Comparing a number and a list object in lisp - lisp

I am new to lisp so I apologize if advance it this is a simple question.
I have a list:
(set ‘inventory ‘(parts
((item 1001) (shoes (color brown) (size 10) (cost 20)))
((item 2011) (skirt (color blue) (size 4) (cost 10)))
((item 2120) (pants (color white) (size 32) (cost 30)))
((item 2121) (pants (color brown) (size 34) (cost 30)))))
I am trying to write a function that looks through the list by item number and return the correct one.
(findItem 1001 inventory) should return:
((item 1001) (shoes (color brown) (size 10) (cost 20)))
This is what I have so far:
(defun findItem (q i)
((null q)
((null (cdr i))
((eq `parts (car i))
(findItem q (cdr i)))
((eq q (cdr (car (car i))))
(car i))
(findItem q (cdr i)))))
Everything seems to work except ((eq q (cdr (car (car i)))) (car i))
(cdr (car (car i))) should return (1001) or the part number
But the eq does not evaluate to true so the function overall returns nil.
And help would be appreciated

As explained in What's the difference between eq, eql, equal, and equalp in Common Lisp?, using
eq to compare
cons cells is wrong.
You should either use equal or extract
the number, i.e., replace (cdr (car (car i))) with
cadaar so that
you will get 1001 instead of (1001).
Also, set is deprecated, use
setq or
defparameter instead.
Also, you can use built-in
find instead:
(find 1001 (cdr inventory) :key #'cadar)
==> ((ITEM 1001) (SHOES (COLOR BROWN) (SIZE 10) (COST 20)))

(cdr (car (car '((item 1001) (shoes (color brown) (size 10) (cost 20))))))
Doesn't work since caar is item and you cannot take the cdr of a symbol.
You should play with it like this before you get it right:
(defparameter *item* '((item 1001) (shoes (color brown) (size 10) (cost 20))))
(car *item*) ; ==> (item 1001)
(caar *item*) ; ==> item
(cdar *item*) ; ==> (1001)
Now c<runs of a and d>r is an abbriviation for nested car and cdr eg (car (cdr (cdr x))) (also known as third) can be abbriviated caddr when reading the as and ds from right to left you see why.
Numbers are not guaranteed to be eq even when they represent the same value. Tou can use equal to get a true value when two values look alike and there are = which only works for numbers that might be faster in some implementations.
set is deprecated. For making global variables use defparameter and use *earmuffs* to indicate that they are global variables.
I urge you to chose sensible names as q and i doesn't really mean anything. Also using CL coding conversion make your code concise and readable by other lispers. Eg:
(defun find-item (item-number inventory)
"Finds the record in inventory that has a specific item number"
(cond ((endp inventory) nil)

To extend on sds's answer, let me address some stylistic issues. Like in any other language, you should try to design your code to define a sensible interface.
I could tell you that you might prefer to use structures or objects, but I actually think that the use of lists is not necessarily bad. What bothers me is the explicit use of CADAR or CDR: you are making assumptions about your code which introduces coupling for no particular reason. A first step to separate abstraction from implementation is to define accessor functions, like item-reference, row-reference (for each entry), and so on.
If you happen to reorganize your data, you will be happy to know that you only need to change the one place where you define (item-reference x) to be (CAADDR x) (for example).
By the way, Common Lisp structures can be implemented on top of lists if you provide both :named and a :type list argument. For example, you can define an item structure as follows:
> (defstruct (item (:type list) :named) reference)
Then, the following actually build a list where the first element indicates the type:
> (make-item :reference 300)
=> (ITEM 300)
The defstruct also creates accessors:
> (item-reference *)
> (setf (item-reference **) 1010)

What you have there is an alist. You should leverage the existing functions that are built in for working with this data structure.
(defun find-item (num list)
(assoc num (cdr list)
:test (lambda (num b)
(equal num (second b)))))
Note that I have also changed the name of your function to be more in keeping with list style.


