How to find out the difference between two times with Moment.js? - date

I am having two times one is sleeping time and another one is wake up time, and I want to find out difference between these two times.
Is there any way to do so? I am using Moment.js.

Please read the documentation for momentjs here:
var a = moment([2007, 0, 29]);
var b = moment([2007, 0, 28]);
a.diff(b) // 86400000


How can I calculate business/SLA hours with iterating over each second?

Before I spend a lot of time writing the only solution I can think of I was wondering if I'm doing it an inefficient way.
Once a support ticket is closed, a script is triggered, the script is passed an array of 'status-change-events' that happened from call open to close. So you might have 5 changes: new, open, active, stalled, resolved. Each one of these events has a timestamp associated with it.
What I need to do is calculate how much time the call was with us (new, open, active) and how much time it was with the customer (stalled). I also need to figure out how much of the 'us' time was within core hours 08:00 - 18:00 (and how many were non-core), and weekends/bank holidays count towards non-core hours.
My current idea is to for each status change, iterate over every second that occurred and check for core/non_core, and log it.
Here's some pseudo code:
time_since_last = ticket->creation_date
foreach events as event {
time_now = time_since_last
while (time_now < ticket->event_date) {
if ticket->status = stalled {
} else {
work out if it was our fault or not
add to the appropriate counter etc
Apologies if it's a little unclear, it's a fairly longwinded problem. Also I'm aware this may be slightly off of SO question guidelines, but I can't think of a better way of wording it and I need some advice before I spend days writing it this way.
I think you have the right idea, but recalculating the status of every ticket for every second of elapsed time will take a lot processing, and nothing will have changed for the vast majority of those one-second intervals
The way event simulations work, and the way I think you should write your application, is to create a list of all events where the status might change. So you will want to include all of the status change events for every ticket as well as the start and end of core time on all non-bank-holiday weekdays
That list of events is sorted by timestamp, after which you can just process each event as if your per-second counter has reached that time. The difference is that you no longer have to count through the many intervening seconds where nothing changes, and you should end up with a much more efficient application
I hope that's clear. You may find it easier to process each ticket separately, but the maximum gain will be achieved by processing all tickets simultaneously. You will still have a sorted sequence of events to process, but you will avoid having to reprocess the same core time start and end events over and over again
One more thing I noticed is that you can probably ignore any open status change events. I would guess that tickets either go from new to open and then active, or straight from new to resolved. So a switch between with your company and with the customer will never be made at an open event, and so they can be ignored. Please check this as I am only speaking from my intuition, and clearly know nothing about how your ticketing system has been designed
I would not iterate over the seconds. Depending on the cost of your calculations that could be quite costly. It would be better to calculate the borders between core/outside core.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $customer_time;
my $our_time_outside;
my $our_time_core;
foreach my $event ($ticket->events) {
my $current_ts = $event->start_ts;
while ($current_ts < $event->end_ts) {
if ($event->status eq 'stalled') {
$customer_time += $event->end_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $event->end_ts;
elsif (is_core_hours($current_ts)) {
my $next_ts = min(end_of_core_hours($current_ts), $event->end_ts);
$our_time_core += $next_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $next_ts;
else {
my $next_ts = min(start_of_core_hours($current_ts), $event->end_ts);
$our_time_outside += $next_ts - $current_ts;
$current_ts = $next_ts;
I can't see why you'd want to iterate over every second. That seems very wasteful.
Get a list of all of the events for a given ticket.
Add to the list any boundaries between core and non-core times.
Sort this list into chronological order.
For each consecutive pair of events in the list, subtract the later from the earlier to get a duration.
Add that duration to the appropriate bucket.
And the usual caveats for dealing with dates and times apply here:
Use a library (I recommend DateTime together with DateTime::Duration)
Convert all of your timestamps to UTC as soon as you get them. Only convert back to local time just before displaying them to the user.

using the same function but on different rows

I want to estimate the co(variance) matrix of two assets classes (with different derivatives) of every month.. So let's assume that each month is 25 days. I will get the following code,
covar=cov([elec(1:25,:) ngas(1:25,:)])
However, I have like 5 years of data so rewrite everything seems like a waste of time, and I think there has to be an easier way to fix this problem.
ps. I do think the answer to my question is already answered somewhere, but I do not know the words the search on. Thanks for your reply
Sounds like you just need a for loop?
counter = 0;
cover{floor(size(elec,1)/25)} = []; %//Pre-allocation
for day = 1:25:size(elec,1)
counter = counter + 1;
covar{counter}=cov([elec(day:day+25-1,:) ngas(day:day+25-1,:)])

How To set Custom repeat interval For Nslocal Notification.....?

