Having a Ref to a previous state in Hypermedia capable API - rest

In a Hypermedia capable REST API, consider a non browser client needs to access a resource Model-A. Typically we would have an entry point and then a ref to get models and then another ref to access the particular model.
But what if after checking the received model, we need to go back and check another model say Model-B ? In that case, wouldn't it be better to have a ref to the previous state ?
For an example, take an API for a toy store.
First we would get a root link to list down all the toys.(May be a search with a criteria.) With the response, we would get a set of Toy representation with links to access them.
If I choose, say a train and then want to select something else, need to follow through from the start.


Is it a good practice to use 'createModel' in REST?

I'm looking for a best way for implementing an endpoint of REST-full application that will be responsible for creating a new library orders. Let's assume that I have the following resources.
If I want to get all books of a particular author I can use the next endpoint:
If I want to fetch all orders of a particular book I can use the endpoint provided below:
My question is what will be the most suitable URL and a request model for an endpoint that will create orders?
From my perspective it can be
And one more question. Is it a good practice in REST to use request models like CreateOrder? If I want to create a REST-full web application can I use the following request model:
class CreateOrder
AuthorId: number;
BookId: number;
ClientId: number;
Sometimes it makes me confused. Should request models look like our resources or not?
Let's assume that I have the following resources.
Your "resources" look suspiciously like "tables". Resources are closer to (logical) documents about information.
what will be the most suitable URL and a request model for an endpoint that will create orders
For the most part, it doesn't matter what URL you use to create orders. In a hypermedia application (think HTML), I'm going to submit a "form", and the meta data associated with that form are going to describe for the client how to compose a request from the form data.
So the human, or the code, that is manipulating the form doesn't need to know anything about the URL (when is the last time that you looked to see where Google was actually sending your search?)
As far as general purpose web components are concerned, the URL/URI is just an opaque identifier - they don't care what the spelling means.
A thing they do care about is whether the spelling is the same as something that they have cached. One of the consequences of a successful POST /x message is that the cached representation(s) of /x are invalidated.
So if you like, you can think about which cached document should be refreshed when an order is created, and send the request to the identifier for that document.
Should request models look like our resources or not?
It's not necessary. Again, think about the web -- what would the representation of create order look like if you were POSTing form data?
or maybe
If the "who is creating an order" is answered using the authorization headers.
In our HTTP requests and responses, we are fundamentally sending message representations - sequences of bytes that conform to some schema. There's no particular reason that those sequences of bytes must, or must not, be the same as those we use elsewhere in the implementation.
Your end-point does not need to always start with /books. You can introduce another end-point /orders for creating or getting orders. So , to create an order , you can :
And does the 'request model' that you mean is the HTTP request body structure ? If yes, it does not need to be 100% match with your back-end persisted/domain model. Just include enough parameters that the server needs to know in order to create an order. (e.g. Include bookId rather than the whole book object etc.)
BTW , to get all books for a particular author , it is more common to use query parameter such as :
What you are doing is not REST, it is CRUD over HTTP. REST does not care about your URI structures and resources are very far from database tables. If CRUD is all you need, then download a CRUD generator library https://github.com/search?q=crud+generator&type=Repositories, which will generate all the upper and you won't need to write it manually.

REST API with segmented/path ID

I am trying to design a REST API for a system where the resources are essentially identified by path-like addresses with varying numbers of segments. For example, a "Schema" resource could be represented on the file system as follows:
The file-system path /Resources/Schemas/ is the root folder for all Schemas, and everything below this is entirely user defined (as far as folder depth and folder naming). So, in the example above, the particular Schema would be uniquely identified by the following address (since "MySchema27" by itself would not necessarily be unique):
What would be the best way to refer to a resource like this in a REST API?
If I have a /schemas collection my REST URL could be:
Would that be a reasonable approach? Are there better ways of handling this?
I could, potentially, do a 2-step approach where the client would first have to search for a Schema using the Schema address (in URL parameters or in the request body), which would then return a unique ID that could then be used with a more traditional /schemas/{id} design. Not sure that I like that, though, especially since it would mean tracking a separate ID for each resource. Thoughts? Thanks.
The usual way to add a resource to your "folder" /Resources/Schemas/ is to make a POST request on it with the body of this POST request containing a representation of the resource to add, then the server will take care of finding the next free {id} and and setting the new resource to /Resources/Schemas/{id}.
Another approach is to, as you said, make a GET request on /Resources/Schemas/new which would return the next free {id}, and then, make a second request PUT directly on /Resources/Schemas/{id}. However this second approach is not as secure as the first since two simultaneous request could lead to the same new {id} returned and so the second PUT would erase the first. You can secure this with some sort of reservation mechanism.
This is called as Resource Based URI approach for building REST services . Follow these wonderful set of video tutorials to understand more about them and learn how to implement too . https://javabrains.io/courses/javaee_jaxrs

