Error with "swift build" in Ubuntu 14.04 - swift

I have a problem when I tried to compile a Swift code, I believe that it's something about Swift in Ubuntu. Here is the error:
swift build
Compiling Swift Module 'testregex' (1 sources) /home/guillermo/Descargas/Hola/Sources/testregex.swift:4:1: error: statements are not allowed at the top level
if let range = str.rangeOfString("string$", options: .RegularExpressionSearch) { ^
<unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failures
error: exit(1): ["/home/guillermo/Descargas/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-01-25-a-ubuntu14.04/usr/bin/swift-build-tool", "-f", "/home/guillermo/Descargas/Hola/.build/debug/testregex.o/llbuild.yaml"]
If somebody know how to solve this weird problem, I'll be very greatful

This is because swift build expects to find a main.swift file in the Sources folder.
Rename your testregex.swift file to main.swift and it will build properly.
You can have as many .swift files as you want in the Sources folder, but there has to be one main.swift file.


What causes xcode Swift error "Build input file cannot be found: ... OptimizationProfiles/myproj.profdata"

After importing to my Swift project a .c and .h files, I now get error:
error: Build input file cannot be found:
Project built just fine before importing.
What I've tried...
Restarted Mac and Xcode, and did realclean beforehand. Still same error.
If Bridging header is empty, gets error.
If I add
#include "my.h"
to Bridging header, it gets error.
If I start from new, empty Xcode project, import works okay and no build errors.

How to combine .metal and .swift in the same package

I created a MacOS command line app that defines and successfully calls a Metal kernel. I'm now trying to move this app's .metal and .swift logic into its own package so that it can used in other projects. I expected I would be able to create a Swift package, add my .metal and .swift logic and build/test it with no issues but this has not been the case.
In Xcode I created a new package (File->New->Package). After the package was created I tried to add a Metal file (right-click on sources -> New File). I opened the macOS tab in the window and tried to find a .metal template file but there was no result. I then just tried copy/pasting my .metal file into the sources and that worked but when I went to build I got an error
CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64 (in target '...' from project '...')
swiftc -incremental -module-name ...
Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code
How can I add and build .metal files as part of my Xcode Swift package? I can't seem to find what I'm missing. I've found examples of packages on GitHub that have a combination of Metal and Swift in them and I managed to get this one (Metal in sources/other) to compile on my computer in Xcode.
Have you updated your Swift package file?
.metallib file (Bundle.module) is only available once you have specified your resources in the package manifest.
name: "TargetName",
dependencies: [],
resources: [.process("ThePathToYour/Shader.metal")]

Swift build error_if_any_output_files_are_specified_they_all_must_be

When converting to use the new build system on Xcode 10, I get the following error in my output for several of my extension targets.
<unknown>:0: error: if any output files are specified, they all must be
Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code
I have looked for a solution online, but the only reference I can find to this error is in the Swift compiler source code itself.
Does anyone know how this error is actually triggered, or what I can do to fix it?
Ok, I had the same problem with one of our projects. Building or Archiving are always stopped with the error <unknown>:0: error: if any output files are specified, they all must be.
The solution for us was to set Compilation Mode to Incremental instead of Whole Module.
This means, you have to ignore the Validate Project Settings warning:

<CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h> file not found in bridging file

I have a workspace with multiple targets and mixed development with SWIFT and Objective-C. After installing CocoaLumberjack with CocoaPods:
pod 'CocoaLumberjack/Swift'
I can use it my project without any problems. All my targets get compiled except Test target. When I run tests I get "build failed" error within the bridging header file
<CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h> file not found
#import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h>
Do you have any ideas how to fix the issue? Thanks!

Error when Call curlHelperSetOptString from module CCurl - swift -Kitura

i use CCurl ( in my project (Kitura then i call func curlHelperSetOptString , compile "swift build" and get an error:
duplicate symbol _curlHelperSetOptString in:
/Users/xxxx/Documents/server/ServerSwift/.build/debug/ /Users/xxxx/Documents/server/ServerSwift/.build/debug/
ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture x86_64 :0: error:
link command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
:0: error: build had 1 command failures
import CCurl
var handle=curl_easy_init()
if (handle != nil) {
let url = "http: //"
let buffer=url.cString(using: .utf8)
curlHelperSetOptString(handle, CURLOPT_URL, buffer)
Help me ,plz
Actually it may be because we have defined the CCurl helper functions as extern inline, rather than as static inline. Apparently extern inline causes one of the references to the defined function to become an external name, which can cause problems if it is imported more than once.
We'll look into this.
IBM-Swift/CCurl.git 0.2.2 has been tagged. It contains a fix for the problem mentioned here.
You're probably including CCurl directly in your Package.swift when it's already included in Kitura-Net/Package.swift.
With most Swift modules, this wouldn't be a problem, but CCurl has to have a hack in it because libCurl contains mostly variadic functions and Swift doesn't import variadic functions from C libraries. The hack creates static functions in the C header file to create non-variadic version of the libCurl functions. It's those static functions that are being duplicated here (and each module is compiled separately, so you can't #ifndef around them because they can't see each other).
Try removing the CCurl dependency from your Package.swift file and just depend on the fact that it's being included for you, and hopefully you'll be okay.
Check that you don't have multiple entries under Build Phases/Compile Sources. If yes, remove them.
Also you could try cleaning your project or even run swift package generate-xcodeproj again.
It's because you are importing ccurl which is already imported in the kitura-net package.