GWT AutoBean - not serializing ArrayList<String>, other pojos ok? - gwt

I can't get an ArrayList to serialize using the AutoBean mechanism. I'm using GWT 2.7. Here is my setup:
public interface IUser {
String getName();
void setName(String name);
ArrayList<String> getFriends();
void setFriends(ArrayList<String> friends);
public class User implements IUser {
private String name;
private ArrayList<String> friends;
... getters and setters for all members attributes ...
then my bean factory:
public interface AutoBeanFactoryImpl extends AutoBeanFactory {
AutoBean<IUser> user(IUser inst);
and finally my usage:
ArrayList<String> friends = new ArrayList<String>();
User user = new User();
AutoBeanFactoryImpl factory = GWT.create(AutoBeanFactoryImpl.class);
AutoBean<IUser> bean = factory.user(user);
String json = AutoBeanCodex.encode(bean).getPayload();
The output json does not have the friends array. It has the name ok though. Why doesn't the string array get serialized? Do I need something special for that?

The problem is that you specified ArrayList instead of just plain List - in order to nicely generate code that fills in the gaps between Java and JSON, autobeans only want to work with interfaces. Aside from getters and setters, AutoBeans have special support for List, Set (which is just a List without duplicates in the JSON), and Map. If you specify a particular implementation, the AutoBean tooling can't always handle it.
Feel free to pass in an ArrayList instance, but declare your getter and setter to be of type List.
As an aside, those collections can be of any type that AutoBeans can otherwise handle - including numbers, booleans, strings, dates, and any other bean-like interface that also conform to what AutoBeans can deal with.


AssertJ: How to build custom and nested assertions

I need to compare one PatientDTO dto object with other one PatientModel model object.
Both classes are quite similar:
class PatientDTO {
private String name;
private List<AddressDTO> address;
// Constructors, getters and setters
class PatientModel {
private String id;
private String nameElement;
private List<AddressModel> addressElement;
// Constructors, getters and setters
class AddressDTO {
private String city;
private String country;
private List<String> linesElement;
// Constructors, getters and setters
class AddressModel {
private String city;
private String countryElement;
private List<String> linesElement;
// Constructors, getters and setters
Main differences are:
Some fields are not present on DTOs: doesn't exist.
Some field names contains suffixes on Model classes: <> PatientModel.nameElement.
Other issue I like to solve, is that:
Address related assertion should be shared. I mean, Address-like classes are present on other classes, for exemple, Organization, Practitioner...
I'd like to build an assertion like this:
PatientDTO patientDTO;
PatientModel patientModel;
Should I build a custom assertion?
Should I have an assertion for Address an other one for Patient containing previous Address assertion? How could I get this?
What aboud Address assertion for Patient, Organization
What I want to avoid is code like this:
assertThat(p.getName()).withFailMessage("expected name: "+ p.getAddress().getCity()).isEqualTo(patientModel.getNameElement());
assertThat(p.getAddress().getCity()).withFailMessage("expected city: "+ p.getAddress().getCity()).isEqualTo(patientModel.getCityElement());
assertThat(p.getAddress().getCountry()).withFailMessage("expected country: "+ p.getAddress().getCountry()).isEqualTo(patientModel.getCountryElement());
I want to avoid above code since Patient classes are really large. Here I've shorted them for clarity purpouses.
Any ideas?
The field-by-field recursive comparison could help for this purpose:
PatientDTO patientDTO = new PatientDTO(...);
PatientModel patientModel = new PatientModel(...);
Some fields are not present on DTOs: doesn't exist.
There are a few methods that can be used to tune the comparison and ignore fields:
Directly with ignoringFields(String…​ fieldsToIgnore)
By regexes with ignoringFieldsMatchingRegexes(String…​ regexes)
By types with ignoringFieldsOfTypes(Class…​ typesToIgnore)
Some field names contains suffixes on Model classes: <> PatientModel.nameElement.
This is currently not supported and was also asked in We plan to raise a feature request about it and I will update the answer once the issue link is ready.
Address related assertion should be shared. I mean, Address-like classes are present on other classes, for exemple, Organization, Practitioner...
If the target is always isEqualTo, probably a custom assertion implementation is not needed as long as the limitation of the recursive comparison about not being able to compare fields with different names is not a show-stopper. These fields would require ad-hoc comparison until a better solution is available.
If the target is to provide assertions in a domain-specific language, like:
then a custom assertion implementation can be added.
Also, there is an assertions generator with plugins for Maven and Gradle that can be used to generate assertions based on the class attributes.