Designing a REST api by URI vs query string

Let's say I have three resources that are related like so:
Grandparent (collection) -> Parent (collection) -> and Child (collection)
The above depicts the relationship among these resources like so: Each grandparent can map to one or several parents. Each parent can map to one or several children. I want the ability to support searching against the child resource but with the filter criteria:
If my clients pass me an id reference to a grandparent, I want to only search against children who are direct descendants of that grandparent.
If my clients pass me an id reference to a parent, I want to only search against children who are direct descendants of my parent.
I have thought of something like so:
GET /myservice/api/v1/grandparents/{grandparentID}/parents/children?search={text}
GET /myservice/api/v1/parents/{parentID}/children?search={text}
for the above requirements, respectively.
But I could also do something like this:
GET /myservice/api/v1/children?search={text}&grandparentID={id}&parentID=${id}
In this design, I could allow my client to pass me one or the other in the query string: either grandparentID or parentID, but not both.
My questions are:
1) Which API design is more RESTful, and why? Semantically, they mean and behave the same way. The last resource in the URI is "children", effectively implying that the client is operating on the children resource.
2) What are the pros and cons to each in terms of understandability from a client's perspective, and maintainability from the designer's perspective.
3) What are query strings really used for, besides "filtering" on your resource? If you go with the first approach, the filter parameter is embedded in the URI itself as a path parameter instead of a query string parameter.
Something to note, is that since you use GET in your above examples,
dependant on the end user browser settings, proxy settings or other calling applications internal settings,
the response is likely to be cached somewhere on the message route, and the original request message may never actually reach your API layer where the most recent data is accessed.
so first, you may want to review your requirement of using the verb GET.
If you want your API to return the most recent data every time, then don't use GET, or if you still want to use GET, then require the caller to append a random number to the end of the url, to decrease the likely hood of caching.
or get the client to send the verb PURGE, after every GET.
this proxy caching behaviour that is present across the internet, in browsers, and server architectures is where REST fails for me, since caching of GET can be very useful but only sometimes.
stick to basic querystrings if you want to make it really simple for the end developer and caching of responses offers no problems for you,
just use POST and forget about this tiresome REST argument

