfh;
# Loop through all XPaths in $directory
foreach my $xpathfile (#xpathfiles) {
open( my $xfh, $xpathfile ) or die "cannot open file $xpathfile";
chomp( my #xlines = <$xfh> );
close $xfh;
print STDOUT "File = $xpathfile\n";
# Loop through lines from XPath file (= XPath query)
foreach my $xline (#xlines) {
# Loop through the lines of treebank file
foreach my $tline (#tlines) {
my ($treebank) = $tline =~ /<tb>(.+)<\/tb>/;
QuerySonar( $xline, $treebank );
sub QuerySonar {
my ( $xpath, $db ) = #_;
print STDOUT "Querying $db for $xpath\n";
print STDOUT "Limit = $limit\n";
my $x_limit;
my $x_resultsofxp = 'declare variable $results := db:open("' . $db . '")/treebank/alpino_ds'
. $xpath . ';';
my $x_open = '<results>';
my $x_totalcount = '<total>{count($results)}</total>';
my $x_loopinit = '{for $node at $limitresults in $results';
# Spaces are important!
if ( $limit > 0 ) {
$x_limit = ' where $limitresults <= ' . $limit . ' ';
# Comment needed to prevent `Incomplete FLWOR expression`
else { $x_limit = '(: No limit set :)'; }
my $x_sentenceinfo = 'let $sentid := ($node/ancestor::alpino_ds/#id)
let $sentence := ($node/ancestor::alpino_ds/sentence)
let $begin := ($node//#begin)
let $idlist := ($node//#id)
let $beginlist := (distinct-values($begin))';
# Separate sentence info by tab
my $x_loopexit = 'return <match>{data($sentid)}
{string-join($idlist, "-")}
{string-join($beginlist, "-")}
my $x_close = '</results>';
# Concatenate all XQuery parts
my $x_concatquery =
. $x_open
. $x_totalcount
. $x_loopinit
. $x_limit
. $x_sentenceinfo
. $x_loopexit
. $x_close;
my $querysent = $session->query($x_concatquery);
my $basexoutput = $querysent->execute();
print $basexoutput. "\n\n";
(Note that this is a stripped down version and that it may not work as-is. This snippet does not use structure B!)
What happens is: loop through all XPath files, loop through each line in an XPath file, loop through all treebankparts and then execute the sub. The sub then queries BaseX. This comes down to sending a new XQuery to BaseX, and returning the total hits and the results (possibly limited by an argument in the Perl script). So I got that going, but now the question is: how can I improve this script so I can get some benchmarking results out of it.
First of all, I'd start with adding a profiler to this script. I guess that bit is obvious. However, I am not sure how I should start comparing structure A with B. Would I put both queries (to different databases) in separate scripts, then call a profiler on both, and run both scripts a number of times and get a mean value and compare? Or would I run each query by both databases in the same script, almost at the same time?
It is important to consider caching that is happening. Therefore I am not entirely sure what build-up for benchmarking of a database this huge is appropriate. First one script, then the other. Both at the same time. Alternating queries between the two. And so on. There are so many possibilities, but I wonder which would provide the best results. Also, I would repeat the process a couple of times. Would I repeat each query and then continue to the next, or finish all XPath files, and then repeat the whole process again?
(Reading the description of the benchmark-tag I am confident that this - albeit elaborate - post is suited for SO.)

One possible improvement: minimize the number of times you transfer control from Perl to the database -- just as you have minimized the number of database connections. (Or at least set yourself up to measure the cost of the transfer of control.) I suspect you will get significantly better results if you move your loop into XQuery rather than running the loop in Perl.
A single call to a database management system asking it to perform 1000 searches is likely to be somewhat faster than 1000 calls to the DBMS each requesting a single search. The first involves two context switches: one from your script or bash to the dbms, and one back; the second involves 2000. The last time I measured something like this carefully, each context switch cost something like 500 ms; it mounted up fast. (That said, this was a long time ago, with a different database. But it was surprising [and sobering] to learn than the difference between the two query formulations I was trying to compare was dwarfed by the difference between running the test loop in a script or inside the dbms.)
