Validating signing certificate when using OpenId Connect - certificate

I'm trying to understand whether my Owin-hosted Web Api needs to validate the certificate used to sign a JWT-token.
I've set up an identity provider using IdentityServer. On the "relying party"-side, I have an ASP.NET WebApi hosted using Owin. On the RP-side, I'm using UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication to install the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationMiddleware in the Owin pipeline.
What's working so far:
Any unauthenticated user visiting my web app is redirected to the login page on IdentityServer
The user logs on
The user is redirected back to my web app
My web app receives the JWT containing the id token and access token
My web app calls the user info endpoint to retrieve the claims using the access token
What I'm missing is logic to validate the certificate which was used to sign the JWT containing the identity token.
Using Fiddler, I've been able to see that the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationMiddleware retrieves the keys from the identity server (by calling HTTP/1.1)
Is the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationMiddleware performing some kind of validation of the certificate? Or should I be writing this code myself?

The flow you describe relies on the fact that the verification certificate is pulled from a TLS protected endpoint (JWKs URL) that presents a valid SSL server certificate. This SSL server certificate guarantees that you're talking to the right OpenID Connect provider.

Found some explanations here
For validating reference tokens we provide a simple endpoint called the access token validation endpoint. This endpoint is e.g. used by our access token validation middleware, which is clever enough to distinguish between self-contained (JWT) and reference tokens and does the validation either locally or using the endpoint. All of this is completely transparent to the API.
You simply specify the Authority (the base URL of IdentityServer) and the middleware will use that to pull the configuration (keys, issuer name etc) and construct the URL to the validation endpoint


How to obtain a JWT token via an AuthenticationProvider from an internal Oauth2 server without redirecting to the server for login

We have a microservice based environment running our own authentication server that will produce JWT tokens using the /oauth/token endpoint but this server does not provide a web login page.
For our front end application we have tried the oauth2Login setups but they all want to try and redirect the browser to the authentication server, authenticate and then redirect back to the application. Likewise oauth2Client setups add an AuthenticationProvider but that will only authenticate a OAuth2AuthorizationCodeAuthenticationToken but the user login request will generate a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken so oauth2Client provider never gets evaluated.
We were looking for something similar to the ldap authentication providers in that the username and password is collected locally and sent to the authorisation server. While we can write our own custom AuthencationProvider which accepts the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken, communicates with the oauth server and return the generated JWT. We were hoping there was something pre-existing that was part of the current spring-boot framework. If our understanding is correct then the oauth2Client setup is what we are after but can't work out how to enable the initial authentication.
We are using spring boot 2.2.5.

SSO to kubernetes with mod_auth_openidc session

I want to access the kubernetes dashboard and the API using an already existing openid connect session (apache reverse proxy with mod_auth_openidc + WSO2 identity server). Unfortunately, kubernetes requires an id_token as a bearer token (signed JWT), which is quite hard to obtain by just having the session cookie from mod_auth_openidc module.
My problem is the following: When I call the the OIDCInfoHook with the id_token configured (the reverse proxy callback_url like http://service.domain?json=info), I just get the unsigned id_token token, which is useless for kubernetes authentication. Calling the info hook with the refresh token configured I can retrieve successfully the refresh token. With this token the identity server (WSO2) returns the id_token, a new access token and the next refresh token. Unfortunately, the mod_auth_openidc still has the old access_token and I need to map to the new the id_token to the old and new access token. Although it works after a fresh login, optaining the id_token doesn't work anymore after the session timeout (3600 s). In this state, I have to delete manually the session cookie in order to get a new login prompt.
I have two questions:
Is there any other possibility to use oidc authentication with kubernetes that does not rely on the id_token, i.e. using one the openid connect flows as described in the spec? According to the openid connect spec, the id_token should not be send around and this method seems not to be one of the openid connect flows, I guess.
Is there any other best practice way to integrate kubernetes into an existing openid connect based single sign on environment?
The common SSO solution for this kind of problems is to use Kubernetes OAuth2-Proxy, You could either run the proxy in an ingress or in a side car container. If you have istio, you could also integrate Istio with your openid conenect provider.

