Yii2 email template problems - email

Hello I have two problems with email creation.
the first is that the footer is duplicated:
<div class="footer">With kind regards, <?= Yii::$app->name ?> team</div>
Printing two times the same text
the second is about variables:
['content' => $text,
'name'=>'the name',
and in view template I just try to get $name
and the error is:
Undefined variable: name
The same happen with $image but not with $content
I use swiftmailer and this is my confuguration:
'mailer' => [
'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer',
// send all mails to a file by default. You have to set
// 'useFileTransport' to false and configure a transport
// for the mailer to send real emails.
'useFileTransport' => true,
useFileTransport is set true but i think is not problem
this is the complete code for send email
['content' => $text,
'name'=>'the name',
'image' => 'path/to/images/image.png',
Thank to all

first problem :
maybe there's another file included in other file where that's file included in email layouts, check it again.
second problem :
you can disable error notice in php.ini or if you want to fast just add # before the variable.
example :
$name change to #$name
for the same error you just add # at beginning variable.

In your example, you need to replace name of template.
Becouse layouts/html does not need to be explicitly specified.
See my answer here


Store email body in table using Laravel 5.3 Mailable

I want to store the email body in my communications table. My controller:
Mail::to($user->email)->send(new WelcomeEmail($subscription));
'to' => $user->email,
'subject' => 'Welcome Email',
'body' => '???'
My email goes out (successfully) and I am able to create a Communication record, but have no idea how to retrieve the email body.
After reading the Mail manual, I thought I could work with an event:
protected $listen = [
'Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSending' => [
But here I get only the full plain text email. If I create an instance of the mail, with:
$email = Mail::to($user->email)->send(new WelcomeEmail($subscription));
the outcome of dd($email); is null.
Some extra info, in my WelcomeEmail.php, I am using a view:
public function build()
return $this->view('emails.welcome_email');
You can directly do this to render Mailable and store it in a variable
$html = (new WelcomeEmail($subscription))->render();
I found a solution, hopefully it can help other people.
$body = View::make('emails.welcome_email')
->with('subscription', $this->subscription)
->with('template', $this->template)
I rendered the view and saved it in the body variable.

Sending html Email in CakePHP

I want to send emails to my users after they get registered in my site. Its like an account-activation mail. I have tried this, but its not working(its my own function from where I am trying to send mails) :
public function send_mail($from,$to,$subject,$msg,$value,$template){
$Email=new CakeEmail('smtp');
->from(array($from=>'My Site'))
This is my email.php file's code :
class EmailConfig{
public $smtp=array(
'from'=>array('notification#domain.com'=>'My Site'),
//'charset' => 'utf-8',
//'headerCharset' => 'utf-8',
Please help me. Is there anything wrong in my code, or, I have to do something else ?
I don't know if you replaced it with dummy data for security's sake, but all those fields in email.php need to contain valid information for an SMTP server. It won't ever work with blatantly false information like "notification#domain.com" as a username.
Not trying to be snarky; just not clear if you understood the default values need to be changed.

Using the new 'data' option for CakeEmail attachments with CakePHP 2.4.x

The CakeEmail help page states that the data option has been added as of 2.4, so you no long have to have a physical file to add an attachment to an email.
I've got the following code:
$Email->from(array($this->Session->read('Auth.User.email') => $this->Session->read('Auth.User.name')))
->attachments(array('attachement1.pdf', array('data' => $pdf)))
But whenever I run that I get an Internal Error saying File Not Found: "".
I had a look at the source code (which I'm beginning to learn is often more useful than reading the documentation!): https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/lib/Cake/Network/Email/CakeEmail.php
Changing my code to:
$Email = new CakeEmail('default');
$Email->from(array($this->Session->read('Auth.User.email') => $this->Session->read('Auth.User.name')))
->attachments(array('attachement1.pdf' => array('data' => $pdf, 'mimetype' => 'application/pdf')))
Notice on the attachments line, the array is assigned to the filename variable, rather than passed in as a parameter!
For completeness, if anyone else is reading this and is wondering how I am generating my PDF with CakePDF:
// Create PDF for attachment
$CakePdf = new CakePdf();
$CakePdf->template('claim', 'default');
//get the pdf string returned
$pdf = $CakePdf->output();

