Print byte[] to PDF using PDFBox - rest

I have a question about writing image to PDF using PDFBox.
My requirement is very simple: I get an image from a web service using Spring RestTemplate, I store it in a byte[] variable, but I need to draw the image into a PDF document.
I know that the following is provided:
final byte[] image = this.restTemplate.getForObject(
this.imagesUrl + cableReference + this.format,
JPEGFactory.createFromStream() for JPEG format, CCITTFactory.createFromFile() for TIFF images, LosslessFactory.createFromImage() if starting with buffered images. But I don't know what to use, as the only information I know about those images is that they are in THUMBNAIL format and I don't know how to convert from byte[] to those formats.
Thanks a lot for any help.

(This applies to version 2.0, not to 1.8)
I don't know what you mean with THUMBNAIL format, but give this a try:
final byte[] image = ... // your code
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(image);
BufferedImage bim =;
PDImageXObject pdImage = LosslessFactory.createFromImage(doc, bim);
It might be possible to create a more advanced solution by using
but this one uses a file and not a stream, so it would be slower (but produce the best possible image type).
To add this image to your PDF, use this code:
PDDocument doc = new PDDocument();
PDPage page = new PDPage();
PDPageContentStream contents = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);
// draw the image at full size at (x=20, y=20)
contents.drawImage(pdImage, 20, 20);
// to draw the image at half size at (x=20, y=20) use
// contents.drawImage(pdImage, 20, 20, pdImage.getWidth() / 2, pdImage.getHeight() / 2);


How can I convert back and forth between Blob and Image in Flutter Web?

I use image_picker with Flutter web to allow users to select an image. This returns the URI of a local network Blob object, which I can display with Where I get into trouble is when I want to start manipulating that image. First, I need to pull it off the network and into memory. When I'm done, I need to push it back up to a network-accessible Blob.
How do I create a Blob from an Image?
I don't mean the built-in Image widget. I mean an ImageLib.Image where ImageLib is the Dart image library. Why do I want to do this? Well, I have a web app in which the user selects an image, which is returned as a Blob. I bring this into memory, use ImageLib to crop and resize it, and then want to push it back up to a Blob URL. This is where my code is currently:
var png = ImageLib.encodePng(croppedImage);
var blob = html.Blob([base64Encode(png)], 'image/png');
var url = html.Url.createObjectUrl(blob);
The code does not throw an error until I try to display the image with Image(image: NetworkImage(url)). The error begins with:
The following Event$ object was thrown resolving an image frame:
Copying and pasting url into the browser reveals a black screen, which I take to be a 0x0 image. And so I come to my questions:
How do I properly encode the image and create a Blob?
Is there a better way to manipulate images in Flutter web besides using Blobs? I am basically only using it because that is what image_picker_for_web returns, and so it is the only method I know aside from possibly using a virtual filesystem, which I haven't explored too much.
How do I pull an image into memory?
While I'm at it, I might as well ask what is the best practice for bringing an image into memory. For mobile, I used image_picker to get the name of a file, and I would use the package:image/image.dart as ImageLib to manipulate it:
// pickedfile.path is the name of a file
ImageLib.Image img = ImageLib.decodeImage(File(pickedfile.path).readAsBytesSync());
With web I don't have filesystem access, so I've been doing this instead:
// pickedfile.path is the URL of an HTML Blob
var response = await http.get(pickedfile.path);
ImageLib.Image img = ImageLib.decodeImage(response.bodyBytes);
This is considerably slower than the old way, probably because of the GET. Is this really the best (or only) way to get my image into memory?
The secret, as suggested by Brendan Duncan, was to use the browser's native decoding functionality:
// user browser to decode
html.ImageElement myImageElement = html.ImageElement(src: imagePath);
await myImageElement.onLoad.first; // allow time for browser to render
html.CanvasElement myCanvas = html.CanvasElement(width: myImageElement.width, height: myImageElement.height);
html.CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = myCanvas.context2D;
//ctx.drawImage(myImageElement, 0, 0);
//html.ImageData rgbaData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, myImageElement.width, myImageElement.height);
// resize to save time on encoding
int _MAXDIM = 500;
int width, height;
if (myImageElement.width > myImageElement.height) {
width = _MAXDIM;
height = (_MAXDIM*myImageElement.height/ myImageElement.width).round();
} else {
height = _MAXDIM;
width = (_MAXDIM*myImageElement.width/ myImageElement.height).round();
ctx.drawImageScaled(myImageElement, 0, 0, width, height);
html.ImageData rgbaData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
var myImage = ImageLib.Image.fromBytes(rgbaData.width, rgbaData.height,;
He proposed a similar trick for encoding, but for my use case it was sufficient to do it with Dart:
int width, height;
if (myImageElement.width > myImageElement.height) {
width = 800;
height = (800*myImageElement.height/ myImageElement.width).round();
} else {
height = 800;
width = (800*myImageElement.width/ myImageElement.height).round();
ctx.drawImageScaled(myImageElement, 0, 0, width, height);
html.ImageData rgbaData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
var myImage = ImageLib.Image.fromBytes(rgbaData.width, rgbaData.height,;
Note that in both cases I resize the image first to reduce the size.

