What happens to connections when there are more than max_connections? - postgresql

Say I have set max_connections=10 in my postgresql.conf and make 11 concurrent connections. What happens with the 11-nth connection?
Will it be refused with an error or will it wait until some connection slots free up?
If exceeding connections wait in queue, is there a timeout limit for them? Where can that be set? Is it a fair queue?
Is there any documentation on this? I can't find this in the official docs
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found a source on this (no connection pooling): https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Number_Of_Database_Connections
The decision not to include a connection pooler inside the PostgreSQL server itself has been taken deliberately and with good reason:

From documentation
max_connections (integer)
Determines the maximum number of concurrent
connections to the database server. The default is typically 100
connections, but might be less if your kernel settings will not
support it (as determined during initdb). This parameter can only be
set at server start.
In combination with the name of the variable it should be clear what happens: If you try to open up more than the number of set connections, you will get an error. In this case you will get a very prominent error that the number of connections is exhausted.
Postgres itself is not including any connection pooling or similar so it's either "Yes, you got in" or "No, you are not".


knexfile settings when using PgBouncer

We have a setup where multiple Node processes write into the same database (different tables), and as a result, when using Knex, we end up with more connections to the database than desirable. So, I was thinking of using PgBouncer as a middleware for the Knex processes to connect to, but I'm unsure of how Knex's attempts at connection pooling will work with PgBouncer, which will setup its own pool of connections.
Please assume the following:
A 2vCPU database server
10+ Node processes interacting with the database
PgBouncer running with a pool size of 5
If I set min/max size as 1/5 in each Knex setup, will I run out of connections or will PgBouncer somehow be able to "fool" each Knex setup into believing that it has its own pool?
It doesn't feel like I can use a Knex pool in this scenario. Even using min/max pool sizes as 1/1 will leave me out of options if the first five Knex steups I launch claim a connection each.
Is there a way to make Knex drop pooling and open/close connections as needed? This is the ideal setup for me because now PgBouncer won't actually be opening/closing connections but returning them to the pool (unless I'm mistaken about this?).
What strategy should I use? What should my knexfile look like? And would I need to code differently for this? Any help or ideas are welcome!
While it would be ridiculous to allow 32000 connections, it is also ridiculous to allow only 5. I think the lesson from your link should be not that there is a precisely defined magic number of connections, but that you need to look at the waitevents of your performing database, or just do experiments, to see what is going on and whether you have too many connections.
While repeatedly connecting to pgbouncer (which reuses its internal connection to PostgreSQL) might be less expensive than repeatedly connecting all the way through to PostgreSQL, it will still be far more expensive than just re-using an existing connection from knex's internal connection pool. If your connection load is high enough to matter, then bypassing the internal connection pool to just use pgbouncer would be a mistake. Most likely using pgbouncer at all is a mistake, as it just introduces yet another moving piece for no good reason.
Using knex pooler with min:1 and max:5 with 10 different knex app servers and a limit of 5 connections in pgbouncer would mean that only 5 of your app servers could have a connection. The rest would be forced to wait, but it isn't clear what they would be waiting for. Presumably they would wait forever, or until they caught a timeout error, or until one of other app servers exited or shutdown its pool. Pgbouncer would fool them all right, but not in a helpful way. It might make more sense to use this a min:0 (which is now the recommended setting, but still not the default), as that way an app server would at least release its final connection after idleTimeoutMillis, allowing another app to use it.
Using min:1 max:1 could be useful if pgbouncer were not used or used with a large enough pool size, but it could also break entirely. For example, if an app needs at least 2 simultaneous connections to work correctly. That would probably be a poorly written app, but poorly written apps are the rule, not the exception.

Connection Pool Capabilities in DigitalOcean PostgreSQL Managed Databases

I have connection pools setup for my system to handle concurrent connections for my managed database clusters in DigitalOcean.
Overall, each client I have, has their own DB, then I create a pool for that connection to avoid the error:
FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
Yesterday I ran into connection issues with a default database that my system also uses, I hadn't thought the connection pooling was needed for whatever dumb reason or another. No worries, I started getting flooded with error emails and then fixed the system to use the correct pooling mechanism.
This is where my question comes in, with the pooling on DigitalOcean they give you a specific "size" depending on your subscription, my subscription has an available "size" for the clusters of 97. As my clients grow I will be creating new pools and databases for them, so eventually I will run out of slots to assign a pool...what does this "size" dictate?
For example 1 client I have has an allotted size of 10 to their connection pool. Speaking to support:
The connection pool with a size of 1 will only allow 1 connection at a time. As for how you can estimate the number of simultaneous users, this is something you'll need to look over as your user and application grow. We don't have a way to give you that estimate from our back end.
So with that client that has a size of 10 alloted to their pool, they have 88 staff users that use the system simultaneously throughout the day, then they have about 4,000 users that they manage that can all sign in theoretically at once.
This is a lot more than 10 connections, and I get no errors on connection size at least that I've seen so far.
Given that I have a limited amount, how do I determine the appropriate size to use, does anybody have experience with this in production?
For example, with the connections listed above, is 10 too much, too little, just right?
Update 2/14/23
I have tested the capabilities bit because I was curious and can't get any semi-logical answer. When I use 1 connection pool for my 4,000 user client (although all users would not hit their DB/pool at the same time), I get connection errors (specifically when running background tasks from django-celery and Celery in the middle of the night).
Here are those errors, overall just connection already closed from here:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", line 269, in create_cursor cursor = self.connection.cursor()
This issue happened concurrently on 2 nights, but never during the day during normal user activity.
Once I upped the connection pool for said 4,000 user client to 2 instead of 1 the connection already closed error never occurred again.

