MATLAB extract field from struct in a vector array - matlab

I got the following Problem: I got a struct Array and want to extract one field from that struct in a vector.
The struct has 5 fields, one which is called "name". How can I get These in a vector?

The answer by dfri works but requires MATLAB Mapping Toolbox. You can use
{} to get them as a cell array or [] to get them as an array:
>> A(1).name='a';
>> A(2).name='b';
>> A(3).name='c';
>> {}
ans =
'a' 'b' 'c'
>> A(1).num=10;
>> A(2).num=5;
>> A(3).num=25;
>> [A.num]
ans =
10 5 25

You can make use of the extractfield method:
yourNameFieldsAsArray = extractfield(yourStruct, 'name')
Where yourNameFieldsAsArray will be a cell array if the name field holds e.g. character/string values, or a regular value array if name field just hold, say, integers.


Matlab : cannot get the values of a field in a struct

I am encountering a rather weird problem. I have a big struct imported from a .mat file (it's an EEG recording):
Now let's assume I want to plot one field, I need to get the values in this field.
However, when I do this:
fieldE1 = EEG.('00 E1');
fieldE1 only becomes the last value of the field : .
If I just write in the console EEG.('00 E1'), it returns this :
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
On and on and on for all the values. Which explains why fieldE1 only returned the last value. I have the same behaviour when I use getfield(EEG, '00 E1') .
Any help would be appreciated.
Subscript references to a field in a struct array will return a comma-separated list. The list must be captured in array delimiters upon assignment to be used as an array:
fieldE1 = [EEG.('00 E1')];

getting list of values with list of keys for dictionary in Matlab

Suppose I use containers map to create a dictionary in MATLAB which has the following map:
Denote the dictionary as D.
Now I have an input list [2,1,3], and what I am expecting is [B,A,C]. The problem is, I can't just use [2,1,3] as the input list for D, but only input 2,1 and 3 one by one for D and get B, A, C each time.
This can get the job done but as you can see, it's a bit less efficient.
So my question is: is there anything else I can do to let the dictionary return the whole list at the same time?
As far as I can find there is no one-step solution like python's dict.items. You can, however, get in a few lines. mydict.keys() gives you the keys of the dict as a cell array, and mydict.values() gives you the values as a cell array, so you can (in theory) combine those:
>> mykeys = mydict.keys();
>> myvals = mydict.values();
>> mypairs = [mykeys',myvals']
mypairs =
3×2 cell array
'A' [1]
'B' [2]
'C' [3]
However, in principle maps are unordered, and I can't find anything in the MATLAB documentation that says that the order returns by keys and the order returned by values is necessarily consistent (unlike Python). So if you want to be extra safe, you can call values with a cell array of the keys you want, which in this case would be all the keys:
>> mykeys = mydict.keys();
>> myvals = mydict.values(mykeys);
>> mypairs = [mykeys',myvals']
mypairs =
3×2 cell array
'A' [1]
'B' [2]
'C' [3]

Convert Matlab struct array to cell array

Can a Matlab struct array be converted to a cell array without iterating through the array?
I want each struct in the struct array to become one cell in the cell array. The command struct2cell doesn't seem to do it as it breaks out each field in the struct into a separate cell.
This has been posted to:
Convert Matlab struct array to cell array!topic/comp.soft-sys.matlab/xIOTcs5HPeg
Try num2cell:
myStructCell = num2cell(myStruct);
For example:
>> myStruct(1).name = 'John';
>> myStruct(2).name = 'Paul';
>> myStruct
myStruct =
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> myStructCell = num2cell(myStruct)
myStructCell =
[1x1 struct] [1x1 struct]
>> myStructCell{1}
ans =
name: 'John'
>> myStructCell{2}
ans =
name: 'Paul'
>> myStructCell{2}.name
ans =
Actually, I don't think that what I'm trying to do is necessary. Let me explain, in case it saves someone else from going down the same path.
The motivation for the above is that I want to extract a certain subfield from all structures in the struct array and have it in the form of a comma separated list:
myStruc(1).fieldX.subfieldA, ...
myStruc(2).fieldX.subfieldA, ...
I knew that I could generate a comma separated list by indexing into all cells into a 1D cell array via myCellArray{:}.
However, I found that there was actually an entire help page entitled "Comma-Separated Lists" showing that structs behave in the same way. So the above comma separated list is equal to myStruc(:).fieldX.subfieldA.
In fact, converting the struct array into a cell array wouldn't have worked because you can't use dot-indexing to access the fields after curly-brace indexing of the cell array. For example, if there was a vectorized way to convert myStruct(i) into myCell(i), I was hoping to be able to generate
myCellArray{1}.fieldX.subfieldA, ...
myCellArray{2}.fieldX.subfieldA, ...
via the expression myCell{:}.fieldX.subfieldA. The dot-indexing after the curly braces is a syntax error.
Lesson learned: Use struct array indexing directly to enable access to the struct fields & subfields.
***** CAVEAT *****
I only tested the generation of comma separated lists using multiple levels of dot-indexing combined with a scalar numerical array index, e.g., myCellArray{2}.fieldX.subfieldA. It doesn't work when with a vector numerical index in place of the scalar value 2, i.e., Matlab cannot handle myCellArray{:}.fieldX.subfieldA or myCellArray{2:3}.fieldX.subfieldA.
Oh well. :(

