solving over determined non-linear equation in matlab - matlab

Actually I have to calculate values of 3 variables from probably 8 or 9 non-linear equations(may be more for accuracy).
I was using lsqnonlin and fsolve.
Using lsqnonlin, it says solver stopped prematurely (mainly due to value of iteration, funEvals and tolerance) and the output is far away from exact solution. I tried but I don't know on what basis I should set those parameters.
Using fsolve, it says no solution found.
I also used LMFnlsq and LMFsolve but it gives the output nowhere near the exact solution? I tried to change other parameters too but I could not bring those solutions to my desired values.
Is there any other way to solve these overdetermined non-linear equations?
My code till now:
x0 = [20 40 275];
eqn = #(x)[((((x(1)-Sat(1,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(1,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(1,3))^2))-dis(1)^2);
((((x(1)-Sat(3,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(3,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(3,3))^2))- dis(3)^2);
((((x(1)-Sat(4,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(4,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(4,3))^2))- dis(4))^2;
((((x(1)-Sat(5,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(5,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(5,3))^2))- dis(5))^2;
((((x(1)-Sat(6,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(6,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(6,3))^2))- dis(6))^2;
((((x(1)-Sat(7,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(7,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(7,3))^2))- dis(7))^2;
((((x(1)-Sat(8,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(8,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(8,3))^2))- dis(8))^2;
((((x(1)-Sat(9,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(9,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(9,3))^2))- dis(9))^2;
((((x(1)-Sat(10,1))^2+(x(2)-Sat(10,2))^2+(x(3)-Sat(10,3))^2))- dis(10))^2];
lb = [0 0 0];
ub = [100 100 10000];
options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','MaxFunEvals',3000,'MaxIter',700,'TolFun',1e-18);%,'TolX',1);
x= lsqnonlin(eqn,x0,lb,ub,options)
**Solver stopped prematurely.**
lsqnonlin stopped because it exceeded the iteration limit,
options.MaxIter = 700 (the selected value).
x = 20.349 46.633 9561.5
Hoping for some suggestions!
Thanks in advance!

I usually model this explicitly:
min w'w
f_i(x) = w_i
w is a free variable
It should be easy to calculate a feasible (but non-optimal) solution in advance. If you can find a "good" initial solution that would be even better. Then use a general purpose NLP solver (e.g. fmincon) and pass on your initial feasible solution (both x and w). The best thing is to use a modeling system that allows automatic differentiation. Otherwise you should provide correct and precise gradients (and if needed second derivatives). See also the advice here.


Local volatility model Matlab

I am trying to do a Monte Carlo simulation of a local volatility model, i.e.
dSt = sigma(St,t) * St dWt .
Unfortunately the Matlab package class sde can not be applied, as the function is rather complex.
For this reason I am simulating this SDE manually with the Euler-Mayurama method. More specifically I used Ito's formula to get an SDE for the log-process Xt=log(St)
dXt = -1/2 sigma^2(exp(Xt),t) dt + sigma(exp(Xt),t) dWt
The code for this is the following:
function [S]=geom_bb(sigma,T,N,m)
% T.. Time horizon, sigma.. standard deviation, N.. timesteps, m.. dimensions
for j=1:N
X(j+1,:)=X(j,:) - 1/2* sigma(exp(X(j,:)),t(j))^2 * sqrt(dt) + sigma(exp(X(j,:)),t(j))*dW(j,:);
This code works rather good for small sigma, however for sigma around 10 the process S always tends to zero. This should not happen as S is a martingale, and therefore has expectation =1 (at least for constant sigma).
However X should be simulated correctly, as the mean is exact.
Can anyone help me with this issue? Is this only due to numerical rounding errors? Is there another simulation method that should be preferred to solve this problem?
First are you sure S=exp(X*sqrt(dt)) outside the loop is doing what you want ? Why not have it inside the loop to start with ? You're using the exp(X) for sigma() inside the loop in any case, which is now missing the sqrt(dt).
Beyond that, suggested ways to improve behavior: use the Milstein scheme instead, increase the number of timesteps, make sure your sigma() value is commensurate with your timestep. Sigma of 10 means 1000% volatility, i.e. moves of 60% per day. Assuming dt is more than a few minutes, this simply can't be good.