Check for proper list in Common Lisp

Is there a standard function in Common Lisp that can check against improper lists (i.e. circular and dotted lists) without signaling an error? list-length can check against circular lists (it returns nil for them), but signals type-error when given a dotted list.
Scheme's list? traverses the whole list to make sure it is not dotted or circular; Common Lisp's listp only checks that it's given nil or a cons cell.
Here's the simplest I could come up with:
(defun proper-list-p (x)
(not (null (handler-case (list-length x) (type-error () nil)))))
Since several implementations have been suggested and many unexpected problems have been found, here's a test suite for aspiring proper-list-p writers:
(defun circular (xs)
(let ((xs (copy-list xs)))
(setf (cdr (last xs)) xs)
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '())))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1))))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1 2))))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1 2 3))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p 1)))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 . 2))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 2 . 3))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 2 3 . 4))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1 2)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1 2 3)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (list* 1 (circular '(2))))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (list* 1 2 (circular '(3 4))))))
There is no standard function to do this, perhaps because such a function was seen as rather expensive if it was to be correct, but, really, this just seems like am omission from the language to me.
A minimal (not very performant) implementation, which does not rely on handling errors (Python people think that's a reasonable way to program, I don't, although this is a stylistic choice), is, I think
(defun proper-list-p (l)
(typecase l
(null t)
(loop for tail = l then (cdr tail)
for seen = (list tail) then (push tail seen)
do (cond ((null tail)
(return t))
((not (consp tail))
(return nil))
((member tail (rest seen))
(return nil)))))))
This takes time quadratic in the length of l, and conses proportional to the length of l. You can obviously do better using an hashtable for the occurs check, and you can use a tortoise-&-hare algorithm do avoid the occurs check (but I'm not sure what the complexity of that is off the top of my head).
I am sure there are much better functions than this in libraries. In particular Alexandria has one.
While thinking about this question, I also wrote this function:
(defun classify-list (l)
"Classify a possible list, returning four values.
The first value is a symbol which is
- NULL if the list is empty;
- LIST if the list is a proper list;
- CYCLIC-LIST if it contains a cycle;
- IMPROPER-LIST if it does not end with nil;
- NIL if it is not a list.
The second value is the total number of conses in the list (following
CDRs only). It will be 0 for an empty list or non-list.
The third value is the cons at which the cycle in the list begins, or
NIL if there is no cycle or the list isn't a list.
The fourth value is the number if conses in the cycle, or 0 if there is no cycle.
Note that you can deduce the length of the leading element of the list
by subtracting the total number of conses from the number of conses in
the cycle: you can then use NTHCDR to pull out the cycle."
;; This is written as a tail recursion, I know people don't like
;; that in CL, but I wrote it for me.
(typecase l
(null (values 'null 0 nil 0 0))
(let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(labels ((walk (tail previous-tail n)
(typecase tail
(values 'list n nil 0))
(let ((m (gethash tail table nil)))
(if m
(values 'cyclic-list n tail (- n m))
(setf (gethash tail table) n)
(walk (cdr tail) tail (1+ n))))))
(values 'improper-list n previous-tail 0)))))
(walk l nil 0))))
(t (values nil 0 nil 0))))
This can be used to get a bunch of information about a list: how long it is, if it is proper, if not if it's cyclic, and where the cycle is. Beware that in the cases of cyclic lists this will return circular structure as its third value. I believe that you need to use an occurs check to do this – tortoise & hare will tell you if a list is cyclic, but not where the cycle starts.
in addition, something slightly less verbose, than the accepted answer:
(defun improper-tail (ls)
(do ((x ls (cdr x))
(visited nil (cons x visited)))
((or (not (consp x)) (member x visited)) x)))
(defun proper-list-p (ls)
(null (improper-tail ls)))
or just like this:
(defun proper-list-p (ls)
(do ((x ls (cdr x))
(visited nil (cons x visited)))
((or (not (consp x)) (member x visited)) (null x))))
seen to pass all the op's test assertions
After our hopeless attempts with tailp, here, sth which uses the
sharp-representation of circular lists :) .
With regex (to detect circular sublist)
(setf *print-circle* t)
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (cl-ppcre::scan "#\d+=(" (princ-to-string lst)))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
Without regex (cannot detect circular sublists)
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (string= "#" (subseq (princ-to-string lst) 0 1))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
(tailp l (cdr l)) is t for circular lists but nil for non-circular lists.
Credits to #tfp and #RainerJoswig who taught me this here .
So, your function would be:
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (tailp lst (cdr lst))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
By the way, I use proper-listp by purpose. Correct would be - by convetion proper-list-p. However, this name is already occupied in the CLISP implementation by SYSTEM::%PROPER-LIST-Pwhy the definition of the function raises a continuable error.
Conclusion of our discussion in the comment section:
The behavior of tailp for circular lists is undefined. Therefore this answer is wrong! Thank you #Lassi for figuring this out!

