Accessing Wildfly AS remotely using jconsole from a windows machine - jboss

I Have Wildfly running on a Linux machine I'm trying to access it from a windows machine on the same network using jconsole without success.
I can access the managment console of the wildlfy instance from the browser using:
I've read that I have to add the jboss-client.jar to the jconsole class path, but I cant seem to get it to work, this is my attempt
jconsole -J-Djava.class.path=C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_73\bin\jconsole.jar:C:\Progra~1\Java\wildfly\jboss-client.jar
I'm running the command from Powershell I have my environment PATH set so I can use jconsole no problem, so I think my syntax is the problem here.

In $WILDFLY_HOME\bin there are jconsole-scripts: jconsole.(sh|bat|ps1) which set up the class path for you, so setting it up manually should not be necessary. If you really need to do that, analyzing the scripts will probably help to how to escape it correctly.
Also, on Windows the classpath entries are separated with a semicolon ; but on Unix it is a colon :


Classpath is empty error when running zookeeper instance

I am trying to follow the instructions on to try and start a Kafka install and then send some messages from a scala client.
I am using a windows system.
I am getting this error(see screencap) when i run the zookeeper instance.
The reason most probably is because your directory path has a space - “Development Tools”. Try running this in a path which has no spaces. I guess the space is causing some path issues in the shell script.
Also, I assume that you downloaded the binary and not the source files?
Hope it works and let us know.

Stopping Wildfly Windows Service failed

as mentioned from the title i have a problem stopping the wildfly windows service.
When i tried to stop the wildfly service via the server manager - services window the status of the wildfly service doens't change to stop from stop pending. But wildfly isn't running anymore (my web service is not reachable and also the server log says that wildfly was successfully stopped). to start the service again i have to restart the windows server.
i've tested this with different scenarios:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter + Wildfly 9
Windwos Server 2012 Datacenter + Wildfly 10
Windows 7 + Wildfly 10
I also tried to make changes in the service.bat like Chris French mentioned on but there is no change.
Interessting is that the problem doens't exists on any of the scenarios when i added the service without adding any deployments to wildfly (so just the blank server). What means that i am able to start and stop the wildfly service successfully from the server manager services window when the wildfly server is "blank" and without any changes (for e.g. in standalone.xml).
So i think the problem must be my java ee project which contains a web service and a simple persistent project to access different my sql databases. In the standalone.xml i just added the mysql driver and the databases and i do some edits in the interface section (ip adress changes).
Any Ideas? Do i have to made changes in different config files (for e.g. the service.bat) when im deploying something to wildfly?
Sorry for my english and thanks a lot!
When installing the WildFly service, make sure you have the following parameters specified:
In WildFly 8: /user <username> /password <password>
in WildFly 10: /jbossuser <username> /jbosspass <password>
In the services.bat the documentation reads:
/user: username for the shutdown command
/password: password for the shutdown command
According to my experience, without these parameters, WildFly will move to status "stopping", but will not stop.
That works for me:
1. Always run the CMD as admin first.
2. If your JBOSS_HOME environment is not set, get sure that you navigate to WildFly home directory before you execute the script.
For example: cd "C:\Program Files\wildfly
It's matter, because the service.bat takes your current dir (%CD%) as JBOSS_HOME, if it's not set.
3. You’ve to install the service with a special parameter. /controller
It’s important that you tell wildfly service on which port your wildfly admin console is running.
Take a look in standalone.xml, search for “management-http”, get sure that you use the same port in parameter.
Example: (Default port is 9990)
./bin/service/service.bat install /controller localhost:9990
Done. Now start the service and wait until you can reach the wildfly console page.
After try to stop or restart the service in service.msc or with service.bat (service.bat start/stop/restart).
I had similar issue but it turned out I needed a JAVA_HOME in standalone.conf.bat under bin folder. Simply uncomment the line that sets the JAVA_HOME variable and update its value with the desired path.
set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121"
Above solution worked for me.
I had the "stopping" problem, when JAVA_HOME was set directly in jboss_cli.bat, pointing to the older jdk version previously installed on my machine. Check jboss_cli.bat for correct path of JAVA_HOME or simply use the JAVA_HOME environment variable (you might have to delete set JAVA_HOME line in jboss_cli.bat).

