APK gives error during upload to appstore for android for Smartface 4.5 - smartface.io

When you try to upload Google play ther result of publish APK it gives below error with Smartface 4.5. How to solve?


app-release is not installed in real device Flutter

I am releasing apk this way(shown on image)
I have release apk file from build/flutter/Build apk but is not installed in any real devices and its give me error "App is not installed as package appears to be invalid". Can you please help me how to solve this error I am stuck in this problem. This app is run nicely in debug mode from run command.
I have tried this solution:
Uninstall old app and then tried to installed this app
Restart real device and then tried to install this app
Create new apk release file and tried.
Flutter clean and Flutter get done.
Tried to install more than 5 devices but same error in every real device.

How do I install Flutter app on Android phone?

I couldn't install flutter app on my android phone. How can I do it? I can run by usb debugging However I want to install it on my phone. Can someone help me please?
If you use IntelliJ Idea (it should also work on Android Studio), you can go to
Build -> Flutter -> Build APK, (in the menu bar)
and after building, your apk will appear in
just send the file to your phone and install, your phone will probably tell you not do download cause it isn't checked and secured or something, just ignore and install anyway
Connect your Android device to your computer with a USB cable.
Enter cd [project].
Run flutter install.
Source: here
You need to build the app to get the apk. For building apk use this command in console: flutter build apk and if you want to build your apk in smaller size then use this command in console: flutter build apk --split-per-abi.
After building apk you will find it in [project]\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk here.
If you don't want to build apk and just want to test your app you can run it in profile mode by using this command in console: flutter run --profile.
In android studio under the tools-> build -> build apk will create and app for you and you can get and the output location will show you after the builing the app

Run application in IOS shows Razorpay error in Mac

Razorpay working fine in android but it shows error in IOS

app-release.apk not installing in android device Flutter

I am using flutter build apk to build apk. Now the apk is not installing on our android device. it was showing like App not installed as shown image.
What may be the issue and how can I solve this?
Verify that you can install 3rd party apps in settings and make sure you have enough space available.

Getting error while preparing flutter app for release

Getting the following error when preparing the flutter app for release in the visual studio code.
Integrity check failed: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Algorithm HmacPBESHA256 not available
For anyone still facing this issue, Update Android Studio IDE to the latest version 4.2 and regenerate the jks file again then build your apk or appbundle.
and the issue will not appear again.
Steps to update Android Studio
In the main page of Android Studio go to this path
Configure/Preferences/Appearance & Behavior/System Settings/Updates
and press Check Now for checking any updates