Implementing Interesting Encoding Method in Lisp

I am working on implementing the Genetic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman problem. I am making some base line assumption such as you can travel to any city from any city. While this is for an assignment, I have extended this to a personal project as the deadline is past and I have chosen to use Lisp which definitely was not required. The point of encoding my data in this way listed below is to easily perform cross-over later in the algorithm.
Suppose you have a list of cities, given similar to the following
(defvar *data* (list
'(A 20 10)
'(B 5 16)
'(C 12 18)
'(D x y)
'(E x y)
I want to encode this data in a way similar to this:
and I for the life of me cannot figure out how to implement this in Lisp. If anyone has some insight, it would be much appreciated. If there is a better way to create my *data* set that would make this easier feel free to include it!
Now I understood it. Here is the solution:
(defparameter *data* (list
'(A 20 10)
'(B 5 16)
'(C 12 18)
'(D x y)
'(E x y)))
For one step you need a function which looks up index position of the city in the city-list (*data*) and also removes its entry in the city-list and returns the updated city-list.
(defun choose-city (city-list city-name)
"Return city-name with its index position
and city-list with the chosen city removed, keeping the order."
(let* ((cities (mapcar #'car city-list))
(pos (position city-name cities)))
(list city-name
(append (subseq city-list 0 pos)
(subseq city-list (+ pos 1) (length city-list))))))
;; improved version by #Kaz - thanks! (lispier)
(defun choose-city (city-list city-name)
(list city-name
(positiion city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)
(remove city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)))
Then, you need a function which applies the previous function
over and over again while collecting the index positions and updates from step to step the city-list by removing the matched current-city in the city-sequence.
A typical pattern occuring in lisp for this is
to define the to-be-mutated variable as a local variable in a let expression and from the body of the let-expression to update the variable value using setf (setf-ing).
(defun choose-cities-subsequently (city-list city-sequence)
"Return sequence of subsequent-index-positions of the cities
given in city-sequence. After choosing a sequence, the city is
removed from the city-list and its index position of the previous
pool taken for record."
(let ((index-positions '()) ; initiate collector variable
(current-city-list city-list)) ; current state of city-list
(loop for current-city in city-sequence
do (progn
;; call `choose-city` and capture its results
(name index new-city-list) ; capturing vars
;; and in the following the function call:
(choose-city current-city-list current-city)
;; update collector variable and
;; current-city-list using the captured values
(setf index-positions (cons index index-positions))
(setf current-city-list new-city-list)))
;; if city-sequence processed in this way,
;; return the collected index-positions.
;; remark: cons-ing during collecting and
;; at the end nreverse-ing the result
;; when/while returning
;; is a very typical lisp idiom
finally (return (nreverse index-positions)))))
;; improved version by #Kaz - thanks!
(defun choose-cities-subsequently (city-list city-sequence)
(let ((index-positions '()) ; initiate collector variable
(current-city-list city-list)) ; current state of city-list
(loop for current-city in city-sequence
collect (destructuring-bind
(name index new-city-list)
(choose-city current-city-list current-city)
(setf current-city-list new-city-list)
into index-positions
finally (return index-positions)))))
Now, if you run
(choose-cities-subsequently *data* '(A D E B C))
it returns correctly:
(0 2 2 0 0)
By defining more let-variables in the last function and
setf-fing to those in the destructuring-bind expression's body, and returning the final value in the final list,
you can collect more informations and make them visibile.
Tried to simplify a little and recursive definition
(defparameter *data* (list
'(A 20 10)
'(B 5 16)
'(C 12 18)
'(D x y)
'(E x y)))
(defun choose-city (city-list city-name)
(list (position city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)
(remove city-name city-list :key #'car :test #'eql)))
;; when city names are strings use `:test #'string=
(defun choose-cities-subsequently (city-list city-sequence)
(let ((current-cities city-list))
(loop for current-city in city-sequence
for (idx updated-cities) = (choose-city current-cities current-city)
collect (progn (setf current-cities updated-cities)
into index-positions
finally (return index-positions))))
(choose-cities-subsequently *cities* '(A D E B C))
;; (0 2 2 0 0)
;; a tail-call recursive version:
(defun choose-cities-subsequently (cities city-sequence
&key (acc-cities '())
(acc-positions '())
(pos-counter 0)
(test #'eql))
(cond ((or (null city-sequence) (null cities)) (nreverse acc-positions))
((funcall test (car city-sequence) (car cities))
(choose-cities-subsequently (append (nreverse acc-cities) (cdr cities))
(cdr city-sequence)
:acc-cities '()
:acc-positions (cons pos-counter acc-positions)
:pos-counter 0
:test test))
(t (choose-cities-subsequently (cdr cities)
:acc-cities (cons (car cities) acc-cities)
:acc-positions acc-positions
:pos-counter (1+ pos-counter)
:test test))))

