I have downloaded and unzipped CodeIgniter 3.0.4
I have copied the files to C:\xampp\htdocs\myfirstciproj
"myfirstciproj" is the folder where I have the index.php
I have edited the config file as follows -
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/myfirstciproj/';
Now, my question is, how do I test whether CodeIgniter is correctly taking the base URL?
I'm hosting laravel 5.1 in my cpanel but it always accured error.I tried every method (htaccess, chmod 644 and storage give o r+W) but it doesn't work in my cpanel but when i removed following line from index.php of public folder it give access to index.php file:
$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);
$response = $kernel->handle(
$request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
so it give access to mine folder . Can anybody help me? can it cause due to php version of cpanel?
Paste this code at the top of your index.php file which will be in the public folder:
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');
Then visit the URL of your project and there you will see the issue because which laravel is throwing this error.
For Laravel, these are required, confirm this
PHP >= 5.5.9
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
Procedure on how to host your Laravel 5.1.* application on any shared hosting:
Open Filezilla or any of your favorite FTP Client.
Login and get into the home directory of your hosting account.
Create directory called laravel-app or anything that you want inside your shared hosting account home directory.
Copy everything except public directory from your application's root directory inside the newly created folder. In this case laravel-app.
Now copy the contents of public directory in your public_html directory.
Once everything is uploaded, open up index.php file which resides in public_html directory in any of your favorite text editor.
Change the following line:
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
require __DIR__.'/../../laravel-app/bootstrap/autoload.php';
And also change the following line:
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../laravel-app/bootstrap/app.php';
Before Uploading:
Please make sure that you have enabled all the plugins that are required by Laravel application. And also you are using PHP >= 5.5.* . If you don't know how to view which plugins are enabled by default.
Follow these steps:
Login to your cPanel account from the browser.
Scroll down way to the bottom where they say select PHP Version. Click on it.
From the dropdown, select PHP 5.5.6 or any of your choice, but it has to be PHP >= 5.5.*
There is a list of PHP Extensions below the dropdown that can be installed. You can leave it as it is or select the extension(s) that you wish to install. For example, if your application has file uploading feature, then you need to install the fileinfo extension by check marking that extension and clicking the button Save.
DONE. Your Laravel application is live on a shared hosting account.
You can check it by going to yourdomain.com
Hope this helps you. Happy Coding. Cheers.
Thank to all.. i solved it .. in cpanel there is php selector. so i changed it 5.6 and uploads all the folder of vender than give right permission to ech folder and files..
check these steps:
check .htaccess file on root or subdomain
if move files of public to root => change index.php contents /../ to /
check the php version (on loravel 5+ i used php7.2 and problem solved)
check .env file
I am new in Ionic Framework.
So via ionic cli i started a new app with blank template to run in android platform.
What i wanted to do is to replace the index.html with index.php in my app's folder that ionic cli automatically created for me.
So i moved into the www folder of my app i deleted the index.html file and instead i created an index.php file, then i moved into config.xml file and i changed the content src to points in the index.php file instead of index.html.
The problem is that i get this error in the browser:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\user\cmsApp\www\index.html'
and seems that my app still points to the default index.html (that doesn't exists anymore) instead the php one that i replaced with.
How can i fix that?
Thank you in advance!!!
You can try to modify the config file located here :
There is a part where you can change the source :
<content src="index.html"/>
But i'm not sure that you can place PHP file here.
Just started working with the Zend Framework Zf Tool and I've already come across a problem I've spent hours trying to figure out.
For some reason when I run the Zf show version command I get a ZF ERROR indicating it cant find the Zend Framework a to add it to my php.ini include_directory.
Here is my setup. I'm currently have WAMP installed on my local machine.
I copied the zf.bat and zf.php files into the servers php directory. The path to the php directory has been added to the path environment variable. I'm pretty sure it works because I run the zf show version command in the console and get a ZF ERROR.
I keep my copy of the Zend Framework inside
So I added this to the php.ini include_path. include_path = ".;c:\wamp\includes"
I checked that this setting was set correctly by checking phpinfo() function. Which shows
include_path .;c:\wamp\includes .;c:\wamp\includes
So I think I have everything setup correctly. I can't work out what I'm missing.
I also tried setting the ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH with no success.
Any help would be appreciated. PS I did check other posts here but none of the suggested
I have worked it out! Finally. The way I have my local wamp setup there is 2 php.ini files I have to edit.
The one that made the different is the php.ini inside the Apache2 directory.
Thanks everyone for their help. I appreciate it.