Jacobi iteration doesn't end

I'm trying to implement the Jacobi iteration in MATLAB but am unable to get it to converge. I have looked online and elsewhere for working code for comparison but am unable to find any that is something similar to my code and still works. Here is what I have:
function x = Jacobi(A,b,tol,maxiter)
n = size(A,1);
xp = zeros(n,1);
x = zeros(n,1);
k=0; % number of steps
for i=1:n
xp(i) = 1/A(i,i)*(b(i) - A(i,1:i-1)*x(1:i-1) - A(i,i+1:n)*x(i+1:n));
err = norm(A*xp-b);
This just blows up no matter what A and b I use. It's probably a small error I'm overlooking but I would be very grateful if anyone could explain what's wrong because this should be correct but is not so in practice.
Your code is correct. The reason why it may not seem to work is because you are specifying systems that may not converge when you are using Jacobi iterations.
To be specific (thanks to #Saraubh), this method will converge if your matrix A is strictly diagonally dominant. In other words, for each row i in your matrix, the absolute summation of all of the columns j at row i without the diagonal coefficient at i must be less than the diagonal itself. In other words:
However, there are some systems that will converge with Jacobi, even if this condition isn't satisfied, but you should use this as a general rule before trying to use Jacobi for your system. It's actually more stable if you use Gauss-Seidel. The only difference is that you are re-using the solution of x and feeding it into the other variables as you progress down the rows. To make this Gauss-Seidel, all you have to do is change one character within your for loop. Change it from this:
xp(i) = 1/A(i,i)*(b(i) - A(i,1:i-1)*x(1:i-1) - A(i,i+1:n)*x(i+1:n));
To this:
xp(i) = 1/A(i,i)*(b(i) - A(i,1:i-1)*xp(1:i-1) - A(i,i+1:n)*x(i+1:n));
Here are two examples that I will show you:
Where we specify a system that does not converge by Jacobi, but there is a solution. This system is not diagonally dominant.
Where we specify a system that does converge by Jacobi. Specifically, this system is diagonally dominant.
Example #1
A = [1 2 2 3; -1 4 2 7; 3 1 6 0; 1 0 3 4];
b = [0;1;-1;2];
x = Jacobi(A, b, 0.001, 40)
xtrue = A \ b
x =
1.0e+09 *
xtrue =
Now, if I used the Gauss-Seidel solution, this is what I get:
x =
Woah! It converged for Gauss-Seidel and not Jacobi, even though the system isn't diagonally dominant, I may have an explanation for that, and I'll provide later.
Example #2
A = [10 -1 2 0; -1 -11 -1 3; 2 -1 10 -1; 0 3 -1 8];
b = [6;25;-11;15];
x = Jacobi(A, b, 0.001, 40);
xtrue = A \ b
x =
xtrue =
This is what I get with Gauss-Seidel:
x =
This certainly converged for both, and the system is diagonally dominant.
As such, there is nothing wrong with your code. You are just specifying a system that can't be solved using Jacobi. It's better to use Gauss-Seidel for iterative methods that revolve around this kind of solving. The reason why is because you are immediately using information from the current iteration and spreading this to the rest of the variables. Jacobi does not do this, which is the reason why it diverges more quickly. For Jacobi, you can see that Example #1 failed to converge, while Example #2 did. Gauss-Seidel converged for both. In fact, when they both converge, they're quite close to the true solution.
Again, you need to make sure that your systems are diagonally dominant so you are guaranteed to have convergence. Not enforcing this rule... well... you'll be taking a risk as it may or may not converge.
Good luck!
Though this does not point out the problem in your code, I believe that you are looking for the Numerical Methods: Jacobi File Exchange Submission.
%JACOBI Jacobi iteration for solving a linear system.
% Sample call
% [X,dX] = jacobi(A,B,P,delta,max1)
% [X,dX,Z] = jacobi(A,B,P,delta,max1)
It seems to do exactly what you describe.
As others have pointed out that not all systems are convergent using Jacobi method, but they do not point out why? Actually only a small sub-set of systems converge with Jacobi method.
The convergence criteria is that the "sum of all the coefficients (non-diagonal) in a row" must be lesser than the "coefficient at the diagonal position in that row". This criteria must be satisfied by all the rows. You can read more at: Jacobi Method Convergence
Before you decide to use Jacobi method, you must see whether this criteria is satisfied by the numerical method or not. The Gauss-Seidel method has a slightly more relaxed convergence criteria which allows you to use it for most of the Finite Difference type numerical methods.

