GRAV CMS -- Featherlight.js won't work with Cardstack theme - plugins

So apparently Cardstack theme for Grav has a conflict with Featherlight.js lightbox plugin. With the default Antimatter theme the plugin works fine, but with Cardstack there seems to be no way to get it working.
I installed the plugin via GPM as usual, then copied the featherlight.yaml file from user/plugins/featherlight/featherlight.yaml into user/config/plugins/featherlight.yaml and set active: true.
I then provided the markdown with ![image](image.jpg?lightbox=1024,800&resize=200,200) but nothing happens when you click the image.
We're able to use UI kit's lightbox (Cardstack is built on UIkit) with HTML. For example:
<a href="/user/pages/" data-uk-lightbox title="Mountains"> works, but we need a solution using Markdown. This is because, we're building a site where users post an image with a Markdown file with their name and other information. Asking users to write a lengthy HTML-link would be too demanding and prone to spelling errors.
I already posted about this on the Grav forum and it got one reply telling to open a issue on the Cardstack theme's github, which I did, but I haven't gotten any replies and the guy who built the theme hasn't been active for almost a month.


TYPO3 11.5.21 error: TypoScript settings missing Unable to find TypoScript settings for module

yes, it's me with a further, maybe stupid question. I'm very new in TYPO3, I just started working with it. I know some programming languages but no typoscript. Therefore I'm working with the bootstrap package first.
I made some forms with TYPO3 core and so far everything was fine but there wasn't any possibility to customize the email (to sender). Therefore I first installed "Form: Mailtexts via plugin" but afterwards the form was not working anymore and I deleted it and everything was fine again.
After some research I have found powermail for creating forms with loads of cool functions.
So, I read four different tutorials about making forms in powermail and it's not working at all.
As far as I can evaluate the problem, I would guess that the last step is the problem, placing the content on the page.
After loading the page with the powermail elements an error message is shown
"TypoScript settings are missing. Did you include the related static templates? No form to show"
Of course I googled this error message and found this post
In this post they include "fluid content elements" and "Event management and registration" extension and so did I. A new icon in the backend popped up "Events". Selecting this icon a further error message is shown:
"TypoScript settings missing Unable to find TypoScript settings for module. Please make sure, you have included the static TypoScript for the extension."
The page with the powermail elements is empty now, i.e. no more error message but it's also not working at all.
Please, does anyone understand what's going on here? I'm devastated :-(
Many thanks in advance for your kind help!
I tried to solve the problem by internet research and experiments
The plugin of powermail just informed you, that basic configuration is missing. The configuration is given via TypoScript and of course powermail brings some default configuration with it.
You now have to include them. You can do it by opening your default TypoScript template, change to the tab "Includes" and select "Main Template (powermail)". Save your template and reload your frontend.

Embedding YouTube Videos in Silverstripe - Strips Fullscreen and Rel=0

I'm trying to embed YouTube videos onto my Silverstripe site, using the page editor. We're having problems with two different ways of embedding.
Editor's Insert Media:
When I click the editor's "Insert Media" button I choose "From the web" and paste in the YouTube URL. However I need to hide related videos, so to do this we need to add "&rel=0" to the end of the URL. When I do this the "Insert Media" option doesn't work.
So instead I tried to use the embed code provided by Google. I went to he text editor and inserted it. The iframe works, however the editor strips off the "allowfullscreen" tag from the iframe - which means users cannot watch the video in full screen.
So I either have to show related videos, which I don't want to do. Or I need to block users from being able to watch it in full screen mode - which again I don't want to do.
We're running on Silverstripe 3.3.
Is there any way to stop Silverstripe from stripping the allowfullscreen tag? Or to have Silverstripe still process the YouTube URL if we put rel=0 on the end?
Alternatively, does anyone know if this has this been solved in 3.4, 3.5 or 3.6?
Before posting this I have done over 45 mins of thorough searching for an answer, including through Silverstripe forums (which are now discontinued), here on Stackoverflow and the Google group. Plus I worked my way through a number of the change logs of 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 for anything related to iframes and YouTube, but was not able to find things specific to this problem.
The TinyMCE editor in a different CMS I use does not strip out the allowfullscreen tag from iframes. So it seems specific to Silverstripe's implementation of the editor.
Direct answer to your question would be to amend the tinymce config to include more attributes for the frame by setting the "extended_valid_elements"
Alternative way would be to introduce new shortcode :
Latter would be more user safe to some extend.

TYPO3: Custom options for "insert plugin" in backend

I am learning TYPO3 and extensions, for now, I've created a test extension about image uploading, handling and showing.
I have done the Backend for upload a new image, show a list, and edit image properties (once selected). This part is already implemented and working.
Now I am missing the "include" part, I mean, to insert an image in page via Insert Plugin on BackEnd.
My problem: When I select insert plugin, and I manually select my registered plugin, I want to render there a fluid template with options, image list, and so.
These options are for the user to select an image, a size, and so, for it to be shown in selected page.
I don't know which method have typo3 for showing templates in that part, so I am requesting a hint from where to config a template to be used there by TYPO3.
Note: This is not about asking implementations, just a hint to start and implement it myself.
You should not code that on your own.
I guess you are looking for TCA. In special for your Plugin you are looking for "flexforms". I guess this wiki page can help you get started with some examples.

Wordpress Cusutom Page, With PHP,js html and css

How can I implement a full html,php,js and css page into a wordpress page?
I have a app.php that has a text box, when You press enter it displays the text with a php echo. With the users profile picture from Facebook.
How Can I inset/implement that into a WordPress page?
HTML/PHP: The simplest way may just be to create an extra template in your theme. You can view WordPress template hierarchy here: Template Hierarchy
JS/CSS: If the JavaScript and CSS makes the most sense to be embedded (it usually does!), you can use hooks and actions in a simple plugin (or potentially your functions.php page) to include the JavaScript and CSS you need.
Note: I have not personally used functions.php (found in your theme files) to call these sorts of hooks, but I assume it would work just fine.
If you are using a theme that constantly receives updates, it is worth building a plugin to do the job. If not, it's easiest to just modify the theme.
There are two options as far as I know. First one is that you embed the code directly into your posts, and install the plugin called PHP execution. Second, try to create your own page template, and place your own code in the template. then you can create a page in the dashboard and select the template.

joomla tinymce editor problem

hi i am using joomla 1.5 for my site.
in this i fetched the problem of tinymce editor when i clicked on any article the image button are not shown. when i clicked on edit html source button It showing only “{$lang_theme_code_title}” on the Title bar and all body is blank.
so plz help me to resolved out from this problem.
thanks in advance
You should consider trying the JCE editor instead of trying to debug Tinymce. I'm running JCE error free on over 40 sites. It has a superior image manager, link manager, and code view. It installs easily and is highly configurable. The only caveat is that you should disable the Joomla insert image, page break, and read more buttons as JCE has those built in.
See this thread:
Try adding www. to your domain. Most often this is the problem.
I searched joomla project for vars $lang_theme_code_title... and related... There are not. Looked at Tinymce editor, it has javascript driven language file...
Most likely problem is cause by JavaScript. Try using different browser (firefox or chrome).
I read info on some other forums, some claim that temporarily disabling the antivirus solved the problem. I don't think that this will work, but you can try.
If none of this helps, you will need to give more information. Load firefox with firebug and see the NET tab for JavaScript files and Ajax Requests, most likely you'll find something interesting there (i think 500 Error)