URL to Publish to TeamCity NuGet server - powershell

Trying to use PowerShell's Publish-Module to upload a PowerShell Module to TeamCity's NuGet server.
I can use PowerShell with Find-Module to find modules that were added to TeamCity from previous build artefacts, but would also like to upload "manually".
On other NuGet Servers I am used to see the /Packages/ folder. Does that not exist on TeamCity?

TeamCity NuGet feed is readonly. The only way to publish a package is running a build and publish it as an artifact.


Nuget packages included in artifacts automatically

We have a TeamCity build server and for a time were had the internal Nuget server enabled. We'd generate Nuget packages, which it'd automatically publish to the nuget feed.
We've since moved to another Nuget server and disabled the TC internal Nuget server; additionally we started building Nuget packages using OctoPack in some configurations which never built them before. The problem is that these Nuget packages seem to automatically be added to the build configuration's Artifacts. This is a waste, since the same packages are being published to the external (to TeamCity) Nuget server.
Is there a setting which automatically will find and include Nuget packages in TeamCity's artifacts, or is it just doing this on its own? I cant even explicitly exclude the packages in the configuration's artifacts setting, they get included regardless.
TeamCity is version 2018.1.2.
New packages in built-in TeamCity NuGet feeds could be added via the followings ways.
So to avoid publishing produced nuget packages as a build artifacts inspect:
Artifact paths settings in your build configuration
NuGet Pack build steps settings: uncheck "Publish created packages to build artifacts" option
NuGet Publish build steps settings: don't specify TeamCity built-in NuGet feed URLs in "Package source" field.

How to purge Teamcity's nuget feed?

Due to some mistakes I made in configuring some builds my Teamcity nuget feed has the wrong artefacts in some of the feeds. How do I purge the feeds so I can restart them from scratch?
Buried in the Using Team City as a NuGet Server section at this link, you'll find the following text:
"If the build artifacts are changed under TeamCity Data Directory manually, you need to instruct TeamCity to reindex NuGet feed. For that, click "reset" link for "buildsMetadata" under Administration > Diagnostic > Caches."
you can use nuget command line:
nuget locals all -list
nuget locals all -clear
you can even run it as build step...

Nuget push teamcity URL

My I know what should I put in WhatShouldIPutInHere? I want to push my nuget to my team city server. it is on localhost:90. Thanks
[Exec] C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f091ac5edf11aa03\packages\OctoPack.3.5.2\build\OctoPack.targets(109, 5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f091ac5edf11aa03\packages\OctoPack.3.5.2\build\nuget.exe" push "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f091ac5edf11aa03\TodoWebApp\obj\octopacked\TodoWebApp.1.0.26.nupkg" MyAPiKey -Source WhatShouldIPutInHere? "
A regular nuget push (what OctoPack is trying to do) is not going to work.
The TeamCity documentation states
You can publish packages to the feed either as build artifacts of the NuGet Pack build step (using the Publish created packages to build artifacts checkbox, packages will be indexed asynchronously) or via the NuGet Publish build step (since TeamCity 2017.1, packages will be indexed synchronously)
Make sure that OctoPack only creates a package (and not trying to push it) and make it an artifact to add it to the TeamCity NuGet Server.

