List of all sub documents in array - mongodb

Strangely I couldn't find the answer to that very simple question and I can't find a way to do it by myself with the doc.
This is an example schema
Test : [
I want to be able to retrieve all the documents in Test
I've found that to retrieve the content of the first fighter you can just do :
Collection.find({_id: 0 , '': 0})
But what about getting the whole Test array ? or the whole fighter array ?
{ foo: 0, fighter: [ "john", "fitz", "gerald" ] }
{ foo: 1, fighter: [] }
{ food: 2, fighter: [] }
or just the whole figther ( foo 0 ) content
"john", "fitz", "gerald"
The only thing I've found would be Collection.findOne({_id: id}).Test , but it's not working , I'm getting
undefined " Test" method.

You will have to use projection for that. You can do something like this :
Collection.find({_id: 0}, { Test: { $elemMatch: { foo : 0 } } } )
This will give you the Test array, but with just one element, i.e. the first element that matches the criteria foo : 1
To get only the Test array and not the whole document use this :
Collection.find({_id: 0}, { Test: 1, _id: 0 } )
You can find more about this here
Hope this helps.


Modify an element of an array inside an object in MongoDB

I have some documents like this:
doc = {
"tag" : "tag1",
"field" : {
"zone" :"zone1",
"arr" : [
{ vals: [-12.3,-1,0], timestamp: ""},
{ vals: [-30.40,-23.2,0], timestamp: "" }
I want to modify one of the elements of the array (for example, the first element, the one with index 0) of one of such documents.
I want to end it up looking like:
doc = {
"tag" : "tag1",
"field" : {
"zone" :"zone1",
"arr" : [
{ vals: [-1, -1, -1], timestamp: "the_new_timestamp"}, // this one was modified
{ vals: [-30.40, -23.2, 0], timestamp: "" }
I know something about find_and_modify:
query = query, // you find the document of interest with this
fields = { }, // you can focus on one of the fields of your document with this
update = { "$set": data }, // you update your data with this
The questions that feel closer to what I want are these:
I've been going through them but I'm getting stuck when trying to work out the solution for my case. I don't know if I should really use the fields parameter. I don't know how to use $set correctly for my case.
I hope you could help me.
This will help you!
{ $set: { "field.arr.0.timestamp": "the_new_timestamp"} }

Copy first array value to another field in MongoDB

I have an old list of products that store the descriptions in an array at index [0]. The model is set up as a string. So my plan is to extract that value and add it to a temporary field. Step 2 would be to take that value and copy it to the original field.
This is the 'wrong' product I want to fix.
{_id : 1 , pDescription : ['great product']},
{_id : 2 , pDescription : ['another product']}
All I want to is to change the array to a string like this:
{_id : 1 , pDescription : 'great product'},
{_id : 2 , pDescription : 'another product'}
I have tried this to create the temporary description:
$match: {
pDescription: {
$type: "array"
$set: {
pDescTemp: {
$first: "$pDescription"
]).exec((err, r) => {
// do stuff here
The command works fine without the $first command.
The error reads: MongoError: Unrecognized expression '$first'
Any tips on how to fix this are appreciated!
I believe this is what you need to update your pDescription field to be equal to the first element of the array already stored as pDescription:
$set: {
pDescription: {
$arrayElemAt: [