Unity Serialize and Encoding sprite

I'm trying to download and save file, on android device. It's works fine on PC, but i have a visual bug at my android phone. Look at screen please
My code:
It's how i download and serialize it
Icon = Sprite.Create(texture2dd, new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, texture2dd.width, texture2dd.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100.0f);
byte[] texturebytes = Icon.texture.GetRawTextureData();
File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/icon", Encoding.Default.GetString(texturebytes));
File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/iconinfo", Icon.texture.width + "###" + Icon.texture.height);
And thi is how I try to load it later:
string[] info = File.ReadAllText(path + "info").Split(new string[] { "###" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
int width, height;
int.TryParse(info[0], out width);
int.TryParse(info[1], out height);
byte[] bytesIcon = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(File.ReadAllText(path));
Texture2D iconText = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
return Sprite.Create(iconText, new Rect(0, 0, width, height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
I think problem in Encoding type, but i tryed all Encoding types, and it's still don't work, and load some bug-texture.
Instead of using GetRawTextureData() and LoadRawTextureData you should save it actually as a .png or .jpg format! The "RawTextureData" is very huge compared to the pure .jpg or .png file data.
Instead use EncodeToPNG (or EncodeToJPG if the quality is not that important - than remember to also adopt the file ending) and LoadImage.
Additionally LoadImage actually "knows" the image size (because it is encoded into the png or jpg file) so there is no need for your iconinfo file at all!
Something like
// ...
Icon = Sprite.Create(texture2dd, new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, texture2dd.width, texture2dd.height), * 0.5f, 100.0f);
byte[] texturebytes = Icon.texture.EncodeToPNG();
File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/icon.png", Encoding.Default.GetString(texturebytes));
// ...
(Maybe also checkout this answer for other ways to write the file.)
// ...
byte[] bytesIcon = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(File.ReadAllText(path));
// as the example in the documentation states:
// Texture size does not matter, since
// LoadImage will replace it with incoming image size.
Texture2D iconText = new Texture2D(2, 2);
// Also from the documentation:
// Texture will be uploaded to the GPU automatically; there's no need to call Apply.
return Sprite.Create(iconText, new Rect(0, 0, iconText.width, iconText.height), * 0.5f);
And yes another issue might still be that you used Encoding.Default (see here) so maybe you should also use a fixed encoding like Encoding.UTF8.
Though for loading the file I would actually prefere to use a UnityWebRequest which can be also used for a file from the local filestorage!

How to insert image in mupdf library

I am using mupdf to sign a pdf.
And I succeed to sign a annotation in pdf with function "pdf_update_ink_appearance"
Now I'm trying to insert an image into pdf.
I add below codes to insert image:
image = fz_new_image_from_file(ctx, "/storage/emulated/0/a.jpg");
fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, image, &page_ctm, 1.0f);
And the image doesn't show up in pdf.
I try another method, but the image also can't show up in pdf.
How to add a transparent image to PDF with mupdf using SMask?
Can anyone help this situation?
I am one of PyMuPDF's authors (a Python binding for MuPDF) and solved this exact task. You might have a look at the source code in GitHub.
The basic process is:
Create an image and then a pixmap from the file. If this pixmap has alpha (i.e. transparency), create another pixmap containg the alpha bytes and link like follows. After this add the main pixmap to the PDF. Finally Add an XObject referencing it to the page's /Resources, and invoke the XObject with a "Do" operator in the page's /Contents object.
if (filename)
image = fz_new_image_from_file(gctx, filename);
pix = fz_get_pixmap_from_image(gctx, image, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
if (pix->alpha == 1)
j = pix->n - 1;
pm = fz_new_pixmap(gctx, NULL, pix->w, pix->h, seps, 0);
s = pix->samples;
t = pm->samples;
for (i = 0; i < pix->w * pix->h; i++)
t[i] = s[j + i * pix->n];
mask = fz_new_image_from_pixmap(gctx, pm, NULL);
zimg = fz_new_image_from_pixmap(gctx, pix, mask);
fz_drop_image(gctx, image);
image = zimg;
zimg = NULL;
Do have a look at file fitz.i and search for function insertImage. It's an SWIG interface file, but that part is plain C interfacing with MuPDF.