LPRUN on AppVeyor with a reference to a custom NUGET repo reference

I am using a LinqPad script to automate an internal health check via AppVeyor.
The script references a custom nuget package hosted on our appveyor account.
The build does the following:
Pulls down a GitHub repo
via LPRUN executes health-check.linq
Locally this works.
On AppVeyor it does not.
I have the following build process
Via chocolatey --> install Linqpad5
choco install linqpad5
nuget install Example.Package
[this is our own NUGET package hosted on AppVeyor [SUCCESS]]
xcopy "c:\projects\example_project\utilities" %AppData%\LINQPad\ /i
[copy our custom NuGetSources.xml file containing our nuget repo location to linqpads folder]
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad5\"
lprun "C:\projects\example_project\utilities\health-check.linq"
'Error downloading 'Example.Package' - An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for 'Example.Package' from source 'Example Company Repo'.
Does anyone have any hints on how to reference a custom NUGET repo from a LINQPAD script on APPVEYOR?
More Info
We use AppVeyor for our CI. It allows us to write our own custom NUGET packages for internal use within our own projects.
We have a repository ('FinPad') that contains numerous .linqpad files that automate our processes & house keeping.
Each FinPad script contains a reference to a package called 'FairGo.FinPower' on our own AppVeyor nuget repo. This custom nuget package contains numerous 3rd party .Net DLLs & our own custom code to connect to a 3rd party financial loan management system we use as a backend - http://www.finpower.com.au/ (hosted by us on Azure)
One such script is a 'Health Check' - this confirms a specific environment is operating OK.
For our TEST environment I wanted to schedule our 'health check linqpad' script to run every 15 minutes (and on failure alert stackify & slack)
The process works as follows ( using a custom Azure build machine from AppVeyor)
every 15 minutes
run a custom AppVeyor build called 'Health Check TEST' -->
pull down the GitHub project 'FinPad' to c:\projects\finpad
before build --> choco install linqpad5
Run the below command to copy our own nuget.config (with our own FairGo nuget repo references) to the location linqpad wants for reference
copy "c:\projects\finpad\utilities\nuget.config" "C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Roaming\NuGet"
*** the above nuget.config contains the url / username /password to our appveyor nuget repo in plain text
build --> cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad5\"
after build --> lprun "C:\projects\FinPad\utilities\health-check-test.linq"
For reference the Health check linqpad file is
Locally this works fine (I manually configured our NUGET repo by the LinqPad GUI locally & assumed it only updated the nuget.config in 'C:\Users\ME\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\nuget.config'. (so I added this file to the repo & copy it every build)
On AppVeyor the build gives the below error
Downloading NuGet package FairGo.FinPower and dependencies from https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
Error downloading 'FairGo.FinPower' - Unable to find package 'FairGo.FinPower'.
Command exited with code 1
I have this running through a Console App now - but would really like to get this working through a LinqPad script if possible.

Where is the nuget packages folder located on a hosted build server using TFS?

I need to execute a command line utility from a package that is downloaded as part of nuget package restore in the TFS build process.
On my local computer that is stored in c:\users\me.nuget*
I've tried every permutation of that on TFS without success. I've also tried \mydir\packages with no success as well.
The biggest problem is that I have to run the package restore step before being able to see any sort of feedback from the log. That's some slow debugging.
Any ideas? Thanks ahead.
With the latest nuget/msbuild the packages folder is held under the active user's profile directory, so an appropriate Powershell command is
Get-ChildItem $(UserProfile)\.nuget\packages
This currently evaluates on the VSTS 2017 Hosted build agent to C:\Users\VssAdministrator\.nuget\packages but by using the variable you are insulated from any changes made.
Just an addition to #Paul Hatcher's answer:
I also faced the same problem in Azure DevOps build pipeline where a specific package and nuget packages directory could not be found.
It is a Xamarin.Forms app based on a .net standard library where no packages folder exists. I later noticed in build logs that the packages are restored to nuget folder under user's profile. However this particular case is not documented on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/build/variables?view=vsts#agent-variables.
That means #Paul Hatcher's answer is also valid if you try to reference nuget package folder directly from your build pipeline. This ($(UserProfile).nuget\packages) should actually be a (standard) predefined build variable.
The Nuget package cache folder is in C:\Users\buildguest.nuget\packages, but it will be cleaned after build if you are using Hosted build server.
The simple way to verify:
Add NuGet restore or .Net Core Restore build step to restore packages
Add PowerShell build step to list files in C:\Users\buildguest.nuget\packages
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\buildguest\.nuget\packages
Queue build and check the PowerShell step log (the packages’ will be listed in the log)
Remove/disable NuGet restore or .Net Core Restore build step > Save build definition
Queue build
The build will be failed, because the path does not exist.
So, the packages need to be restored before build solution/project if aren’t existing. You can add packages to source control and map to build agent to deal with the issue of too long time takes to restore packages.