Finding the package named "multiprocessing" in Common Lisp - lisp

I am working with SBCL (SBCL learning Common Lisp from this book. I have run into a problem, trying to find and load the package named multiprocessing.
(This is in Chapter 29 of the book)
I have tried doing (ql:system-apropos "multiprocessing"), (ql:system-apropos "thread"), (ql:system-apropos "smp") trying to see if there is a quicklisp package that uses it.
I have also searched using google, and even at Quickdocs but I seem to be failing somewhere.
I would be grateful for any assistance.

The example in the book uses the web server AllegroServe from Franz Inc. and the corresponding Allegro Common Lisp (ACL). ACL has a package named multiprocessing which provides the needed multiprocessing facilities.
The book proposes to use PortableAllegroServe for those who don't use Allegro Common Lisp. See chapter 26 in the book.
PortableAllegroServe has a package named, which provides the necessary functionality in a portable way. For example,, ...
You thus need to either
AllegroServe and Allegro Common Lisp
PortableAllegroServe and a Common Lisp implementation it runs in
The names of the packages will be slightly different, though.
Note that this chapter is one which might need some updating. I'm not sure how much PortableAllegroServe is used these days...


Structuring large Lisp applications

I am currently trying to wrap my head around packages, systems & co.
I now have read Packages, systems, modules, libraries - WTF? a few times, and I think I'm still having difficulties to get it right.
If I simply want to split a Lisp source file into two files, where one shall "use" the other - how do I do that? Do I need to build a system for this? Should I use a module? …? I'm coming from a Node.js background, and there you can simply say
var foo = require('./foo');
to get a reference to what's exported in file foo.js. What is the closest equivalent to this in Lisp?
I understand that ASDF is for systems, and that it is bundled as part of Quicklisp, at least according to its documentation:
ASDF comes bundled with all recent releases of active Common Lisp implementations as well as with quicklisp […]
Okay, Quicklisp is for libraries, but what is their relationship? Is Quicklisp something such as a "package manager" in other languages? And if so, then what exactly does ASDF provide?
Sorry for these many questions, but I think it just shows the trouble I have to understand how to structure Lisp applications. Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
For structuring large system use a system management tool. A 'free' one is ASDF.
You would need a system declaration, which lists the parts of you library or application. Typically it goes into an own file. Then you load a system or compile a system. There should be tutorials how to do that.
A simple Lisp system might have the following files:
a system file describing the system, its parts and whatever other stuff is needed (other systems)
a package file which describes the namespaces used
a basic tools file (for examples functions used by the macro)
a macro file which lists the macros (used so that they get compiled/loaded before the rest of the software)
one or more other files with functionality.
Quicklisp is independent of that. It's a software distribution tool.
Quick hack to compile and load files
But you can also compile and load files the old fashioned way without a system tool:
(defparameter *files*
'("/yourdir/foo.lisp" "/yourdir/bar.lisp"))
(defun compile-foobar ()
(mapc #'compile-file *files*))
(defun load-foobar ()
(mapc #'load *files*))
(defun compile-and-load ()
(mapc (lambda (file)
(load (compile-file file)))
In reality there might be more to it, but often it's enough. It should be easy to write your own building tool. A typical system tool will provide many more features for building more complex software in a structured way. Many of the ideas for these tools reach back at least 35 years. See for example the Lisp Machine manual, here the edition from 1984, chapter Maintaining Large Systems.
The role of files
Note that in plain Common Lisp the role of files and its semantics are not very complex.
A file is not a namespace, it is not associated with a class/subclass or an object, it is not a module. You mix Lisp constructs in a file like you want. Files can be arbitrary large (for example one complex library has a version where it is delivered as single source file with 30000 lines). The only real place in the standard semantics where a file plays a role is when compiling a file. What side effects has compiling a file? What optimizations can a compiler do?
Other than that it is assumed that the development environment provides services like load and compiling groups of files aka systems, provide overviews of compilation errors, record source locations of definitions, can locate definitions and more. A tool like ASDF handles the system part.
There is a require function in Common Lisp, but it deprecated. If you simply want to split your code in one or more pieces, to use it interactively in the REPL, you can put the code in different files and then load each of them. If instead you want to write a full lisp project, I have found very useful the quickproject package, that provides a simple starting point for the creation of new packages.

LISP In Small Pieces - best LISP environment to run code in?

