Vagrant startup times out on setup - centos

I am doing this as part of the Ambari setup. followed the steps for quick start with Ambari and Vagrant.
I am using this CentOS 6.4 image:
I did this on Google Cloud from RHEL 7.2 host and with VirtualBox 5, but went to install, as suggested, CentOS 6.4 guests.
I successfully installed and configured the pre-requisities (with tweaking required to make vbox 5 work on RHEL 7.2).
When I try to bring up 6 hosts, I see the timeouts where machines are not coming up.
Host machine I am running on is fast - 32 cores, 64 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD ...
Does anyone know what might be the issue?
Is there some firewall I need to turn off, etc.?
[<myuser>#ambari-host-rhel7 centos6.4]$ ./ 6
Bringing machine 'c6401' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> c6401: Box 'centos6.4' could not be found. Attempting to find and install... c6401: Box Provider: virtualbox c6401: Box Version: >= 0
==> c6401: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
==> c6401: Adding box 'centos6.4' (v0) for provider: virtualbox c6401: Downloading:
==> c6401: Box download is resuming from prior download progress
==> c6401: Successfully added box 'centos6.4' (v0) for 'virtualbox'!
==> c6401: Importing base box 'centos6.4'...
==> c6401: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> c6401: Setting the name of the VM: centos64_c6401_1456171923223_2329
==> c6401: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> c6401: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... c6401: Adapter 1: nat c6401: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> c6401: Forwarding ports... c6401: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)
==> c6401: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> c6401: Booting VM...
==> c6401: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... c6401: SSH address: c6401: SSH username: vagrant c6401: SSH auth method: private key
Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot. This means thatVagrant was unable to communicate with the guest machine withinthe configured ("config.vm.boot_timeout" value) time period.If you look above, you should be able to see the error(s) thatVagrant had when attempting to connect to the machine. These errorsare usually good hints as to what may be wrong.If you're using a custom box, make sure that networking is properlyworking and you're able to connect to the machine. It is a commonproblem that networking isn't setup properly in these boxes.Verify that authentication configurations are also setup properly,as well.If the box appears to be booting properly, you may want to increasethe timeout ("config.vm.boot_timeout") value.
As a final step I get this summary error:
There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrantfor controlling VirtualBox.
The command and stderr is shown below.
Command: ["import", "/home/<me>/.vagrant.d/boxes/centos6.4/0/virtualbox/box.ovf", "--vsys", "0", "--vmname", "CentOS-6.4-x86_64_1456173504674_45962", "--vsys", "0", "--unit", "9", "--disk", "/home/<me>/VirtualBox VMs/CentOS-6.4-x86_64_1456173504674_45962/box-disk1.vmdk"]
Stderr: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
Interpreting /home/<me>/.vagrant.d/boxes/centos6.4/0/virtualbox/box.ovf...OK.0%...
Progress state: VBOX_E_FILE_ERRORVBoxManage: error: Appliance import failedVBoxManage: error: Could not create the imported medium '/home/<me>/VirtualBox VMs/CentOS-6.4-x86_64_1456173504674_45962/box-disk1.vmdk'.
VBoxManage: error: VMDK: cannot write allocated data block in '/home/<me>/VirtualBox VMs/CentOS-6.4-x86_64_1456173504674_45962/box-disk1.vmdk' (VERR_DISK_FULL)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x80bb0004), component ApplianceWrap, interface IAppliance
VBoxManage: error: Context: "RTEXITCODE handleImportAppliance(HandlerArg*)" at line 877 of file VBoxManageAppliance.cpp
Any ideas what might be going on?

Do you still have free space on your drive ?
Generally VERR_DISK_FULL indicates that the hard drive is full, it cannot provision enough space for the vdi files.


vagrant kubernetes oracle virtual box VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND error

while running vagrant up command on win machine I am getting the below error:
==> kubemaster: Booting VM...
There was an error while executing VBoxManage, a CLI used by Vagrant
for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.
Command: ["startvm", "29046172-fba4-4516-9e28-64ece907dcb7", "--type", "headless"]
Stderr: VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to open/create the internal network 'HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3' (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND).
VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to attach the network LUN (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component ConsoleWrap, interface IConsole
I resolved problem by installing latest virtualbox version.