A second suggestion: From what you say, the size of the database and the result sets seem likely to ensure that caching between runs doesn't have a big effect on the results. But this seems to be a testable assertion, and one worth testing. So set up your A and B scripts, and then do a trial run: does for runcount in 1 2 3 4 5; do perl; perl; done produce results comparable to for runcount in 1 2 3 4 5; do perl; done; for runcount in 1 2 3 4 5; do perl; done? If they are comparable, then you have reason to believe it doesn't matter if you run A and B separately or in alternation. If they are not comparable, then you know it does matter, which would be very valuable information. Other things being equal, I would expect caching to produce lower times when running one query several times before moving on to the next query, and cache misses to produce higher times if running each query just once. Probably worth measuring.
In the same spirit, I would recommend that you run tests both with the loop in the Perl script and with the loop in an XQuery query.
A third suggestion: in practice, a query at the corpus query interface will involve several stages, each with measurable time: transmission of the query from the user's browser (assuming it's a Web interface) to the server, translation of the request into a form suitable for transmission to the back end dbms (here BaseX), context switch to BaseX, processing within BaseX, context switch back, handling by web server, transmission to user. It would be useful to have at least rough estimates of the times involved in each of these steps, or at least of the time taken for everything-but-BaseX.
So if it were me running the tests, I think I'd also prepare a set of vacuous XQuery tests, along the lines of
2 + 3
or just
to push the BaseX time as close to zero as possible; the measured time between user initiation of the query and display of response is the per-query overhead. (Interesting question: should one use many different trivial expressions to prevent caching of results, or should one use the same expression over and over, to encourage caching of the result? How can we try to ensure that BaseX will cache the result, but the Web server won't? ...)
A final suggestion: remember that other people who need to do benchmarking will often have the same questions as you do. This means that you can reformulate every question of the form "Should I do X or Y?" into the form "What measurable effect does the difference between X and Y have on the results of a benchmarking test?" Run some tests to try to measure that effect, and write them up. (I always find it makes it more interesting if I force myself to make a prediction after formulating the question but before measuring the difference.)

There are several things we have to separate here: The first issue is that BaseX performance should not be confused with your perl script as your perl script seems to simply construct an XQuery (and not XPath as you suggested in your question and tags). So for testing I would suggest to use some already pre-fined XQueries suitable to your real-world scenarios, as your XQuery construction should be negligible. How you pass your query to BaseX, so via the Perl API or via any other means should not be relevant. Even if your perl performance is relevant, you should test the performance separately.
Hence, your original question whether you should put test both scenarios in the same script or not is not relevant anymore. Instead you simply execute the two separate XQueries for the scenario A and B by themself without the perl script.
You are partly correct to worry about caching, however it is the Java JIT compiler which most likely will be relevant here (as BaseX is written in java, JIT and use caching, not BaseX itself. You should therefore use the Client/Server infrastructure and have a long-running server and warm it up before running performance measurements.
Regarding performance: The BaseX GUI and also the command line already have an included measurement (using command line you can set -V to get run times for parsing, compiling, evaluating and printing). Also, using the -r parameter you can execute a query multiple times and it will give you the average execution times.
In general, if you want to improve the performance of your script you should take a look at the query plan and the optimized query and check whether the appropriate indexes are used. Also, our new Selective Indexing might be very useful to you. If the index isn't used, your query will definitely not perform well for 500 million words.
Full Disclosure: I am with the BaseX team and you might get better help at the BaseX mailing list or might want to reference this questions as our head architect isn't watching SO as regularly as the ML.


Does Perl's Glob have a limitation?

I am running the following expecting return strings of 5 characters:
while (glob '{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z}'x5) {
print "$_\n";
but it returns only 4 characters:
However, when I reduce the number of characters in the list:
while (glob '{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m}'x5) {
print "$_\n";
it returns correctly:
Can someone please tell me what I am missing here, is there a limit of some sort? or is there a way around this?
