page reload on change event of select box using ajax - codeigniter-3

ajax function used to reload a content in codeigniter on the change event of select box shows internal server error like Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)


Nuxt Generate request failed with status code 500

I get an error while generating the project I developed with nuxt. There are codes in the related page that I use asyncData and send service requests. When I delete these codes, I do not get errors, but when there are request codes, I get the following error. I wonder why?
enter image description here

Surveymonkey: create webhook to get response in sugarcrm

I am trying to create a surveymonkey webhook to receive my survey response and i am passing my SugarCRM custom entry point URL as "Subscription Url". But i am getting error " 'mycustomEntryPointUrl' did not return a success status code. Status code is 301". My Entry point is working fine if i run it in browser using its URL also my Sugar is working smoothly.
So, i just want to know any other reason which can cause this error.
Yes so HTTP status code 301 means the page has moved permanently. If you visit it in your browser, for example, you would see a network request to the page specified with a status code of 301, then a second one to the new page. Our API request won't do any redirect, so if a 301 is returned it will raise an error.
This sometimes happens when you go to a page with http and then it redirects to https due to rules on your server.
You also want to make sure your subscription URL supports a HEAD request without any redirect.

Ajax call to Zomato API is not working

I am trying to access zomato api.
Headers: 'X-Zomato-API-Key':'myapikeyhere-763demoapi434'
If I use chrome's postman extension or curl then I can access the url & getting 200 status code.
But if I run it through my angular2 app or simple ajax, it is giving error at preflight OPTIONS request, error code is 501. I have tried otherways too, error is same. Need help
Zomato API's can only be accessed from server to server calls, the error message you have reported is a security policy implemented by Chrome to prevent cross site request forgery on the client side.
A way you can get around this is to write a handler on your server end to make handler which the ajax call will use, this handler in-turn makes a request to the Zomato's server to retrieve the data required.

How to get Error message from REST service and show it at proper form field in java EE?

I made a Dynamic web project using Eclipse IDE. I made a simple web app for learning.
I also made a REST service (jersey implementation) which i am using for insert,update,delete and for listing records from mysql database.
Now i want that i've a registration form which has some fields. I want that before inserting the data into database using my REST service, the service should validate form data.
I searched a lot google. I understand how to validate data in my service. But i am not getting that how to show the error message to individual form field to client.
Is there any complete example of this which does not use maven and show me the whole working from submitting form to show the error messages.
Thanks in advance..please help me guys..
You should change your approach slightly to solve this problem and implement it in the following way:
First of all You should add validation mechanisms on the client side and send registration request only when this validation will be successful.
You will find form validation tutorial for AngularJS here:
and for jQuery here:
Server should respond with propper HTTP statuses (with optional message). For example:
200 OK (or 201 Created) - when registration finished successfully;
400 Bad Request - when registration cannot be finished successfully;
So in Your actual use case:
User fills HTML form inputs;
Inserted data are validated on the client side;
When data are invalid, error message is shown in the propper place (individual form field);
When data are correct request is sent to the serwer;
Server application tries to insert supplied data to database;
If operation is finished properly, server will answer with 200 (or 201) status code. Registration is finished.
If operation is not finished properly, server will answer with 400. Client (AngularJS, jQuery, JS) will show error message.
Hopefully, my answer will help You. Ask if You need more explanation.

Return a 404 or other error code from GWT

I'm working on handling history within my GWT application.
If, during the History.ValueChanged event, the history tag value is unknown,
I'd like to show the user a 404.
How can I return a standard "Page Not Found" from GWT?
URL tokens (the part after the #) are not sent to the server - changes to that URL part don't create an HTTP request, so there is no HTTP response, and hence no HTTP error code.
(Of course you can react to URL token changes from within your History's ValueChangeHanler, and manually trigger an HTTP request - which could then return a 404. But to show that 404 to the user, you'd have to relocate to that URL, which is probably not what you want. How about showing a nice error message to the user instead?)