Removing a dependency in a NuGet package - nuget

I'm getting this error when updating a package:
Attempting to resolve dependency XRM.Client.
Circular dependency detected.
Is there anyway to remove the dependency? I don't know how it got there in the first place.
I have tried uninstalling and removing all references to the old package.

The problem was due to having the package listed in the project's packages.config file as well as having a reference.
By leaving the reference in the project, and removing the package from the packages.config, it fixed the problem :)


Choosing nuget packages would cause dependency dll hell?

Could using nuget packages cause dependency dll hell?
Example im using two nuget packages A version 1.0.0 and B in my class library
B is also heavily dependent on new feature which is non backward compatible version of A 2.0.0.
In such a case wont i get build errors? If thats the case isnt nuget scary?
Following is the very long answer. In nuget dependecies could be private when authoring
About the same issue if you are using libraries

SBT 1.x fails to resolve parent pom

My SBT 1.1.0 setup fails to resolve parent dependency as a POM file.
We have several libraries published in a local Sonatype repository. All of them depend on 1 maven project with <packaging>pom</packaging> property set. So there is no JAR file in the repo, only declarative POM file for this parent project and this POM is available and accessible.
SBT 0.13.17 resolves this chain successfully and downloads libraries plus this parent POM.
But SBT 1.x fails with error:
unresolved dependency: ... unable to get resource for commons-dependencies-parent-2.165.jar
It's trying to download JAR instead of POM file.
I was trying to specify this parent dependency explicitly with
"com.zeptolab.commons" % "commons-dependencies-parent" % "2.165"
But the bug persists.
Any ideas or workarounds? Have already switched all projects to SBT 1.1.0 except this one due to this problem.
UPD. Custom resolver is properly set up and working with sbt 0.13.17
UPD2 Made an issue
Found a workaround for this issue. Looks like there is a bug in new http client.
So setting updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withGigahorse(false) helps.

Microsoft.Data.Services.Client Nuget package trying to install wrong dependencies

In Visual Studio 2017 Update 3 (15.3), with latest Nuget (, I am trying to upgrade Microsoft.Data.Edm from 5.6.4 --> 5.8.2.
Attempting to gather dependency information for package 'Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.8.2' with respect to project 'ConsoleApps\FeedProvider', targeting '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1'
Gathering dependency information took 1.98 sec
Attempting to resolve dependencies for package 'Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.8.2' with DependencyBehavior 'Lowest'
Resolving dependency information took 0 ms
Resolving actions to install package 'Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.8.2'
Resolved actions to install package 'Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.8.2'
Time Elapsed: 00:00:02.0136869
========== Finished ==========
On Nuget site Edm package does not list any dependencies. When confirmation window shows up it lists dependencies under installing section, which seem to be pulled from Microsoft.Data.Services.Client .NETStandard 1.1 list of dependencies:
I am clearly not using .NETStandard 1.1 for the project in question (nor any other project in this solution), as you can see if you scroll top log to the right with respect to project 'ConsoleApps\FeedProvider', targeting '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1'
Does anyone know what's up, or how to get around this problem?
Does anyone know what's up, or how to get around this problem?
Update answer according to the CrnaStena`s comment.
This package should be a problematic package. According to the Dependencies of the package Microsoft.Data.Services.Client:
We can notice that the dependencies Microsoft.Data.Edm has no framework specific. In this condition, NuGet will install the dependencies in the framework .NET Standard, Version=1.1. That why we got that confirmation window shows up the error dependencies.
In order to track this issue, I have create a new issue on GitHub:
NuGet install the wrong dependecies
To resolve this issue, I downloaded this package and add the dependence Microsoft.Data.Edm in to the .net framework 4.0 by NuGet Package Explorer.
Since there is a new version released:
I have verified it, and it works fine.
Then save this package to the local feed, install the package from local feed.

How to resolve reference to twirl generated template class in Scala-IDE?

Using twirl for generating template class. Everything is working fine with sbt and the webpages are rendering.
I am using Scala-IDE for development. And in the Scala-IDE the reference to the template class i.e. "html.test()", test is the template name, is showing as an error.
This is the error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file 'test.class'.
Could not access term api in value .twirl, because it (or its dependencies) are missing.
Check your build definition for missing or conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with -Ylog-classpath to see the problematic classpath.) A full rebuild may help if 'test.class' was compiled against an incompatible version of .twirl. ApiService.scala /api/src/main/scala/com/komma/api/rest line 97 Scala Problem.
I did a clean and it is giving "not found: value html" error now.
Is there any way to resolve this error in the scala IDE ?
Re-running sbt eclipse added target/scala-2.11/twirl/main as a source folder which resolved the compilation errors for me.
For my twirl configuration, sbt eclipse did not add the twirl output directory as a source folder. Adding
target/scala-2.11/twirl/main to the eclipse project build path through the Add Folder button, under Java Build Path, by hand, was my solution.

"Package HttpClient does not exist" when compiling

I am attempting to compile EWSJavaAPI1.5 in Eclipse and in IntelliJ. I have had no luck. I keep getting a org.apache.commons.httpclient does not exist error. Its driving me nuts. I added the four required files:
The four jar files are being referenced, yet it does not find the httpclient when compiling. It may have to do with the class path but I am not sure if I am adding it to the class path correctly. What to do?
Check that the library classpath is set correctly and this library is added to the dependencies of your module. Another possible case could be corrupted jar file, try to download it again.