Well im not sure how you downloaded installed the framework but my guess is that you dont have enough of you include path based on the way Zend release packages are constructed. The Zend folder contained in the Zend Framework installation needs its parent folder to be on the include path so typically you would add something like:
This is because the zf package structure looks like:
If you extracted ZF from the archive you will get a Zend-some_version folder, but the actual ZF is in
"include_path\Zend-some_version\library\Zend", so your include path should point include_path\Zend-some_version\library\
Just to add to what Tjorriemorrie said and to explain in detail how I got my installation on win 7 to work as simply as possible:
Download your preferred Zend package from "http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest" to "C:\wamp\www\"
unzip your zip file so that you have the extracted Zend folder (with version name) under "C:\wamp\www\".
Rename your folder by removing the version so that you end up with "C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework"
Run a simple php file with phpinfo() in your browser. Note the entries for: "_SERVER["PATH"]" under PHP Variables
"Path" under Environment
"Loaded Configuration File" at the top
"include_path" under Core and
"extension_dir" under Core as well.
"_SERVER["PATH"]" and "Path" must be identical (no brainer)
There should be only one listing for your apache server and that should be the listing under "Loaded Configuration File" but without the "php.ini". So, if your "Loaded Configuration File" is "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin\php.ini" you must have "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin" in your path and that must be the ONLY reference to an apache server. If you have multiple references to apache servers Windows may pick the wrong one depending on your PATH order and use the wrong php.ini file.
Your "extension_dir" will tell you the version and location of php you are using. It is common to have different php folders lying around such as "C:\php", "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3", "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3....", etc. The extension directory will tell you which one of these php folders ZF will "reference" when it is looking for its library. For example, if your extension directory says "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3/ext/", you want to focus on "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3"
Go back to your PATH and a) add the string for this php version and b) remove all the other references to the other php folders
Now that you know your running and primary php and apache folders, shutdown (do not restart), shut down your computer and boot back up (restart does not always let the PATH completely reset.
Go to BOTH php.ini files at a) "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.x.y\bin" and "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3" and find the include_path variable for Windows
Replace the default line, which looks like:
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;"
include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework\library"
ON BOTH FILES just as Tjorriemorrie notes.
Restart All Services by clicking the wamp icon and selecting said option
At this point my zf tool was working. But, just to be safe, shut down and bootup
Smile and grab a beer!
I want to deploy my project made in zend framework to my shared hosting.
My project has such structure:
This is what I have done:
I copied Zend folder (all library files) into library folder
I copied all the structure above into public_html/projects/project
(so if I type www.mydomain.com/projects/project/public I run the project
I tried to click on some link so that it redirected me to www.mydomain.com/projects/project/public/someController/someAction
Unfortunately all i see is a white, empty page.
Locally (using Zend server CE) it worked perfectly
Here it looks like Zend doesn't recognize that it should do anything with this url and redirecto to appropriate action.
What have I missed?
The reason you see empty page instead of errors is that error_reporting is probably off by default on your production server.
You may change the settings concerting displaying errors and exceptions in application.ini.
The other cases the errors are not displayed is something goes wrong in the view (eg. view helpers), which must return string, not the exception.
Things to check:
permissions to write for files/dirs which do require this
PHP version
.htaccess setup
stating the obvious here but I'd check your apache error log.
You should check if the server is running php as a module or CGI, in the later case it will not read the SetEnv of .htaccess and you will have to set to development mode in index.php by hand, or specify your config in php.ini
The problem I have is that I am trying to put a Zend Framework web application online and while it works perfectly on my localhost, it has a lot of errors online. I know that there are certain things required for a Zend website to work.
I need the document root to be serwano.com/staging/fbr
I need php5
I need mod rewrite on
I need the document root to be serwano.com/staging/fbr.
I have a testing website with the following folder set up:
/other test site
/other test site
I need help determining what the appropriate .htaccess file would be so that my Zend Web App will work.
You can figure the webroot for a domain to point to any folder insider your FTP upload directory, thus you can do
+ userhome
|- serwano.com
|-- staging
|-- test
|-- production
Then go to your 1&1 control panel and create three subdomains for serwano.com. There should be an option to point each subdomain's webroot to the appropriate folder, e.g.
staging.serwano.com // point it to the staging folder
test.serwano.com // point it to the test folder
www.serwano.com // point it to the production folder
Whether you can use .htaccess and mod_rewrite depends on how your webhosting package is configured. Contact 1&1 (prepare for pain) to find out if that is possible. If it is not possible, Google has a number of results for Zend Framework without .htaccess. You do not need mod_rewrite, nor .htaccess. This is just recommended.