Scratch - How can I make something like a for loop? - mit-scratch

In a traditional programming language, I would do:
for (int i = 0; i == 5; i++) {
code here
If I needed to loop something five times, I could just use the block repeat 5. But if I want to do something like this:
for (int i = 0; i == 5; i++) {
if (i >= 3) {
//Repeat piece of code after 3rd loop
//Repeated 5 times normally
How can I achieve something like this?

Something like this, just create variable and put it inside repeat loop:

Actually, there is already one!
It is called the foreach block, and works just like a for loop.
It was removed from the block listing in the early Scratch 2.0 beta, and not many people know about it, but here is a working example on the Scratch website: For each v in number. Note that it doesn't use %m.list internally (i.e. it doesn't show a dropdown of all the variables), so you have to change the JSON of the project with something like ScratchEdit (or a text editor) if you want to pick a variable other than v.


Unity - Everything freezes on " yield return new WaitForSeconds(); "?

Ok! all of my code in this scene is in one script and one manager object.
all of it is about 700 lines. so I can't put it here.
I tested different things:
1) switch platform from android to
2) test on a previous version
of unity( previous 2017, and current
on is 2018.1 )
none of them solve the problem.
then I change some part of the code that I suspected to cause the problem. ( none of them solve the solution ).
then I started to put Debug.Log()s everywhere. so I found where it freezes.
Here Is the code:
IEnumerator ShowSigns(int Button1State, int EqualState, int Button2State)
if (Button1State == 1)
OperationOneCorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
else if (Button1State == 2)
OperationOneIncorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
if (EqualState == 1)
EqualCorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
else if (EqualState == 2)
EqualIncorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
if (Button2State == 1)
OperationTwoCorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
else if (Button2State == 2)
OperationTwoIncorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
OperationOneCorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
OperationOneIncorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
EqualCorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
EqualIncorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
OperationTwoCorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
OperationTwoIncorrectSign.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
state = GameState.CreateNewProblem;
I found that it freezes on this:
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
Very strange!!!
This is a picture of the game.
The game is a simple game that shows 2 math phrase and player should choose the bigger or equal.
The logic is this way:
1) make new phrases and change the game state to "ChooseAnswer"
2) player press one of 3 buttons and the answer checked and score and other things changes and the ShowSigns coroutine will start and ends after 0.3 seconds. and as you see at the end of the coroutine state changes to "CreateNewProblem".
3) in the Update when CreateNewProblem detects, the code call for the NewProblem() function to make new phrases and at the end of that game state changes to "ChooseAnswer".
this logic repeats over and over until time reaches zero.
a "step" variable increase and decrease by 1 by any correct and incorrect answer. and a variable level = steps/10 determines the difficulty of phrases.
the game works correctly on %98 click On buttons. but usually, it freezes somewhere after step 20. In 21, 23, 27, 34 ... very randomly. but always after 20 and some time no freeze until time ends. and always right before yield return. exactly at the same line.
I read many questions and answers but none of them was helpful. I have no while loop, no while(true), as long as I know and check my code no infinite loop, on StopAllCoroutines ... nothing. and I stuck for 2 days.
thanks all of you for helping.
OH,and Here Is the code file
The cause of the freezing is using Random.Range to control a while loop which is in the code linked in your question. One way to get random number without using the while loop is to generate them into List then remove each one you use. This should prevent Random.Range from freezing Unity.