Iterating through struct fieldnames in MATLAB

My question is easily summarized as: "Why does the following not work?"
teststruct = struct('a',3,'b',5,'c',9)
fields = fieldnames(teststruct)
for i=1:numel(fields)
ans = 'a'
??? Argument to dynamic structure reference must evaluate to a valid field name.
Especially since teststruct.('a') does work. And fields(i) prints out ans = 'a'.
I can't get my head around it.
You have to use curly braces ({}) to access fields, since the fieldnames function returns a cell array of strings:
for i = 1:numel(fields)
Using parentheses to access data in your cell array will just return another cell array, which is displayed differently from a character array:
>> fields(1) % Get the first cell of the cell array
ans =
'a' % This is how the 1-element cell array is displayed
>> fields{1} % Get the contents of the first cell of the cell array
ans =
a % This is how the single character is displayed
Since fields or fns are cell arrays, you have to index with curly brackets {} in order to access the contents of the cell, i.e. the string.
Note that instead of looping over a number, you can also loop over fields directly, making use of a neat Matlab features that lets you loop through any array. The iteration variable takes on the value of each column of the array.
teststruct = struct('a',3,'b',5,'c',9)
fields = fieldnames(teststruct)
for fn=fields'
%# since fn is a 1-by-1 cell array, you still need to index into it, unfortunately
Your fns is a cellstr array. You need to index in to it with {} instead of () to get the single string out as char.
Indexing in to it with () returns a 1-long cellstr array, which isn't the same format as the char array that the ".(name)" dynamic field reference wants. The formatting, especially in the display output, can be confusing. To see the difference, try this.
name_as_char = 'a'
name_as_cellstr = {'a'}
You can use the for each toolbox from
>> signal
signal =
sin: {{1x1x25 cell} {1x1x25 cell}}
cos: {{1x1x25 cell} {1x1x25 cell}}
>> each(fieldnames(signal))
ans =
CellIterator with properties:
NumberOfIterations: 2.0000e+000
for bridge = each(fieldnames(signal))
signal.(bridge) = rand(10);
I like it very much. Credit of course go to Jeremy Hughes who developed the toolbox.

MATLAB "bug" (or really weird behavior) with structs and empty cell arrays

I have no idea what's going on here. I'm using R2006b. Any chance someone out there with a newer version could test to see if they get the same behavior, before I file a bug report?
code: (bug1.m)
function bug1
S = struct('nothing',{},'something',{});
add_something(S, 'boing'); % does what I expect
add_something(S.something,'test'); % weird behavior
function add_something(X,str)
>> bug1
??? Input argument "str" is undefined.
Error in ==> bug1>add_something at 11
Error in ==> bug1 at 4
It looks like the emptiness/nothingness of S.something allows it to shift the arguments for a function call. This seems like Very Bad Behavior. In the short term I want to find away around it (I'm trying to make a function that adds items to an initially empty cell array that's a member of a structure).
Corollary question: so there's no way to construct a struct literal containing any empty cell arrays?
As you already discovered yourself, this isn't a bug but a "feature". In other words, it is the normal behavior of the STRUCT function. If you pass empty cell arrays as field values to STRUCT, it assumes you want an empty structure array with the given field names.
>> s=struct('a',{},'b',{})
s =
0x0 struct array with fields:
To pass an empty cell array as an actual field value, you would do the following:
>> s = struct('a',{{}},'b',{{}})
s =
a: {}
b: {}
Incidentally, any time you want to set a field value to a cell array using STRUCT requires that you encompass it in another cell array. For example, this creates a single structure element with fields that contain a cell array and a vector:
>> s = struct('strings',{{'hello','yes'}},'lengths',[5 3])
s =
strings: {'hello' 'yes'}
lengths: [5 3]
But this creates an array of two structure elements, distributing the cell array but replicating the vector:
>> s = struct('strings',{'hello','yes'},'lengths',[5 3])
s =
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> s(1)
ans =
strings: 'hello'
lengths: [5 3]
>> s(2)
ans =
strings: 'yes'
lengths: [5 3]
ARGH... I think I found the answer. struct() has multiple behaviors, including:
Note If any of the values fields is
an empty cell array {}, the MATLAB
software creates an empty structure
array in which all fields are also
and apparently if you pass a member of a 0x0 structure as an argument, it's like some kind of empty phantom that doesn't really show up in the argument list. (that's still probably a bug)
function bug2(arg1, arg2)
disp(sprintf('number of arguments = %d\narg1 = ', nargin));
test case:
>> nothing = struct('something',{})
nothing =
0x0 struct array with fields:
>> bug2(nothing,'there')
number of arguments = 2
arg1 =
>> bug2(nothing.something,'there')
number of arguments = 1
arg1 =
This behaviour persists in 2008b, and is in fact not really a bug (although i wouldn't say the designers intended for it):
When you step into add_something(S,'boing') and watch the first argument (say by selecting it and pressing F9), you'd get some output relating to the empty structure S.
Step into add_something(S.something,'test') and watch the first argument, and you'd see it's in fact interpreted as 'test' !
The syntax struct.fieldname is designed to return an object of type 'comma separated list'. Functions in matlab are designed to receive an object of this exact type: the argument names are given to the values in the list, in the order they are passed. In your case, since the first argument is an empty list, the comma-separated-list the function receives starts really at the second value you pass - namely, 'test'.
Output is identical in R2008b:
>> bug1
??? Input argument "str" is undefined.
Error in ==> bug1>add_something at 11
Error in ==> bug1 at 4
add_something(S.something,'test'); % weird behavior