Smartface onSelectedItem, onLongTouch events not working -

I want to run onSelectedItem and onLongTouch events when I clicked or long touched the rows. This codes are not working. My codes as follows. How can I run this?
var myDataSource = [{
row : "First Row"
}, {
row : "Second Row"
}, {
row : "Third Row"
repeatBox1.dataSource = myDataSource;
repeatBox1.onRowRender = function (e) {
this.controls[0].text = myDataSource[e.rowIndex].row;
repeatBox1.onSelectedItem = function (e) {
alert("Selected " + (e.rowIndex + 1) + ". row");
repeatBox1.onLongTouch= function (e) {
alert("long touch");
repeatBox1.itemTemplate.height = Device.screenHeight / 7;
repeatBox1.itemTemplate.imageFillType = SMF.UI.ImageFillType.stretch;
repeatBox1.useActiveItem = true;

I don't know if these functions works for specific items. In the repeatbox guide they say:
*onSelectedItem: "Creates action(s) that are run when an item is selected on the repeat box.".
*onTouch: Creates action(s) that are run when the object is touched from device’s screen.
But I'm not sure of that, thats what I got from the documentation.
Hope that helps :)

I solved my problem. This is for all of controls touchEnabled property have to be false in RepeatBox.


sap.m.table multi checkbox make it READ ONLY - On Condition + SAP UI5

This is my first post to Stack, appreciate the work you guys do, amazing.
I have a sap.m.table sap ui5 and i have 4 records
out of 4, 2 are selected by default, i want to disable the preselected once based on condition.
I have tried below code but its not working, any input please?
/results' }" **mode="MultiSelect"**
Controller logic
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId('idImpactTable');
var header = tbl.$().find('thead');
var selectAllCb = header.find('.sapMCb');
tbl.getItems().forEach(function(r) {
var obj = r.getBindingContext("impactModel").getObject();
var oStatus = obj.COMPLETED;
var cb = r.$().find('.sapMCb');
var oCb = sap.ui.getCore().byId(cb.attr('id'));
if (oStatus === "X") {
} else {
Multiselect Mode Table - Make selected check box read only
Last time I tried this I found it easiest to use the updateFinished event on the table, and then use an internal property of the column list item, like so:
onTableUpdateFinished: function (oEvent) {
oEvent.getSource().getItems().forEach(function (item) {
var data = item.getBindingContext().getObject();
item._oMultiSelectControl.setEnabled(!data.IsEnabled); //whatever your check is
You'll have to find a way to keep them disabled though when using the Select All checkbox at the top of the table. I ended up extending sap.m.Table to accomplish that, there might be easier ways...
My extension is like this
], function(Control) {
return Control.extend("myapp.controls.MyTable", {
updateSelectAllCheckbox: function(oEvent) {
if (this._selectAllCheckBox && this.getMode() === "MultiSelect") {
var aItems = this.getItems();
var iSelectedItemCount = this.getSelectedItems().length;
var iSelectableItemCount = aItems.filter(function(oItem) {
//standard table does not check if the item is enabled
return oItem.getSelected() || oItem._oMultiSelectControl.getEnabled();
// set state of the checkbox by comparing item length and selected item length
this._selectAllCheckBox.setSelected(aItems.length > 0 && iSelectedItemCount === iSelectableItemCount);
And just the standard renderer
], function(Control) {
return Control.extend("myapp.controls.MyTableRenderer", {
I suppose I could have extended the ColumnListItem but that was more effort than I wanted to put into the table extension
I have managed to find the solution, please find sample code to achieve.
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId("idImpactTable");
var header = tbl.$().find("thead");
var selectAllCb = header.find(".sapMCb");
var aItems = that.byId("idImpactTable").getItems();
//---> Check individual item property value and select the item
aItems.forEach(function(oItem) {
//---> If using OData Model items Binding, get the item object
var mObject = oItem.getBindingContext().getObject();
var sPath = oItem.getBindingContextPath();
var completed = oItem.oBindingContexts.impactModel.getProperty("COMPLETED");
//--->get the id of Multi Checkbox
var cb = oItem.$().find(".sapMCb");
var oCb = sap.ui.getCore().byId(cb.attr("id"));
if (completed === "X") {
} else {
Thank you,
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId('idImpactTable');
tbl.getItems().forEach(function(r) {
// this makes the trick --->
var oMultiSelCtrl = r.getMultiSelectControl();
oMultiSelCtrl.setDisplayOnly( true );

Sapui5: How can I preform an action on OPA5 then function?

