A real dendogram is a tree where you should be able to decide the number of partitions you want. But for some reason the networkx's own implemetation only return "the best partition". So if the algorithm thinks that the best partition consist of four different communities, then this partition is also on the second highest level of the dendogram.
Theoretically it is possibly to select the number of communities with Louvain, but the current implementations do not allow that. Is there any nice trick how to overcome this, or do I really need to invent the wheel again and implement it myself from the scratch?
The Louvain dendrogram can be accessed through community.generate_dendrogram, and should have all partition mergers up until the optimal partition (i.e. any further mergers would decrease modularity). The networkx louvain is based on the python-louvain package on GitHub, so you can follow further issues and discussions there.
I have a big doubt about the way I should cluster sets using MinHash together with the banding technique.
I assume everyone reading has a good knowledge of MinHash so I won't define most of the terms I'm using.
My goal is to use MinHash to cluster users according to the similarity of their signatures. In a local, non-banded settings this would be trivial: if their signature hash is the same, they go in the same cluster.
If we split signatures in bands and process them indipendently, I can treat a band as I said before and generate a group of clusters for every band. My question is: how should I aggregate these clusters? Just merge them if they have at least an element in common? Or should I do something different?
MinHash is not really meant as standalone clustering algorithm. It is meant as a candidate filter for near-duplicate detection.
When looking for similar documents, you compute the minhashes to retrieve candidates. You then still need to check these candidates - they could be false positives!
The more signatures agree, the more likely they really match.
So if you consider the near-duplicate scenario again: if a is a near duplicate of b and b is a near duplicate of c, then a should also be a near duplicate of c. If this holds, you can throw all these matches (after verification) together. If it doesn't consider a hierarchical clustering like strategy to merge (or not merge) candidates.
Hello all this is my very first question here. I am new to datastructure and algorithms my teacher asked me to compare time complexity of different algorithms including: merge sort, heap sort, insertion sort, and quick sort. I search over internet and find out that quick sort is the fastest of all but my version of quick sort is the slowest of all (it sort 100 random integers in almost 1 second while my other sorting algorithms took almost 0 second). I tweak my quick sort logic many times (taking first value as pivot than tried to take middle value as pivot but in vain) I finally search the code over internet and there was not much difference in my code and code on internet. Now I really am confused that if this is behaviour of quick sort is natural (I mean whatever your logic is you are gonna get same results.) or there are some specific situations where you should use quick sort. In the end I know my question is not clear (I don't know how to ask besides my english is also not very good.) I hope someone can help me I really wanted to attach picture of awkward result I am having but I can't (reputation < 10).
Theoretically, quicksort is supposed to be the fastest algorithm for sorting, with a runtime of O(nlogn). It's worst case would be O(n^2), but only occurs if there are repeated values are equal to the pivot.
In your situation, I can only assume that your pivot value is not ideal in your data array, but is still able to sort the values using that pivot. Otherwise, your quicksort implementation is unfortunately incorrect.
Quicksort has O(n^2) worst-case runtime and O(nlogn) average case runtime. A good reason why Quicksort is so fast in practice compared to most other O(nlogn) algorithms such as Heapsort, is because it is relatively cache-efficient. Its running time is actually O(n/Blog(n/B)), where B is the block size. Heapsort, on the other hand, doesn't have any such speedup: it's not at all accessing memory cache-efficiently.
The value you choose as pivot may not be appropriate hence your sorting may be taking some time.You can avoid quicksort’s worst-case run time of O(n^2) almost entirely by using an appropriate choice of the pivot – such as picking it at random.
Also , the best and worst case often are extremes rarely occurring in practice.But any average case analysis assume some distribution of inputs. For sorting, the typical choice is the random permutation model (as assumed on Wikipedia).
I'm fairly new to clustering and related topics so please forgive my questions.
I'm trying to get introduced into this area by doing some tests, and as a first experiment I'd like to create clusters on tweets based on content similarity. The basic idea for the experiment would be storing tweets on a database and periodically calculate the clustering (ie. using a cron job). Please note that the database would obtain new tweets from time to time.
Being ignorant in this field, my idea (probably naive) would be to do something like this:
1. For each new tweet in the db, extract N-grams (N=3 for example) into a set
2. Perform Jaccard similarity and compare with each of the existing clusters. If result > threshold then it would be assigned to that cluster
3. Once finished I'd get M clusters containing similar tweets
Now I see some problems with this basic approach. Let's put aside computational cost, how would the comparison between a tweet and a cluster be done? Assuming I have a tweet Tn and a cluster C1 containing T1, T4, T10 which one should I compare it to? Given that we're talking about similarity, it could well happen that sim(Tn,T1) > threshold but sim(Tn,T4) < threshold. My gut feeling tells me that something like an average should be used for the cluster, in order to avoid this problem.