Script is taking 11 - 20 seconds to lookup up an item in an 18,000 row data set

I have two Google sheets workbooks.
One is the "master" source of lookup data with a key based on manufacturer item #, which could be anything from 1234 to A-01/234-Name_1. This sheet, referenced via SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl, has 18,000 rows and 13 columns. The key column has been converted to plain text and the sheet is sorted by this column.
The second is the "template" where people enter item #s that they need to look up against the master, typically 20 - 1500 items at a time.
The script is in the template. It is very slow and routinely times out after 30 minutes. It was written by someone else and I am new to App Script, but I think I've managed to understand what the script is doing and where the bottleneck is occurring.
It does a bunch of stuff, but this is the meat of the lookup:
var numrows = master.getDataRange().getNumRows();
var masterdata = master.getDataRange().getValues();
var itemnumberlist = template.getDataRange().getValues();
var retreiveddata = [];
// iterate through the manf item number list to find all matches in the
// master and return those matches to another sheet
for (i = 1; i < template.getDataRange().getValues().length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numrows; j++) {
if (masterdata[j][1].toString() === itemnumberlist[i][1].toString()) {
I used Logger.log() to determine that each time through the i loop is taking 11 - 19 seconds, which just seems insane.
I've been doing some google searching and I've tried a couple of different things...
First I tried moving the writing of found data out of the for loop so the script would be doing all of its reading first and then writing in one big chunk, but I couldn't get it exactly right. My two attempts are below.
var mycounter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < template.getDataRange().getValues().length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numrows; j++) {
if (masterdata[j][0].toString() === itemnumberlist[i][0].toString()) {
mycounter = mycounter + 1;
// Attempt 1
// var myrange = retreiveddata.length;
// for(k = 0; k < myrange; k++) {
// anothersheet.appendRow(retreiveddata.pop([k]);
// }
//Attempt 2
var myotherrange = anothersheet.getRange(2,1,myothercounter, 13)
I can't remember for sure, because this was on Friday, but I think both attempts resulted in the script trying to write the entire master file into "anothersheet".
So I temporarily set this aside and decided to try something else. I was trying to recreate the issue in a couple of sample spreadsheets, but I was unable to do so. The same script is getting through my 15,000 row sample "master" file in less than 1 second per lookup. The only thing I can think of is that I used a random number as my key instead of a weird text string.
That led me to think that maybe I could use a hash algorithm on both the master data and the values to be looked up, but this is presenting a whole other set of issues.
I borrowed these functions from another forum post:
function GetMD5Hash(value) {
var rawHash = Utilities.computeDigest(Utilities.DigestAlgorithm.MD5,
var txtHash = '';
for (j = 0; j <rawHash.length; j++) {
var hashVal = rawHash[j];
if (hashVal < 0)
hashVal += 256;
if (hashVal.toString(16).length == 1)
txtHash += "0";
txtHash += hashVal.toString(16);
return txtHash;
function RangeGetMD5Hash(input) {
if ( { // Test whether input is an array.
return; // Recurse over array if so.
} else {
return GetMD5Hash(input)
It literally took me all day to get the hash value for all 18,000 item #s in my master spreadsheet. Neither GetMD5Hash nor RangeGetMD5Hash will return a value consistently. I can only do a few rows at a time. Sometimes I get "Loading..." indefinitely. Sometimes I get "#Name" with a message about GetMD5Hash being undefined (despite the fact that it worked on the previous row). And sometimes I get "#Error" with a message about an internal error.
This method actually reduces the lookup time of each item to 2 - 3 seconds (much better, but not great). However, I can't get the hash function to consistently work on the input data.
At this point I'm so frustrated and behind on my other work that I thought I'd reach out to the smart people on these forums and hope for some sort of miracle response.
To summarize, I'm looking for suggestions on these three items:
What am I doing wrong in my attempt to move the write out of the for loop?
Is there a way to get my hash value faster or utilize a different method to accomplish the same goal?
What else can I try to help speed up the script?
Any suggestions you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
It sounds like you hit on the right approach with attempting to move the appendRow() call out of the loop. Anytime you are reading or writing to a spreadsheet you can expect the individual call to take 1 to 2 seconds, so this will eat up a lot of time when you get matches. Storing the matches in an array and writing them all at once is the way to go.
Another thing I notice is that your script calls getValues() in the actual for loop condition statement. The condition statement is executed each time on each iteration of the loop, so this is potentially wasting a lot of time even when you don't have matches.
A final tweak that may be helpful depending on your desired behaviour. You can stop the inner for loop after it finds the first match, which, if you only care about the first match or know there will only be one match, will save you a lot of iterations. To do this, put "break" immediately after the retreiveddata.push(masterdata[j]); line.
To fix the getValues issue, Change:
for (i = 1; i < template.getDataRange().getValues().length; i++) {
for (i = 1; i < itemnumberlist.length; i++) {
And that fix along with the appendRow issue, and including the break call:
for (i = 1; i < itemnumberlist.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numrows; j++) {
if (masterdata[j][0].toString() === itemnumberlist[i][0].toString()) {
break; //stop searching after first match, move on to next item
//make sure you have data to write before trying to write it.
if(retreiveddata.length > 0){
var myotherrange = anothersheet.getRange(2,1,retreiveddata.length, retreiveddata[0].length);
If you are re-using the same sheet for "anothersheet" on each execution, you may also want to call anothersheet.clear() to erase any existing data before you write your fresh results.
I would pass on the hashing approach altogether, comparing strings is comparing strings, so whether they are hashes or actual part numbers I wouldn't expect a significant difference.