i am New to iphone Development .I Am Trying To Use NslocalNotification In My Project I Need To Give Remeinder For Every 2Hours or For Every Two Days Or For Every Two Months Etc..Currently I am Using NslocalNotification Repeat Interval .But Its Working For Only Every Minute For Every Hour using Nscalender ....
NSString *InterVal=[freQuencyArr objectAtIndex:index-2];
NSString *InterValType=[freQuencyArr objectAtIndex:index-1];
if(![InterVal isEqualToString:#"Every"])
result=[InterVal intValue];
if([InterValType isEqualToString:#"Day"]){
notification.repeatInterval= NSDayCalendarUnit;
}else if([InterValType isEqualToString:#"Week"]){
notification.repeatInterval= NSWeekCalendarUnit;
else if([InterValType isEqualToString:#"Month"]){
notification.repeatInterval= NSMonthCalendarUnit;
}else if([InterValType isEqualToString:#"days"]){
here If result is 2 depend Up on IntervalType I Need Notification
its Not Working With Me
if([InterValType isEqualToString:#"days"]){
If you look at the link I have posted in this answer, You will come to know that I have tried every possible solution here to try and do what you want currently.
I had tried all this to implement it in my app, but this doesn't work.
I am afraid to say this but this is not possible. It only allows the unit NSCalendarUnit objects to be set as a repeat interval.
I invested almost 2 months (I asked the question in Dec 2010 and answered it myself in February 2011) to try and implement every possible solution available on internet through different articles and different forums but none did help.
Check out my link and lookout for all the answers if something is useful to you.
How to set Local Notification repeat interval to custom time interval?
Really Hope that this helps you.
The repeatInterval property of a UILocalNotification cannot be used to repeat less than every one calendar unit, i.e. every day, every week, every month, etc.
Instead, you will have to schedule multiple notifications to achieve the desired effect, setting the fireDate property accordingly.
As lemnar says you are unable to use repeatInterval to repeat in a frequency different from the calendar units Apple provided. So, the code below:
if([InterValType isEqualToString:#"days"]){
Will not do anything. I am also using repeat notifications in an app that I have built and the way I've gotten around this is by creating multiple notifications each repeating to give the "desired" repeat frequency. As an example, if I want to repeat "every 2 days", I can't do this using repeatInterval. However, I have a "scheduling function" in my app that creates multiple individual notifications to achieve this. I do this going out an arbitrary length of time (in my case, one week). So in the example above, when the user specifies that he / she needs a notification every two days from today, I create 3 notifications (one each for day 3, 5, and 7).
For repeating at a frequency less than a calendar unit, things are a little easier. Say I need to repeat every 12 hours (at 6AM and 6PM). Then, I would create 2 notifications (one for 6AM and another for 6PM). I would then set the repeatInterval for each of these notifications to NSDayCalendarUnit. This way I have created a set of notifications that repeat every 12 hours.
When my app loads, I go out another 7 days and recreate notifications as needed. Not the most elegant solution, but this was the best way I could think of getting around the repeatInterval limitation.

IPhone: different system timers?

I have been using mach_absolute_time() for all my timing functions so far. calculating how long between frames etc.
I now want to get the exact time touch input events happen using event.timestamp in the touch callbacks.
the problem is these two seem to use completely different timers. sure, you can get them both in seconds, but their origins are different and seemingly random...
is there any way to sync the two different timers?
or is there anyway to get access to the same timer that the touch input uses to generate that timestamp property? otherwise its next to useless.
Had some trouble with this myself. There isn't a lot of good documentation, so I went with experimentation. Here's what I was able to determine:
mach_absolute_time depends on the processor of the device. It returns ticks since the device was last rebooted (otherwise known as uptime). In order to get it in a human readable form, you have to modify it by the result from mach_timebase_info (a ratio), which will return billionth of seconds (or nanoseconds). To make this more usable I use a function like the one below:
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
int getUptimeInMilliseconds()
static const int64_t kOneMillion = 1000 * 1000;
static mach_timebase_info_data_t s_timebase_info;
if (s_timebase_info.denom == 0) {
(void) mach_timebase_info(&s_timebase_info);
// mach_absolute_time() returns billionth of seconds,
// so divide by one million to get milliseconds
return (int)((mach_absolute_time() * s_timebase_info.numer) / (kOneMillion * s_timebase_info.denom));
Get the initial difference between two i.e
what is returned by mach_absolute_time() initally when your application starts and also get the event.timestamp initially at the same time...
store the difference... it would remain same through out the time your application runs.. so you can use this time difference to convert one to another...
How about CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent?

Count-Up Timer Required, iPhone Programming

I am new to iPhone programming so am hoping someone can help me out here. I have searched the web, but can only find information on count down timers.
What I am looking to do is start a count up timer when a button is pressed and then stop it when a certain value drops by, say 5, and finally display that time. I can display values on screen once I have them, but getting the time in the first place is proving difficult for me.
I apologize if this is a simple question, but I look forward to reading your responses.
Thanks in advance,
NSDate will provide the current date. You can use - (NSTimeInterval)timeIntervalSinceNow
to get the time since the first call and now.
There's no difference between an up-counter and down-counter. Just change the order of your subtraction.
UpcounterElapsedTime = UpcounterCurrentTime - UpcounterStartTime;
DowncounterElapsedTime = DownCounterStartTime - DownCounterCurrentTime;