How to normalize group by count results? - postgresql

How can the results of a "group by" count be normalized by the count's sum?
For example, given:
User Rating (1-5)
1 3
1 4
1 2
3 5
4 3
3 2
2 3
The result will be:
User Count Percentage
1 3 .42 (=3/7)
2 1 .14 (=1/7)
3 2 .28 (...)
4 1 .14
So for each user the number of ratings they provided is given as the percentage of the total ratings provided by everyone.

SELECT DISTINCT ON (user) user, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY user) AS cnt,
count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY user) / count(*) OVER () AS percentage;
The count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY user) is a so-called window function. Window functions let you perform some operation over a "window" created by some "partition" which is here made over the user id. In plain and simple English: the partitioned count(*) is calculated for each distinct user value, so in effect it counts the number of rows for each user value.

Without using a windowing function or variables, you will need to cross join a grouped subquery on a second "maxed" subquery then select again to return a subset you can work with.
) AS A


how to list records that conform to a sequentially incrementing id in postgres

Is there a way to select records are sequentially incremented?
for example, for a list of records
id 0
id 1
id 3
id 4
id 5
id 8
a command like:
select id incrementally from 3
Will return values 3,4 and 5. It won't return 8 because it's not sequentially incrementing from 5.
step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle
WITH groups AS ( -- 2
id - row_number() OVER (ORDER BY id) as group_id -- 1
FROM mytable
FROM groups
WHERE group_id = ( -- 4
SELECT group_id FROM groups WHERE id = 3 -- 3
row_number() window function create a consecutive row count. With this difference you are able to create groups of consecutive records (id values which are increasing by 1)
This query is put into a WITH clause because we reuse the result twice in the next step
Select the recently created group_id
Filter the table for this group.
Additionally: If you want to start your output at id = 4, for example, you need to add a AND id >= 4 filter to the WHERE clause

Postgres - Using window function in grouped rows

According to the Postgres Doc at it states
If the query contains any window functions (...), these functions are evaluated after any grouping, aggregation, and HAVING filtering is performed. That is, if the query uses any aggregates, GROUP BY, or HAVING, then the rows seen by the window functions are the group rows instead of the original table rows from FROM/WHERE.
I didn't get the concept of " then the rows seen by the window functions are the group rows instead of the original table rows from FROM/WHERE". Allow me to use an example to explain my doubt:
Using this ready to run example below
with cte as (
select 1 as primary_id, 1 as foreign_id, 10 as begins
select 2 as primary_id, 1 as foreign_id, 20 as begins
select 3 as primary_id, 1 as foreign_id, 30 as begins
select 4 as primary_id, 2 as foreign_id, 40 as begins
select foreign_id, count(*) over () as window_rows_count, count(*) as grouped_rows_count
from cte
group by foreign_id
You may notice that the result is
So if "the rows seen by the window functions are the group rows".. then ¿why window_rows_count is returning a different value from grouped_rows_count?
If you remove the window function from the query:
select foreign_id, count(*) as grouped_rows_count
from cte
group by foreign_id
the result, as expected is this:
> foreign_id | grouped_rows_count
> ---------: | -----------------:
> 1 | 3
> 2 | 1
and on this result, which is 2 rows, if you also apply the window function count(*) over(), it will return 2, because it counts all the rows of the resultset since the over clause is empty, without any partition.
You should follow the last comment on your post.
And for more analysis, you may process the following query :
with cte as (
select 1 as primary_id, 1 as foreign_id, 10 as begins
select 2 as primary_id, 1 as foreign_id, 20 as begins
select 3 as primary_id, 1 as foreign_id, 30 as begins
select 4 as primary_id, 2 as foreign_id, 40 as begins
select foreign_id, count(*) over (PARTITION BY foreign_id) as window_rows_count, count(*) as grouped_rows_count
from cte
group by foreign_id ;
You'll see this time that you are getting 1 row for each foreign id.
Checkout the documentation on postgres at this url :
The window function is applied to the whole set obtained by the former query.

PostgreSQL Window Function "column must appear in the GROUP BY clause"

I'm trying to get a leaderboard of summed user scores from a list of user score entries. A single user can have more than one entry in this table.
I have the following table:
user_id | amount
I want to add up all of the amount values for given users and then rank them on a global leaderboard. Here's the query I'm trying to run:
SELECT user_id, SUM(amount) AS score, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id) FROM rewards;
I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: column "rewards.user_id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT user_id, SUM(amount) AS score, rank() OVER (PARTITION...
Isn't user_id already in an "aggregate function" because I'm trying to partition on it? The PostgreSQL manual shows the following entry which I feel is a direct parallel of mine, so I'm not sure why mine's not working:
SELECT depname, empno, salary, avg(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY depname) FROM empsalary;
They're not grouping by depname, so how come theirs works?
For example, for the following data:
user_id | score
1 | 2
1 | 3
2 | 5
3 | 1
I would expect the following output (I have made a "tie" between users 1 and 2):
user_id | SUM(score) | rank
1 | 5 | 1
2 | 5 | 1
3 | 1 | 3
So user 1 has a total score of 5 and is ranked #1, user 2 is tied with a score of 5 and thus is also rank #1, and user 3 is ranked #3 with a score of 1.
You need to GROUP BY user_id since it's not being aggregated. Then you can rank by SUM(score) descending as you want;
SQL Fiddle Demo
SELECT user_id, SUM(score), RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(score) DESC)
FROM rewards
GROUP BY user_id;
user_id | sum | rank
1 | 5 | 1
2 | 5 | 1
3 | 1 | 3
There is a difference between window functions and aggregate functions. Some functions can be used both as a window function and an aggregate function, which can cause confusion. Window functions can be recognized by the OVER clause in the query.
The query in your case then becomes, split in doing first an aggregate on user_id followed by a window function on the total_amount.
SELECT user_id, total_amount, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY total_amount DESC)
SELECT user_id, SUM(amount) total_amount
FROM table
GROUP BY user_id
) q
ORDER BY total_amount DESC
If you have
SELECT user_id, SUM(amount) ....
agreagted function (not window function)
FROM .....
You need
GROUP BY user_id

