How to query custom defined join table - postgresql

I have three models user, tab, subscription. User can subscribe to many tabs and tab can have many subscribers.
user --* subscription *-- tab
Diagram from navicat
sequelize.define('subscription', {})
Tab.belongsToMany(User, { through: Subscription })
User.belongsToMany(Tab, { through: Subscription })
How do I get all subscribers for specific tab or all tabs which specific user subscribes to?
I could do that in two queries but it have to be possible in one.
I have tried every possible combination of where, include, through which I would rather not share here. Every time I try to get access to subscription from any side I get subscription (subscriptions) is not associated to user.
I am trying to get something like this to work.
await Tab.findAll({
where: { name: ctx.params.tabname },
include: [{
model: Subscription,
through: {
where: { userUsername: ctx.params.username }

The issue with belongsToMany is that is creates link directly to the destination entity. So to get all users for a specific tab you would have to do
include: [{
model: User
That works when you don't really want to get any data from the subscription entity.
In a case you want to select any data from the subscription entity you need to slightly modify your relations.
This will create one to many relation from tab to subscription and add also binding backwards from subscription to tab. The same thing for user.
Then you can query for all subscriptions (with user info) of a specific tab or for all subscriptions (with tab info) for a specific user like following:
include: [{
model: Subscription,
include: [{
model: User
include: [{
model: Subscription,
include: [{
model: Tab
I hope that helps!


Using another table field as owner field for DataStore Authentication

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DataStore (GraphQL API)
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I am trying to build a service where people can buy subscriptions to certain "Persons" and consume their information. I want to restrict people so that they can only access the data of a certain medium when they are subscribed to it.
Here is the basic structure:
type Post #model {
id: ID!
text: String!
personID: ID! #index(name: "byPerson")
person: Person! #belongsTo(fields: ["personID"])
type Person #model {
id: ID!
name: String!
posts: [Post] #hasMany(indexName: "byPerson", fields: ["id"])
type Subscription #model {
id: ID!
personID: ID! #index(name: "byPerson")
person: Person! #belongsTo(fields: ["personID"])
userSub: String! // or whatever data we need to reference the user
So we have Subscriptions to Persons and Persons can have multiple posts. It is not necessary to fetch a Person if you want to fetch the Posts that a user should be able to see.
What should be possible:
Users should only be able to fetch the posts of the persons that they are subscribed to. There are two ways that I can think of doing but they all require me to change/update data. Since all the data is present, I am not a fan of such solutions.
Solution #1:
Add a group to each user, attach it to the post and add the user to the group as soon as he subscribed
type Post #model #auth(rules: [{ allow: groups, groupsField: "groups" }]) {
id: ID!
text: String!
personID: ID! #index(name: "byPerson")
person: Person! #belongsTo(fields: ["personID"])
groups: String!
Not a fan, it requires me to create a group each time a Person is created and I basically have duplicated information here with each post.
Solution #2:
Use an owner field and attach the user as soon as he subscribes
type Post #model #auth(rules: [{ allow: owner, ownerField: "subscribers" }]) {
id: ID!
text: String!
personID: ID! #index(name: "byPerson")
person: Person! #belongsTo(fields: ["personID"])
subscribers: [String]
Not a fan as well, I need to edit all the postings as soon as a user subscribes/cancels his subscriptions. The margin of error and amount of calculations here could be huge
I have thought about using a custom resolver (no idea if that works, I don't fully understand it yet) or a custom lambda auth check. The custom lambda auth check causes some issues in the frontend with DataStore. Apparently I need to manually refresh the token for the API or something like that.
What do I want to do?
I would love to use the subscription userSub field as an owner field for the posts. Is that possible (with DataSync) in any way?

