I have build coturn and run it successfully. ip: Now the question I faced is to get the Turn credential through REST API.
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-uberti-behave-turn-rest-00 According to the passage the request format should be
GET /?service=turn&username=mbzrxpgjys
and response should be JSON. Now my question is:
a) How to configure and command TURN SERVER to make it run in REST API mode?
b) How to write a http request in the right format so TURN SERVER can reply correctly? could you give me an example?
Few things to be clarified here are:
GET /?service=turn&username=mbzrxpgjys which returns a JSON, is just a suggested uri for retrieving time-limited TURN credentials from the server, you do not have to follow that, your uri can be just /?giveMeCredentials. In fact, I use my socket connection to retrieve this data, not direct http call with json response. End of day, it does not matter how you( the client that uses said TURN) get those credentials as long as they are valid.
You do not make any requests to the TURN server directly, no rest api call to TURN server is under your control.
you allocate a secret key when you are starting the TURN server, this can be taken from a db(thus dynamically changable), but lazy that I am, just hard-coded, and gave it in the turn config file, also remember to enable REST API. As part of turn command, turnserver ... --use-auth-secret --static-auth-secret=MySecretKey
Now, in your application server, you would use the same secret key to generate credentials, for username, it is UNIX timestamp and some string( can be random or user id or something) seperated by : and the password would be HMAC of the username with your secret key.
about the UNIX timestamp, this has be the time in TURN server till which your credentials has to be valid, so which calculating this make sure you take into account of the clock time difference between your application server and your turn server.
Now some sample code taken from my answer to another question
command for stating TURN server:
turnserver -v --syslog -a -L xx.xxx.xx.xx -X yy.yyy.yyy.yy -E zz.zzz.zz.zzz --max-bps=3000000 -f -m 3 --min-port=32355 --max-port=65535 --use-auth-secret --static-auth-secret=my_secret --realm=north.gov --cert=turn_server_cert.pem --pkey=turn_server_pkey.pem --log-file=stdout -q 100 -Q 300 --cipher-list=ALL
node.js code for creating TURN credentials in application server:
var crypto = require('crypto');
function getTURNCredentials(name, secret){
var unixTimeStamp = parseInt(Date.now()/1000) + 24*3600, // this credential would be valid for the next 24 hours
username = [unixTimeStamp, name].join(':'),
hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret);
password = hmac.read();
return {
username: username,
password: password
Browser code for using this:
urls: "turn:turn_server_ip",
username: username,
After (many) hours of frustration, #Mido's excellent answer here was the only thing that actually got CoTurn's REST API working for me.
My credential server is PHP and I use CoTurn's config file 'turnserver.conf' so here's a tested and working translation of Mido's work for that situation:
Assuming a 'shared secret' of '3575819665154b268af59efedee8826e', here are the relevant turnserver.conf entries:
...and the PHP (which misled me for ages):
$ttl = 24 * 3600; // Time to live
$time = time() + $ttl;
$username = $time . ':' . $user;
$password = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $username, '3575819665154b268af59efedee8826e', true));
Building upon #Mido and #HeyHeyJC answers, here is the Python implementation to build credentials for coturn.
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
from time import time
user = 'your-arbitrary-username'
secret = 'this-is-the-secret-configured-for-coturn-server'
ttl = 24 * 3600 # Time to live
timestamp = int(time()) + ttl
username = str(timestamp) + ':' + user
dig = hmac.new(secret.encode(), username.encode(), hashlib.sha1).digest()
password = base64.b64encode(dig).decode()
print('username: %s' % username)
print('password: %s' % password)
Here is a web application to test the login to your coturn server. Use turn:host.example.com as the server name.
I came across similar issue (getting REST API working with TURN server) recently and learned that TURN server doesn't support REST API calls at all and just provides support for an authentication format with shared secret when we enable REST API support in TURN config. The draft only provides info on things that we need to consider while implementing such REST API and WE need to create the API on our own or use something like turnhttp to generate the temporary username password combo.