Christian Queinnec has written a masterpiece called LISP In Small Pieces, which features eleven Lisp Interpreters and two Lisp compilers.
When you go to download the code from the website here - it has the comment:
The programs of this book are available on the net.
These programs used to run with some Scheme systems around 1994.
Any idea:
(a) What Scheme systems these ran on at the time, and more importantly;
(b) What Scheme systems these would run on today?
There's a lot of programs in there. I did a few tests to see how well I could answer this without having to try them individually. There are 131 files in the tarball with extension ".scm". However there appear to be Scheme programs with other extensions such as .bgl. So I did a search for files containing 'L i S P' in the first five lines. That yields 173 files. I tried running all of these on my preferred Scheme implementation. 31 of these run without error. Almost all of these are in the "src" directory. So the language-specific programs really do seem language-specific. Let's look at one of the src/ files that failed, "chap9z.scm". It's choking on define-abbreviation. I don't know the origin of this symbol, but it's not defined anywhere in guile. But all of its uses could be performed by guile's syntax-rules.
Some Scheme implementations that existed in 1994 still are still around and maintained: Scheme 48, Chez Scheme, Gambit, Bigloo, MIT Scheme and SCM.
Probably the code from LiSP will run in other modern Scheme systems such as Guile or Larceny.
Personally, I would recommend using Racket. Most likely, much of the code will run in #lang racket with no changes, and there's no requirement to use [] (but your code may be easier to read :). Things that don't work are probably easy to fix, and you can also use the R5RS language implementation provided by Racket which will likely work for all of the code.
(a) What Scheme systems these ran on at the time
The Makefile in the source tarball from the author's website has targets for running the code under bigloo, elk, gambit, mit-scheme, scheme2c, and scm.
The Makefile mentions SCM 4e1 and Bigloo 1.9d as known working versions, though I haven't tested them myself. I didn't find any mention of specific versions for the other schemes.
(b) What Scheme systems these would run on today?
The code in this github repo has been updated so that almost all of the tests in the included test suite pass with current (as of 06/2014) versions of bigloo, gambit, and mit-scheme.
If you just want to be able to run the code and follow along with the book, one of those schemes should work for you.
[full disclosure: I'm the owner of the repo and I'm a Scheme noob. The code in the repo is WOMM certified, but your mileage may vary.]
If, on the other hand, you're not content to use bigloo / gambit / mit-scheme, it shouldn't be too hard to add support for guile / racket / insert-favorite-scheme-here. Use one of the book.* files as a starting point, e.g. gambit/book.scm or mitscheme/ If you can get a version of book.scm to load in your favorite scheme, then have a look at the test.interpreters make target, and finally the grand.test target to verify things are working as expected.
The included README file states:
These files were tested with a Scheme interpreter augmented with
a test-suite driver (tester.scm),
the define-syntax and define-abbreviation macros (using
Dybvig's syntax-case package),
and an object system: Meroonet (meroonet.scm).
Bigloo, Scheme->C, Gambit, Elk or SCM can be used. The first three are
better since a specialized interpreter may be built that contains a
compiled Meroonet and compiled hygienic macros.
Apparently Appleby has posted an updated version of the source code. Racket is missing though )=