T-SQL End of Month sum

I have a table with some transaction fields, primary id is a CUSTomer field and a TXN_DATE and for two of them, NOM_AMOUNT and GRS_AMOUNT I need an EndOfMonth SUM (no rolling, just EOM, can be 0 if no transaction in the month) for these two amount fields. How can I do it? I need also a 0 reported for months with no transactions..
Thank you!
If you group by the expresion month(txn_date) you can calculate the sum. If you use a temporary table with a join on month you can determine which months have no records and thus report a 0 (or null if you don't use the coalesce fiunction).
This will be your end result, I assume you are able to add the other column you need to sum and adapt for your schema.
select mnt as month
, sum(coalesce(NOM_AMOUNT ,0)) as NOM_AMOUNT_EOM
, sum(coalesce(GRS_AMOUNT ,0)) as GRS_AMOUNT_EOM
from (
select 1 as mnt
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
union all select 5
union all select 6
union all select 7
union all select 8
union all select 9
union all select 10
union all select 11
union all select 12) as m
left outer join Table1 as t
on m.mnt = month(txn_date)
group by mnt
Here is the initial working sqlfiddle

Using Derived Tables and CTEs to Display Details?

I am teaching myself T-SQL and am struggling to comprehend the following example..
Suppose you want to display several nonaggregated columns along with
some aggregate expressions that apply to the entire result set or to a
larger grouping level. For example, you may need to display several
columns from the Sales.SalesOrderHeader table and calculate the
percent of the TotalDue for each sale compared to the TotalDue for all
the customer’s sales. If you group by CustomerID, you can’t include
other nonaggregated columns from Sales.SalesOrderHeader unless you
group by those columns. To get around this, you can use a derived
table or a CTE.
Here are two examples given...
SELECT c.CustomerID, SalesOrderID, TotalDue, AvgOfTotalDue,
TotalDue/SumOfTotalDue * 100 AS SalePercent
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
(SELECT CustomerID, SUM(TotalDue) AS SumOfTotalDue,
AVG(TotalDue) AS AvgOfTotalDue
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
GROUP BY CustomerID) AS c ON soh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
ORDER BY c.CustomerID;
(SELECT CustomerID, SUM(TotalDue) AS SumOfTotalDue,
AVG(TotalDue) AS AvgOfTotalDue
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
GROUP BY CustomerID)
SELECT c.CustomerID, SalesOrderID, TotalDue,AvgOfTotalDue,
TotalDue/SumOfTotalDue * 100 AS SalePercent
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
INNER JOIN c ON soh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
ORDER BY c.CustomerID;
Why doesn't this query produce the same result..
SELECT CustomerID, SalesOrderID, TotalDue, AVG(TotalDue) AS AvgOfTotalDue,
TotalDue/SUM(TotalDue) * 100 AS SalePercent
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
GROUP BY CustomerID, SalesOrderID, TotalDue
I'm looking for someone to explain the above examples in another way or step through it logically so I can understand how they work?
The aggregates in this statement (i.e. SUM and AVG) don't do anything:
SELECT CustomerID, SalesOrderID, TotalDue, AVG(TotalDue) AS AvgOfTotalDue,
TotalDue/SUM(TotalDue) * 100 AS SalePercent
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
GROUP BY CustomerID, SalesOrderID, TotalDue
The reason for this is you're grouping by TotalDue, so all records in the same group have the same value for this field. In the case of AVG this means you're guarenteed for AvgOfTotalDue to always equal TotalDue. For SUM it's possible you'd get a different result, but as you're also grouping by SalesOrderID (which I'd imagine is unique in the SalesOrderHeader table) you will only have one record per group, so again this will always equal the TotalDue value.
With the CTE example you're only grouping by CustomerId; as a customer may have many sales orders associated with it, these aggregate values will be different to the TotalDue.
Explanation of the aggregate of field included in group by:
When you group by a value, all rows with that same value are collected together and aggregate functions are performed over them. Say you had 5 rows with a total due of 1 and 3 with a total due of 2 you'd get two result lines; one with the 1s and one with the 2s. Now if you perform a sum on these you have 3*1 and 2*2. Now divide by the number of rows in that result line (to get the average) and you have 3*1/3 and 2*2/2; so things cancel out leaving you with 1 and 2.
select totalDue, avg(totalDue)
from (
select 1 totalDue
union all select 1 totalDue
union all select 1 totalDue
union all select 2 totalDue
union all select 2 totalDue
) x
group by totalDue
select uniqueId, totalDue, avg(totalDue), sum(totalDue)
from (
select 1 uniqueId, 1 totalDue
union all select 2 uniqueId, 1 totalDue
union all select 3 uniqueId, 1 totalDue
union all select 4 uniqueId, 2 totalDue
union all select 5 uniqueId, 2 totalDue
) x
group by uniqueId
Runnable Example:!2/d41d8/21263