Haskell: get table count(*) with postgresql.simple (with Connection Pool) - postgresql

Please,.. how can I get count(*) from one table? I'm trying to connect some fragments of code,..but so far no success.
This is what I have:
fetchSimple :: FromRow r => Pool Connection -> Query -> IO [r]
fetchSimple pool sql = withResource pool retrieve
where retrieve conn = query_ conn sql
getUsersCount :: Pool Connection -> IO (Int)
getUsersCount pool = do
res <- fetchSimple pool "SELECT count(*) FROM article" :: IO [Int]
let f = head res
return f
this gives me following error:
No instance for (FromRow Int) arising from a use of ‘fetchSimple’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
res <- fetchSimple pool "SELECT count(*) FROM article" :: IO [Int]
In the expression:
do { res <- fetchSimple pool "SELECT count(*) FROM article" ::
IO [Int];
let f = head res;
return f }
In an equation for ‘getUsersCount’:
getUsersCount pool
= do { res <- fetchSimple pool "SELECT count(*) FROM article" ::
IO [Int];
let f = ...;
return f }

If you only want to extract a single value, you don't do so directly. You wrap it in an Only.
So try the annotation :: IO [Only Int]


Passing list of values to SELECT PostgreSQL query in Haskell

I'm studying PostgreSQL with Haskell with this lib: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/postgresql-simple-
While I could select an user like this:
(query_ conn "SELECT * FROM users WHERE NAME == john" :: IO [Only Int]) >>= mapM_ print
using query_:
query_ :: FromRow r => Connection -> Query -> IO [r]
I think I should use query:
query :: (ToRow q, FromRow r) => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO [r]
to pass a list of values. However, how do I pass this list?
For example, for INSERT, I was able to do this:
(execute conn "INSERT INTO users (NAME, PASSWORD) VALUES (?,?)") (["john", "123456"]::[String]) >>= print
but what is the equivalent for SELECT?
I'm not sure I understand your question, since you ask about lists and I don't see how they enter into the picture. But the parameterized version of your select query is this:
query conn "SELECT * FROM users where NAME == ?" (Only ("john" :: String))

How to retrieve JSON jsonb value with postgresql-simple?

I have a column (jsonExample) in the postgresql database with type jsonb.
selectCALogs :: IO [(Int, Object)]
selectCALogs = do
con <- connection
query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"jsonExample\" from cluster"
This gives an error of:
• No instance for (Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField.FromField
Text Value))
arising from a use of ‘query_’
• In a stmt of a 'do' block:
query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"clusterCALogs\"
from cluster"
In the expression:
do con <- connection
query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"clusterCALogs\"from cluster"
In an equation for ‘selectCALogs’:
= do con <- connection
query_ con "select \"clusterId\",
\"clusterCALogs\" from cluster"
80 | query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"clusterCALogs\"
from cluster"
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
How can I have it return a JSON object - using aeson or something else?
Looking at the FromField instances here (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/postgresql-simple-0.6.2/docs/Database-PostgreSQL-Simple-FromField.html#t:FromField) I realized it should be a Value and not a Object.
selectCALogs :: IO [(Int, Value)]
selectCALogs = do
con <- connection
query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"jsonExample\" from cluster"

How to get optional result in insert statements with Doobie?

I have an optional insert query:
val q = sql"insert into some_table (some_field) select 42 where ...(some condition)"
Running this query with:
fails with
Result set exhausted: more rows expected
then condition is false.
How to get Optional[Long] result from insert statements with Doobie?
.withGeneratedKeys[Long]("id") gives just Long in for comprehension
val q = sql"insert into some_table (some_field) select 42 where ...(some condition)"
for {
id <- q.update.withGeneratedKeys[Long]("id") // id is long
_ <- if (<id is present>) <some other inserts> else <nothing>
} yield id
How to check id?
As #Thilo commented, you can use the use withGeneratedKeys which gives you back a Stream[F, Long] (where F is your effect type)
val result = q.update.withGeneratedKeys[Long]("id")
Here is the doc.