Where to learn how to practically use Common Lisp [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a C++ programmer trying to learn Common Lisp. I have looked at some books like Land of Lisp and read numerous online articles about the various virtues of Lisp. However, I need some advice.
Almost everything I have read about Common Lisp has to do with how amazing it is and how amazingly fast you can get stuff done with it and how it amazingly solved many problems with modern programming languages 30 years ago. Also how amazing macros are, and how every every programming paradigm (OO, functional, actor based or whatever, etc) can be used in Lisp, and how lists are the ultimate data structure. Basically treating Lisp like a research language and saying how different and revolutionary it is.
And all that stuff is probably true, but the problem is I haven't seen much stuff how to do practical things like read a file and split it into words and do some processing on it. I'm not interested in learning Common Lisp for the sake of learning Common Lisp, but for the sake of getting thing that I used to do in C++ done faster and with fewer errors.
So my question is what is the best resource (be it a website, book, anything) that focuses on teaching how to use Common Lisp to do common programming tasks like
How to read files
How to read a file, replace words in the file, and write the result back to the file
Iterate the files in a directory and other filesystem stuff
Interact with an SQL db
Do communications over sockets
Threading for stuff like a webserver
Create GUIs
Perform operations on binary files
Write a parser (not an interpreter for Lisp in Lisp, which as I understand is like 5 lines of Lisp)
Interact with the operating system (i.e. stuff written in C or C++) to do stuff Lisp can't do natively
How to write Lisp extensions in C (is that possible?)
Embed a lua interpreter (is that possible?)
And also on a less immediately practical note, how to implement common data structures in lisp such as an heap, stack, binary search tree, etc. However that may be just using Lisp's list operations like car and cdr in the right way. I don't know.
I highly doubt that any of this (with the unlikely exception of the last two in the list) is impossible with Lisp or people wouldn't love it so much. And the aforementioned stuff that I've read mentions plenty of real world software written in Lisp (Yahoo! web store comes to mind).
However, having programming in a (the?) imperative language before, I am anxious to get to using what new knowledge I get to write real-world applications. So what's the quickest way to learn writing practical software with Lisp?
By the way, I have seen Peter Seibel's Practical Common Lisp but, judging by the TOC, it only touches on some of the things I would like to learn to use Lisp to do.
One more question if I may (sorry if this is combining two questions into one), where can I find a reference to Lisp's functions and stuff?
And I really want to like Lisp.
I would propose reading 'Practical Common Lisp', since it already answers some of your questions.
There are probably three to four books you should read:
Basic introduction to Common Lisp: Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation
Practical introduction to Common Lisp: Practical Common Lisp
More advanced Common Lisp: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp. The book is interesting also for non-AI programmers.
Lots of practical advice: Common Lisp Recipes.
Common Lisp Reference
Reference: Common Lisp HyperSpec
Printable Quick Reference: Common Lisp Quick Reference
Search Engine for Documentation - redirect service for documentation
Now the next thing you should check out is the manual of your Lisp implementation. It describes a lot of specific extensions: networking, threads, ...
Documentation for Common Lisp implementations:
Allegro Common Lisp
Clozure Common Lisp
Scieneer Common Lisp
SLIME (the Emacs-based Lisp-IDE) has a SLIME User Manual.
Documentation for Common Lisp libraries:
For libraries use
Quicklisp: supported Libraries.
CLIKI (gives some overview)
Now looking at some of your points:
How to read files
See the files and streams dictionary in the HyperSpec. WITH-OPEN-STREAM, READ, READ-LINE, READ-CHAR, READ-BYTE, READ-SEQUENCE, ...
How to read a file, replace words in the file, and write the result back to the file
Use above. See also: WRITE and related.
Iterate the files in a directory and other filesystem stuff
See above. DIRECTORY, pathnames, ...
Interact with an SQL db
Use for example the CLSQL library.
Do communications over sockets
See the manual of your Lisp or use one of the portable libraries. See Quicklisp.
Threading for stuff like a webserver
See the manual of your Lisp or use one of the portable libraries. See Quicklisp.
Create GUIs
Depends. See Quicklisp or an implementation specific library.
Perform operations on binary files
See Hyperspec for file and stream operations. WRITE-BYTE, READ-BYTE. Open a stream as a binary stream.
Write a parser (not an interpreter for Lisp in Lisp, which as I understand is like 5 lines of Lisp)
Use one of the existing tools for that. Study existing parsers. There are many parsers written in Lisp, but not much in books about that (other than natural language parsers, which are described in the AI literature).
Interact with the operating system (i.e. stuff written in C or C++) to do stuff Lisp can't do natively
Depends. See Quicklisp or an implementation specific library.
How to write Lisp extensions in C (is that possible?)
Depends. See Quicklisp or an implementation specific library. -> FFI
Final advice: Read code from other authors.
Study other Lisp code. There is enough very diverse Lisp code out there. From web servers to music composition software.
Check out Cliki the Common Lisp wiki it provides a list of libraries available for Common Lisp which will help you accomplish all your items.
Also, you're going to want to check out the Common Lisp Cookbook (there's also a more updated version). It has a bunch of code for common tasks such as reading a file one line at a time, and Foreign Function Interfaces for interacting with libraries written in C.
You can write extensions for Lisp in C depending on which implementation you're using. Emacs-Lisp for example allows you to do that though it isn't Common Lisp. Usually what you want to do is write the code in Common Lisp and then optimize it as much as possible using different Lisp compiler declarations, or the other method where you use a foreign function interface.
Threading depends on which implementation you use, but I think most of them have threads now.
Hunchentoot is one of the best Lisp web servers and is pretty easy to get started with. You don't have to write any threading code yourself, you just have to write the HTTP request handler functions.
Someone compiled a list of GUI options for Lisp:
cl-gtk2, an interface to the GTK gui library
Common Qt

How is Lisp code structured? What are Packages and Systems?

