FB Graph API How can I get the list of all user ever logged in my app? - facebook

It's possible to access through Graph API (or any other way) the list of all users logged in the past to my FB app?

There is no way to get that information, unless you store it in your own database.

You can see how many people using Facebook analytics. You cannot see their usernames, email, etc- you might be able to extend the analytics with some development to include those... but they dont come configured out of the box.
Here is a link to Facebook App Analytics:


How to automatically post to Facebook

Please could you help. I have created a website that allows people to upload listings of items they are selling. I want to know how to add the feature where when someone creates a listing, it automatically posts on the user's FB page, with a link to the listing on our website. Is this possible? Would the user have to log into our website using their FB account for this to happen? Thanks everyone for your help.
You need to create a Facebook App and use Facebook Graph API with publish_actions permissions to do that. Note that the facebook rules prohibit sending fully automated messages that the user has no control, your user must have the ability to edit the message before sending

Is there API to get someone's facebook profile with out login to facebook?

I was wondering if its possible to get one's facebook profile (to be exact,'profile url') through their API?
I need an api to get fb profile link using a matching email address. I dont want to login to facebook though.I was trying to search for this but it seems you need to log in to facebook to get that.
Any idea or is it feasible?
You need ID of the concerned user which can't be achieved without using the Facebook Login, since Facebook login is the starting point to get the current user info (/me).
Search API could have helped you since you have the email ids of users, but unfortunately this api doesn't support user search with email!
So, answer is simple- NO, you cannot get the ID (profile link) of the user without using the facebook login.
Not that I can think of. Facebook's Graph API gives you some public info but that info given depends on the users Facebook's settings on what is public or not. You could maybe get some users profile picture but not others, making it not a very viable option for practical use. Hope that helps

Is it possible to use Facebook insights without publishing actions

I need to use Facebook insights more of as analytics tool rather than promotional tool. I dont want to spam my users with lot of notifications on their walls but at the same time I want to gather as much information as I can for users usage on my website.
My website works on facebook data for a user and wanted to check out what features they like most but dont want to publish all these actions on their walls.
Please suggest.
Insights can be retrieved only as an array. To read Insights you need
a generic access_token for the publicly available application_active_users metric
a generic app access_token for all Insights for that app
read_insights permissions for all apps, pages and domains owned by this user

Integrating Facebook into Google analytics

I want to add the 'Log in with Facebook' option to my website, however I'm unsure how to integrate the information gained when someone logs into my website with Facebook with my current Google Analytics.
Is it possible to link up a visit in Google Analytics with a user who has logged into the site with Facebook to enable me to see things like age, gender etc?
Any help you can give me on this would be much appreciated.
you may have to do this via a redirection or possibly a frame.
Google Analytics does nolt track individual users, it provides anonymized data. So at the top level, no you cannot do this. However, there are a few more things avaiable to you. One: Facebook provides facebook insights, their own tracking suite, that will give you demographic information on the users of a facebook app or fan page. You site will effectively become a facebook app when you use their user authenication, so you will be able to get insights tracking on you site. At the present moment, facebook insights and google analyitcs do not itegrate or share data. Facebook insight also provides anonymized data, so you will not be able to identify an individual through the tracking.
The final option is, now that you are tracking users through login, you can implement your own tracking info on your site to see what individual users are doing, and attempt to track their preferences.
Its also entirely legal (in the United States at least) to buy access to marketing data and use use your registered user name pool to get additional information.
If you wanted, you could set up a "funnel" in Google.
When a user logs in through Facebook, you could send them to a specific page and then track their progress from there...
So using this you could get the percentage of users who log in through Facebook... etc.
But to collect information other than that, you would have to get the correct permissions documented here eg. user_birthday (to get the user's Birthday) and query the Graph API from there, thus implementing your own tracking of users.
You can query the Graph API using the various SDKs that Facebook provide explained here.
First of all you should check out this Google document. It explains, how you set a custom unique user id via google analytics.
Further you've to send an event to google analytics (e.g. 'fb_login') via the callback function of your facebook login function.

Get application liker via graph api

How can i get all the facebook user id whose like my application via a graph api.
Please give any suggestion.
Like facebook fan page showing application liker randomly. I also want to access my application liker list and want to save in database.
Please tell me if any possibility? Need your suggestion...
Sorry, I don't think that's possible for privacy reasons Facebook doesn't allow it. You need to get people who like you application to install and authenticate it before you can find out more about them. However, I do remember someone managing to scrape the fans of a page before so maybe that's possible for applications as well...