Using a row as a table in a query within a function PLpgSQL - postgresql

I am trying to write a plpgsql function that loops through a table. On each loop, it pulls a row from the table, stores it in a record, then uses that record in the join clause of a query. Here is my code:
AS $dbvis$
counter int;
tablesize int;
rec1 record;
tablename text;
rec2 record;
counter = 0;
for rec1 in SELECT * FROM poilocations_sridconv loop
raise notice 'here';
execute $$ select count(*) from $$||rec1||$$ $$ into tablesize;
while counter < tablesize loop
counter = counter + 1;
raise notice 'hi';
execute $$ select count(*) from cities_sridconv $$ into tablesize;
end loop;
end loop;
return counter;
$dbvis$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Each time I run this, I get the following error:
ERROR: could not find array type for data type record
Is there a way to use the row as a table in the query within the nested loops?
My end goal is to build a function that loops through a table, pulling a row from that table on each loop. In each loop, a number COUNTER is computed using the row, then a query is executed depending on the row and COUNTER. Knowing that this code is currently very flawed, I am posting it below to give an idea of what I am trying to do:
AS $dbvis$
counter int;
tablesize int;
rec1 record;
tablename text;
rec2 record;
for rec1 in SELECT * FROM poilocations_sridconv loop
counter = 0;
execute $$ select count(*)
from $$||rec1||$$ a
cities_srid_conv b
on right(a.geom_wgs_pois,$$||counter||$$) = right(b.geom_wgs_pois,$$||counter||$$) $$ into tablesize;
raise notice 'got through first execute';
while tablesize = 0 loop
counter = counter + 1;
execute $$ select count(*)
from '||rec1||' a
cities_srid_conv b
on right(a.geom_wgs_pois,'||counter||') = right(b.geom_wgs_pois,'||counter||') $$ into tablesize;
raise notice 'hi';
end loop;
name as cityname,
postgis.ST_Distance(postgis.ST_GeomFromText(''POINT(poilat poilong)''),
postgis.ST_GeomFromText(''POINT(citylat citylong)'')
) as distance
from (select a.poiname,
a.latitude::text as poilat,
a.longitude::text as poilong,
b.latitude as citylat,
b.longitude as citylong
from '||rec1||' a
join cities_srid_conv b
on right(a.geom_wgs_pois,'||counter||') = right(b.geom_wgs_pois,'||counter||'))
) x
order by distance
limit 1'
poi_cities_match (poiname, cityname, distance); ------SQL STATEMENT TO INSERT CLOSEST CITY TO TABLE POI_CITIES_MATCH
end loop;
$dbvis$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I am running on a PostgreSQL 8.2.15 database.
Also, sorry for reposting. I had to remove some data from the original.

I think you should be able to use composite types for what you want. I simplified your top example and used composite types in the following way.
AS $dbvis$
counter int;
tablesize int;
rec1 poilocations_sridconv;
tablename text;
rec2 record;
counter = 0;
for rec1 in SELECT * FROM poilocations_sridconv loop
raise notice 'here';
select count(*) FROM (select (rec1).*)theRecord into counter;
end loop;
return counter;
$dbvis$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
The main changes being the rec1 poilocations_sridconv; line and using (select (rec1).*)
Hope it helps.
EDIT: I should note that the function is not doing the same thing as it does in the question above. This is just as an example of how you could use a record as a table in a query.

You have a few issues with your code (apart, perhaps, from your logic).
Foremost, you should not use a record as a table source in a JOIN. Instead, filter the second table for rows that match some field from the record.
Second, you should use the format() function instead of assembling strings with the || operator. But you can't because you are using the before-prehistoric version 8.2. This is from the cave-painting era (yes, it's that bad). UPGRADE!
Thirdly, don't over-complicate your queries. The sub-query is not necessary here.
Put together, the second dynamic query from your real code would reduce to this:
EXECUTE format(
postgis.ST_Distance(postgis.ST_SetSRID(postgis.ST_MakePoint(%1$I.longitude, %1$I.latitude), 4326),
postgis.ST_SetSRID(postgis.ST_MakePoint(b.longitude, b.latitude), 4326))
FROM cities_srid_conv b
WHERE right(%1$I.geom_wgs_pois, %2$L) = right(b.geom_wgs_pois, %2$L)
ORDER BY distance
LIMIT 1', rec1, counter) INTO cityname, distance;
poi_cities_match (rec1.poiname, cityname, distance); ------SQL STATEMENT TO INSERT CLOSEST CITY TO TABLE POI_CITIES_MATCH
Here %1$I refers to the first parameter after the string, which is an idenifier: rec1; %2$L is the second parameter, being a literal value: counter. I leave it to yourself to re-work this to a pre-8.4 string concatenation. The results from the query are stored in a few additional variables which you can then use in the following function call.
Lastly, you had longitude and latitude reversed. In PostGIS longitude always comes first.