I have a test journy that clicks a button and expects to a specific answer,
it works like this:
So after I click the button I want to see if I get the correct answer.
The thing is that I want an action that if it didn't find the answer it will click on another button
iSholdGetResponse: function (sAnswer) {
var modelAnswer;
return this.waitFor({
viewName: "Home",
matchers: function (oPage) {
var sExpectedObj = oPage.getModel("msgData").getData()['msgData'];
var sExpectedRes = sExpectedObj[sExpectedObj.length-1];
modelAnswer = sExpectedRes.Text.toLowerCase();
if(modelAnswer.indexOf(sAnswer.toLowerCase()) >= 0){
return true;
success: function (data) {
Opa5.assert.ok(true, "Answer Correct! (" +modelAnswer +")");
errorMessage: "Not expected answer"
So how can i trigger a click in matches property?
you have do it in separate test:
1.Test 1
2.Test 2

How to add row selection checkbox for ag-grid

Is there a way to have row selection checkbox for each row without configuring a special column for it? I mean to add propertie for my gridOptions and to see checkbox near each row, then to get all selected rows?
All the documentation I read is showing how to do it by adding it to specific column.
You can still have row selection without having a checkbox column - you can either simply have selection based on row selection, or have a column render with a checkbox in it (with a custom cell renderer).
Take a look at the Selection Documentation for more information about row selection, and at the Cell Rendering Documentation about cell rendering
I know it is too late to answer on this post. But It may help someone who look for solution still. It works with checkbox selection on each row (click anywhere on the row to select checkbox), shift/control and toggle selection. Here I have given only necessary code.
vm.gridOptions = {
appSpecific : {},
onRowClicked : onRowClicked,
onGridReady : function() {
let api = vm.gridApi = vm.gridOptions.api;
function toggleSelect(row) {
row.node.setSelected(!row.node.isSelected(), false);
function onRowClicked(row) {
var appSpecific = vm.gridOptions.appSpecific;
var lastSelectedRow = appSpecific.lastSelectedRow;
var shiftKey = row.event.shiftKey;
// if not modifier keys are clicked toggle row
if (!shiftKey) {
} else if (lastSelectedRow !== undefined) {
if (shiftKey) {
var startIndex, endIndex;
// Get our start and end indexes correct
if (row.rowIndex < lastSelectedRow.rowIndex) {
startIndex = row.rowIndex;
endIndex = lastSelectedRow.rowIndex;
else {
startIndex = lastSelectedRow.rowIndex;
endIndex = row.rowIndex;
// Select all the rows between the previously selected row and the
// newly clicked row
for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
vm.gridApi.selectIndex(i, true, true);
// Store the recently clicked row for future use
appSpecific.lastSelectedRow = row;
getSelection(); // Implement functionality to get selected rows

Can anybody help me to resolve ng-grid filtering in a multi row Grid

Here is the plunker:
I have created a multi row grid and I would like to filter the grid data for each column header.
If I put an input box outside the grid it is working fine. If I put an input box inside the column header filtering is not working
Please see the code and help me for this.
Use this filterBar plugin. (I cannot take credit for this, I do not remember where I found it.)
var filterBarPlugin = {
init: function(scope, grid) {
filterBarPlugin.scope = scope;
filterBarPlugin.grid = grid;
$scope.$watch(function() {
var searchQuery = "";
angular.forEach(filterBarPlugin.scope.columns, function(col) {
if (col.visible && col.filterText) {
var filterText = (col.filterText.indexOf('*') == 0 ? col.filterText.replace('*', '') : "^" + col.filterText) + ";";
searchQuery += col.displayName + ": " + filterText;
return searchQuery;
}, function(searchQuery) {
filterBarPlugin.scope.$parent.filterText = searchQuery;
scope: undefined,
grid: undefined,
Change your header cell input ng-model to: col.filterText
<input type="text" placeholder="MY NAME" ng-model="col.filterText" ng-change="activateFilter()"/>
Add plugin to gridOptions
plugins: [filterBarPlugin],
Updated Plunker: Plunker
I know this is old, but in case someone else ends up here...
Here is a google group thread discussing this:!topic/angular/lhu5Fbs97G4
and within that discussion you can find the following plnkr which does what you are wanting (and which I think the above answer references):

kendo-ui autocomplete extend

I'm trying to extend the kendo-ui autocomplete control: I want the search start when te user hit enter, so basically I've to check the user input on keydown event.
I've tried to catch the keydown event with this code:
(function($) {
ui = kendo.ui,
Widget = ui.Widget
var ClienteText = ui.AutoComplete.extend({
init: function(element,options) {
var that=this;, element, options);
$(this).bind('keydown',function(e){ console.log(1,e); });
$(element).bind('keydown',function(e){ console.log(2,e); });
options: {
[...list of my options...]
_keydown: function(e) {
None of the binded events gets called, only the _keydown, and then I'm doing something wrong and cannot call the autocomplete "normal" keydown event.
I've seen a lot of examples that extend the base widget and then create a composite widget, but I'm not interested in doing that, I only want to add a functionality to an existing widget.
Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you!
What about avoiding the extend and take advantage of build in options and methods on the existing control :
//create AutoComplete UI component
var complete = $("#countries").kendoAutoComplete({
dataSource: data,
filter: "startswith",
placeholder: "Select country...",
separator: ", ",
minLength: 50 // this is to be longer than your longest char
$("#countries").keypress(function (e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
complete.options.minLength = 1; // allow search$("#countries").val());
complete.options.minLength = 50; // stop the search again
This code actually work:
(function($) {
ui = kendo.ui,
ClienteText = ui.AutoComplete.extend({
init: function(element,options) {, element, options);
var kcontrol=$(this).data('kendoClienteText');
if (e.which === 13) {
} else {
options: {
name: 'ClienteText',
but I don't know if it's the correct way to do it.