As #mido detailed, you can implement the username/password generation part in the application itself. But if you have reasons to separate this from the application and want to implement it as an entirely different API service, instead of implementing a complete API as per the draft, I came across another post in which the OP provided a PHP script to generate temp username & password and this one works pretty well once you modify the hash_hmac() function to the following,
$turn_password = hash_hmac('sha1', $turn_user, $secret_key, true);
We need to base64 encode the RAW output of hash_hmac to get it working and I believe this is why it was not working for the OP in that link.
You should be able to test authentication using turnutils_uclient command to verify that the temp username/password combo is working as expected.
turnutils_uclient -y -u GENERATED_USERNAME -w GENERATED_PASSWORD yourturnserver.com
Once you have verified authentication and confirmed that it's working, you can setup webserver for the PHP script to make it available to your application and fetch the temporary username/password combo. Also, you would need to implement other security setup (authentication) to protect the API from unauthorized access.
I know this is an old post, just sharing my findings here hoping that it will be useful for someone someday.
Here is my c# implementation with TTL
public string[] GenerateTurnPassword(string username)
long ttl = 3600 * 6;
var time = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + ttl;
var newuser = time + ":" + username;
byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("YOURSECRET");
HMACSHA1 hmacsha1 = new HMACSHA1(key);
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newuser);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
var hashValue = hmacsha1.ComputeHash(stream);
string[] arr = new string[2];
arr[0] = Convert.ToBase64String(hashValue);
arr[1] = newuser;
return arr;
Well #Augusto Destrero provided implementation will cause TypeError: key: expected bytes or bytearray, but got 'str' on Python 3.7.6, for anyone looking for another Python implementation, here is an example:
import time
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
secret = b'abcdefghijkmln'
def generateTurnUsernamePwd():
username = "arbitry username here"
password = hmac.new(secret, bytes(username, 'UTF-8'), hashlib.sha1).digest()
passwordStr = base64.b64encode(password).decode("utf-8")
return username,passwordStr
The main difference is key and message keyword arguments in hmac lib has to be bytes in newer version , while in older versions, it requires str.
I thought it worthwhile to add to the answer the actual text of the documentation of coturn regardingg this topic and a link to it for those interested:
--auth-secret TURN REST API flag. Flag that sets a special WebRTC authorization option that is based upon authentication secret. The
feature purpose is to support "TURN Server REST API" as described
in the TURN REST API section below. This option uses timestamp
as part of combined username: usercombo -> "timestamp:username",
turn user -> usercombo, turn password ->
base64(hmac(input_buffer = usercombo, key = shared-secret)). This
allows TURN credentials to be accounted for a specific user id. If
you don't have a suitable id, the timestamp alone can be used. This
option is just turns on secret-based authentication. The actual
value of the secret is defined either by option static-auth-secret,
or can be found in the turn_secret table in the database.
Here is an example for go with ttl:
import (
const turnTokenTtl = time.Hour * 24
const turnSecret = "your secret"
func getTurnCredentials(name string) (string, string) {
timestamp := time.Now().Add(turnTokenTtl).Unix()
username := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%s", timestamp, name)
h := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(turnSecret))
credential := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
return username, credential
I am using Flutter as front end and Django for back end purpose. I am trying to integrate Google and Facebook OAuth in the app and using some flutter libraires I am able to fetch user details and access token in front end. Now the question is how do I handle users and access tokens for them and verify them through drf. I could totally depend on drf for OAuth and create users using http request in front end using OAuth toolikt for Django but is there a way that I handle incoming auth tokens in front end and verify them in drf so as to register them in backend.
def exchange_token(request, backend):
serializer = SocialSerializer(data=request.data)
if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True):
# This is the key line of code: with the #psa() decorator above,
# it engages the PSA machinery to perform whatever social authentication
# steps are configured in your SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE. At the end, it either
# hands you a populated User model of whatever type you've configured in
# your project, or None.
user = request.backend.do_auth(serializer.validated_data['access_token'])
if user:
# if using some other token back-end than DRF's built-in TokenAuthentication,
# you'll need to customize this to get an appropriate token object
token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
return Response({'token': token.key})
return Response(
{'errors': {'token': 'Invalid token'}},
There’s just a little more that needs to go in your settings (full code), and then you’re all set:
for key in ['GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY',
# Use exec instead of eval here because we're not just trying to evaluate a dynamic value here;
# we're setting a module attribute whose name varies.
exec("SOCIAL_AUTH_{key} = os.environ.get('{key}')".format(key=key))
Add a mapping to this function in your urls.py, and you’re all set!