Checking circularity in lisp - same variable through recursive function

I'm trying to create a function that would test whether the given list is circular with a re-starting point being the beginning of the list.
Expected results:
(setq liste '(a b c))
(rplacd (cddr liste) liste)
(circular liste) => t
(circular '(a b c a b c)) => nil
As I simply want to test if any subsequent item is 'eq' to the first one, I don't want to build the whole tortoise and hare algorithm.
Here is my code :
(defun circular (liste)
(let (beginningliste (car liste)))
(labels ( (circ2 (liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((eq (car liste) beginningliste) t)
(t (circ2 (cdr liste)))
) ) ) ) )
It doesn't give the expected result but I don't understand where my error is
I'm not sure I'm using 'labels' correctly
Is there a way to do that without using 'labels'?
Edit. I guess I have answered my third question as I think I have found a simpler way. Would this work?
(defun circular (liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((eq (car liste) (cadr liste)) t)
(t (circular (rplacd liste (cddr liste))))
First, the behavior is undefined when you mutate constant data: when you quote something (here the list), the Lisp environment has the right to treat it as a constant. See also this question for why defparameter or defvar is preferred over setq. And so...
(setq list '(a b c))
(rplacd (cddr list) list)
... would be better written as:
(defparameter *list* (copy-list '(a b c)))
(setf (cdr (last *list*)) *list*)
Second, your code is badly formatted and has bad naming conventions (please use dashes to separate words); here it is with a conventional layout, with the help of emacs:
(defun circularp (list)
(let (first (car list)))
(labels ((circ2 (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) first) t)
(t (circ2 (cdr list))))))))
With that formatting, two things should be apparent:
The let contains no body forms: you define local variables and never use them; you could as well delete the let line.
Furthermore, the let is missing one pair of parenthesis: what you wrote defines a variable name first and another one named car, bound to list. I presume you want to define first as (car list).
You define a local circ2 function but never use it. I would expect the circularp function (the -p is for "predicate", like numberp, stringp) to call (circ2 (cdr list)). I prefer renaming circ2 as visit (or recurse), because it means something.
With the above corrections, that would be:
(defun circularp (list)
(let ((first (car list)))
(labels ((visit (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) first) t)
(t (visit (cdr list))))))
(visit (cdr list)))))
However, if your list is not circular but contains the same element multiple times (like '(a a b)), you will report it as circular, because you inspect the data it holds instead of the structure only. Don't look into the CAR here:
(defun circularp (list)
(let ((first list))
(labels ((visit (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq list first) t)
(t (visit (cdr list))))))
(visit (cdr list)))))
Also, the inner function is tail recursive but there is no guarantee that a Common Lisp implementation automatically eliminates tail calls (you should check with your implementation; most can do it on request). That means you risk allocating as many call stack frames as you have elements in the list, which is bad. Better use a loop directly:
(defun circularp (list)
for cursor on (cdr list)
while (consp cursor)
thereis (eq cursor list)))
Last, but not least: your approach is a very common one but fails when the list is not one big circular chain of cells, but merely contains a loop somewhere. Consider for example:
CL-USER> *list*
#1=(A B C . #1#)
CL-USER> (push 10 *list*)
(10 . #1=(A B C . #1#))
CL-USER> (push 20 *list*)
(20 10 . #1=(A B C . #1#))
(see that answer where I explain what #1= and #1# mean)
The lists with numbers in front exhibit circularity but you can't just use the first cons cell as a marker, because you will be looping forever inside the sublist that is circular. This is the kind or problems the Tortoise and Hare algorithm solves (there might be other techniques, the most common being storing visited elements in a hash table).
After your last edit, here is what I would do if I wanted to check for circularity, in a recursive fashion, without labels:
(defun circularp (list &optional seen)
(and (consp list)
(or (if (member list seen) t nil)
(circularp (cdr list) (cons list seen)))))
We keep track of all the visited cons cells in seen, which is optional and initialized to NIL (you could pass another value, but that can be seen as a feature).
Then, we say that a list is circular with respect to seen if it is a cons cell which either: (i) already exists in seen, or (ii) is such that its CDR is circular with respect to (cons list seen).
The only additional trick here is to ensure the result is a boolean, and not the return value of member (which is the sublist where the element being searched for is the first element): if your environment has *PRINT-CIRCLE* set to NIL and the list is actually circular, you don't want it to try printing the result.
Instead of (if (member list seen) t nil), you could also use:
(when (member list seen))
(position list seen)
and of course (not (not (member list seen)))