If it makes any difference, It returns the same result in both perl 5.26 and perl 5.28
The glob first creates all possible file name expansions, so it will first generate the complete list from the shell-style glob/pattern it is given. Only then will it iterate over it, if used in scalar context. That's why it's so hard (impossible?) to escape the iterator without exhausting it; see this post.
In your first example that's 265 strings (11_881_376), each five chars long. So a list of ~12 million strings, with (naive) total in excess of 56Mb ... plus the overhead for a scalar, which I think at minimum is 12 bytes or such. So at the order of a 100Mb's, at the very least, right there in one list.†
I am not aware of any formal limits on lengths of things in Perl (other than in regex) but glob does all that internally and there must be undocumented limits -- perhaps some buffers are overrun somewhere, internally? It is a bit excessive.
As for a way around this -- generate that list of 5-char strings iteratively, instead of letting glob roll its magic behind the scenes. Then it absolutely should not have a problem.
However, I find the whole thing a bit big for comfort, even in that case. I'd really recommend to write an algorithm that generates and provides one list element at a time (an "iterator"), and work with that.
There are good libraries that can do that (and a lot more), some of which are Algorithm::Loops recommended in a previous post on this matter (and in a comment), Algorithm::Combinatorics (same comment), Set::CrossProduct from another answer here ...
Also note that, while this is a clever use of glob, the library is meant to work with files. Apart from misusing it in principle, I think that it will check each of (the ~ 12 million) names for a valid entry! (See this page.) That's a lot of unneeded disk work. (And if you were to use "globs" like * or ? on some systems it returns a list with only strings that actually have files, so you'd quietly get different results.)
† I'm getting 56 bytes for a size of a 5-char scalar. While that is for a declared variable, which may take a little more than an anonymous scalar, in the test program with length-4 strings the actual total size is indeed a good order of magnitude larger than the naively computed one. So the real thing may well be on the order of 1Gb, in one operation.
Update A simple test program that generates that list of 5-char long strings (using the same glob approach) ran for 15-ish minutes on a server-class machine and took 725 Mb of memory.
It did produce the right number of actual 5-char long strings, seemingly correct, on this server.
Everything has some limitation.
Here's a pure Perl module that can do it for you iteratively. It doesn't generate the entire list at once and you start to get results immediately:
use v5.10;
use Set::CrossProduct;
my $set = Set::CrossProduct->new( [ ([ 'a'..'z' ]) x 5 ] );
while( my $item = $set->get ) {
say join '', #$item

Lexing/Parsing "here" documents

For those that are experts in lexing and parsing... I am attempting to write a series of programs in perl that would parse out IBM mainframe z/OS JCL for a variety of purposes, but am hitting a roadblock in methodology. I am mostly following the lexing/parsing ideology put forth in "Higher Order Perl" by Mark Jason Dominus, but there are some things that I can't quite figure out how to do.
JCL has what's called inline data, which is very similar to "here" documents. I am not quite sure how to lex these into tokens.
The layout for inline data is as follows:
this is the inline data
this is some more inline data
Conventionally, the "*" after the "DD" signifies that following lines are the inline data itself, terminated by either "/*" or the next valid JCL record (starting with "//" in the first 2 columns).
More advanced, the inline data could appear as such:
Sometimes the inline data is itself JCL (perhaps to be pumped to a program or the internal reader, whatever).
But here's the rub. In JCL, the records are 80 bytes, fixed in length. Everything past column 72 (cols 73-80) is a "comment". As well, everything following a blank that follows valid JCL is likewise a comment. Since I am looking to manipulate JCL in my programs and spit it back out, I'd like to capture comments so that I can preserve them.
So, here's an example of inline comments in the case of inline data:
...more JCL
I originally thought that I could have my top-most lexer pull in a line of JCL and immediately create a non-token for cols 1-72 and then a token (['COL73COMMENT',$1]) for the column 73 comment, if any. This would then pass downstream to the next iterator/tokenizer a string of the cols 1-72 text followed by the col73 token.