Is there a JPA annotation equivalent of jackson's #JsonAnyGetter/#JsonAnySetter?

With jackson, I can use #JsonAnyGetter and #JsonAnySetter to serialize/deserialize a Map<String, Object> into extra fields of a json object. Is there a JPA annotation that will do similar things with extra db column values being get/set from/into a member Map?
Specifically, I'd like to use jooq's .fetchInto(Pojo.class) to hydrate a java object. I can manually use .fetch(RecordMapper<Record, Pojo>) to get the results I want by hydrating the Map member from the Record fields manually, but wondering if there's a more automatic way of doing this. Pojo code could look something like the following (use lombok's #Data to make it concise):
public class Pojo {
private int field1;
private String field2;
#JsonAnyGetter // works for json serialization,
#JsonAnySetter // is there an equivalent for JPA?
private Map<String, Object> extraFields;
You can register a RecordMapperProvider with your jOOQ configuration in order to override how various methods, including fetchInto(Class) apply mapping:

Spring Data JPA: Work with Pageable but with a specific set of fields of the entity

I am working with Spring Data 2.0.6.RELEASE.
I am working about pagination for performance and presentation purposes.
Here about performance I am talking about that if we have a lot of records is better show them through pages
I have the following and works fine:
interface PersonaDataJpaCrudRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Persona, String> {
The #Controller works fine with:
public String findAll(Pageable pageable, Model model){
Through Thymeleaf I am able to apply pagination. Therefore until here the goal has been accomplished.
Note: The Persona class is annotated with JPA (#Entity, Id, etc)
Now I am concerned about the following: even when pagination works in Spring Data about the amount the records, what about of the content of each record?.
I mean: let's assume that Persona class contains 20 fields (consider any entity you want for your app), thus for a view based in html where a report only uses 4 fields (id, firstname, lastname, date), thus we have 16 unnecessary fields for each entity in memory
I have tried the following:
interface PersonaDataJpaCrudRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Persona, String> {
#Query("SELECT, id.nombre, id.apellido, id.fecha FROM Persona p")
Page<Persona> findAll(Pageable pageable);
If I do a simple print in the #Controller it fails about the following:
[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to com.manuel.jordan.domain.Persona
If I avoid that the view fails with:
Caused by:
Property or field 'id' cannot be found on object of type
'java.lang.Object[]' - maybe not public or not valid?
I have read many posts in SO such as:
java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to
I understand the answer and I am agree about the Object[] return type because I am working with specific set of fields.
Is mandatory work with the complete set of fields for each entity? Should I simply accept the cost of memory about the 16 fields in this case that never are used? It for each record retrieved?
Is there a solution to work around with a specific set of fields or Object[] with the current API of Spring Data?
Have a look at Spring data Projections. For example, interface-based projections may be used to expose certain attributes through specific getter methods.
interface PersonaSubset {
long getId();
String getNombre();
String getApellido();
String getFecha();
Repository method:
Page<PersonaSubset> findAll(Pageable pageable);
If you only want to read a specific set of columns you don't need to fetch the whole entity. Create a class containing requested columns - for example:
public class PersonBasicData {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public PersonBasicData(String firstName, String lastName) {
this.firstName = fistName;
this.lastName = lastName;
// getters and setters if needed
Then you can specify query using #Query annotation on repository method using constructor expression like this:
#Query("SELECT NEW some.package.PersonBasicData(p.firstName, p.lastName) FROM Person AS p")
You could also use Criteria API to get it done programatically:
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<PersonBasicData> query = cb.createQuery(PersonBasicData.class);
Root<Person> person = query.from(Person.class);
query.multiselect(person.get("firstName"), person.get("lastName"));
List<PersonBasicData> results = entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList();
Be aware that instance of PersonBasicData being created just for read purposes - you won't be able to make changes to it and persist those back in your database as the class is not marked as entity and thus your JPA provider will not work with it.

mapStruct: map list to other list?

