Yahoo finance API: No definition found for Table - yahoo-api

I have been using the yahooapi for the stock historical information for a year. It had been working perfectly.
However, I am getting this error:
No definition found for Table
select * from
where symbol in ('GOOG') and startDate='' and endDate = '' &diagnostics=false&env=store://
Is the service (REST) still available? If not, any suggestion for the alternative solution? is down, which is the backend for the community tables that power YQL.
That's why it isn't working. Not sure about any alternatives though


"s:Client: Not Allowed List" error when running query

For one customer site, the following query:
select /*+ ods(false) */ *
from Werkgevers#loket wgr
join PersonenPerWerkgever(wgr.entryid)#loket psn
join WerknemerVerloningsrunsPerPersoon(wgr.entryid)#loket wvn
returns an error with message code "s:Client" and text "Not Allowed List".
I seem unable to find any documentation on this error with Invantive SQL. How can I fix it?
This error is typically caused by missing privileges. The text is not very well formulated, but you will have to live with it since Loket is focusing on adding a new REST-based API platform.
Make sure your user has sufficient privileges.

OrientDB -Order by FIELD not working

I want to order the table by the id's given within "IN Clause"
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id IN [1,2,3,4] ORDER BY FIELD(id,3,2,1,4);
But i am getting error as response.
Sorry, OrientDB does not support this in current release. Please open an issue on the official issue tracker, we'll consider it for next releases.

Unable to search for Orders/Customers in oracle commerce (ATG) - CSC 11.1

I am trying to perform order and profile search operations on CSC, but they return no results.
I the components /atg/commerce/textsearch/OrderOutputConfig/ and /atg/userprofiling/textsearch/ProfileOutputConfig/ and I found them indexing perfectly in the tables SRCH_ORDER_TOKENS and SRCH_PROFILE_TOKENS respectively.
After enabling loggingDebug in both components I found that the search query has additional condition seems that it's related to multisite pfrmZeroRealmsAccessible, however I found that all tokens stored in DB for orders and customers have this value pfrmdft. Below is the query extracted from logs:
FROM srch_order_tokens t1
WHERE CONTAINS(t1.tokens,?,0) > 0
-- Parameters --
p[1] = {pd: tokens} pflnAhmad% AND pfrmZeroRealmsAccessible% (java.lang.String)
Note: My application has only one single site (not multisite) however I found some configuration files created by CIM related to multisite which I can't remove.
Please help me answering the following question:
Is this issue really related to multisite configuration and how can I fix this problem in orders and customers search?
In Oracle commerce 11.1 how can I disable working with multisite?
If you have not configured multi site then you need change the property "siteAccessControlOn" to false in the below component
for more details you can get back to the below oracle docs link

SugarCRM API Query - getting Access Denied?

I am running SugarCRM 6.5.x and using the SOAP API. What I am trying to achieve is lookup an Account by checking the value of a custom field with the company registration number like this:
get_entry_list(... in (select id_c from accounts_cstm join accounts on accounts_cstm.id_c = where accounts_cstm.company_number__c = '12345678')
... )
I keep getting access denied errors and I don't understand why? If I run the query in phpmyadmin it works fine? How can I make this work for SugarCRM?
Support for subqueries like that in our Web Services API is removed as of Sugar 6.4, with certain exceptions; see this post for more details...
For this one, you shouldn't need to do the subquery as the cstm is joined in automatically.
Are you sure that you opened a session and send the right parameters?
get_entry_list($session, $module_name, $query, $order_by,$offset, $select_fields, $link_name_to_fields_array, $max_results, $deleted )
Take a look at the API Description and search for "Call: get_entry_list()".
It's for 6.4 but shouldn't make any difference.

Fulltext search replacement Google Cloud SQL

I'm trying to implement a search functionnality with autocomplete in a project I'm working on. So far I've managed to do this with a select column1, column2 where myColumn like %...% but it isn't as responsive is I would like, I mean it's just ok and it searches only in one single row. The current version of MySql with innoDB tables doesn't support "match against" any plans on upgrading the db version? Otherwise, could anyone suggest another way of achieving a search + autocomp (against a single table).
Try , it has the autocomplete implementation. The only thing you'll need to do is :
- create an account
- export your data