But how would I, downstream from there, grab the inline data? I'd originally figured that the top-most tokenizer could look for a "DD \*(,DLM=(\S*))" (or the like) and then just keep pulling records from the feeding iterator until it hit the delimiter or a valid JCL starter ("//").
But you may see the issue here... I can't have 2 topmost tokenizers... either the tokenizer that looks for COL73 comments must be the top or the tokenizer that gets inline data must be at the top.
I imagine that perl parsers have the same challenge, since seeing
isn't necessarily the end of the line, followed by the here document data. After all, you could see perl like:
my $this=$obj->ingest(<<DELIM)->reformat();
inline here document data
more data
How would the tokenizer/parser know to tokenize the ")->reformat();" and then still grab the following records as-is? In the case of the inline JCL data, those lines are passed as-is, cols 73-80 are NOT comments in that case...
So, any takers on this? I know there will be tons of questions clarifying my needs and I'm happy to clarify as much as is needed.
Thanks in advance for any help...
In this answer I will concentrate on heredocs, because the lessons can be easily transferred to the JCL.
Any language that supports heredocs is not context-free, and thus cannot be parsed with common techniques like recursive descent. We need a way to guide the lexer along more twisted paths, but in doing so, we can maintain the appearance of a context-free language. All we need is another stack.
For the parser, we treat introductions to heredocs <<END as string literals. But the lexer has to be extended to do the following:
When a heredoc introduction is encountered, it adds the terminator to the stack.
When a newline is encountered, the body of the heredoc is lexed, until the stack is empty. After that, normal parsing is resumed.
Take care to update the line number appropriately.
In a hand-written combined parser/lexer, this could be implemented like so:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010;
my $s = <<'INPUT-END'; pos($s) = 0;
<<A <<B
body 1
body 2
body 3
my #strs;
push #strs, parse_line() while pos($s) < length($s);
for my $i (0 .. $#strs) {
say "STRING $i:";
say $strs[$i];
sub parse_line {
my #strings;
my #heredocs;
$s =~ /\G\s+/gc;
# get the markers
while ($s =~ /\G<<(\w+)/gc) {
push #strings, '';
push #heredocs, [ \$strings[-1], $1 ];
$s =~ /\G[^\S\n]+/gc; # spaces that are no newlines
# lex the EOL
$s =~ /\G\n/gc or die "Newline expected";
# process the deferred heredocs:
while (my $heredoc = shift #heredocs) {
my ($placeholder, $marker) = #$heredoc;
$s =~ /\G(.*\n)$marker\n/sgc or die "Heredoc <<$marker expected";
$$placeholder = $1;
return #strings;
body 1
body 2
body 3
The Marpa parser simplifies this a bit by allowing events to be triggered once a certain token is parsed. These are called pauses, because the built-in lexing pauses a moment for you to take over. Here is a high-level overview and a short blogpost describing this technique with the demo code on Github.
In case anyone was wondering how I decided to resolve this, here is what I did.
My main lexing routine accepts an iterator that pumps full lines of text (which can take it from a file, a string, whatever I want). The routine uses that to create another iterator, which examines the line for "comments" after column 72, which it will then return as a "mainline" token followed by a "col72" token. This iterator is then used to create yet another iterator, which passes the col72 tokens through unchanged, but takes the mainline tokens and lexes them into atomic tokens (things like STRING, NUMBER, COMMA, NEWLINE, etc).
But here's the crux... the lexing routine has the ORIGINAL ITERATOR still... so when it receives a token that indicates there is a "here" document, it continues processing tokens until it hits a NEWLINE token (meaning end of the actual line of text) and then uses the original iterator to pull off the here document data. Since that iterator feeds the atomic tokens iterator, pulling from it then prevents those lines from being atomized.
To illustrate, think of iterators like hoses. The first hose is the main iterator. To that I attach the col72 iterator hose, and to that I attach the atomic tokenizer hose. As streams of characters go in the first hose, atomized tokens come out the end of the third hose. But I can attach a 2-way nozzle to the first hose that will allow its output to come out the alternate nozzle, preventing that data from going into the second hose (and hence the third hose). When I'm done diverting the data through the alternate nozzle, I can turn that off and then data begins flowing through the second and third hoses again.