Armitage 'Connection refused' error in new install of Kali Linux after full upgrade

I installed Kali Linux via VMware and did a full system upgrade:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get full-upgrade
As part of the upgrade postgresql upgraded from v11 to v12. I followed the instructions to finish this part of the upgrade:
pg_dropcluster 12 main --stop
pg_upgradecluster 11 main
pg_dropcluster 11 main
I start postgresql, initialize metasploit, and start Armitage:
/etc/init.d/postgresql start
msfdb init
The only console output appears unrelated:
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on
I do get the popup box with the connection information. I found that I get the "Unexpected end of file from server" if I use 'localhost' as the host, so - per their instructions - I change it to the external IP (in this case I checked metasploit-framework/config/database.yml for
the port and login credentials.
After clicking 'Connect' with this information I get a connection window stating:
Connecting to Connection refused (Connection
There's also the progress bar that over time will completely fill up (unless I click 'Cancel'). After which nothing happens. As I run the command from the terminal I can see that the process is still running (I don't get my prompt back) but the window disappears and Armitage doesn't actually start. The log file, as verified by pg_lsclusters (/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-main.log) doesn't is actually empty.
The link I mentioned before suggests that the problem could either be not enough RAM (I set the VM to have 4gb and free -m shows):
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3964 803 2677 29 483 2787
Swap: 4093 0 4093
Or that the Metasploit RPC daemon never started (that window does come up the first time, but not subsequent times). I verified that it's running via msfdb status:
● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (exited) since Fri 2020-02-07 16:06:52 EST; 19min ago
Process: 1753 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 1753 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Feb 07 16:06:52 kali systemd1: Starting PostgreSQL RDBMS... Feb 07
16:06:52 kali systemd1: Started PostgreSQL RDBMS.
1735 postgres 3u IPv6 32516 0t0 TCP localhost:5432 (LISTEN)
postgres 1735 postgres 4u IPv4 32517 0t0 TCP localhost:5432
1 0 16:06 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/postgres -D
/var/lib/postgresql/12/main -c
[+] Detected configuration file
Also, running regular Metasploit appears to work fine (msfconsole) and loads without error (not sure if there's any output that would be helpful here). I don't use postgresql directly, so I haven't messed with any configuration nor do I have any other applications (that I'm aware of) that use it, so it should be a pretty clean setup (not to mention this is a fresh install of Kali Linux). I'm out of ideas for what to check next. An online search didn't seem to match this problem well. Any thoughts?
Armitage has been deprecated for some time now, as it has not been updated since 2015, and is (to some extent) incompatible with current versions of metasploit.
Although this may not fix your problem, I suggest not using software this much out of date.

Minikube not starting on Ubuntu, throwing errors

I'm running Ubuntu 17.04 (zesty) on a Dell XPS 13 (3854 MB of RAM and Intel Core i5-5200U CPU # 2.20GHz) and trying to start up Minikube, but I'm getting a couple errors when I try to start it up.
➜ minikube version
minikube version: v0.22.3
➜ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"7", GitVersion:"v1.7.5", GitCommit:"17d7182a7ccbb167074be7a87f0a68bd00d58d97", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-08-31T09:14:02Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
I have VM VirtualBox Version 5.2.0 r118431 (Qt5.7.1). I've checked the BIOS settings and have virtualization enabled.
➜ minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes v1.7.5 cluster...
Starting VM...
E1025 09:49:40.206594 22972 start.go:146] Error starting host: Error starting stopped host: Unable to start the VM: /usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm minikube --type headless failed:
VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'minikube' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component MachineWrap, interface IMachine
E1025 09:49:40.207051 22972 start.go:152] Error starting host: Error starting stopped host: Unable to start the VM: /usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm minikube --type headless failed:
VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'minikube' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component MachineWrap, interface IMachine
I've tried some suggests that I've found online, like running ~/rm -rf .minikube/ and trying to start up minikube again. I've tried running minikube stop followed by a minikube delete and then trying to start minikube again. I've tried specifying the virtualbox driver when starting as well minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox. These aren't working, I still get the same error.
This looks like an issue with your Virtualbox installation, have you tried reinstalling it?
sudo apt-get purge virtualbox virtualbox-dkms
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-5.1
Try to enable virtual box in BIOS system, in my case it resovled problem

