Send user to page on mobile app when clicking email link - ionic-framework

I have just started an Ionic 2 mobile app.
I am setting up an update password process where a user can enter their email, click a "send password update email" button which then emails them a link. They can click that link which takes them to a page where they can update their password.
How do I send them a link in their email that when clicked on will open up the app and take them to a specific page?
Even more complicated is that I have a web app also. So if I'm sending them an email, should I show update password on website and update password on mobile app links? Or should I just add a link to the website?

In order to open the mobile app from a link, you need to integrate a cordova plugin called cordova-plugin-customurlscheme. With this plugin you can register a custom url "protocol" that is unique to your app (eg. myAwesomeApp://register?token=123). After installing the plugin with your custom url, clicking on any link starting with myAwesomeApp:// will open your app and also trigger a function hooked on the window object called handleOpenUrl which accepts the url as param. Inside there you can do your routing, depending on the url param.
let self = this;
(<any>window).handleOpenURL = function handleOpenURL(url) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (url && url.indexOf('\register') !== -1) {
let token = URLHelper.getParameterByName(url, 'token');
self.setAsRoot(ConfirmEmailPage, { activationToken: token });
}, 0);
As for dealing with your web app, what you could do is the following (this is what I am currently doing):
Host online a page (say that checks to see if the user is coming from a mobile device (iOS or Android more specifically). If so on page load redirect them to your myAwesomeApp://register?token=123 link and have a button saying install app from app store with a link to your mobile app. If the user has the app, the app will be opened by the redirect, if they don't they will get an alert saying link cannot be found or sth and after clicking ok they will see the install App from app store button. If the user is not coming from a mobile device, just redirect them to your web app
Another option is to use a third party service for deep linking like branch
Hope that helps.
EDIT: Since I posted this answer Ionic team has come with their own plugin for deep linking that kind of simplifies some of the hooking up inside your app. Their detailed blog post can be found here. In essence you install their plugin:
cordova plugin add ionic-plugin-deeplinks --variable URL_SCHEME=ionichats --variable DEEPLINK_SCHEME=https --variable
and then hook to it like so:
import {Component, ViewChild} from '#angular/core';
import {Platform, Nav, ionicBootstrap} from 'ionic-angular';
import {Deeplinks} from 'ionic-native';
import {AboutPage} from './pages/about/about';
import {HatDetailPage} from './pages/hat/hat';
template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>',
class MyApp {
#ViewChild(Nav) nav:Nav;
constructor(private _platform: Platform) {}
ngAfterViewInit() {
this._platform.ready().then(() => {
Deeplinks.routeWithNavController(this.nav, {
'/about-us': AboutPage,
'/hats/:hatId': HatDetailPage
Note that although this improves the plugin interfacing a bit, it does not change the fact that you have to use some other mechanism to handle deep links in conjunction with your web app.


Flutter Web Firebase Auth's persistence doesn't work on PWA

I have developed a Flutter Web app that uses Firebase Authentication in order to sign in users to the app.
I've declared the Firebase Authentication persistence field so that the app will remember and auto-login the user when he revisits the Flutter Web app's URL, and won't be required to re-login every time he launches the URL.
It all works fine on a regular browser, but when the user generates a PWA (for example, clicking "Add to Home Screen" on iOS devices to save the website as PWA), the persistence feature stops working, and the user is required to re-login every time he opens the PWA.
Is there a way to add Firebase Authentication's persistence feature to a PWA? And if not, is there a way to prevent generating a PWA (and saving the Flutter Web app as a regular browser URL when clicking "Add to Home Screen" button on iOS, for example)?
Thank you!
To solve the persistence problem, add a listener:
FirebaseAuth.instance.idTokenChanges().listen((User? user) async {
if (user == null) {
// Function for user not logged in here. Do not write function to change page here.
} else {
// As it's a Future it will take a while to process the user's information, so it
will call the function after it's done.
context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => Home()));
This is an example I made and it worked, use controllers to change the status, put some function to wait for the information to be processed.
Hope this helps. Any questions, at your disposal.