What is connections per host mongodb?

I followed this tutorial and there is configuration connections per host.
What is this?
connectionsPerHost are the amount of physical connections a single Mongo client instance (it's singleton so you usually have one per application) can establish to a mongod/mongos process. At time of writing the java driver will establish this amount of connections eventually even if the actual query throughput is low (in order words you will see the "conn" statistic in mongostat rise until it hits this number per app server).
There is no need to set this higher than 100 in most cases but this setting is one of those "test it and see" things. Do note that you will have to make sure you set this low enough so that the total amount of connections to your server do not exceed
Found here How to configure MongoDB Java driver MongoOptions for production use?

A good PgPool II configuration

I have been trying to configure PgPool to accept a requests of about 150. Postgres server is configured to accept only 100 connections. Anything beyond 100 need to be pooled by PgPool. I don't seem to get that. I only require PgPool to queue the requests, my current configuration does not do that. From my JMeter test, when I try to get connection beyond 100, postgres gives me an error saying PSQL error: sorry, too many clients.
I only have configured PGPool with the following parameters :
listen_address = 'localhost'
port = 9999
backend_hostname0 = 'localhost'
backend_port0 = 5432
num_init_children = 100
max_pool = 4
child_life_time =120
child_max_connections = 0
connections_life_tome = 120
client_idle_limit = 0
Since I only require PgPool to Queue the extra connections requests, is the above configuration correct?
Please advise on the proper configuration.
The 'child_max_connections' in pgpool is NOT the maximum allowed connections to the DB. It is the number of times a pooled connection can be used before it terminates and restarts. It is there to recycle connection threads and stop memory leaks.
The formula of max_pool x num_init_children describes the maximum number of connections that pgpool will make to Postgresql. Obviously, this needs to be less than the 'max_connections' set in postgresql, otherwise pgpool marks the DB as an unavailable backend. And if you have some DB connections reserved for admin use, you need to reduce the number of pgpool connections further.
So, what I am saying is that the 'max_connections' in the formula is the parameter set in postgresql.conf. Setting 'child_max_connections' to 100 in the comment above just means that the pgpool connection is closed and reopened every 100 times it is used.
The first thing is to figure out what you want as your maximum pool size. PostgreSQL performance (both in terms of throughput and latency) is usually best when the maximum number of active connections is somewhere around ((2 * number-of-cores) + effective-spindle-count). The effective spindle count can be tricky to figure -- if your active data set is fully cached, count it as zero, for example. Don't count any extra threads from hyperthreading as cores for this calculation. Also note that due to network latency issues, you may need a pool slightly larger than the calculated number to keep that number of connections active. You may need to do some benchmarks to find the sweet spot for your hardware and workload.
The setting you need to adjust is child_max_connections, with num_init_children kept less than or equal to that.

ios proper settings for my.cnf with iphone app

I have an iphone app that has been submitted that makes a lot of calls to the database to grab data. The data is pretty small. I have heard a lot about the my.cnf file and specifically max_connections and max_user_connections.
Here is what seems like the most important part of the my.cnf file for tweaking:
# * Fine Tuning
key_buffer = 16M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
thread_stack = 192K
thread_cache_size = 8
# This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed
# the first time they are touched
myisam-recover = BACKUP
#max_connections = 100
#table_cache = 64
#thread_concurrency = 10
# * Query Cache Configuration
query_cache_limit = 1M
query_cache_size = 16M
As you can see by default max connections is commented out. Does this mean there is no limit to the amount of connections? Also what happens when a user tries to use my app and max connections has been reached? Do they get an error immediately or does it wait to find a connection? How does this differ from max_user_connections? Sorry for all the questions, I don't know a whole lot about server configuration. Server is a linode 512.
The max_connections setting determines the maximum number of client connections. If all connections are used up, the next client that connects will receive the error Too many connections. The default value is 100, so if you have this option commented out, it will be 100.
The setting max_user_connections is the maximum number of connections per user. So if you set it to 10, user Bob could only have 10 connections before receiving the same error as above, whereas max_connections is the total for everybody. The setting max_user_connections defaults to the same value as max_connections if no value is specified.
When you receive the error, you will want to handle it gracefully. You can either try to reconnect, or give the user a friendly error message like, "System busy. Try again later."
On our production server, we have max_connections set to 1024. Your mileage may vary. If the queries are light weight, you may be able to increase the number. I'm guessing that 1024 might be a good place to start. Just ensure that your application server handles the error gracefully and adjust the number as you go.