Get parent nodes from Firebase realtime database event in flutter application

In my flutter application, I'd like to keep track of the employee location for different companies without having to flatten the database (see architecture below).
Q1 : If I set a listener on an office node, is there a way to get the parents nodes from the event ?
Q2 : if a new company node is created in the database, how can I attach dynamically a new listener on the office's new company ?
_employeesQuery = databaseReference.reference().child("Company_1/Office_1");
_onEmployeeAddedSubscription =
onEmployeeAdded(Event event) {
setState(() {
String name = event.snapshot.key;
print("New employee added $name in Office ?? in Company ??");
Firebase's documentation recommends to avoid nesting data and flatten data structure for a good reason. You are not following that advice here, and that's the reason for the mismatch between your data structure and the use-case.
Firebase child listeners work on a flat list of child nodes, they have no knowledge of a hierarchy. So in your model you can listen to all offices, and then get a childChanged when something in an office changes, or you can listen to a specific office, and then get a childAdded when a user is added to that office. If you listen to all offices, you'll have to figure out what changed yourself in your application code.
Following Firebase recommendations, I'd actually model your data as two top-level lists:
userOffices: {
"Dan": "Company_1/Office_1",
"Tom": "Company_1/Office_1",
"Pete": "Company_1/Office_2",
"max": "Company_1/Office_2"
officeUsers: {
"Company_1-Office_1": {
"Dan": true,
"Tom": true
"Company_1-Office_2": {
"Pete": true,
"max": true
The exact model might be a bit different, but the important thing here is that we've stored he data in both directions. You can now fine the users for an office, and the office for a user with a direct lookup. And you can listen to userOffices to know when a user is added to any office.
Also see:
Many to Many relationship in Firebase
Firebase query if child of child contains a value

Is there a way to setup a field-level authorisation on FaunaDB + GraphQL?

I'm having troubles finding a way to hide user emails from everyone, except the owner (user has access to only his email). Is there a way to hide a certain document field, for a certain roles?
Here is an example I found that creates a role with dynamic access to the whole User collection:
name: "tier1_role",
membership: {
resource: Collection("User"),
predicate: Query(
// User attribute based rule:
// It grants access only if the User has TIER1 role.
// If so, further rules specified in the privileges
// section are applied next.
Equals(Select(["data", "role"], Get(Var("userRef"))), "TIER1")
privileges: [
// Note: 'allUsers' Index is used to retrieve the
// documents from the File collection. Therefore,
// read access to the Index is required here as well.
resource: Index("allUsers"),
actions: { read: true }
I tried to change it a bit, but I wasn't able to set up field-level access.
Let's say I'd set up FaunaDB with GraphQL schema below.
enum UserRole {
type User {
email: String! #unique
username: String! #unique
role: UserRole!
type Query {
allUsers: [User!]
type Mutation {
addUsers(new_users: [UserInput]): [User]
#resolver(name: "add_users", paginated: false)
How do create a FaunaDB role in such a way that all of the users (except the current one) in resulting array from allUsers query, will not have email field?
I could break User collection into two: one is public, the other is accessible to a document owner, but this sounds wrong.
I'm new to the noSQL concept, so maybe I'm looking at this problem from the wrong perspective?
it's a request that came up a few times. You probably want to do this straight in FaunaDB's ABAC role system but although it provides row-level security, hiding a specific field is currently not provided yet. The feedback has been logged though, we will look into it.
The current way to do this is to split out Users from Accounts and fetch Users instead of Accounts. It would be useful to have something like hidden fields though in the future.
If you think of it, in this case, it does make sense to split authentication information from User information. You never know that you might offer another way to authentication in the future. I still recall from the Phoenix Framework book that they do it there was well and considered it a good practice.
You could also make a thin wrapper using Apollo in a serverless function and filter out these fields when you pass through the results. There is a guide that explains how to build such a thin Apollo middleware that just delegates to FaunaDB