Failed to start puppetserver Service

While trying to run a puppet update form a node:
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -t
I get an error:
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Error: Could not send report: Connection refused - connect(2) for "puppet" port 8140`
Elsewhere indicates this is likely a problem with the puppetserver service, and suggests to reboot the server. Restarting didn't help, and when I try to restart the service I get failure:
~$ sudo service puppetserver restart
Job for puppetserver.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status puppetserver.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
I've looked at these logs, and as a puppet/linux noob, I'm not sure what to do next.
systemctl status puppetserver.service
● puppetserver.service - puppetserver Service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/puppetserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: activating (start-post) since Fri 2016-09-02 15:54:26 PDT; 2s ago
Process: 22301 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install --directory --owner=puppet --group=puppet --mode=775 /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver (code=exited
Main PID: 22306 (java); : 22307 (bash)
Tasks: 17
Memory: 335.7M
CPU: 5.535s
CGroup: /system.slice/puppetserver.service
├─22306 /usr/bin/java -Xms6g -Xmx6g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p -cp /opt/p
├─22307 /bin/bash /opt/puppetlabs/server/apps/puppetserver/ wait_for_app
└─22331 sleep 1
Sep 02 15:54:26 puppet systemd[1]: Starting puppetserver Service...
Sep 02 15:54:26 puppet java[22306]: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
puppet version 4.6.1
The puppet master communicates with the other node using port number 8140.
I don't think a restart will help, since this looks like a connection issue between the server and the node.
please try the following -
first make sure that the puppet master is actually listening on port 8140. run the following command on the puppetmaster -
netstat -ntlp | grep 8140
this command should return something like this -
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1783/puppetmaster
If you don't get the same output, your puppetmaster is not listening, and therefore can not compile catalogs for the node.
Try checking the puppet master log at /var/log/puppetmaster.log
check that the node can communicate with the puppetmaster on the relevant port. you can check this quickly with the telnet command. run this on your node -
telnet < puppetmaster ip address \ dns name> 8140
you should get something like -
Connected to <puppet-master-IP/DNS-name>
Escape character is '^]'.
if you don't get this output, this means that something is blocking you from accessing the puppetmaster. try opening the port in your firewall to access the puppetmaster.
if you're still stuck try using the --debug flag for verbose output and edit your question.
Could be 2 things: (1) in puppet.conf you have configured more memory than you have on your machine. Or (2) You installed both apt-get install puppetserver and apt-get install puppet.
If you get failed to start puppet.service: unit not found. error on slave machine while connecting to puppet.
Close the putty and then again open and connect it.The issue wont come while starting putty on slave.
The error occurs because there is not enough RAM and to fix the error, open the Puppet server configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/puppetserver
And reduce the amount of allocated RAM for the Puppet server (for example, I specified 512m instead of 2g):
JAVA_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
Now let’s start the Puppet server:
sudo systemctl start puppetserver

Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying

I tried
to spin up a CentOS 7 VM. Below is my settings
Vagrant File
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.define "zabbix1" do |zabbix1| = "centos/7"
zabbix1.vm.hostname = "zabbix1"
zabbix1.ssh.insert_key = false :private_network, ip: ""
zabbix1.ssh.private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
zabbix1.ssh.forward_agent = true
vagrant reload
==> zabbix1: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
zabbix1: Guest communication could not be established! This is usually because
zabbix1: SSH is not running, the authentication information was changed,
zabbix1: or some other networking issue. Vagrant will force halt, if
zabbix1: capable.
==> zabbix1: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> zabbix1: Checking if box 'centos/7' is up to date...
==> zabbix1: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> zabbix1: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2204.
==> zabbix1: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> zabbix1: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
zabbix1: Adapter 1: nat
zabbix1: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> zabbix1: Forwarding ports...
zabbix1: 22 (guest) => 2204 (host) (adapter 1)
==> zabbix1: Booting VM...
==> zabbix1: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
zabbix1: SSH address:
zabbix1: SSH username: vagrant
zabbix1: SSH auth method: private key
zabbix1: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
zabbix1: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
vagrant ssh-config
Host zabbix1
User vagrant
Port 2204
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
StrictHostKeyChecking no
PasswordAuthentication no
IdentityFile /Users/bheng/.ssh/id_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
LogLevel FATAL
ForwardAgent yes
What did I do wrong ? What did I miss ?
I had the same issue with the same box and the way I fixed it was to log into the VM from VirtualBox (vagrant/vagrant as username/password) and change the permission of .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 0600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Do that after you run vagrant up (while the error repeats) and the VM is up and you will see vagrant up will complete successfully and you will be able to ssh into the VM from vagrant ssh
Private networks can be configured manually or with the VirtualBox built-in DHCP server. This works for me.
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.define "zabbix1" do |zabbix1| = "centos/7"
zabbix1.vm.hostname = "zabbix1"
zabbix1.ssh.insert_key = false :private_network, type: "dhcp"
Next you have to use vagrant destory and vagrant up.