postgresql for loop script in text form can not be executed

I am trying to write function in postgresql, that creates temp_table with columns table_name text, table_rec jsonb and fill it through for loop with table names from my table containing names of tables and records in json. I have the for loop in string and I want to execute it. But it doesnt work.
I have variable rec record, sql_query text and tab_name text and I want to do this:
RETURNS TABLE(tabel_name text, record_json jsonb)
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100
ROWS 1000
rec record;
tabel_name text;
tabel_names text[];
counter integer := 1;
sql_query text;
limit_for_sending integer;
rec_count integer;
select into tabel_names array(select "TABLE_NAME" from public."TABLES");
create temp table temp_tab(tab_nam text, recik jsonb);
while array_length(tabel_names, 1) >= counter loop
tabel_name := '"' || tabel_names[counter] || '"';
select into limit_for_sending "TABLE_LIMIT_FOR_SENDING_DATA" from public."TABLES" where "TABLE_NAME" = tabel_name;
sql_query := 'select count(*) from public.' || tabel_name;
execute sql_query into rec_count;
if (rec_count >= limit_for_sending and limit_for_sending is not null) then
sql_query := 'for rec in select * from public.' || tabel_name || '
insert into temp_tab
select ' || tabel_name || ', to_jsonb(rec);
end loop';
execute sql_query;
end if;
counter := counter + 1;
end loop;
return query
select * from temp_tabik;
drop table temp_tabik;
Thank you for response.
It seems you have some table that contains the information for which tables you want to return all rows as JSONB. And that meta-table also contains a column that sets a threshold under which the rows should not be returned.
You don't need the temp table or an array to store the table names. You can iterate through the query on the TABLES table and run the dynamic SQL directly in that loop.
return query in PL/pgSQL doesn't terminate the function, it just appends the result of the query to the result of the function.
Dynamic SQL is best created using the format() function because it is easier to read and using the %I placeholder will properly deal with quoted identifiers (which is really important as you are using those dreaded upper case table names)
As far as I can tell, your function can be simplified to:
RETURNS TABLE(tabel_name text, record_json jsonb)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
rec record;
sql_query text;
rec_count bigint;
for rec in
select "TABLE_NAME" as table_name, "TABLE_LIMIT_FOR_SENDING_DATA" as rec_limit
from public."TABLES"
if rec.rec_limit is not null then
execute format('select count(*) from %I', rec.table_name)
into rec_count;
end if;
if (rec.rec_limit is not null and rec_count >= rec.rec_limit) then
sql_query := format('select %L, to_jsonb(t) from %I as t', rec.table_name, rec.table_name);
return query execute sql_query;
end if;
end loop;
Some notes
the language name is an identifier and should not be enclosed in single quotes. This syntax is deprecated and might be removed in a future version so don't get used to it.
you should really avoid those dreaded quoted identifiers. They are much more trouble than they are worth it. See the Postgres wiki for details.

Postgresql query across different tables with dynamic query

I'm trying to get a customer id which can be placed in one of ten different tables. I don't want to hard code those table names to find it so I tried postgresql function as follows.
create or replace FUNCTION test() RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$
rec record;
select id from schema.table_0201_0228 limit 1 into rec;
return next rec;
select id from schema.table_0301_0331 limit 1 into rec;
return next rec;
END $$ language plpgsql;
select * from test() as (id int)
As I'm not familiar with postgresql function usage, how can I improve the code to replace 'schema.table1' with a variable, loop each table and return the result?
NOTE: table names may change overtime. For example, table_0201_0228 and table_0301_0331 are for February and March respectively.
You need dynamic SQL for that:
create or replace FUNCTION test(p_schema text)
RETURNS table(id int)
AS $$
l_tab record;
l_sql text;
for l_tab in (select schemaname, tablename
from pg_tables
where schemaname = p_schema)
l_sql := format('select id from %I.%I limit 1', l_tab.schemaname, l_tab.tablename);
return query execute l_sql;
end loop;
END $$
language plpgsql;
I made the schema name a parameter, but of course you can hard-code it. As the function is defined as returns table there is no need to specify the column name when using it:
select *
from test('some_schema');