LISP - count occurences of every value in a list

I apologize for the bad English..
I have a task to write a function called "make-bag" that counts occurences of every value in a list
and returns a list of dotted pairs like this: '((value1 . num-occurences1) (value2 . num-occurences2) ...)
For example:
(make-bag '(d c a b b c a))
((d . 1) (c . 2) (a . 2) (b . 2))
(the list doesn't have to be sorted)
Our lecturer allows us to us functions MAPCAR and also FILTER (suppose it is implemented),
but we are not allowed to use REMOVE-DUPLICATES and COUNT-IF.
He also demands that we will use recursion.
Is there a way to count every value only once without removing duplicates?
And if there is a way, can it be done by recursion?
First of, I agree with Mr. Joswig - Stackoverflow isn't a place to ask for answers to homework. But, I will answer your question in a way that you may not be able to use it directly without some extra digging and being able to understand how hash-tables and lexical closures work. Which in it's turn will be a good exercise for your advancement.
Is there a way to count every value only once without removing duplicates? And if there is a way, can it be done by recursion?
Yes, it's straight forward with hash-tables, here are two examples:
;; no state stored
(defun make-bag (lst)
(let ((hs (make-hash-table)))
(labels ((%make-bag (lst)
(if lst
(multiple-value-bind (val exists)
(gethash (car lst) hs)
(if exists
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) (1+ val))
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) 1))
(%make-bag (cdr lst)))
(%make-bag lst))))
Now, if you try evaluate this form twice, you will get the same answer each time:
(gethash 'a (make-bag '(a a a a b b b c c b a 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 5 55)))
> 5
> T
(gethash 'a (make-bag '(a a a a b b b c c b a 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 5 55)))
> 5
> T
And this is a second example:
;; state is stored....
(let ((hs (make-hash-table)))
(defun make-bag (lst)
(if lst
(multiple-value-bind (val exists)
(gethash (car lst) hs)
(if exists
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) (1+ val))
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) 1))
(make-bag (cdr lst)))
Now, if you try to evaluate this form twice, you will get answer doubled the second time:
(gethash 'x (make-bag '(x x x y y x z z z z x)))
> 5
> T
(gethash 'x (make-bag '(x x x y y x z z z z x)))
> 10
> T
Why did the answer doubled?
How to convert contents of a hash table to an assoc list?
Also note that recursive functions usually "eat" lists, and sometimes have an accumulator that accumulates the results of each step, which is returned at the end. Without hash-tables and ability of using remove-duplicates/count-if, logic gets a bit convoluted since you are forced to use basic functions.
Well, here's the answer, but to make it a little bit more useful as a learning exercise, I'm going to leave some blanks, you'll have to fill.
Also note that using a hash table for this task would be more advantageous because the access time to an element stored in a hash table is fixed (and usually very small), while the access time to an element stored in a list has linear complexity, so would grow with longer lists.
(defun make-bag (list)
(let (result)
(labels ((%make-bag (list)
(when list
(let ((key (assoc (car <??>) <??>)))
(if key (incf (cdr key))
(setq <??>
(cons (cons (car <??>) 1) <??>)))
(%make-bag (cdr <??>))))))
(%make-bag list))
There may be variations of this function, but they would be roughly based on the same principle.