Issue with Matlab solve function?

The following command
syms x real;
f = #(x) log(x^2)*exp(-1/(x^2));
fp(x) = diff(f(x),x);
fpp(x) = diff(fp(x),x);
return the result
solve([0.0 < (8.0*exp(-1.0/x^2))/x^4 - (2.0*exp(-1.0/x^2))/x^2 -
(6.0*log(x^2)*exp(-1.0/x^2))/x^4 + (4.0*log(x^2)*exp(-1.0/x^2))/x^6],
[x == RD_NINF..RD_INF])
which is not what I expect.
The first question: Is it possible to force Matlab's solve to return the set of all solutions?
(This is related to this question.) Moreover, when I try to solve the equation
which returns
ans =
I am not satisfied since all solutions are not returned (they are approximately -1.5056, 1.5056, -0.5663 and 0.5663 obtained from WolframAlpha).
I know that vpasolve with some initial guess can handle this. But, I have no idea how I can generally find initial guessed values to obtain all solutions, which is my second question.
Other solutions or suggestions for solving these problems are welcomed.
As I indicated in my comment above, sym/solve is primarily meant to solve for analytic solutions of equations. When this fails, it tries to find a numeric solution. Some equations can have an infinite number of numeric solutions (e.g., periodic equations), and thus, as per the documentation: "The numeric solver does not try to find all numeric solutions for [the] equation. Instead, it returns only the first solution that it finds."
However, one can access the features of MuPAD from within Matlab. MuPAD's numeric::solve function has several additional capabilities. In particular is the 'AllRealRoots' option. In your case:
syms x real;
f = #(x)log(x^2)*exp(-1/(x^2));
fp(x) = diff(f(x),x);
fpp(x) = diff(fp(x),x);
s = feval(symengine,'numeric::solve',fpp(x)==0,x,'AllRealRoots')
which returns
s =
[ -1.5056102995536617698689500437312, -0.56633904710786569620564475006904, 0.56633904710786569620564475006904, 1.5056102995536617698689500437312]
as well as a warning message.
My answer to this question provides other way that various MuPAD solvers can be used, particularly if you can isolate and bracket your roots.
The above is not going to directly help with your inequalities other than telling you where the function changes sign. For those you could try:
s = feval(symengine,'solve',fpp(x)>0,x,'Real')
which returns
s =
(Dom::Interval(0, Inf) union Dom::Interval(-Inf, 0)) intersect solve(0 < 2*log(x^2) - 3*x^2*log(x^2) + 4*x^2 - x^4, x, Real)
Try plotting this function along with fpp.
While this is not a bug per se, The MathWorks still might be interested in this difference in behavior and poor performance of sym/solve (and the underlying symobj::solvefull) relative to MuPAD's solve. File a bug report if you like. For the life of me I don't understand why they can't better unify these parts of Matlab. The separation makes not sense from the perspective of a user.