ERROR: query has no destination for result data: Postgresql

I am using Postgresql11 and a function that works well in a single run fails when I add a LOOP statement with
"ERROR: query has no destination for result data HINT: If you want to
discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead."
The function has VOID as return value, selects data from a source table into a temp table, calculates some data and inserts the result into a target table. The temp table is then dropped and the function ends. I would like to repeat this procedure in defined intervals and have included a LOOP statement. With LOOP it does not insert into the target table and does not actually loop at all.
create function transfer_cs_regular_loop(trading_pair character varying) returns void
language plpgsql
first_open decimal;
first_price decimal;
last_close decimal;
last_price decimal;
highest_price decimal;
lowest_price decimal;
trade_volume decimal;
n_trades int;
start_time bigint;
last_entry bigint;
counter int := 0;
time_frame int := 10;
WHILE counter < 100 LOOP
SELECT max(token_trades.trade_time) INTO last_entry FROM token_trades WHERE token_trades.trade_symbol = trading_pair;
RAISE NOTICE 'Latest Entry: %', last_entry;
start_time = last_entry - (60 * 1000);
RAISE NOTICE 'Start Time: %', start_time;
SELECT * FROM token_trades where trade_symbol = trading_pair and trade_time > start_time;
SELECT temp_table.trade_time,temp_table.trade_price INTO first_open, first_price FROM temp_table ORDER BY temp_table.trade_time ASC FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY;
SELECT temp_table.trade_time,temp_table.trade_price INTO last_close, last_price FROM temp_table ORDER BY temp_table.trade_time DESC FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY;
SELECT max(temp_table.trade_price) INTO highest_price FROM temp_table;
SELECT min(temp_table.trade_price) INTO lowest_price FROM temp_table;
SELECT INTO trade_volume sum(temp_table.trade_quantity) FROM temp_table;
SELECT INTO n_trades count(*) FROM temp_table;
INSERT INTO candlestick_data_5min_test(open, high, low, close, open_time, close_time, volume, number_trades, trading_pair) VALUES (first_price, highest_price, lowest_price, last_price, first_open, last_close, trade_volume, n_trades, trading_pair);
DROP TABLE temp_table;
counter := counter + 1;
SELECT pg_sleep(time_frame);
RAISE NOTICE '**************************Counter: %', counter;
The error refers to the last SELECT statement in the function. If there is a SELECT without INTO it will always return results. When there's no LOOP this result will be used as the return value of the function (even if it is void).
When you add a LOOP there can't be any SELECT without INTO inside the loop because a single return value would be needed and now there will be many. In this case you need to use PERFORM which does exactly the same thing as a SELECT but discards the results.
Therefore change the last SELECT into a PERFORM and the error will go away:
PERFORM pg_sleep(time_frame);

Some error about cursor in Pl/pgsql

I know the right way to insert value from a table:
insert into city (pop) select pop+2 from city
I just want to know how cursor works in Pl/pgsql .
I wish to use cursor in loop to insert some value:
create or replace function test( ) returns void as
cur cursor for select pop+2 from city order by pop;
b int;
row record;
for row in cur
fetch cur into b;
insert into city(pop) select b;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql
However, when I type select test() and the result table is:
It's very strange that only two rows are inserted. So I want to know what lead to this result?
Update my question in 04/05/2016:
I revise the function like this:
create or replace function test( ) returns void as
cur cursor for select * from city order by pop;
b record;
for b in cur
insert into city(pop) select b.pop+2;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql
Then I get the correct result:
But I still wonder why in the first function, only two rows are inserted.
I finally figure out that why the result is wrong, just like Abelisto's comment . I did two fetchers in loop at each step:
at for row in cur LOOP ,
at fetch cur into b
So the first row where pop=500 and the third row where pop =1000 have already been fetched in for loop, and it can't be fetched by b.

How to list columns of a Row?

CREATE FUNCTION cs_refresh_mviews() RETURNS integer AS $$
mviews RECORD;
PERFORM cs_log('Refreshing materialized views...');
FOR mviews IN SELECT * FROM cs_materialized_views ORDER BY sort_key LOOP
-- How For columns of mviews?
PERFORM cs_log('Done refreshing materialized views.');
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I want get value of columns in mviews.
How browser columns of mviews use to For or While?
The same as:
For i=0 to mviews.columns.count step i++
raise mviews[i]
Materialized Views, really? Are you on 9.3 already?
Anyways your question is not very clear, are you trying to iterate for all the columns in each view?
The Information Schema and information_schema.columns in particular can be what you are looking for.
Assuming you have some schema and name fields in cs_materialized_views table, you can do something like that:
Declare another Record variable: mcols RECORD;
And put this inside your loop:
FOR mcols IN (SELECT ordinal_position, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = mviews.schema AND table_name = ORDER BY ordinal_position) LOOP
RAISE NOTICE 'View %, Column no. %: %', mviews.table_name, mcols.ordinal_position, mcols.column_name;