I'm learning Lisp (SBCL) and I'm confused about how lisp code is structured. I believe that Lisp Packages are like Python's Modules?
I want to do something like this.
def foo():
print "And there is silence!"
import utilities as u
I've looked up packages, loading and asdf systems. I still don't understand how it all fits together.
Regarding the comparison to Python:
Packages are the most similar thing in CL to Python modules since both are namespaces. Systems and system tools (like ASDF) are more similar to stuff like Distutils and Setuptools in Python.
The most important difference between Python modules and CL packages: packages are independent from files and directories. Instead you use defpackage to create packages and use-package to place the following code into a specific package. There are other package-related operators, but they are mostly for interactive use, these two are the most important in source files.
See the relevant chapter in Practical Common Lisp to get more detailed information.
A package is a namespace for symbols. One can import and export symbols from and to symbols. A symbol maybe interned in one package. Packages can be used by other packages.
A program is structured into systems. A system is a collection of files, dependencies, build rules, default information and more - depebding on the system tool used. ASDF is one of those. Loading libraries is then done by loading systems. Systems can also be compiled, printed, ...
Packages and systems are independent of each other and not related.
It makes sense for each larger piece of software, library or program, to use one or more custom packages. This avoids name clashes with symbols from other loaded software.
As has been remarked, compared to other languages:
Packages correspond to namespaces.
Systems correspond to modules or libraries (i.e., collections of code).
About packages: In order to grok those (which is necessary to avoid symbol conflicts and the like), I strongly recommend reading Ron Garret's Complete Idiot's Guide to Common Lisp Packages.

Lisp/Scheme interpreter without Emacs?

I've been wanting to teach myself Lisp for a while. However, all the interpreters of which I've heard involve some flavor of emacs.
Are there any command line interpreters, such that I could type this into the command line:
lispinterpret sourcefile.lisp
just like I can run perl or python.
While I'd also like to become more familiar with Emacs (if only not to be frustrated when I work with somebody who uses Emacs), I'd rather decouple learning Emacs from learning Lisp.
Edit: I actually want to follow SICP which uses Scheme, so an answer about Scheme would be more useful. I'm just not that familiar with the differences.
You could also try DrScheme, which whilst not exactly a standalone interpreter, isn't emacs :)
It's basically a simple IDE that has an area to type in code that can be executed as a file, and then another area that is the running interpreter that you can interact with.
(Also, find the UC Berkeley CS61A podcasts and listen to them, as well as reading SICP)
It looks like Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) also caters to what you want:
SBCL is both top rate and open source.
Checkout CLISP wiki-link that ie. was used by Paul Graham
Direct link
I often write lisp shell scripts which start with this line:
Then you don't even need to type "lispinterpret" on the command-line. Just mark the script executable and run it directly.
Most scheme interpreters that I am familiar with can be run from the command line. (Much of the list below is extracted from the comparative table at Alexey Radul's Scheme Implementation Choices page. There is a more extensive list at schemewiki but that page does not immediately provide command-line invocation syntax.)
Here's how you run a number of implementations at the command line:
Chez Scheme: scheme, petite
MIT Scheme: mit-scheme
Scheme 48: scheme48
RScheme: rs
Racket: racket (But I recommend trying the DrRacket IDE, especially for beginners.)
Guile: guile
Bigloo: bigloo
Chicken: csi
Gambit: gsi
Gauche: gosh
IronScheme: IronScheme.Console
Kawa: kawa, java kawa.repl
Larceny: larceny
SCM: scm
If you are looking for Scheme to work with the SICP, take a look at MIT/GNU Scheme
The most widely used IDE for Common Lisp, particularly in the free software subset of the community, is in fact SLIME, which runs on Emacs. You can use whatever CL compiler you prefer and invoke Lisp source files the way you describe, but if you do that, you won't be taking advantage of many of Lisps dynamic features that are so incredibly useful while developing your application.
I suggest you take a look at this SLIME demonstration video to see what I mean, even though it might be a bit outdated at this point.
If the problem is that you (think you) don't like Emacs, I seriously suggest you try to learn it. Seriously. No, really, I mean that. However, there are alternatives, such as the IDEs provided by commercial Lisp implementations such as Allegro and Lispworks (free trials available), or an Eclipse plug-in called Cusp.
Did you try Allegro CL from
#Nathan: I've upmodded the Common Lisp links, because you asked about Lisp (especially with reference to Emacs Lisp). However, Common Lisp is very different from Scheme. A program written for one is unlikely to run on the other.
As you mentioned, SICP is for learning Scheme, not Lisp (or at least, not Common Lisp and not Emacs Lisp). There are some overlap in principles, however you can't simply cut and paste code from SICP and expect it to run on any Common Lisp or Emacs Lisp system. :-)
No "interpreter" requires emacs.
Also, emacs can run elisp in a headless manner.
It seems like scheme shell is suitable for your purpose.
Take a look at
Another good dialect of lisp is cmucl. They used to love to brag about being the "fastest" lisp.