c-style for statement deprecated with a twist

I've been coding for about 2 years, but I am still terrible at it. Any help would be much appreciated. I have been using the following code to set my background image parameters, after updating to Xcode 7.3 I got the warning 'C-Style statement is deprecated and will be removed':
for var totalHeight:CGFloat = 0; totalHeight < 2.0 * Configurations.sharedInstance.heightGame; totalHeight = totalHeight + backgroundImage.size.height {...}
Just to clarify, I have looked at a few other solutions/examples, I have noticed that one workaround is to use the for in loop, however, I just can't seem to wrap my head around this one and everything I have tried does not seem to work. Again, any help would be much appreciated.
A strategy that always works is to convert your for loop into a while loop along the lines of this pattern:
for a; b; c {
// do stuff
// can be written as:
a // set up
while b { // condition
// do stuff
c // post-loop action
So in this case, your for loop could be written as:
var totalHeight: CGFloat = 0
while totalHeight < 2.0 * Configurations.sharedInstance.heightGame {
// totalHeight = totalHeight + backgroundImage.size.height can be
// written slightly more succinctly as:
totalHeight += backgroundImage.size.height
But you're right, the preferred solution when possible is to use for in instead.
for in is a bit different to the C-style for or while. You don't control the loop variable directly yourself. Instead, the language will loop over any values produced by a "sequence". A sequence is any type that conforms to a protocol (SequenceType) that can create a generator that will serve that sequence up one by one. Lots of things are sequences – arrays, dictionaries, index ranges.
There's a kind of sequence called a stride that you could use to solve this particular problem using for in. Strides are a bit like ranges that increment more flexibly. You specify a "by" value that is the amount to vary by each time around:
for totalHeight in 0.stride(to: 2.0 * Configurations.sharedInstance.heightGame,
by: backgroundImage.size.height) {
// use totalHeight just the same as with the C-style for loop
Note, there are two ways of striding, to: (up to but not including, like if you'd used <), and through: (up to and including, like <=).
One of the benefits you get with a for in loop is that the loop variable doesn't need to be declared with var. Instead, each time around the loop you get a fresh new immutable (i.e. constant) variable, which can help avoid some subtle bugs, especially with closure variable capture.
You still need the while form occasionally (for example there's no built-in type that allows you to double a counter each time around), but for much everyday use there's a neat (and hopefully more readable) way of doing it without.
Might be best to go with a while loop:
var totalHeight: CGFloat = 0
while totalHeight < 2.0 * Configurations.sharedInstance.heightGame {
// Loop code goes here
totalHeight += backgroundImage.size.height

Specman coverage: Is there a way to define ranges using variable?

I have comp_value that gets values between 1 .. 100.
In addition I have an input variable period (of the same range). I need to cover 2 ranges of comp_values: [1..period] and [period+1 .. 100]. Something like this:
cover some_event_e is {
item period using no_collect;
item comp_val using no_collect,
ranges = {
range([1..period], "Smaller_than_period");
range([period+1..100], "Bigger_than_period");
(The code causes compilation error since no variable can be written inside range).
Is there a way to collect the coverage?
Thank you for your help.
Ranges must be constant.
But if I understood your intent correctly, you can define new items like
cover some_event_e is {
item smaller_or_equal_than_period: bool = (comp_val in [1..period]) using
ignore = (not smaller_or_equal_than_period);
item greater_than_period: bool = (comp_val in [(min(100,period+1)..100]) using
ignore = (not greater_than_period);
Assuming period is always in [1..100].