postgresql-simple query error

EDIT: I now have a better idea of what is going wrong. When I perform that query in plain old psql, I get the following result:
=# SELECT * FROM gerund LIMIT1;
infinitive │ gerund │ gerund_english
abandonar │ abandonando │ abandoning
So, I am getting back 3 strings? However, I say that I am getting back IO [Only String]. I am sure it is my type signature here that is messing things up ...
I am trying to make a simple query using the postgresql-simple library with Haskell. My code is pasted below along with the error I am seeing. Anyone got any ideas?
My database is called verbos and within it, I have a table called gerund. I am able to run a query_ that contains: conn "SELECT 2 + 2" and that works fine. I can also connect to my database with the default data as specified with the default information (password = 'postgres' : psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres (from the docs[1])
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
main = do
conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo {
connectPassword = "postgres",
connectDatabase = "verbos"
mapM_ print =<< (query_ conn "SELECT * FROM gerund LIMIT 1" :: IO [Only String])
Gives me the following error:
ConversionFailed {errSQLType = "3 values: [(Basic {typoid = Oid 1043,
typcategory = 'S', typdelim = ',', typname = \"varchar\"},Just
\"abandonar\"),(Basic {typoid = Oid 1043, typcategory = 'S', typdelim
= ',', typname = \"varchar\"},Just \"abandonando\"),(Basic {typoid = Oid 1043, typcategory = 'S', typdelim = ',', typname =
\"varchar\"},Just \"abandoning\")]", errSQLTableOid = Nothing,
errSQLField = "", errHaskellType = "1 slots in target type",
errMessage = "mismatch between number of columns to convert and number
in target type"}
OK, Thanks to #AlpMestanogullari, #muistooshort, I got an answer here. My final code is:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow
data Gerund = Gerund {
f :: String,
s :: String,
t :: String
} deriving (Show)
instance FromRow Gerund where
fromRow = Gerund <$> field <*> field <*> field
main = do
conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo {
connectPassword = "postgres",
connectDatabase = "verbos"
mapM_ print =<< (query_ conn q :: IO [Gerund])
where q = "SELECT * FROM gerund LIMIT 1"
Knowing that my result contained 3 result columns, I needed to define a type that had 'space' for the results (f, s and t in the Gerund type)
I followed the docs[1] for FromRow closely to get my type and instance defined.
You need to import import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow to access things like field.

How to make aggregations with slick

I want to force slick to create queries like
select max(price) from coffees where ...
But slick's documentation doesn't help
val q = Coffees.map(_.price) //this is query Query[Coffees.type, ...]
val q1 = q.min // this is Column[Option[Double]]
val q2 = q.max
val q3 = q.sum
val q4 = q.avg
Because those q1-q4 aren't queries, I can't get the results but can use them inside other queries.
This statement
for {
coffee <- Coffees
} yield coffee.price.max
generates right query but is deprecated (generates warning: " method max in class ColumnExtensionMethods is deprecated: Use Query.max instead").
How to generate such query without warnings?
Another issue is to aggregate with group by:
"select name, max(price) from coffees group by name"
Tried to solve it with
for {
coffee <- Coffees
} yield (coffee.name, coffee.price.max)).groupBy(x => x._1)
which generates
select x2.x3, x2.x3, x2.x4 from (select x5."COF_NAME" as x3, max(x5."PRICE") as x4 from "coffees" x5) x2 group by x2.x3
which causes obvious db error
column "x5.COF_NAME" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
How to generate such query?
As far as I can tell is the first one simply
And the second one
val maxQuery = Coffees
.groupBy { _.name }
.map { case (name, c) =>
name -> c.map(_.price).max
val maxQuery = for {
(name, c) <- Coffees groupBy (_.name)
} yield name -> c.map(_.price).max