Keycloak with OpenIdConnect external identityprovider

I have a external openidconnect identity provider registered with Keycloak. When the client app tries to access the protected resource it gets redirected to KeyCloak login page. On the login page I have the external openidconnect provider buttons enabled. Once the user clicks on the button he is taken to the external identity provider (which is identityserver3 instance). The external provider does authenticate the user and send back a code.
Now the redirecturl for the registered client in the external identity provider is that of keycloak's. So after authentication is successful at the external IDP it send back the code(because it is Auth code flow) to keycloak at a redirect url:
In the URL if you see it ends with endpoint. I don't think that's correct but I cannot change it in KeyCloak (it's disabled) and because of that in the external IDP client configuration.
KeyCloak does not understand above url and errors out with a message "unexpected error when authenticating with Identity Provider"
Isn't KeyCloak supposed to understand the code flow and make another request for token after receiving the code. Then the external IDP will respond with token and Keycloak will send back that token to client(will also store it for future use).
Can someone please share some knowledge on how Keycloak works with external openidconnect ID provider with code flow.
Usually the redirect URI for external identity providers take the form of {keycloak-host}/auth/realms/{realm}/broker/{provider}/endpoint. You have to specify this as the redirect URI when you register your client in the external identity provider. Once the user is authenticated through the external IdP, authorization code will be sent to this url, which in turn will redirect it to the redirect url of your client application (specified when registering the client in Keycloak).
Unexpected error when authenticating with Identity Provider is the general error message sent by Keycloak for several errors that occur during the OAuth flow. You won't be able to determine the actual cause without going through the stack trace or the logs in the prompt.
You are getting this error because keyclaok is unable to get token from identityserver3 by exchanging authorization code. Where did you hosted identityserver3? Does it have a real ca certificate or you are using self sign certificate? Have you configured client_id , secret, token endpoint properly in keycloak external IDP configuration? You can test manually my posting client_id, secret, code (that you received) in token endpoint of identityserver3.

Safely generate a SAML2 token in a client application without install signing certificate

I have a client application (windows) which the user is logged into. From this application, the user will want to access a remote website using single sign-on (SAML) and will be authenticated by Microsoft WIF. To do this the user, will click a button which opens a local web browser, generates a SAML token (containing username and roles, etc) and makes a HTTP POST to a remote website to access it, signing them in.
I want the user to be signed-in automatically, based on their credentials from the windows application.
I know roughly how to generate the SAML token, but presume this requires the signing certificate to be installed on the local PC, which would need to be installed into all PCs in my Company.
Installing this certificate doesn't seem quite right. How else can I safely allow users to generate a SAML token which will be accepted by the Service Provider (via single sign-on)?
The user is not authenticated into the Windows Application using Windows Authentication (Kerberos), we make a custom SQL call to a database of username/password.
In the win app, we will know the username and their roles, so could generate claims from this, or pass it to a remote STS to generate and sign the SAML token. But again passing this data across to the STS seems totally wrong again.
The signing certificate must not be on the user desktop. Otherwise, any user could potentially generate a SAML token with the userid it wants.
What you want is a Secure Token Service (STS): an identity provider that will authenticate your user through Kerberos (as you want to re-use the identity of the logged-on user) and give you a signed SAML token.
All of this could be done when you open a web view in your application. The starting url should be the Identity Provider endpoint for IDP-initiated SSO, with a url parameter identifying the service you want to access.

What does `endpoint` exactly mean in OAuth?

I saw the word "endpoint" many times in OAuth documents.. However, I still don't know what does this word really mean.. Does anyone have ideas about this?
The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework
The authorization process utilizes two authorization server endpoints
(HTTP resources):
Authorization endpoint - used by the client to obtain
authorization from the resource owner via user-agent redirection.
Token endpoint - used by the client to exchange an
grant for an access token, typically with client authentication.
Its basically the HTTP web address of the authentication server. It could probably be server addresses depending upon how its worked. The first is for requesting access of the user the second could be for granting access to the application. this probably depends upon how the Authentication server is set up.
OAuth endpoints are the URLs you use to make OAuth authentication requests to Server. You need to use the correct OAuth endpoint when issuing authentication requests in your application. The primary OAuth endpoints depend upon the system you are trying to access.
Example Google has two end points:
Request access of user:
Exchange tokens