Implementing 3 way relationship in Prisma

I also asked this question on Prisma forum.
** EDIT **: The forum has since been locked as read-only just 1 day after my question. It's sure getting scary because there is no official announcement of whether they'll stop developing Prisma 1 after implementing promised features or not. Surely they could have said something. And TBH, the unstable Prisma site does add to my shaking confidence in Prisma despite the number of stars in their repo.
I'm new to Prisma. So I have a 3-way relationship between User, Event and Role I would like to define. For each association of a User and an Event, there exists a Role for that association. If I were to design a database table for another ORM, I would have created a event_user table with user_id, event_id and role_id as columns to relate them.
Practically, a row of these 3 columns must be unique. Obviously, it would be good if Prisma can do the safeguarding of these constraints, but the obvious solution I see might not even come to Prisma 1.
My current design consists of the following:
type User {
// ...
eventUsers: [EventUser!]!
type Event {
// ...
eventUsers: [EventUser!]!
type EventUser {
role: Role!
event: Event!
user: User!
This design will make render all xxWhereUniquexx unusable, which is definitely a hassle to maintain relationships. upserts will certainly be unusable for maintaining the relationships.
How would one create a relationship like this in Prisma?
For some context, each user would have a list of global roles as well, so there would already be an association between User and Role. The question concerns the "local roles" for each event.
If each user already have a value for their respective roles, there would be no need for a third table (unless there is more information you'd like to be stored in your modal layer in which case the role type should be in the Role table).
Relationships are set with the #relation directive. You can apply it to either one of two tables in a relation but for clarity I'm apply them to the Event table. The example assumes users can be part of several events.
enum ROLE_TYPE {
User {
user_id: ID! #id
events: [Event!]!
Event {
event_id: ID! #id
users: [User!]! #relation(link: INLINE)
Role {
role_id: ID! #id
event: Event! #relation(link: INLINE)
user: User! #relation(link: INLINE)
You can read more about relations on the Prisma site

API Design: Caching “partial” nested objects

Let's say we have schools with some data including a name and a list of students, and students with some data including courses they're enrolled in and a reference to their school. On the client:
I'd like to show a screen that shows information about a school, which includes a list of all of its students by name.
I'd like to show a screen that shows information about a student, including the name of their school and the names of courses they're taking.
I'd like to cache this information so that I can show the same screen without waiting on a new fetch. I should be able to go from school to student and back to school without fetching the school again.
I'd like to show each screen with only one fetch. Going from the school page to the student page can take a separate fetch, but I should be able to show a school with the full list of student names in one fetch.
I'd like to avoid duplicating data, so that if the school name changes, one fetch to update the school will lead to the correct name being shown both on the school page and the student pages.
Is there a good way to do all of this, or will some of the constraints have to be lifted?
A first approach would be to have an API that does something like this:
GET /school/1
id: 1,
name: "Jefferson High",
students: [
id: 1
name: "Joel Kim"
id: 2,
name: "Chris Green"
GET /student/1
id: 1,
name: "Joel Kim",
school: {
id: 1,
name: "Jefferson High"
courses: [
id: 3
name: "Algebra 1"
id: 5,
name: "World History"
An advantage of this approach is that, for each screen, we can just do a single fetch. On the client side, we could normalize schools and students so that they reference eachother with IDs, and then store the objects in different data stores. However, the student object nested inside of school isn't a full object -- it doesn't include the nested courses, or a reference back to the school. Likewise, the school object inside of student doesn't have a list of all attending students. Storing partial representations of objects in data stores would lead to a bunch of complicated logic on the client side.
Instead of normalizing these objects, we could store schools and students with their nested partial objects. However, this means data duplication -- each student at Jefferson High would have the name of the school nested. If the school name changed just before doing a fetch for a specific student, then we'd show the right school name for that student but the wrong name everywhere else, including on the "school details" page.
Another approach could be to design the API to just return the ids of nested objects:
GET /school/1
id: 1,
name: "Jefferson High",
students: [1, 2]
GET /student/1
id: 1,
name: "Joel Kim",
school: 1,
courses: [3, 5]
We'd always have "complete" representations of objects with all of their references, so it's pretty easy to store this information in data-stores client side. However, this would require multiple fetches to show each screen. To show information about a student, we'd have to fetch the student and then fetch their school, as well as their courses.
Is there a smarter approach that would allow us to cache just one copy of each object, and to prevent multiple fetches to show basic screens?
You might be mixing two concepts: Storage and Representations. You can give back a non-normalized representation (the first option you suggested) without also storing those "partial" object in your database.
So I would suggest to try to return non-normalized representations, but storing them normalized (if you are using a relational DB).
Also, an improvement suggestion: You may want to use proper URIs instead of Ids in your representations. You probably want the clients to know "where" to get that object from, it's easier therefore to just supply the URI. Otherwise the client needs to figure out how to produce a URI out of an Id, and that usually ends up being hard-coded in the client, which is a no-no in REST.