Ionic 4 read SMS plugin for OTP Verification

I am developing the ionic4 app, to auto verification or whenever I will get SMS my app has to read that message. for this I used 'Cordova plugin add Cordova-plugin-SMS' but it is not working. i declared 'declare var window: any; and declare var SMS: any;' nothing has worked. it showing "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rjfun.cordova.sms.SMSPlugin" in Android, in the web while developing it showing " TypeError: Cannot read property 'listSMS' of undefined". can any one help me to solve this issue
There is one plugin which could solve your problem. Named cordova-plugin-sms-receive.
This will help to read sms when any phone received and you can do whatever you want.
That plugin enables sending an SMS from the app, not receiving an SMS.
To get data from an SMS to your app, you could pass it as args using deeplinks. This would required the user to tap a link in the SMS. I am not aware of a way to have SMS data fed to your app automatically, and I would think it is not possible as it would be a security risk.
A custom URL scheme is the simplest way to do that (e.g. mycoolapp://some-path?p1=data1&p2=data2.
App Links (Android > 6.0) and Universal Links (iOS > 9.0) are more powerful but may be unnecessary and are not as well supported. It really depends on your use case.
Ionic has a community maintained plugin for this which I use and does the job, albeit with a workaround needed here and there.'s plugin is also an option but I haven't used it.
very nice question ... you need to use cordova plugin for that. Below are the
First you need to install Android Permission Ionic Native Plugin.
run these two commands first to install Android Permission Plugin.
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-android-permissions
npm install #ionic-native/android-permissions
Add android-permissions to your app's Module.
import { AndroidPermissions} from '#ionic-native/android-permissions';
providers: [
export class AppModule { }
Check permissions on page
import { AndroidPermissions } from '#ionic-native/android-permissions';
export class HomePage {
constructor(public androidPermissions: AndroidPermissions) { }
success => console.log('Permission granted'),
err => this.androidPermissions.requestPermission(this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.READ_SMS)
After allowing Read SMS permission now you need to install cordova-plugin-sms. Run this command for install it.
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-sms-plugin
npm install #ionic-native/sms
and in your page while reading SMS -
place this in top before declare class
declare var SMS:any;
place below inside class
this.platform.ready().then((readySource) => {
if(SMS) SMS.startWatch(()=>{
console.log('watching started');
}, Error=>{
console.log('failed to start watching');
document.addEventListener('onSMSArrive', (e:any)=>{
var sms =;
You can use this Ionic/Cordova plugin for Auto OTP verification and this will not ask the user for SMS read Permissions.
Demo App:

Like option using cordova

I need a web and mobile application which will work on android, iphone and windows as well.
I want to use facebook login for my apps and customer can like my page after login thats why i am using cordova to convert my web app into android app but i need to integrate facebook-like option which i didn't get in plugin.
So i implemented this using oglike
$scope.facebookLike = function() {
if($localStorage.hasOwnProperty("accessToken") === true) {
alert("like sucessfully done");
} else {
alert("Not signed in");
The code will not throwing any error but after success message it didin't make any changes to my page. like count is remains same.
og.likes is for Open Graph objects – external URLs, outside of Faceook.
You can not like Facebook pages by any other means than the official Like button.

Ionic External link from email to application (Deep Linking)

I'm trying to add a link from email
that click on it will open the application in the relevant page.
I haven't found a solution for that yet.
If you do have any recommendation how to do that, i'll be glad to know.
This is the scenario :
user click forgot passowrd.
email is sent via server.
the email contains link for reset the password (this is what i need)
user click on the link an enter the reset password page on mobile application.
It's relevant to say that it should support All ionic platform (most important ios/ android)
I agree with #LiadLivnat in the past I used Custom-URL-scheme.
Here is a snippets of code:
Consider you have some run with reportAppLaunched method:$rootScope){
/* ... */
$rootScope.reportAppLaunched = function(url) {
$log.debug("App Launched Via Custom URL: " + url);
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
if (url.substring(0, 'mailto:'.length) === 'mailto:') {
$rootScope.navigateTo('forgot_password_view', {action: url});
Now this global function will be fired when, in my case, user opens contact list and clicks on some member. Android will ask with witch application you want to open this contact and you select . The method handleOpenURL is triggered and you can redirect to specific view in your application.
function handleOpenURL(url) {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var rootController = angular.element(body).scope();
Hope it will help,

How to setup Facebook App Request from Unity with Prime31 Social combo plugin?

my problem is this, when the user is asked to select friends from the list and click on Send I receive a Success state from callback but no request is reached from the people selected in the list.
My setup is this:
- my app is a native app for iOS and Android made in Unity
- my app is registered in Facebook developer portal as Game/Puzzle, I set up bundle id, package name, display name and namespace
- my app is not yet published
- I configured the Prime31 Facebook plugin with the appId given from Facebook and Display Name
I send my request like this:
public void AskLifesOnFacebook()
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
//{ "app_id", "#######my_app_id_number####" },
{ "method", "apprequests" },
{ "title", "My request title" },
{ "message", "My request text" }
FacebookCombo.showDialog("apprequests", parameters);
But still the friends selector is shown up correctly on an overlay windows, I select friends and send the request but no request is received.
Am I missing something in the configuration of my app on Facebook? Do I need to pass some kind of certification?
From the same app the stream.publish is working correctly and I can publish on user walls.
The setup with Prime31 plugin and the call are correct!
You have to enable "Single Sign On" and "Deep Linking" in Facebook app parameters and add a valid itunes ID for your app (while testing you can put any valid ID, but you should create a itunes connect entry for your app and get the final ID).
When your app is a native iOS app, the users see the notifications only through the Facebook iOS app, so they are guarantee they can open iTunes or run the game.
Global notifications instead (ej: regular browser on PC) are seen if the app is in a Facebook Canvas.