eclipse can't create tomcat8 server - eclipse

I have ubuntu 15.10 on my computer and I have installed eclipse mars. I would like to create a web project but I can't load the server.
I have installed both tomcat 7 and 8 but if I go on Server Tab and click on Create new Server, I have this: it doesn't allow me neither to insert a server name nor click on finish.

I put this in today:
(For me it works with Tomcat 7 - but I would like to use Tomcat 8 :-) )
And I found a workaround:
Eclipse - Add Server - Next Button is disabled when I select a specific Tomcat (e.g tomcat8)


How to add Glassfish 5.0 server in Netbeans 8.2

We have a java application on netbeans that's using Glassfish server 4.1. We recently conducted a scan we got recommendation that we should update Glassfish server to the latest version because v4.1 has vulnerability issues. I download Glassfish server 5.0 which in zip, I unzipped and navigate inside the folders. I'am able to reach the admin console localhost:4848 but when I tried adding Glassfish server from tools in netbeans it tells me that not a valid Glassfish server installation. Checked everywhere online couldn't find a solution to this, I don't know how to go about this, could anybody help please???
Rather than research and guess what your specific problem might be, it is far easier just to start over since the entire process of downloading and configuring Glassfish 5 in NetBeans 8.2 only takes a couple of minutes.
Step 1:
Tools > Add Server
Select GlassFish Server, enter a suitable name in the Name field and click Next >
Step 2
On the Add Server Instance screen, click the Browse... button.
Navigate to your existing Glassfish 5 installation and select the top level directory, and click Choose.
Step 3
Having done that you should see a message stating "Detected a Glassfish Server 5.0 install..." as shown in the screen shot below.
If you don't see that message (and apparently you are getting "Not a valid GlassFish Server installation.") then simply download Glassfish 5 again, unzip it to a new directory, and use that installation instead.
Click the check box for "I have read and accept..." and click Next >.
Step 4
Accept the default values for the Domain Location settings and click Finish.
Step 5
Now open Tools > Servers and select the server you just added. The screen should look similar to this:
I just tried this and it worked fine using NetBeans 8.2, Oracle Glassfish 5 and JDK 8.

Combine Eclipse Juno and GlassFish server

I am using Eclipse Juno and installed GlassFish Server 3.1.2 on Windows 7 under C:\glassfish3. Glassfish is running fine and I am able to visit the admin panel under localhost:4848/common/index.jsf. Morevoer I am able to deploy a war file and can start the application. My external GlassFish-server seems ok!
If I want to add a new Server to my Eclipse Juno environment I come to a screen where I can pick a GlassFish variant and afterwards I need to set a JRE and an Application Server Directory. I can't set a path for the Application Server Directory that my eclipse wizard lets me finish the configuration. Thanks in advance for further information!
UPDATE: I got this error message in the wizard after setting the application server directory path to C:\glassfish3\glassfish like it is proposed here:
There is no valid GlassFish installation in the specified directory. Click the Install Server button to download and install to that directory.

Eclipse + JBoss Tools won't run webapp to configured JBoss AS

I am using Eclipse 3.7.2 with JBoss Tools 3.3 under Ubuntu 12 and have configured a locally installed copy of JBoss AS 7.1.1 in Eclipse under "Preferences::Server::Runtime" Environments.
However, when trying to run a Java EE application by double-clicking on the project or an .xhtml page I only see "Run As / Run" on Server as an option and I get an HTTP 404 from Apache Tomcat/7.0.26 at localhost:8080. That is, it seems like Eclipse is trying to deploy to a Tomcat server as opposed to the JBoss AS I have configured in "Preferences::Server::Runtime" and I don't get an option like "Run on JBoss" or anything. When I export my application as a war and manually deploy to JBoss AS the app runs fine.
The idea is to add your application to a specific server that you have configured. Additionally; just adding the server runtime isn't enough.
You need to open the Servers view, and from there right click on the background and select New, and then Server. If you choose JBoss Community -> JBoss AS 7.1 here, you can select your previously created Server runtime in the Server runtime environment, or optionally create a new one.
Then comes the mental twist that you need to make. In WTP you don't use the Run As command, but instead right click the server in the Servers view (default name should be JBoss 7.1 Runtime Server, and select Add and Remove. Select one or more applications from your workspace that you would like to run on your server. Click finish when done.
Now right click again on your server, and choose either Start or Debug.

Unable to add installed Glassfish 3.1 to Netbeans 7.0

I recently migrated to Netbeans 7.0(with glassfish 3.1) from 6.9(with glassfish 3.0). After that glassfish server ran just for the first time and when I restarted netbeans, since then, it doesnt show glassfish in the servers list.
Now when I am trying to add my already installed server to netbeans, on pointing to installation location of server, it says C:\Program Files\glassfish-3.1(my glassfish installation directory) does not have a usable default domain.
Then on selecting : Register Local Domain it asks for:
Enter the path to a directory that will contain a new domain.
On selecting any directory, it says : Unsupported domain at C:\Program Files\glassfish-3.1; Admin-listener is disabled or no enabled http-listener
How do I rectify this and add Glassfish support to my netbeans 7.0 ?
I just had the exact same problem and I managed to solve it this way:-
Just run NetBeans as Administrator & try again repeating your steps, everything will work!
I think that NetBeans doesn't have a right to create folders outside of it's own if you don't run it as an Administrator.
This issue also occurred for me in UNIX using GlassFish 4.1.1.
My fix involved gaining write privileges to my GlassFish folder (located for me in /usr/local/glassfish-4.1.1). This can be done by using the chmod command, which requires sudo access if not the owner.
I had same issue but this time Netbeans 8 with Glassfish 4.x win7, the way I solved it is below:
No need to run netbeans as administrator.
No need to dowload the Glassfish zip file, you'll dowload through netbeans IDE.
-create a dir where you'll place your glassfish installation files. In my case (win7) is:
-Enter glassfish ide, go to Services / Servers / Add Server
-when Netbeans request your GlassFish location, browse the one we created above.
-select "Remote Domain"
-mark "I have read and accept licence agreement"
-press "Download" and select glasfish 4, ok.
this should start dowloading the Glasfish Server, just complete configurations steps.
This happens when Java EE is not activated in the IDE. In the Services window, the Servers node is then empty. The node allows to add a new server, and in the process activates Java EE. Now when trying to register, the IDE discovers that it already has the selected server, refusing to register it twice. Just cancel and use the existing server in the refreshed Servers node.

eclipse - add tomcat

I want to add a tomcat server to eclipse.
I follow these instructions:
firstly, In Sever tabs I right click and there's New > Server
I select tomcat 7 and leave the other options default, which are host name, name, runtime environment. Here, I would expect to be prompted to specify installation path - like c:\tomcat or anything
I click finish
There's error popup - Could not load server configuration at conf.....
Thanks for helping me...
Probably missing JST Server Adapters from WTP available from eg.
Cft. Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments
Worked for me. Was getting the same Could not load server configuration at conf message with Eclipse 3.7 Indigo (ColdFusion IDE).
Installed Tomcat 6 on Win 7.
Stop any Tomcat instances running.
Define a new server, choosing Tomcat 6.
Click Configure runtime environments...
Remove any environments.
Click Seach...
Point to Tomcat dir: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
(Should find it) Then click OK and Finish.
Start Tomcat from Eclipse.
FYI, Glassfish wasn't working for me in Eclipse so I went with Tomcat.