How to replace the number in a nested list with symbols?

It seems that I have to make it in detail; it's my homework. I don't
want to copy the code written by you. I'm a newbie; what I'm trying
to learn is how to decompose a subject to single pieces, and then
focus on what function should I use to solve the problem. It's a
little hard to finish these problems by my own, because I'm completely
a newbie in Lisp, actually in how to program. I hope you can help me
Here is the problem: there is a given constant
(defconstant *storms* '((bob 65)
(chary 150)
(jenny 145)
(ivan 165)
(james 120)))
Each storm is represented by a list of its name and its wind speed.
The wind speeds are to be categorized as follows:
39–74 → tropical
75–95 → cat-1
96–110 → cat-2
111–130 → cat-3
131–155 → cat-4
156 or more → cat-5
Now I have to write two functions:
storm-categories should generate category names, like this: (bob
tropical), (chary cat-1), …
and storm-distribution should generate the number of storms in
each category, like this: (cat-1 1), (cat-2 0), …
The way I try to solve this problem is:
Use if statements to judge the type of windspeed:
(if (and (> x 39) (< x 73)) (print 'tropical))
(if (and (> x 74) (< x 95)) (print 'cat-1))
(if (and (> x 96) (< x 110)) (print 'cat-2))
(if (and (> x 111) (< x 130)) (print'cat-3))
(if (and (> x 131) (< x 155)) (print'cat-4))
(if (and (> x 156)) (print 'cat-5))
Replace the windspeed (like 65) with windtype (like cat-1)
(loop for x in storms
do (rplacd x ‘windtype)
I just have a simple idea of the first function, but still don't know
how to implement it. I haven't touched the distribution function,
because I am still stuck on the first one.
DEFCONSTANT is wrong. It makes no sense to make your input a constant. A variable defined with DEFVAR or DEFPARAMETER is fine.
Instead of IF use COND. COND allows the testing of several conditions.
You don't want to use PRINT. Why print something. You want to compute a value.
RPLACA is also wrong. That's used for destructive modification. You don't want that. You want to create a new value. Something like RPLACA might be used in the function DISTRIBUTION (see below).
Use functional abstraction. Which functions are useful?
BETWEEN-P, is a value X between a and b ?
STORM-CATEGORY, for a given wind speed return the category
STORM-CATEGORIES, for a list of items (storm wind-speed) return a list of items (storm category). Map over the input list to create the result list.
DISTRIBUTION, for a list of items (tag category) return a list with items (category number-of-tags-in-this-category).
STORM-DISTRIBUTION, for a list of items (storm category) return a list with items (category number-of-storms-in-this-category). This basically calls DISTRIBUTION with the right parameters.
The function DISTRIBUTION is the most complicated of the above. Typically one would use a hashtable or a assoc list as an intermediate help to keep a count of the occurrences. Map over the input list and update the corresponding count.
Also: a good introduction into basic Lisp is the book Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation - it is freely available as a PDF for download. A more fun and also basic introduction to Lisp is the book Land of Lisp.
Okay roccia, you have posted your answer. Here comes mine hacked in a few minutes, but it should give you some ideas:
First let's start with the data:
(defparameter *storms2004*
'((BONNIE 65)
(IVAN 165)
(JEANNE 120)))
(defparameter *storm-categories*
'((39 73 tropical-storm)
(74 95 hurricane-cat-1)
(96 110 hurricane-cat-2)
(111 130 hurricane-cat-3)
(131 155 hurricane-cat-4)
(156 nil hurricane-cat-5)))
A function that checks if a value is between two bounds. If the right bound can also be missing (NIL).
(defun between (value a b)