architectural design for REST API with views across resources

Looking for some input on a REST API architectural design. I often find that the desired data is the combination of a view across multiple resources. Would you expect the client to combine them, or provide an API that does the combination for the client?
For example, let's say we are writing a REST API for people to become notified about events. Someone will indicate interest in an event in one of 2 ways:
Join an organization that regularly puts on events that the person has interest in
Search for and then mark a particular event run by an organization I wouldn't normally subscribe to
I can retrieve all of the events for user 100 by doing the following long steps:
GET /user/100/organizations returns 123
GET /organizations/123/events returns [15,16,20]
GET /user/100/savedevents returns [35,36]
GET /events/15,16,20,35,36 returns all of the events
But that seems rather heavy for a client. I almost want a client to be able to say, "give me all of the interesting events for this user":
GET /user/100/events
...and then require the server to understand that it has to go through all of steps 1-4 and return them, or, at the very least, return [15,16,20,35,36] so it becomes 2 steps: get event IDs; get event details.
Does this even make sense, to make a view that cuts across multiple resources that way?
EDIT: To explain further. My hesitation is because I can see how /organizations/123/events is a clean resource; if is identical to saying /events?organizations=123, i.e. "give me resource events where organizations=123". Same for /user/100/organizations.
But /user/100/events is not "give me resource events where organizations=123". It is "give me organizations registrations where user=100, retrieve those organization ids, then give me the events where the organization=123, then give me savedevents where user=100."
Each of the three steps itself is a clean resource mapping. Putting them together seems messy. But so does asking a client (especially a Web client), to figure out all that logic!
I was a bit confused by your question, so I'll try to be as comprehensive as possible and hopefully I'll have hit on an answer you need =P.
I often find that the desired data is the combination of a view across
multiple resources. Would you expect the client to combine them, or
provide an API that does the combination for the client?
In a true RESTful environment all cross-sectional views of data would be done by the server, not by the client.
The primary reason for a RESTful design is allow access to the CRUD model (create, read, update, delete) by way of using standard HTTP verbs (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). Storing the returns of these methods in some sort of session or cookie or otherwise external method (e.g. "give me data for bob", "give me data on businesses", "give me data from my first two queries") goes above and beyond the REST methodology.
The way you'll want to leverage RESTful development is to find ways of combining resources in meaningful ways so as to provide a RESTful environment where the method calls are consistent; GET reads data, POST creates data, PUT updates data, DELETE deletes data).
So if you wanted to do something like Steps 1 through 4 I'd recommend something like:
GET /user/{userID}/organizations --> {return all affiliated organizations}
GET /user/{userID}/events --> {return all events associated with userID}
GET /organizations/{organization}/events --> {returns all eventID's assoc. with organization}
GET /user/{userID}/savedevents --> {return all eventID's userID saved to their profile}
GET /events/?eventID=(15,16,20,35,36) --> {return all of the events details for those eventID's}
GET /events/{eventID}--> {return events details for {eventID}}
Whereas you might also have:
GET /events/ --> {return a complete listing of all event ID's}
GET /events/{userID} --> {return all events userID is associated with}
POST /event/ --> {create a new event - ID is assigned by the server}
POST /user/ --> {create a new user - ID is assigned by the server}
PUT /user/{userID} --> {update/modify user information}
Then if you want cross-sectional slices of information, you would have a named resource for the cross section (else pass it as arguments). Be explicit with your resources (Random FYI, name your resources as nouns only - not verbs).
You also asked:
To explain further. My hesitation is because I can see how
/organizations/123/events is a clean resource; if is identical to
saying /events?organizations=123, i.e. "give me resource events where
organizations=123". Same for /user/100/organizations.
Essentially both the named resourced and the resource + argument method can provide the same information. Typically I have seen RESTful design API call for arguments only when an important delineation is required (range requests, date requests, some REALLY small unit of data, etc.). If you have some higher-order grouping of data that CAN BE parsed/introspected further then it's a named resource. In your example, I'd have it both API calls, as the RESTful spec calls for providing data via multiple paths and by way of using the established HTTP methods. However, I'd also expand a bit...
/events?organizations=123 --> {return the eventID's associated with org=123}
/organizations/123/events --> {return event DETAILS for events associated with org=123}
Have a read/go at this, by Apigee
There may be several ways to solve this... however, I think that most of the times (if the service is managed by the same provider) it is better to have the logic on the server-side and make REST calls as independent as possible of each other (i.e., the server performing the multiple operations required - normally read data from DBs that are store the data handled in the API resources).
In the example you talk about this would mean your REST API would expose a "user" resource and a sub-resource "events" (which you call "savedevents") he is interested in. With this in mind you would have something like this:
POST /user/{username}/events stores a new event (or multiple events) the user is interested in
GET /user/{username}/events returns all the events the user is interested in
GET /user/{username}/events/{eventid} returns details of a specific event
To "filter" user events per organization (and other filtering operations) you can use "query parameters":
GET /user/{username}/events?organization=123
So, the server (or API call) would perform the operations you describe from step 1 to step 4 in the GET /user/{username}/events. You can still make the other resources ("organizations" and "events") in your API, however they would be used in other contexts (like store new events or organizations, etc.).

What is the prefered REST url pattern of requesting a object that is part of a collection?

We have REST API with a collection of channels. When requesting a channel, should I use the channels collection endpoint or channel object endpoint?
/channels/{id}/ // this?
/channel/{id}/ // or this?
I want this to work as seamless with backbone.js as possible when it comes to backbone model URL attribute.
Most books about restful API's suggest that you use the singular for your endpoint. You get the collection from there as well as operations on single instances of the collection.
GET /channel -> List of channels
GET /channel/{id} -> Gets a channel
POST /channel -> Creates a new channel
PUT /channel/{id} -> Updates an existing channel
and so on. Nevertheless for Backbone this makes no difference as you can customize the URL behavior as you wish.
The / on the end should not make a difference for preference (too confusing for users if it does!) and while you can use singular or plural as you choose, be consistent throughout your app and make the individuals children of the collection. Think of the collection as being like a directory of individuals.
At some point its really just preference. Some people argue the definition of REST apis should always be plural. Mainly I always get annoyed with /channel being a list, so I naturally gravitate to treating everything in the plural /channels. Which is backwards from what they tell you to do in table design: treat everything as a singular. At the end of the day, just being consistent will make many people that use your apis happy.