Issues converting certain TIF compressions to PDF using iTextSharp

I am using iTextSharp to convert & stitch single-page TIF files to multi-page PDF file. The single-page TIF files are of different bit depths and compressions.
Here is the code-
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> TIFfiles = new List<string>();
Document document;
PdfWriter pdfwriter;
Bitmap tifFile;
pdfFilename = <file path>.PDF;
TIFfiles = <load the path to each TIF file in this array>;
//Create document
document = new Document();
// creation of the different writers
pdfwriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new System.IO.FileStream(pdfFilename, FileMode.Create));
document.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
foreach (string file in TIFfiles)
//load the tiff image
tifFile = new Bitmap(file);
//Total number of pages
iTextSharp.text.Rectangle pgSize = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(tifFile.Width, tifFile.Height);
PdfContentByte cb = pdfwriter.DirectContent;
tifFile.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Page, 0);
iTextSharp.text.Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(tifFile, ImageFormat.Tiff);
// scale the image to fit in the page
img.SetAbsolutePosition(0, 0);
This code works well and stitches & converts tifs to PDF. Issue is with processing time and pdf file size that it creates when processing certain types of TIFs.
For e.g.
Original TIF --> B&W/Bit depth 1/Compression CCITT T.6 --> Faster processing, PDF file size is ~1.1x times the TIF file size.
Original TIF --> Color/Bit depth 8/Compression LZW --> Faster processing, PDF file size is ~1.1x times the TIF file size.
Original TIF --> Color/Bit depth 24/Compression JPEG--> Slow processing, PDF file size is ~12.5x times the TIF file size.
Why doesn't converting Color/Bit depth 24/Compression JPEG files gives similar result as other tif files?
Moreover, this issue is only with iTextSharp. I had a colleague test the same set of TIF samples using Java-iText and the resulting PDF was of smaller size (1.1x times) and had faster processing.
Unfortunately, I need to use .Net for this TIF to PDF conversion, so am stuck with using iTextSharp.
Any ideas/suggestions on how to get those Compression JPEG TIF files to create smaller size PDFs as it does for other TIF compressions?
Appreciate your help!
I was able to reproduce your problem with the code you supplied, but found that the problem went away once I used Image.GetInstance instead of the bitmap used in your sample. When using the code below, the file size and run time was the same between Java and C#. If you have any questions about the sample, don't hesitate to ask.
List<string> TIFfiles = new List<string>();
Document document;
PdfWriter pdfwriter;
iTextSharp.text.Image tifFile;
String pdfFilename = pdfFile;
TIFfiles = new List<string>();
//Create document
document = new Document();
// creation of the different writers
pdfwriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new System.IO.FileStream(pdfFilename, FileMode.Create));
document.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
int i = 0;
while (i < 50)
foreach (string file in TIFfiles)
//load the tiff image
tifFile = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(file);
//Total number of pages
iTextSharp.text.Rectangle pgSize = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(tifFile.Width, tifFile.Height);
PdfContentByte cb = pdfwriter.DirectContent;
// scale the image to fit in the page
tifFile.SetAbsolutePosition(0, 0);

iTextSharp z-index

I'm using itextSharp to add anotations in a pdf document.
I have a pdf document that already contains an image saved in it, it's a stamp.
So I draw some stroke on this pdf in the stamp and everything is fine when I draw them in my WPF but when I send the pdf by email using iTextSharp for the conversion the line I drawed is now below the stamp.
How I can solve this problem ?
Thank you
The explanation you posted as an answer (BTW, more apropos would have been to edit your question to contain that data) explains the issue.
There are two principal types of objects visible on a PDF page:
the PDF page content;
annotations associated with the page.
The annotations are always displayed above the page content if they are displayed at all.
In your case you add the image to the PDF page content (using OverContent or UnderContent only changes where in relation to other PDF page content material your additions appear). The stamp, on the other hand, most likely is realized by means of an annotation. Thus, the stamp annotation always is above your additions.
If you want to have your additions appear above the stamp, you either have to add your additions as some kind of annotation, too, or you have to flatten the stamp annotation into the page content before adding your stuff.
Which of these varients is better, depends on the requirements you have. Are there any requirements forcing the stamp to remain a stamp annotation? Are there any requirements forcing your additions to remain part of the content? Please elaborate your requirements. As content and annotations have some different properties when displayed or printed, please state all requirements.
And furthermore, please supply sample documents.
So like I said the original pdf have a stamp saved inside it, if I open the pdf with acrobat reader I can move the stamp.
So here my code to write some strokes :
using (var outputStream = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
using (var intputStream = new FileStream(pathPdf, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(intputStream);
using (var pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(reader, outputStream))
foreach (var page in pages)
if (page != null && page.ExportedImages.HasItems())
PdfContentByte pdfContent = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(page.PageIndex);
Rectangle pageSize = reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(page.PageIndex);
PdfLayer pdfLayer = new PdfLayer(string.Format(ANNOTATIONNAMEWITHPAGENAME, page.PageIndex), pdfContent.PdfWriter);
foreach (ExporterEditPageInfoImage exportedInfo in page.ExportedImages)
Image image = PngImage.GetImage(exportedInfo.Path);
image.Layer = pdfLayer;
if (quality == PublishQuality.Normal || quality == PublishQuality.Medium || quality == PublishQuality.High)
float width = (float)Math.Ceiling((image.Width / image.DpiX) * 72);
float height = (float)Math.Ceiling((image.Height / image.DpiY) * 72);
image.ScaleAbsolute(width, height);
float x = (float)(exportedInfo.HorizontalTile * (page.TileSize * (72 / 96d)));
float y = (float)Math.Max(0, (pageSize.Height - ((exportedInfo.VerticalTile + 1) * (page.TileSize * (72 / 96d)))));
image.SetAbsolutePosition(x, y);
throw new NotSupportedException();
So my strokes are saved good in the pdf the problem the stamp is always on top of everything and I think is normal so can I do a workaround for this ?