Limiting the amount of information printed by Perl debugger

One of my pet peeves with debugging Perl code (in command line debbugger, perl -d) is the fact that mistakenly printing (via x command) the contents of a huge datastructure is guaranteed to freeze up your terminal for forever and a half while 100s of pages of data are printed. Epecially if that happens across slowish network.
As such, I'd like to be able to limit the amount of data that x prints.
I see two approaches - I'd be willing to try either if someone knows how to do.
Limit the amount of data any single command in debugger prints.
Better yet, somehow replace the built-in x command with a custom Perl method (which would calculate the "size" of the data structure, and refuse to print its contents without confirmation).
I'm specifically asking "how to replace x with custom code" - building a Good Enough "is the data structure too big" Perl method is something I can likely do on my own without too much effort although I see enough pitfalls preventing the "perfect" one from being a fairly frustrating endeavour. Heck, merely doing Data::Dumper->Dump and taking the length of the string might do the trick :)
Please note that I'm perfectly well aware of how to manually avoid the issue by recursively examining layers of datastructure (e.g. print the ref, print the count of keys/array elements, etc...)... the whole point is I want to be able to avoid thoughtlessly typing x $huge_pile_of_data without thinking - or stumbling on a bug populating said huge pile of data into what should be a scalar.
The x command takes an optional argument for the maximum depth to display. That's not quite the same as limiting the amount of data to N pages, but it's definitely useful to prevent overload.
DB<1> %h = (a => { b => { c => 1 } } )
DB<2> x %h
0 'a'
1 HASH(0x1d5ff44)
'b' => HASH(0x1d61424)
'c' => 1
DB<3> x 2 %h
0 'a'
1 HASH(0x1d5ff44)
'b' => HASH(0x1d61424)
You can specify the default depth to print via the o command, e.g.
DB<1>o dumpDepth=1
Add that to your .perldb file to apply it to all debugger sessions.
Otherwise, it looks like the x command invokes DB::dumpit() which is just a wrapper for (or, more specifically, the main::dumpValue() sub it defines). You could modify/replace that script as you see fit. I'm not sure how you'd make it interactive, though.
The | command in the debugger pipes another command's output to your pager, e.g.
DB<1> |x %huge_datastructure

one million records in log file for a online shopping website. FInd distinct IP addresses [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
It is a technical test question. Given 1 million records in a log file. These are records of website hits of an online shopping website. The records are of type:
TimeStamp:Date,time ; IP address; ProductName
Find the distinct IP addresses and most popular product. What is the most efficient way to do this? One solution is hashing. If solution is hashing, please provide a explanation for efficiently hashing this since there are one million records.
I recently did something similar for homework, not sure on the total number of lines, but it was quite a lot. The point is that your computer can probably do this very quickly, even if there is a million records.
I agree with you on the hashtable, and I would do the two questions slightly differently.
The first one I would check every ip against the hashtable, and if it exists, do nothing. If it does not exist, add it to the hashtable, and increment a counter. At the end of the program, the counter will tell you how many unique IP's there were.
The second I would hash the product name and put that in the hashtable. I would increment the value associated with the hashkey every time I found a match in the table. At the end, loop through all the keys and values of the hashtable and find the highest value. That is the most popular product.
A million log records is really a very small number; just read them in and keep a set of the IP addresses and a dict from product names to number of mentions -- you don't mention any specific language constraint so I assume a language that will do (implicitly) excellent hashing of such strings on your behalf is acceptable (Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, C#, etc, all have fine facilities for the purpose).
E.g., in Python:
import collections
import heapq
ipset = set()
prodcount = collections.defaultdict(int)
numlines = 0
for line in open('logfile.txt', 'r'):
timestamp, ip, product = line.strip().split(';')
prodcount[product] += 1
numlines += 1
print "%d distinct IP in %d lines" % (len(ipset), numlines)
print "Top 10 products:"
top10 = heapq.nlargest(10, prodcount, key=prodcount.get)
for product in top10:
print "%6d %s" % (prodcount[product], product)
Distinct IP addresses:
$ cut -f 2 -d \; | sort | uniq
Most popular product:
$ cut -f 3 -d \; | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
If you can do so, shell script it like that.