(<= a value (if b b value)))
Note that Lisp allows the comparison predicate with more than two arguments.
Let's find the category of a storm. The Lisp functions FIND and FIND-IF find things in lists.
(defun storm-category (storm-speed)
(third (find-if (lambda (storm)
(between storm-speed (first storm) (second storm)))
Let's compute the category for each storm. Since we get a list of (storm wind-speed), we just map over the function which computes the category over the list. We need to return a list of storms and category.
(defun storm-categories (list)
(mapcar (lambda (storm)
(list (first storm)
(storm-category (second storm))))
Now we take the the same list of storms, but use a hash table to keep track of how many storms there were in each category. MAPC is like MAPCAR, but only for the side effect of updating the hash table. ÌNCF increments the count. When we have filled the hash table, we need to map over it with MAPHASH. For each pair of key and value in the table, we just push the pair onto a result list and then we are returning that result.
(defun storm-distribution (storms)
(let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(mapc (lambda (storm)
(incf (gethash (second storm) table 0)))
(storm-categories storms))
(let ((result nil))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(push (list key value) result))
CL-USER 33 > (storm-category 100)
CL-USER 34 > (storm-categories *storms2004*)
CL-USER 35 > (storm-distribution *storms2004*)
Looks fine to me.
Finally finished this problem. the second part is really makes me crazy. I cant't figure out how to use hashtable or assoc list to slove it. Anyway the assignment is done, but I want to know how can I simplify it... Hope u guys can help me . Thanks for your help Joswing, your idea really helps me a lot...
(defconstant *storms2004* '((BONNIE 65)(CHARLEY 150)(FRANCES 145)(IVAN 165)(JEANNE 120)))
(defun storm-category (x) ; for given windspeed return the category
((and (> x 39) (< x 73) 'tropical-storm))
((and (> x 74) (< x 95) 'hurricane-cat-1))
((and (> x 96) (< x 110) 'hurricane-cat-2))
((and (> x 111) (< x 130) 'hurricane-cat-3))
((and (> x 131) (< x 155) 'hurricane-cat-4))
( t 'hurricane-cat-5)
);end storm-category
(defun storm-categories (lst) ;for a list of storm and windspeed return storm's name and wind type
(let ((result nil))
(dolist (x lst (reverse result)) ;
(list (first x) (storm-category (second x)) ) result)
);end storm-categories
(defun storm-distribution (lst)
(setq stormcategories '(tropical-storm hurricane-cat-1 hurricane-cat-2 hurricane-cat-3 hurricane-cat-4 hurricane-cat-5))
(setq stormlist (storm-categories lst))
(let( (tropicalcount 0)
(hurricane-cat-1count 0)
(hurricane-cat-2count 0)
(hurricane-cat-3count 0)
(hurricane-cat-4count 0)
(hurricane-cat-5count 0)
(result nil)
(dolist (y stormlist )
((eql (second y) 'tropical-storm) (setq tropicalcount (+ tropicalcount 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-1) (setq hurricane-cat-1count (+ hurricane-cat-1count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-2) (setq hurricane-cat-2count (+ hurricane-cat-2count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-3) (setq hurricane-cat-3count (+ hurricane-cat-3count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-4) (setq hurricane-cat-4count (+ hurricane-cat-4count 1)))
((eql (second y) 'hurricane-cat-5)(setq hurricane-cat-5count (+ hurricane-cat-5count 1)))
);ebd dolist
(list (list 'tropicalstorm tropicalcount )
(list 'hurricane-cat-1 hurricane-cat-1count)
(list 'hurricane-cat-2 hurricane-cat-2count )
(list 'hurricane-cat-3 hurricane-cat-3count )
(list 'hurricane-cat-4 hurricane-cat-4count )
(list 'hurricane-cat-5 hurricane-cat-5count )
) ;end list
result) ;end push
);end let
);end distribution