I have a list List<Payment> which I'd like to map to another list List<PaymentPlan>. These types look like this:
public class Payment {
#XmlElement(name = "Installment")
private List<Installment> installments = new ArrayList<>();
#XmlElement(name = "OriginalAmount")
private BigDecimal originalAmount;
//getters setters, more attributes
public class PaymentPlan {
//(Installment in different package)
private List<Installment> installments;
#XmlElement(name = "OriginalAmount")
private BigDecimal originalAmount;
//getters setters, more attributes
I expect that something like this is working...
#Mapping(//other mappings...),
#Mapping(source = "payments", target = "paymentInformation.paymentPlans")
ResultResponse originalResponseToResultResponse(OrigResponse originalResponse);
...but I get:
Can't map property java.util.List<Payment> to java.util.List<PaymentPlan>.
Consider to declare/implement a mapping method java.util.List<PaymentPlan> map(java.util.List<Payment> value);
I don't know how to apply this information. First I though I need to declare some extra mapping (in the same mapper class) for the lists, so MapStruct knows how to map each field of the List types like this:
#Mapping(source = "payment.originalAmount", target = "paymentInformation.paymentPlan.originalAmount")
List<PaymentPlan> paymentToPaymentPlan(List<Payment> payment);
...but I get error messages like
The type of parameter "payment" has no property named "originalAmount".
Obviously I do something completely wrong, since it sound like it does not even recognize the types of the List.
How can I basically map from one List to another similar List? Obviously I somehow need to combine different mapping strategies.
btw: I know how to do it with expression mapping, like...
#Mapping(target = "paymentPlans",expression="java(Helper.mapManually(payments))")
but I guess MapStruct can handle this by iself.
I presume you are using version 1.1.0.Final. Your extra mapping is correct, the only difference is that you need to define a mapping without the lists MapStruct will then use that to do the mapping (the example message is a bit misleading for collections).
PaymentPlan paymentToPaymentPlan(Payment payment);
You don't even need the #Mappings as they would be automatically mapped. You might also need to define methods for the Instalment (as they are in different packages).
If you switch to 1.2.0.CR2 then MapStruct can automatically generate the methods for you.

Can't insert new entry into deserialized AutoBean Map

When i try to insert a new entry to a deserialized Map instance i get no exception but the Map is not modified. This EntryPoint code probes it. I'm doing anything wrong?
public class Test2 implements EntryPoint {
public interface SomeProxy {
Map<String, List<Integer>> getStringKeyMap();
void setStringKeyMap(Map<String, List<Integer>> value);
public interface BeanFactory extends AutoBeanFactory {
BeanFactory INSTANCE = GWT.create(BeanFactory.class);
AutoBean<SomeProxy> someProxy();
public void onModuleLoad() {
SomeProxy proxy = BeanFactory.INSTANCE.someProxy().as();
proxy.setStringKeyMap(new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>());
proxy.getStringKeyMap().put("k1", new ArrayList<Integer>());
proxy.getStringKeyMap().put("k2", new ArrayList<Integer>());
String payload = AutoBeanCodex.encode(AutoBeanUtils.getAutoBean(proxy)).toString();
proxy = AutoBeanCodex.decode(BeanFactory.INSTANCE, SomeProxy.class, payload).as();
// insert a new entry into a deserialized map
proxy.getStringKeyMap().put("k3", new ArrayList<Integer>());
System.out.println(proxy.getStringKeyMap().keySet()); // the keySet is [k1, k2] :-( ¿where is k3?
Shouldn't AutoBeanCodex.encode(AutoBeanUtils.getAutoBean(proxy)).toString(); be getPayLoad()
I'll check the code later, and I don't know if that is causing the issue. But it did stand out as different from my typical approach.
Collection classes such as java.util.Set and java.util.List are tricky because they operate in terms of Object instances. To make collections serializable, you should specify the particular type of objects they are expected to contain through normal type parameters (for example, Map<Foo,Bar> rather than just Map). If you use raw collections or maps you will get bloated code and be vulnerable to denial of service attacks.