How to build an ARMAX model in Matlab

I'm trying to build an ARMAX model which predicts reservoir water elevation as a function of previous elevations and an upstream inflow. My data is on a timestep of roughly 0.041 days, but it does vary slightly, and I have 3643 time series points. I've tried using the basic armax Matlab command, but am getting this error:
Error using armax (line 90)
Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to
logical scalar values.
The code I'm trying is:
data = iddata(y,x,[],'SamplingInstants',JDAYs)
m1 = armax(data, [30 30 30 1])
where y is a vector of elevations that starts like y=[135.780
135.830]', x is a vector of flowrates that starts like x=[238.865
233.828]', and JDAYs is a vector of timestamps that starts like JDAYs=[122.604
I'm new to this model type and the system identification toolbox, so I'm having issues figuring out what's causing that error. The Matlab examples aren't very helpful...
I hope this is not getting to you a bit late.
Checking your code i see that you are using a parameter called SamplingInstants. I'm not sure ARMAX functions works with it. Actually i'm sure. I have tried several times, and no, it doesn't. And it don't seems to be a well documented option for ARMAX -or for other methods- too.
The ARX, ARMAX, and other models are based on linear discrete systems from the Z-Transform formalism, that is, one can ussualy assume that your system has been sampled under a regular sampling rate. Although of course, this is not a law, this is the standard framework when dealing with linear -and also non-linear- systems. And also most industrial control & acquisition systems work under a regular rate sampling. Yet.
Try to get inside the ARMAX standard setting, like this:
y=[135.780 135.800 135.810 135.820 135.820 135.830 .....]';
x=[238.865 238.411 238.033 237.223 237.223 233.828 .....]';
%JDAYs=[122.604 122.651 122.688 122.729 122.771 122.813 .....]';
data = iddata(y,x,[],'SamplingInstants',JDAYs);
m1 = armax(data, [30 30 30 1])
And this will always work. Please just ensure that x and y are long enough to enable the proper estimation of all the free coefficients, greater than mean(4*orders), for ARMAX to work -in this case, greater than 121-, and desirable greater than 10*mean(4*orders), for ARMAX algorithm to properly solve your problem, and enough time-variant for prevent reaching onto ill-conditioned solutions.
Good Luck ;)...

How to set the stopping criterion of Matlab's fmincon to "output.stepsize" when "active-set" algorithm is used

How can the output.stepsize be used as a stopping criterion for fmincon when using the 'active-set' algorithm?
When I tried to solve a nonlinear constrained non-convex optimization problem, I observed that the output.stepsize option within 'PlotFcns' would be a better stopping criterion than the tolerances or maximum evaluations. But in the options argument structure, there is no such option.
I also noticed that fmincon uses nonlcon to solve the problem where output.stepsize is calcualted.
If I don't want to change the original code of either fmincon or nonlcon, how can I set an upper limit for output.stepsize to use as a stopping criterion for my optimization run?
Here's one way that you might try to accomplish this. I'm using one of the examples from the doc (there's also discussion of how to do exactly this there as well). I've simply added an output function that returns stop = true when the optimValues.stepsize field reaches a threshold. I also had to make sure that this field wasn't empty, as it appears to be at initialization.
function fmincontest
A = [-1 -2 -2;
1 2 2];
b = [0;72];
x0 = [10;10;10];
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','active-set','OutputFcn',#outfun);
[x,fval,exitflag] = fmincon(#myfun,x0,A,b,[],[],[],[],[],options)
function f = myfun(x)
f = -x(1)*x(2)*x(3);
function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state)
stop = ~isempty(optimValues.stepsize) && optimValues.stepsize < 0.05;
If you check the exit_flag output from fmincon, you'll see that it returns -1 now because the output function is stopping the optimization, again as indicated in the documentation. If you're already using a plot function, you can use that instead, as they have the same format.
You'll need to tailor this to your problem, adjust the threshold, and of course confirm that it works. I can't comment on how good of an idea this is. You should confirm that your error tolerances are still met satisfactorily for all cases. And I'd still want to ask why you can't specify appropriate 'TolCon' and 'TolX' tolerances to achieve what you need.