Beat Detection on iPhone with wav files and openal

Using this website i have tried to make a beat detection engine.
ALfloat energy = 0;
ALfloat aEnergy = 0;
ALint beats = 0;
bool init = false;
ALfloat Ei[42];
ALfloat V = 0;
ALfloat C = 0;
ALshort *hold;
hold = new ALshort[[myDat length]/2];
[myDat getBytes:hold length:[myDat length]];
ALuint uiNumSamples;
uiNumSamples = [myDat length]/4;
if(alDatal == NULL)
alDatal = (ALshort *) malloc(uiNumSamples*2);
if(alDatar == NULL)
alDatar = (ALshort *) malloc(uiNumSamples*2);
for (int i = 0; i < uiNumSamples; i++)
alDatal[i] = hold[i*2];
alDatar[i] = hold[i*2+1];
energy = 0;
for(int start = 0; start<(22050*10); start+=512){
for(int i = start; i<(start+512); i++){
energy+= ((alDatal[i]*alDatal[i]) + (alDatal[i]*alDatar[i]));
aEnergy = 0;
for(int i = 41; i>=0; i--){
if(i ==0){
Ei[0] = energy;
else {
Ei[i] = Ei[i-1];
if(start >= 21504){
aEnergy = aEnergy/43.f;
if (start >= 21504) {
for(int i = 0; i<42; i++){
V += (Ei[i]-aEnergy);
V = V/43.f;
C = (-0.0025714*V)+1.5142857;
init = true;
if(energy >(C*aEnergy)) beats++;
alDatal and alDatar are (short*) type;
myDat is NSdata that holds the actual audio data of a wav file formatted to
22050 khz and 16 bit stereo.
This doesn't seem to work correctly. If anyone could help me out that would be amazing. I've been stuck on this for 3 days.
The desired result is after the 10 seconds worth of data has been processed i should be able to multiply that by 6 and have an estimated beats per minute.
My current results are 389 beats every 10 seconds, 2334 BPM the song i know is right around 120 BPM.
That code really has been smacked about with the ugly stick. If you're going to ask other people to find your bugs for you, it's a good idea to make things presentable first. Strangely enough, this will often help you to find them for yourself too.
So, before I point out some of the more fundamental errors, I have to make a few schoolmarmly suggestions:
Don't sprinkle your code with magic numbers. Is it really that hard to type a few lines like const ALuint SAMPLE_RATE = 22050? Trust me, it makes life a lot easier.
Use variable names that you aren't going to mix up easily. One of your bugs is a substitution of alDatal for alDatar. That probably wouldn't have happened if they were called left and right. Similarly, what is the point of having a meaningful variable name like energy if you're just going to stick it alongside the meaningless but more or less identical aEnergy? Why not something informative like average?
Declare variables close to where you're going to use them and in the appropriate scope. Another of your bugs is that you don't reset your calculated energy sum when you move your averaging window, so the energy will just add up and up. But you don't need the energy outside that loop, and if you declared it inside the problem couldn't happen.
There are some other things I personally find a little irksome, like the random bracing and indentation, and mixing of C and C++ allocations, and odd inconsistent scraps of Hungarian prefixing, but at least some of those may be more a matter of taste so I won't go on.
Anyway, here are some reasons why your code doesn't work:
First up, look at the right hand side of this line:
energy+= ((alDatal[i]*alDatal[i]) + (alDatal[i]*alDatar[i]));
You want the square of each channel value, so it should really say:
energy+= ((alDatal[i]*alDatal[i]) + (alDatar[i]*alDatar[i]));
Spot the difference? Not easy with those names, is it?
Second, you should be computing the total energy over each window of samples, but you're only setting energy = 0 outside the outer loop. So the sum accumulates, and consequently the current window energy will always be the biggest you've ever encountered.
Third, your variance calculation is wrong. You have:
V += (Ei[i]-aEnergy);
But it should be the sum of the squares of the differences from the mean:
V += (Ei[i] - aEnergy) * (Ei[i] - aEnergy);
There may well be other errors as well. For instance, you don't allocate the data buffers if they're not NULL, but assume that they're the right length -- which you've only just calculated. You may justify that in terms of some consistent usage you've stuck to throughout your code, but from the perspective of what we can see here it looks like a pretty bad idea.