Orange tool fp-growth algorithm - orange

I am new to orange tool. My project is to implement FP-Growth algorithm in orange tool and generate graph using data set. But there is no widget for that.
Please any one can help me

The old Orange 2 had widgets for association rules built-in. In Orange 3, however, they are available in an add-on: Orange3-Associate.
The algorithms Orange3-Associate contains seem to already include FP-growth algorithm you seek.


FastAI How would I approach predicting lottery numbers using FastAI? Are there any easy tutorials? Where would I start?

I was working on a Keras LSTM for predicting lottery numbers in jupyter. I have a csv with the complete history of 6000 winning sets of numbers. I started using Colab to speed things up and upgraded to Pro+ but there was no difference with the upgraded processors. I came across FastAI and I have everything installed. I am completely new to FastAI and the tutorials seem complicated for serious projects.
Is there any FastAI tutorials to predict lottery numbers (6/39)?
If not how would I approach this?
What area should I focus on?
Thanks in advance...
FastAI is great at supporting easy out-of-the-box solutions for a few key problem types: namely natural text, image, tabular, and collaborative filtering. Your use-case is not exactly any of these, but I expect it is possible to use the text model functionality. This tutorial shows how an LSTM language model learns to predict the next word given a sentence which seems very similar to your use-case.
You will want to avoid the tokenization and numericalization steps of the text model, since you already have numerical tokens in place of words. I imagine you can get something to work either by explicitly turning those steps off or by passing in the lists as space-separated text and letting it re-tokenize/numericalize.

Netlogo: Built-in function to calculate the expected profit

Sorry for long post. I am newbie in agent-based modelling. So please accept my apology in advance if my question sounds stupid. I am trying to model a scenario where framer (i.e. agent) decides which type of crop should be harvest in different types of fields to increase the profit. The farmer agent has a budget i.e. the amount of money that can be spent on farming each time step equal to $100.
The farmer operates a farm that is subdivided into nine fields, which are arranged in a 3x3
cellular grid. Each field is of the same size. Water availability varies spatially across the fields with a rating of either 1 (driest), 2 (moderate),
or 3 (wettest). The manner in which water availability varies across the fields (i.e. randomly).
The farmer must choose among three crops. As initial parameter settings, the crops have the
following characteristics:
Yield Price Costs Minimum Water Req.
Crop 1 300 20 15 3
Crop 2 200 12 10 2
Crop 3 100 7 5 1
Each crop requires a certain amount of water to grow. Crop yields will only be realized if the crop is
planted in a field with at least the crop’s minimum water requirement.
Now the problem is that I couldn't find any function in Netlogo that calculates the permutation or combination of crop, field, and water requirements to calculate the expected profit. Any help would be high appreciated.
I believe you describe a linear programming problem.
Useful functions for solving Simplex Linear Programming problems are in NumAnal extension, which does not come bundled with NetLogo but which you can get as follows:
In NetLogo, under Tools / Extensions ... you can find NumAnal, probably with no green check-mark. Select it. On the right, you have buttons to install it, and then one to add it to your code. When you click those, it should now get a green checkmark and you should have a new line in your code "extensions [ numanal ]", and you are now able to use those commands, with the "numanal:" prefix, for example, numanal:simplex.
The documentation for it is in the folder where it was installed. But where is that?
Sadly, the documentation for where extensions are downloaded is not current.
After exhaustive search by date-modified, I actually found the folder on my Windows 10 laptop here: c:\Users\condor\AppData\Roaming\NetLogo\6.1\extensions
( Note the "\Roaming\" ).
That folder has a text file, and a pdf document named "NumAnal-v3.4.0" explaining how to use it, and an examples folder with code. It is a little dense.
Here's a link to the basics of how to describe a Linear Programming problem, which is beyond the scope of StackOverflow. You can find help via Google.
Here's one 8 minute video ( as of 24-Nov-2019) that might help you figure out if this is what you need.
Simplex Algorithm Explanation (How to Solve a Linear Program)

MDS with n different than 2 in Orange3

In Orange 2 it was possible to perform MDS and project data onto multidimensional space rather than a plane when using the scripting library as documented in the docs.
How to do that in Orange 3? Is the feature still supported as I cannot find the MDS projection class in the data mining library, just in the visual programming part?
The following should work (set the number of desired components with n_components):
import Orange
data ="iris")
mds = Orange.projection.MDS(n_components=3)
projection = mds(data)
Orange3 borrows this functionality from sklearn.

Whats wrong with this MATLAB example (User-Added Coordinate Systems)?

Well I am working on a very interesting project concerning a gear system that will rotate a shaft and some gear systems. I am following a tutorial from matlab
User-Added Coordinate Systems
on how to decouple and have two gears rotating.
Well, I need some hold on understanding the following figure, that is the output of the above link.
So what I do next is un-weld the two gears by deleting the conection of F1, and later introducing the common gear constraint by conecting it to the SMLINK port on both gear"_" boxes. I get and unusual message that says:
" * Model not assembled: position violation * Resolve this issue in order to simulate the model."
Can some one explain what is happening?
Also, what is the difference between 1st generation, and multibody Simscape? can I have joint actuators in both cases? and if so how would i be able to implement such in the example given above?
for those who would like to answer, but dont have solid works, the gear block boxes, and figure is the following:
It looks like the right thing to do, but how have you parameterised your gear constraint? Have a look at mech_user_added_css.mdl for the correct way to do it (it's one of the SimMechanics example, but it uses the first generation engine and blocks). Make sure the gear circle radii match what's in the first generation example. It will also help to answer you question about first generation vs. second generation.
SimMechanics was one of the early physical modelling tools produced by MathWorks. A few years later, they produced Simscape and the Simscape engine for modelling multi-domain systems. This was much more powerful than the original SimMechanics, so over the years they migrated SimMechanics functionality over to Simscape, but have kept the original first generation blocks for compatibility issues. Have a look at some of the first generation vs second generation examples and blocks to get an idea.

segmenting human point cloud into 6 main parts

I have a point cloud of a human and want to segemnt it into 6 main parts including:
hands, feet, head, ...
how can I do this using opencv or pcl library or matlab? which segmentation or clustring algurithm can I use?
I think, that graph cut algorithms may be intresting for you, try search by phrase:
"graph cut mesh segmentation".
And also look here:
pcl has a pass-through filter, which allows you to apply split-planes on the 3d cloud
(no idea, why anyone'd downvote on this, btw)