XMLHTTPRequest from mongo shell - mongodb

I am replicating a collection (I only have access to mongo shell on the server). In the current collection all documents have a field called jsonURL. The value of this field is a url http://www.something.com/api/abc.json. I want to copy each document from oldCollection to newCollection, but I want also want to fetch data from that url and add that to each new document created.
I last time heard that XMLHTTPRequest was on mongo's list, but as a low priority feature (I can understand why). And as I found nothing in the documentation, I am guessing its still in the queue. I am hoping I can get something in forEach(function(eachDoc){});
Do I have any other way of achieving this. Thanks.


insert msg object to mongodb (node-red)?

We're experimenting with storing data to a MongoDB by using node-red. As it is now, we can store data on the database, but it seems like only the 'msg.payload' is stored (as document) - and not the whole msg object. Which confuses us a little...
The flow is very simple and nothing much has really been done.
We actually dont need ALL data, but we wish to store payload but also metadata as a document to our collection on our database. We've tried searching for an answer to this, but couldn't find anything relevant on how to do this. Hopefully we can get some help on this forum.
Thanks in advance! (btw. we're using mongodb3 on node-red to store data)
The node you are using is working as intended.
The normal pattern for Node-RED is that the focus of any given node is the msg.payload entry, any other msg properties are considered to be meta data.
The simplest thing here would be to use the built in core change node to move the other fields you are interested in to be properties of the msg.payload object.

Setting the _id of cloudant in node-red to ensure order of documents

I have a node-red code that works in the following way:
It receives a message (json form) and saves it to cloudant DB
Then I can make an http call where I can see all the contents of the DB
This is all good, but the problem is that when it saves it to cloudant, it gives it a random _id, so the order of the documents in the DB isn't the same as the order they came in, but random.
Is there a way to maybe set the _id while saving in node red? Or is there another solution?
I just want that when I call the http it shows it in the order that it came in (last to first, or first to last, doesn't matter).
You can set the _id with a function node or a change node before passing it to the Cloudant out node.
But if you just want them in the order they arrived then add the timestamp field and make the query node use a view that sorts the documents by the timestamp

How to know how many api calls are being made to Mongodb

i want to sort how many api calls are being made to my mongodb, I want to log them in a file and then count them with wc -l, do you know how to do that?, or do you have any other suggestion?
I Believe you are after the following command
the Documents show what the output is like
you could output this to file if you want
Assuming you have some client/abstraction layer between api calls and your DB, you could maintain a separate collection to store API usage data.
Create a document for every resource with the name of that resource, and increment ($inc) a counter every time they are called. You could add any other extraneous data as well.

Import "normal" MongoDB collections into DerbyJS 0.6

Same situation like this question, but with current DerbyJS (version 0.6):
Using imported docs from MongoDB in DerbyJS
I have a MongoDB collection with data that was not saved through my
Derby app. I want to query against that and pull it into my Derby app.
Is this still possible?
The accepted answer there links to a dead link. The newest working link would be this: https://github.com/derbyjs/racer/blob/0.3/lib/descriptor/query/README.md
Which refers to the 0.3 branch for Racer (current master version is 0.6).
What I tried
Searching the internets
The naïve way:
var query = model.query('projects-legacy', { public: true });
model.fetch(query, function() {
(doesn't work)
A utility was written for this purpose: https://github.com/share/igor
You may need to modify it to only run against a single collection instead of the whole database, but it essentially goes through every document in the database and modifies it with the necessary livedb metadata and creates a default operation for it as well.
In livedb every collection has a corresponding operations collection, for example profiles will have a profiles_ops collection which holds all the operations for the profiles.
You will have to convert the collection to use it with Racer/livedb because of the metadata on the document itself.
An alternative if you dont want to convert is to use traditional AJAX/REST to get the data from your mongo database and then just put it in your local model. This will not be real-time or synced to the server but it will allow you to drive your templates from data that you dont want to convert for some reason.

Querying Raven Db

I have an instance of Raven Db at localhost:8081. I made sure to change raven's config file to allow anonymous access. I created a database named AT. Inside AT I have a collection named Admins. Inside of Admins I have two documents. I'm trying to retrieve some data via Rest using RestClient. I try to hit the db using:
http://localhost:8081/docs/admins/7cb95e9a (last bit is the id of the document I want).
With both I receive a 404. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Can someone point me in the right direction?
The URL has the following format:
Collection is a virtual thing. get a document only by its ID, there no nothing on collection here. The document ID can be anything you set, but if you let RavenDB to generate it, it will probably be admins/1.