Template10 - return user to the main page after resuming - template10

Let's assume that my UWP app gets suspended and it is not used for a long time. When a user opens the app again (previous ApplicationExecutionState is Suspended or Terminated), I don't want the user to be navigated to the page he/she was viewing last (it became irrelevant since then), but instead do a fresh navigation to the main page. How can I do this using Template10?
It seems that when the user returns to the app, Template10 always returns the user to the page which was being viewed last. I tried overriding the OnResuming method in App.xaml.cs, however it had no effect.

I had this problem.
I solved saving a bool property like ItWasSuspended in the LocalSettings of my app.
When the OnResumming is activated I set to True this property or when the launched event was raised I set this property false.
Finally in my pages in the OnNavigatedTo I get the value of this property if this property is true I navigate to the main page and I clear the back stack.
Here is how to use the local settings
you can clear the back stack doing something like this
please mark this answer if it's useful for you!
Best regards


Ionic Lifecycle: ionViewDidLoad

I'm using this hook on my Home to get and store some data for my app.
In many articles and tutorials over the net is been sad the ionViewDidLoad hook will fire only ONCE after the view is cached.
But I tested switching pages with navCtrl.setRoot then go back to Home...
The ionViewDidLoad is called again. Did I understand it all wrong? Am I doing it wrongly? I should put a "test" before my commands on ionViewDidLoad?
Any help or explanation for this...
ionViewDidLoad does get called only per page creation. This view is cached when navigation occurs through push() i.e this page is still there in the stack. If navigation happens back to this page via pop(), the hook is not called again.
You are currently using setRoot() to test. This will clear the navigation stack i.e all views are in the current stack are destroyed. The current view is also destroyed when you call pop() on the current page.
Check View Creation and Lifecycle hook section in the docs

Is there a property that tells if a form is deactivated by other form `ShowModal` procedure?

Is there a property that tells if a form is deactivated by other form ShowModal procedure ?
My program has a tray icon that brings to front the main form when it's clicked. I want to disable this when another window is shown in modal state. Because not doing so the main form (which is disable) will cover the modal form and completly block my program.
This behaviour is to be expected. When a modal form is shown, the other forms are disabled. You don't need to disable anything at all, the framework already handles it all for you. The beep is sounding because you are attempting to interact with a disabled form.
If you want to be notified when your window has been disabled, for any reason, not just because a modal form has been shown, listen to the WM_ENABLE message. To test whether or not your main form has been disabled. Do that by calling the IsWindowEnabled Win32 function.
Having said that I feel that it is likely you've not diagnosed the issue correctly. It sounds like you might be suffering from window ownership problems, which are common in Delphi 6. Or perhaps you are attempting to restore the application incorrectly from your notification icon code. Use Application.BringToFront for that.
The VCL's handling of modal dialogs seem very mixed up. When you show a system provided modal dialog, e.g. MessageBox, windows are disabled whether or not they are visible. However, the VCL only disables visible windows when ShowModal is called. What's more, you cannot use Enabled to test whether or not the window is disabled, you must use the IsWindowEnabled Win32 function.
You can test Application.ModalLevel at any point in time to find out if there's a modal form. E.g.:
if Application.ModalLevel = 0 then
MainForm.Visible := True;
Note that non-TCustomForm descendants will not set modal level, API dialogs like a file open dialog or MessageBox for instance. If there's a possibility of such a thing, you might surround code that runs those dialogs with ModalStarted and ModalFinished.
It doesn't seem necessary in your case, but if you somehow need to be notified that a form/dialog is going modal, you can attach a handler to Application.OnModalBegin and Application.OnModalEnd events. You can use an TApplicationEvents component for that.

setting menu item property from another form in oracle

good day, i am working on a system using Oracle Forms Builder. i have 3 forms, MAIN, LOGIN, and REGISTER and a menu form named MENU_MAIN, it is attached to the 3 forms, the first form that will be shown is the MAIN, i made some buttons disabled because the user cant access unless they are registered and login, now my problem is, after they login they are prompted again to the MAIN and i need the button that is disabled to be enabled, how can i do that? am i gonna put the code on the LOGIN? thanks for the response
"am i gonna put the code on the LOGIN?"
Well I honestly don't know which other part of your application can know that a user has logged in, so yes, the LOGIN screen has to handle this.
What should it do? It should set a value in a global variable. Your MAIN screen should interrogate the global variable, probably in a When-New-Form-Instance trigger, and set the buttons' properties accordingly.

Does Activity.onStop() get called when the tab closes or refreshes?

I thought I saw somewhere that GWT's Activity onStop() method allowed the app to react to page closing. However, in an experiment, this appears not to be the case. Is it supposed to work this way, or am I doing something wrong?
It's the method mayStop(), which is called when the Activity is closed or the page is closed. If you return a non null string it will be displayed in a window.confirm box where the user can dismiss leaving the activity or page.

Prevent cached iPhone webapp from reloading (scrolling to top)

I have an iPhone webapp that uses a cache manifest to work offline. I add the webapp to my home screen, use it (say scroll to a certain location on a page), then go back to homescreen.
When I open the app again, for a brief moment I see where I used to be (at that scrolled location on that page), but then the app "reloads" and I get scrolled to the top of the mainpage. Is there a way to prevent this "reloading"? This happens even in airplane mode (ie everything is working off the cache).
You're just seeing the default startup image, which is just a screenshot of the last place you were at. It's not "reloading"; the app wasn't loaded to begin with.
Search for "apple-touch-startup-image" to set a real loading image.
What I'm struggling with here is that the app actually seems to stay "in memory" longer if I use regular Safari as opposed to running in "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" mode. In the later case something as simple as pressing the home button, then task-switching back to the app causes a reload. Doing the same thing just in Safari often does not reload. So I'm worse off by using "apple-mobile-web-app-capable".
I don't believe there is a real 'reload' event. onload and onunload are all we get.
the onload handler starts up as if it is your first time coming to the page.
the onunload handler is the key to clearing out old content.
I like to provide alternate content for people who are coming back to my web app.
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].className+=' unloading'
And let the CSS do the dirty work to hide most of the body and show alternate content.
(this answer does not rely on jQuery or other frameworks)
// on load
To ensure no old content is displayed while launching I use this in my page:
window.addEventListener('unload', function() { $('body').hide(); } );
Thus the last state of the page is empty and is what is shown to the user when the page is opened again.