Tricky MongoDB search challenge

I have a tricky mongoDB problem that I have never encountered.
The Documents:
The documents in my collection have a search object containing named keys and array values. The keys are named after one of eight categorys and the corresponding value is an array containing items from that category.
_id: "bRtjhGNQ3eNqTiKWa",
/* */
search :{
usage: ["accounting"],
test: ["knowledgetest", "feedback"]
test: {
vals: [
{name:'knowledgetest', showName: 'Wissenstest'},
{name:'feedback', showName: '360 Feedback'},
usage: {
vals: [
{name:'accounting', showName: 'Accounting'},
_id: "7bgvegeKZNXkKzuXs",
/* */
search :{
usage: ["recruiting"],
test: ["intelligence", "feedback"]
test: {
vals: [
{name:'intelligence', showName: 'Intelligenztest'},
{name:'feedback', showName: '360 Feedback'},
usage: {
vals: [
{name:'recruiting', showName: 'Recruiting'},
The Query
The query is an object containing the same category - keys and array - values.
usage: ["accounting", "assessment"],
test : ["feedback"]
The desired outcome
If the query is empty, I want all documents.
If the query has one category and any number of items, I want all the documents that have all of the items in the specified category.
If the query has more then one category, I want all the documents that have all of the items in all of the specified categorys.
My tries
I tried all kinds of variations of:
'search': {
"$elemMatch": {
'tool': {
"$in" : ['feedback']
No success.
Tried: 'search.test': {$all: (query.test ? query.test : [])} which gives me no results if I have nothing selected; the right documents when I am only looking inside the test category; and nothing when I additionally look inside the usage category.
This is at the heart of my app, thus I historically put up a bounty.
let tools = []
const search = {}
for (var q in query) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(q)) {
if (query[q]) {
search['search.'+q] = {$all: query[q] }
if (Object.keys(query).length > 0) {
tools = ToolsCollection.find(search).fetch()
} else {
tools = ToolsCollection.find({}).fetch()
Works like a charm
What I already hinted at in the comment: your document structure does not support efficient and simple searching. I can only guess the reason, but I suspect that you stick to some relational ideas like "schemas" or "normalization" which just don't make sense for a document database.
Without digging deeper into the problem of modeling, I could imagine something like this for your case:
_id: "bRtjhGNQ3eNqTiKWa",
/* */
search :{
usage: ["accounting"],
test: ["knowledgetest", "feedback"]
test: {
"knowledgetest" : {
"showName": "Wissenstest"
"feedback" : {
"showName": "360 Feedback"
usage: {
"accounting" : {
"values" : [ "knowledgetest", "feedback" ],
"showName" : "Accounting"
_id: "7bgvegeKZNXkKzuXs",
/* */
search : {
usage: ["recruiting"],
test: ["intelligence", "feedback"]
test: {
"intelligence" : {
showName: 'Intelligenztest'
"feedback" : {
showName: '360 Feedback'
usage: {
"recruiting" : {
"values" : [ "intelligence", "feedback" ],
"showName" : "Recruiting"
Then, a search for "knowledgetest" and "feedback" in "accounting" would be a simple
{ "usage.accounting.values" : { $all : [ "knowledgetest", "feedback"] } }
which can easily be used multiple times in an and condition:
{ "usage.accounting.values" : { $all : [ "knowledgetest", "feedback"] } },
{ "usage.anothercategory.values" : { $all [ "knowledgetest", "assessment" ] } }
Even the zero-times-case matches your search requirements, because an and-filter with none of these criteria yields {} which is the find-everything filter expression.
Once more, to make it absolutely clear: when using mongo, forget everything you know as "best practice" from the relational world. What you need to consider is: what are your queries, and how can my document model support these queries in an ideal way.

Exclude nested subdocuments in Mongodb without arrays

Here is how data are inserted in a "Products" MongoDB collection (using Meteor):
pricePerUnit : 1,
label : "The first product"
test1: "xxxxx",
test2: "xxxxx"
pricePerUnit : 2,
label : "The second product"
test1: "yyyyy",
test2: "yyyyy"
I would like to retrieve all the products, but without the "privateData" subdocuments, to get this:
pricePerUnit : 1,
label : "The first product"
pricePerUnit : 2,
label : "The second product"
I tried several things with "$elemMatch" but honnestly I didn't succeed in anything, I have trouble understanding how I am even supposed to do that.
Would anyone have a suggestion? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your Query would be something Similar to this
fields: {
privateData: 0
privateData:0 will make sure that the field is omitted.
please Refer for more info
if you can use the aggregation framework you can use the $project operator:
db.<colletion_name>.aggregate( { $project: { publicData: 1} } );
And you will get back all of your documents with only the publicData field

MongoDB - Adding to a set and incrementing

I am trying to count word usage using MongoDB. My collection currently looks like this:
{'_id':###, 'username':'Foo', words:[{'word':'foo', 'count':1}, {'word':'bar', 'count':1}]}
When a new post is made, I extract all the new words to an array but I'm trying to figure out to upsert to the words array and increment the count if the word already exists.
In the example above, for example, if the user "Foo" posted "lorem ipsum foo", I'd add "lorem" and "ipsum" to the users words array but increment the count for "foo".
Is this possible in one query? Currently I am using addToSet:
But that doesn't seem to offer any way of increasing the words count.
Would very much appreciate some help :)
If you're willing to switch from a list to hash (object), you can atomically do this.
From the docs: "$inc ... increments field by the number value if field is present in the object, otherwise sets field to the number value."
{ $inc : { field : value } }
So, if you could refactor your container and object:
words: [
'word': 'foo',
'count': 1
words: {
'foo': 1,
'other_word: 2,
you could use the operation update with:
{ $inc: { '': 1 } }
which would create { 'foo': 1 } if 'foo' doesn't exist, else increment foo.
${ id: 1, words: {} });
${ id: 1 })
{ ..., "words" : { }, "id" : 1 }
${ id: 1 }, { $inc: { '': 1 } });
${ id: 1 })
{ ..., "id" : 1, "words" : { "foo" : 1 } }
${ id: 1 }, { $inc: { '': 1 } });
${ id: 1 })
{ ..., "id" : 1, "words" : { "foo" : 2 } }
Unfortunately it is not possible to do this in a single update with your schema. Your schema is a bit questionable and should probably be converted to having a dedicated collection with word counters, e.g :
db.users {_id:###, username:'Foo'}
db.words.counters {_id:###, word:'Word', userId: ###, count: 1}
That will avoid quite a few issues such as :
Running into maximum document size limits
Forcing mongo to keep moving around your documents as you increase their size
Both scenarios require two updates to do what you want which introduces atomicity issues. Updating per word by looping through word_array is better and safer (and is possible with both solutions).