How to get the last login session details of a user in Keycloak using keycloak rest endpoints?
headers.put("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
headers.put("Authorization", "Bearer "+accessToken);
//String keycloakURL = keyCloakCFGBean.getCreateRefreshSession();
String keycloakURL="{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token";
keycloakURL = keycloakURL.replace("{realm}", realmName);
URL url = new URL(keycloakURL);
httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
if (headers != null && headers.size() > 0) {
Iterator<Entry<String, String>> itr = headers.entrySet().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, String> entry = itr.next();
httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(httpURLConnection.getOutputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
So there are a couple of scenarios here. All of this information assumes that you have an appropriate bearer token that you are sending in the header of the request for authentication/authorisation, and requires that you have sufficient admin privileges in the Keycloak realm.
I've not gone into detail in terms of the precise code you write in a particular language, but hopefully the instructions are clear in terms of what you need your code to do.
If you are interested in ACTIVE user sessions specifically, you can use the API endpoint as described at: https://www.keycloak.org/docs-api/11.0/rest-api/index.html#_getsessions
That is:
GET /{realm}/users/{id}/sessions
e.g. the full URL would be:
In the response there will be a property called lastAccess that will contain a number that is the usual UNIX milliseconds since 1/1/1970. If you take that number, you can then parse it in your language of choice (Java from the looks of it?) to get the date/time in the format that you require.
All Logins
However I suspect what you really want is to look at the last login across all of the stored information in Keycloak, not just active user sessions, so for that you need to look for the Realm EVENTS. Note that Keycloak only stores events for a certain amount of time, so if it's older than that then you won't find any entries. You can change how long events are stored for in the events config page of the realm admin console.
To get all realm events you call the endpoint mentioned here: https://www.keycloak.org/docs-api/11.0/rest-api/index.html#_getevents (Search for "Get events Returns all events, or filters them based on URL query parameters listed here" if the link doesn't take you straight there).
GET /{realm}/events
e.g. the full URL would be: https://{server}/auth/admin/realms/{realm}/events
You will need to filter the results based on "type" (i.e. so that you only have events of type "LOGIN"), and if you want to check a specific user you would also want to filter the results on userId based on the ID of that user account.
You can perform both of these filters as part of the request, to save you having to get the full list of events and filter it client-side. To filter in the request you do something like the following:
From the resultant JSON you can then get the result with the highest value of the time property, that represents that login event. The time property will be a UNIX time of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 again, so again you can convert this to a format that is appropriate to you once you have it.
Hope that's helpful!
use Keycloak rest Api
and you will get a response as JWT. Decode it and you will get all the info related to the user.
OR you may use the java client API for example by
Keycloak kc = KeycloakBuilder.builder()
.resteasyClient(new ResteasyClientBuilder().connectionPoolSize(10).build())
CredentialRepresentation credential = new CredentialRepresentation();
UserRepresentation user = new UserRepresentation();
UsersResource usersResource = kc.realm("my-realem").users();
UserResource userResource = usersResource.get("08afb701-fae5-40b4-8895-e387ba1902fb");
you will get the list of users. Filter by user ID then you will find all user info.
First of all im Using TYPO3 Version 8.7.
The current problem i'm facing regards authentication of FrontendUser (fe_user) stored on a given page (in this case pid 168).
Apparently i'm trying to authenticate user with given credentials sent by a mobile application. I'm able to parse the user data and perform an authentication:
// plain-text password
$password = 'XXX';
// salted user password hash
$saltedPassword = 'YYY';
// keeps status if plain-text password matches given salted user password hash
$success = FALSE;
if (\TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Utility\SaltedPasswordsUtility::isUsageEnabled('FE')) {
$objSalt = \TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Salt\SaltFactory::getSaltingInstance($saltedPassword);
if (is_object($objSalt)) {
$success = $objSalt->checkPassword($password, $saltedPassword);
While debugging this code snippet, i recognized the password sent by the user via Request, which gets encrypted with the given Salt algorithm change every time i retry this request. I'm not sure how to get a correct authentication, if the password changes constantly.