First of all, one million lines is not at all a huge file.
A simple Perl script can chew a 2.7 million lines script in 6 seconds, without having to think much about the algorithm.
In any case hashing is the way to go and, as shown, there's no need to bother with hashing over an integer representation.
If we were talking about a really huge file, then I/O would become the bottleneck and thus the hashing method gets less and less relevant as the file grows bigger.
Theoretically in a language like C it would probably be faster to hash over an integer than over a string, but I doubt that in a language suited to this task that would really make a difference. Things like how to read the file efficiently would matter much much more.
vinko#parrot:~$ more
use strict;
use warnings;
my %ip_hash;
my %product_hash;
open my $fh, "<", "log2.txt" or die $!;
while (<$fh>) {
my ($timestamp, $ip, $product) = split (/;/,$_); #To fix highlighting
$ip_hash{$ip} = 1 if (!defined $ip_hash{$ip});
if (!defined $product_hash{$product}) {
$product_hash{$product} = 1
} else {
$product_hash{$product} = $product_hash{$product} + 1;
for my $ip (keys %ip_hash) {
print "$ip\n";
my #pkeys = sort {$product_hash{$b} <=> $product_hash{$a}} keys %product_hash;
print "Top product: $pkeys[0]\n";
vinko#parrot:~$ wc -l log2.txt
2774720 log2.txt
vinko#parrot:~$ head -1 log2.txt
vinko#parrot:~$ time perl
Top product: DuctTape
real 0m6.295s
user 0m6.230s
sys 0m0.030s
I also would read the file into a database, and would link it to another table of log filenames and date/time imported.
This is because in the real world you're going to need to do this regularly. The company is going to want to be able to check trends over time, so you're quickly going to be asked questions like "is that more or less unique IP addresses than last month's log file?" and "how are the most popular products changing from week to week".
In my experience the best way to answer these questions in an interview scenario as you describe is to show awareness of real-world situations. A tool to parse the log files (produced daily? weekly? monthly?) and read them into a database where some queries, graphs etc can pull all the data out, especially across multiple log files, will take a bit longer to write but be infinitely more useful and useable.
In the real world, if this is a once-off or occasional thing, I would simply insert the data into a database and run a few basic queries.
Since this is a homework assignment though, that's probably not what the prof is looking for. An IP address is really just a 32-bit number. I could convert each IP to it's 32-bit equivalent instead of creating a hash.
Since this is homework, the rest "is left as an exercise to the reader."
Like other people write, there are just 2 hashtables. One for IP's and one for Products. You can count the occurrences for both, but you only care about them in the latter "Product Popularity"
The key to hashing is having an efficient hash key, and hash efficiency means that the keys are evenly distributed. Poor key choice means that there will be many collisions, and performance of the hash table will suffer.
Being lazy, I'd be tempted to create a Dictionary<IPAddress,int> and hope that the implementor of the IPAddress class created the hash key appropriately.
Dictionary<IPAddress, int> ipAddresses = new Dictionary<IPAddress, int>();
Dictionary<string, int> products = new Dictionary<string,int>();
For the Products list, after you've setup the hash table, just use linq to select them out.
var sorted = from o in products
orderby o.Value descending
where o.Value > 1
select new { ProductName = o.Key, Count = o.Value };
Just sort the file by each of the two fields of interest. That avoids any need to worry about hash functions and will work just fine on a million record set.
Sorting the IP addresses this way also makes it easy to extract other interesting information such as accesses from the same subnet.