Nagios - installing custom plugin on Windows 7 that executes and sends back data to the server

I have setup Nagios 4 core on ubuntu machine and I have installed NSClient++ on windows 7 machine. For the out-of-box monitoring like CPU, memory , etc. everything works.
I also have written an EXE in .Net that gathers some metrics on the windows machine and the hope is that NSClient on the windows machine would execute this EXE and marshal these output back to the server. The problem is that I don't know how to install the plug in. Do you install it on the server? On the client? Both? If so where? Needless to say that ubuntu (where the nagios server is) shouldn't try to execute the .net EXE.
When I look at the configuration files on the server, I see that the nagios server uses Check_NT for communicating with the NSclient. We have a syntax like Check_nt!blah. Will I need to use the same syntax when executing my .Net EXE which is not part of the core?
I hardly found any detailed documentation as how to install a windows plugin and have the server and client talk to each other. So either it is extremely easy or extremely complicated. I also looked at some YouTube videos ...there is nothing there for the problem that I"m facing.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks all!
You'll want to define it as an NRPE check on your monitor, then define the check using the same name # NSClient++ on Windows. The NSClient++ configuration has a section for NRPE handlers, just for this (source: op5 kb):
[NRPE Handlers]
The nrpe handlers provide a way to execute any custom plugin/check command on the monitored Windows server. In this section you configure all the commands that should be available.
Adding a custom NRPE command to NSClient++ follow this syntax:
To test the check from your monitoring system you can use NRPE from the CLI to call my_custom:
./check_nrpe -H -c my_custom
And then define the service in your Nagios config like so:
define service{
use generic-service
host_name windowshost
service_description CPU Load
check_command check_nrpe!my_custom
You may need to do some extra work to format the output correctly. In BASH, exit 1 and exit 0 are commonly used to indicate state, IE: OK/Critical (source), and you may find it easier to augment your EXE's output with some simple scripting like that.

JConsole can't find process

I tried to run JConsole to analyze the memory used by a running process, but JConsole doesn't show me processes even though I am absolutely sure that one is running (in addition to that it should show JConsole in the process list as well but it doesn't).
Does anyone have an idea why it doesn't show any processes?
at window prompt, run echo %TMP%, it will give you default temp dir. Go to that directory and find directory named hsperfdata_user where user is your login. This is directory to store your process id. Any new process you created such as java application will have a new file named by process id. Jconsole will pick up the process ids from this directory. If you cannot create a file in this directory, that means you need change permission to allow write. Once done that, start a new java application to see if new process id file is in the dir. Once confirmed, start jconsole
I have the same problem. But if I explicitly specify the PID, as in jconsole 1234, jconsole is able to analyze the process.
If you are running jconsole on windows - simply :
Find jconsole.exe
Right click it
Select run as administrator.
In my case, removal of hsperfdata_USERNAME directory (in %TMP% directory) and closing all the JVMs has helped.
This happens when %TMP% value is different for monitored JVM and the monitoring tool (JConsole/JMC/Java Mission Control, maybe even VisualVM).
This may be the standard scenario with Cygwin (at least in my case: Cygwin+Babun)
Easiest solution is to set value of the TMP environment variable to the default value used by Windows, at least in scope of shell launching the JVM.
You have to start jconsole with the same user as the process you want to analyze is started by.
Just ran into this issue
If you are using multiple jdk's by any chance (ex. SDKMAN), then make sure that jconsole is run using the same jdk as the application
8 years later... I had the same problem. I could only see certain processes but couldn't see and monitor any java processes running in a docker container in Linux.
Inspired by the Windows solution by RoyalBigMack:
Solution 1. Run terminal as super user (su command) and run jconsole
Solution 2. Run solution 1 as one command, sudo jconsole
Only the first solution worked for me, and once the jconsole UI popped up- all the hidden processes were now visible.

Obtain the $JBOSS_HOME/bin value in JBoss 4.2.x

Calling the JBoss command line tool Twiddle, located in $JBOSS_HOME\bin directory, can give us the port number on which JBoss is listening for HTTP requests (see Q2366489). That's smashing :)
However, we can't rely on the fact that the system administrator has set the JBOSS_HOME path variable, and it would be useful to know if we can obtain this directory programatically from within the JBoss environment. In my case the project is deployed as a WAR file.
This, and various other path-related values, are set by JBoss as system properties, which you should use to obtain them.
For example, the system property jboss.home.dir will be set to the equivalent of $JBOSS_HOME, regardless of how the server is actually started.
The various system properties are defined in org.jboss.system.server.ServerConfig.
String jbossHomeDir = System.getProperty("jboss.home.dir");