The $objSalt object contains the right Hashing Method($pbkdf2-sha256$25000), the password stored in the Database starts with the same prefix, but the actual payload is different.
So What is the exact problem or whats the thing i'm missing in the above code to complete the authentication?
Thanks for your help
the password sent by the user via Request, which gets encrypted with the given Salt algorithm change every time i retry this request
Yes, that because the salt is changed every time.
You should retrieve the salting instance with:
$instance = \TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Salt\SaltFactory::getSaltingInstance($user['password']);
I'm trying to set up a TURN server for a project using Coturn but am finding that documentation is sketchy at best...
I realise that there is a turnadmin tool that will do this for you, but I would greatly prefer to just run queries on my database directly. This is an app with potentially many users and their shared keys (hmackey in turnusers_lt) are subject to change (in order to not share passwords with the app the app uses a 'fake' password which is a hash of certain volatile user parameters that aren't so secret).
I can gather from the scant docs that the hmackey is computed using the realm, username and password:
$ turnadmin -k -u myusername -r my.realm.org -p my-password
> e.g. 0x7a69b0e2b747a4560045f79d171b78c0
Given that my code will know these three parameters, how do I build the hmac hash? E.g. in PHP I have
string hash_hmac ( string $algo , string $data , string $key [, bool $raw_output = false ] )
$algo here should be SHA1, but what values would go into $data (e.g. concat of user/pass) and $key (e.g. realm)?
There's also a turn_secret table listing a 'value' for a realm, I was guessing this should be used as the $key in the above example, but adding and modifying the keys still give the same result when I call turnadmin.
Essentially, what I want to do is (pseudo-code):
// user registers
// pseudo-code, this is of course computed using php's password_hash function
$hashed_pw = hash($pw);
$db->query('insert into usertable (name, pass) values ($name, $hashed_pw)');
// this is implemented somewhere...
$coturn_pw = get_secret_hash($name);
// this needs implementing...
$HAMC = calc_hmac($name, $coturn_pw, 'my.realm.com');
$turndb->query('insert into turnusers_lt values (...)');
// on update, delete also update turnusers_lt
...and then in the client, I should now be able to connect to the TURN server using $name and $coturn_pw as credentials for my.realm.com.
Or am I over-thinking this and should I just use a generic user for my app, hardcode the password and let Coturn figure out who is talking to who?
How to build the HMAC key is described in RFC 5389:
key = MD5(username ":" realm ":" SASLprep(password))
where MD5 is defined in RFC 1321 and SASLprep() is defined in RFC 4013
The only table you need to update is turnusers_lt. The turn_secret table and SHA1 algorithm is used for generating time-limited credentials.
INSERT INTO turnusers_lt (realm, name, hmackey) VALUES (:realm, :username, :key);
And of course, use prepared statements rather than building the SQL string manually.
OrangeDog answer is correct.
With node.js:
const crypto= require("crypto");
const username= "foo";
const realm= "here";
const password= "secret";
const hmac = crypto
How can i get the rid of the current user (OUser) via the binary api. I am using the inbuilt token based authentication.
I would expect two approaches:
a function like currentUserRID() or something. I looked in the documentation but found nothing.
decrypting the token to unlock the userId/name. I tried this approach but couldn't manage to. I looked here: https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/2229 and also https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/orient-database/6sUfSAd4LXo
I find your post just now, may be is too late but you can do like this:
OServer server = OServerMain.create(); // for exemple
ODatabaseDocumentTx db = new ODatabaseDocumentTx(BDDURL).open("admin","admin"); // admin is juste for this exemple
OTokenHandlerImpl handler = new OTokenHandlerImpl(server);
OToken tok = handler.parseWebToken(yourtoken);
OUser user = tok.getUser(db);