Unique IPs:
$ awk -F\; '{print $2}' log.file | sort -u
{ a[$0]++ }
for(key in a) {
print a[key] " " key;
Top 10 favorite items:
$ awk -F\; '{print $3}' log.file | awk -f count.awk | sort -r -n | top

Perl: Programming Efficiency when computing correlation coefficients for a large set of data

EDIT: Link should work now, sorry for the trouble
I have a text file that looks like this:
Name, Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4, Test 5
Bob, 86, 83, 86, 80, 23
Alice, 38, 90, 100, 53, 32
Jill, 49, 53, 63, 43, 23.
I am writing a program that given this text file, it will generate a Pearson's correlation coefficient table that looks like this where the entry (x,y) is the correlation between person x and person y:
Bob, 1, 0.567088412588577, 0.899798494392584
Alice, 0.567088412588577, 1, 0.812425393004088
Jill, 0.899798494392584, 0.812425393004088, 1
My program works, except that the data set I am feeding it has 82 columns and, more importantly, 54000 rows. When I run my program right now, it is incredibly slow and I get an out of memory error. Is there a way I can first of all, remove any possibility of an out of memory error and maybe make the program run a little more efficiently? The code is here: code.
Thanks for your help,
Edit: In case anyone else is trying to do large scale computation, convert your data into hdf5 format. This is what I ended up doing to solve this issue.
You're going to have to do at least 54000^2*82 calculations and comparisons. Of course it's going to take a lot of time. Are you holding everything in memory? That's going to be pretty large too. It will be slower, but it might use less memory if you can keep the users in a database and calculate one user against all the others, then go on to the next and do it against all the others instead of one massive array or hash.
Have a look at Tie::File to deal with the high memory usage of having your input and output files stored in memory.
Have you searched CPAN? My own search yielded another method gsl_stats_correlation for computing Pearsons correlation. This one is in Math::GSL::Statisics. This module binds to the GNU Scientific Library.
gsl_stats_correlation($data1, $stride1, $data2, $stride2, $n) - This function efficiently computes the Pearson correlation coefficient between the array reference $data1 and $data2 which must both be of the same length $n. r = cov(x, y) / (\Hat\sigma_x \Hat\sigma_y) = {1/(n-1) \sum (x_i - \Hat x) (y_i - \Hat y) \over \sqrt{1/(n-1) \sum (x_i - \Hat x)^2} \sqrt{1/(n-1) \sum (y_i - \Hat y)^2} }
You may want to look at PDL:
PDL ("Perl Data Language") gives
standard Perl the ability to compactly
store and speedily manipulate the
large N-dimensional data arrays which
are the bread and butter of scientific
Essentially Paul Tomblin has given you the answer: It's a lot of calculation so it will take a long time. It's a lot of data, so it will take a lot of memory.
However, there may be one gotcha: If you use perl 5.10.0, your list assignments at the start of each method may be victims of a subtle performance bug in that version of perl (cf. perlmonks thread).
A couple of minor points:
The printout may actually slow down the program somewhat depending one where it goes.
There is no need to reopen the output file for each line! Just do something like this:
open FILE, ">", "file.txt" or die $!;
print FILE "Name, ", join(", ", 0..$#{$correlations[0]}+1), "\n";
my $rowno = 1;
foreach my $row (#correlations) {
print FILE "$rowno, " . join(", ", #$row) . "\n";
close FILE;
Finally, while I do use Perl whenever I can, with a program and data set such as you describe, it might be the simplest route to simply use C++ with its iostreams (which make parsing easy enough) for this task.
Note that all of this is just minor optimization. There's no algorithmic gain.
I don't know enough about what you are trying to do to give good advice about implementation, but you might look at Statistics::LSNoHistory, it claims to have a method pearson_r that returns Pearson's r correlation coefficient.
Further to the comment above about PDL, here is the code how to calculate the correlation table even for very big datasets quite efficiently:
use PDL::Stats; # this useful module can be downloaded from CPAN
my $data = random(82, 5400); # your data should replace this
my $table = $data->corr_table(); # that's all, really
You might need to set $PDL::BIGPDL = 1; in the header of your script and make sure you run this on a machine with A LOT of memory. The computation itself is reasonably fast, a 82 x 5400 table took only a few seconds on my laptop.