CakePHP 2.1.0: Capture E-mail Output

I'm building a CakePHP website that sends an e-mail like this:
$email = new CakeEmail('default');
$email->to(array('john_doe#example.com' => 'John Doe'));
$email->subject('Test E-mail');
$email->helpers(array('Html', 'Text'));
if ($email->send()) {
$this->Session->setFlash('The e-mail was sent!', 'default', array('class' => 'alert alert-success'));
else {
$this->Session->setFlash('An unexpected error occurred while sending the e-mail.', 'default', array('class' => 'alert alert-error'));
I'd like to be able to capture the HTML rendered by the e-mail in a variable in addition to actually sending the e-mail. This way, I can record in the database the exact content of the e-mail's body. Is this doable?
Per line 50 of the MailTransport class, it appears the actual send() function returns the message and the header. So instead of:
if($email->send()) {
$mySend = $email->send();
if($mySend) {
Then, $mySend should be an array:
array('headers' => $headers, 'message' => $message);
Thats what I do in my EmailLib:
it logs email attempts and captures the email output into a log file (email_trace.log) in /tmp/logs/ - if you are in debug mode it will only log (no emails sent - this has been proven quite useful for local delopment).
you can write a similar wrapper for your case.
but if you want to write it back into the DB Dave's approach seems to fit better.

Custom error message for input validators (using the array syntax)

ZF 1.11.2
I've tried most of the syntaxes. They didn't click.
$validators = array('product_name' => array('alnum'));
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $_POST);
How in the world do you set a custom error message for alnum with the syntax above? Using 'messages' => array('Not alnum!!')? Yeah, well... How? I must've tried 100 nested arrays.
Use the built in translator.
For example, configure the translator in your config file to use a simple array
; Translations
resources.translate.data = APPLICATION_PATH "/lang"
resources.translate.adapter = "Array"
resources.translate.options.scan = "directory"
resources.translate.options.disableNotices = "1"
This tells the Translate application resource plugin that you want to
keep your translations under APPLICATION_PATH/lang
use the Array adapter (simplest)
scan the translation directory for languages / locales
ignore errors about unknown translations (ie user preferes en_AU but you don't have a specific translation file for that language)
Now, create folders for any languages you want to support. At a minimum, you'll want application/lang/en. For example
In each language folder, create a translate.php file. This file will contain (and return) an array of key / value pairs for each translation. You can find the keys for each validator message in the validator class. Here's an example for the Alnum validator
// application/lang/en/translate.php
return array(
Zend_Validate_Alnum::NOT_ALNUM => 'Not alnum!!',
Zend_Validate_Alnum::INVALID => 'Not valid!!'
For all Zend validators, you can also use the %value% placeholder in your message, eg
Zend_Validate_Alnum::NOT_ALNUM => "'%value%' is not alpha-numeric"
If you are simply trying to change the validation messages for a form element, I have always done it like this (inside a class that extends Zend_Form):
$this->addElement('text', 'myTextField', array(
'label' => 'The Label',
'description' => 'The description for the field...',
'filters' => array(
// etc
'validators' => array(
array('NotEmpty', true, array(
'messages' => 'This field is required',
array('AnotherValidator', true, array(
'messages' => 'Bad value',
// etc
Are you saying that this didn't work? Or are you using your validator in a more general context, in which case #Phil Brown's (awesome!) answer will do the job.
Disabling the translator on the element will disable the translation of all the validator messages. It is not possible to use a translator on the form or element and overwrite just one validator message. When the element is validated the translator is injected to every validator. The validator will use the translator if it is set. Thereby the custom error message won't be used.
// $message is your custom error message
$message = $this->_messageTemplates[$messageKey];
if (null !== ($translator = $this->getTranslator())) {
// your custom error message gets overwritten because the messageKey can be translated
if ($translator->isTranslated($messageKey)) {
$message = $translator->translate($messageKey);
} else {
$message = $translator->translate($message);
I think it is only possible to use a custom error message by disable the translator on the element.
Use setMessage and disable translator if you have one.
$alnum = new Zend_Validate_Alnum();
'Not alnum!!',
$validators = array('product_name' => array($alnum));
If you use your validator on a form element, you have to disable the translator on the element.