I need to access chromeOs's internal api in a chrome-app I'm making. Is there a way to do this.
Nothing. You can use APIs for Chrome apps only.
I need to access the active version on SAP Cloud Platform of HTML5 apps through an api.
I know for the java apps you have the lifecycle api: doc
But you can't access HTML5 information with this API.
What I found is this service: https://account.hana.ondemand.com/ajax/getHtml5AppDetails/{subaccountName}/{appName}
This will return a JSON string with the required info, but I'm not authorized to access this page, although I have all the possible admin rights.
So I'm wondering If any of you has any idea to solve my issue, and other people's issues.
Well, we needed something similar and used this kinda hack to get the active versions via WebIde Api (need basic Auth to login) replace XXXX with your account
You get back a json array with all your applications of that sub account, including active version and other interesting information
Hope it helps ;))
Regards Mathias
You could create a HTTP Proxy Servlet based on https://github.com/SAP/cloud-connectivityproxy that provides read only access to https://dispatcher.hanatrial.ondemand.com/hcproxy/b/api/accounts/<subaccount>/applications/<app> for your app.
I have hosted my REST services on API management and consuming those in the Azure Web app service which consists of only HTML pages, javascript files and CSS files.
I would like to know how to restrict accessing the REST endpoints of the API management only from the web app without Azure AD and OAuth setup.
Client side application sources are by design available in clear text to anyone using it. Any user can open developer tools in browser and look at code you've written to make app work. So even if you secure your REST API with some secret and use it in app code to talk to that REST API anyone in the world will be able to take that secret our of the app and call your REST API directly, and you would have no way to distinguish their calls from calls made by your app.
OAuth and AAD would work to a certain extent but even they allow you to authenticate user, not the app. Same user can easily trace calls made by your app to REST API and reproduce them in any other app, and you again would have to way of figuring that out.
I think your best bet is to throttle calls made by a certain user identifying it any way you want (even if by IP address).
You can use Certificate authentication from web app to api management. The ssl certficate thumbprint on you web app you can validate in api management policy.
Is it possible to register my FB application to use Facebook REST API?
Or is it possible to authenticate in facebook mobile app with no redirection?
You do not need to register an app with a particular API - just go ahead and use it, the instructions are all there. However, Facebook recommends that you do not use the REST API as it is no longer being supported or updated. Use the Graph API and/or FQL - these are under active development and they're what most of the development community use.
Regarding the mobile app issue, could you give a little more detail? The OS and SDK you're using, for example?
I see that game achievements are not one of the supported object of the library. Is there a generic way to go about posting other unsupported object types?
Generic meaning using the supported SDK or using the API directly via HTTP calls?
The PHP SDK or a direct POST to /APP_ID/achievements with the App Access token will do this.
If all you're doing is registering achievements, you'll only need to do this once, so just do it via the Debug tool - you can get the app access token via the Access Token tool
I have a Google API console premier account, and I'm using the places service for an application that has two parts, web app and mobile app.
It seems that Google API distinguishes between server and browser apps. So for each category I have to generate keys specifically for it.
The mobile app is a native iPhone App, that uses the Google Places Web Services XML API for a simple auto complete function.
The question is in which category does mobile apps fall in?
Browser Apps
Server Apps
And any resources of how to use them?, does the Google JavaScript API V3 still requires an API Key for the premium users? Google documentation about this subject does not have enough information.
There are two different interactive types of Mobile Apps that use Google Maps:
ones that use the Maps Javascript API v3 (either directly or embedded in a Native Application)
ones that use Native Google Maps APIs (currently available for Android and iPhone)
For more on that you can have a look at:
Ones that use the Maps JS v3 are Browser Apps, the Native Apps are neither. They have their own TOS and quota system, like the one for iPhone and the one for Android.
About Google Maps JS API v3. It an be loaded :
without any key
with an API console key, which will allow you to track your usage (this was introduced recently)
with Maps Premier client id (gme-) if you are a Maps API Premier customer
The XML web service for places API should be used only as a server side solution. This is because you can imagine that a user might steal your key from the source of your iPhone app (by sniffing on the traffic) and use it.
The safe way out is to use a proxy server. You would then register an App Key for server apps (with IP locking for your proxy server) and then make calls to the Places API from this proxy.
Another option would be to use UIWebView on the iPhone side with JS Maps API v3 and Places library on the Google side. You would then fall in "ones that use the Maps Javascript API v3 in a Native Application" category.
You could then use any of the 3 options to load JS Maps API that are mentioned above.
I had to cut away some links, since I am not able to paste more than two, but I hope that helps anyway
Unless you have strong reasons against it, the "ones that use the Maps Javascript API v3 in a Native Application" category is the best option. There's a nice talk from Google I/O 2010 about it: http://www.google.com/events/io/2010/sessions/map-once-map-anywhere-geospatial-apps.html