Also, it could happen that sim(Tn, C1) and sim(Tn, C2) are both > threshold but similarity with C1 would be higher. In that case Tn should go to C1. This could be done brute force as well to assign the tweet to the cluster with maximum similarity.
And last of all, it's the computational issue. I've been reading a bit about minhash and it seems to be the answer to this problem, although I need to do some more research on it.
Anyway, my main question would be: could someone with experience in the area recommend me which approach should I aim to? I read some mentions about LSA and other methods, but trying to cope with everything is getting a bit overwhelming, so I'd appreciate some guiding.
From what I'm reading a tool for this would be hierarchical clustering, as it would allow regrouping of clusters whenever new data enters. Is this correct?
Please note that I'm not looking for any complicated case. My use case idea would be being able to cluster similar tweets into groups without any previous information. For example, tweets from Foursquare ("I'm checking in ..." which are similar to each other would be one case, or "My klout score is ..."). Also note that I'd like this to be language independent, so I'm not interested in having to deal with specific language issues.
It looks like to me that you are trying to address two different problems in one, i.e. "syntactic" and "semantic" clustering. They are quite different problems, expecially if you are in the realm of short-text analysis (and Twitter is the king of short-text analysis, of course).
"Syntactic" clustering means aggregating tweets that come, most likely, from the same source. Your example of Foursquare fits perfectly, but it is also common for retweets, people sharing online newspaper articles or blog posts, and many other cases. For this type of problem, using a N-gram model is almost mandatory, as you said (my experience suggests that N=2 is good for tweets, since you can find significant tweets that have as low as 3-4 features). Normalization is also an important factor here, removing RT tag, mentions, hashtags might help.
"Semantic" clustering means aggregating tweets that share the same topic. This is a much more difficult problem, and it won't likely work if you try to aggregate random sample of tweets, due to the fact that they, usually, carry too little information. These techniques might work, though, if you restrict your domain to a specific subset of tweets (i.e. the one matching a keyword, or an hashtag). LSA could be useful here, while it is useless for syntactic clusters.
Based on your observation, I think what you want is syntactic clustering. Your biggest issue, though, is the fact that you need online clustering, and not static clustering. The classical clustering algorithms that would work well in the static case (like hierarchical clustering, or union find) aren't really suited for online clustering , unless you redo the clustering from scratch every time a new tweet gets added to your database. "Averaging" the clusters to add new elements isn't a great solution according to my experience, because you need to retain all the information of every cluster member to update the "average" every time new data gets in. Also, algorithms like hierarchical clustering and union find work well because they can join pre-existant clusters if a link of similarity is found between them, and they don't simply assign a new element to the "closest" cluster, which is what you suggested to do in your post.
Algorithms like MinHash (or SimHash) are indeed more suited to online clustering, because they support the idea of "querying" for similar documents. MinHash is essentially a way to obtain pairs of documents that exceed a certain threshold of similarity (in particular, MinHash can be considered an estimator of Jaccard similarity) without having to rely on a quadratic algorithm like pairwise comparison (it is, in fact, O(nlog(n)) in time). It is, though, quadratic in space, therefore a memory-only implementation of MinHash is useful for small collections only (say 10000 tweets). In your case, though, it can be useful to save "sketches" (i.e., the set of hashes you obtain by min-hashing a tweet) of your tweets in a database to form an "index", and query the new ones against that index. You can then form a similarity graph, by adding edges between vertices (tweets) that matched the similarity query. The connected components of your graph will be your clusters.
This sounds a lot like canopy pre-clustering to me.
Essentially, each cluster is represented by the first object that started the cluster.
Objects within the outer radius join the cluster. Objects that are not within the inner radius of at least one cluster start a new cluster. This way, you get an overlapping (non-disjoint!) quantization of your dataset. Since this can drastically reduce the data size, it can be used to speed up various algorithms.
However don't expect useful results from clustering tweets. Tweet data is just to much noise. Most tweets have just a few words, too little to define a good similarity. On the other hand, you have the various retweets that are near duplicates - but trivial to detect.
So what would be a good cluster of tweets? Can this n-gram similarity actually capture this?
I am implementing an algorithm that perform Quick sort with Leftmost pivot selection up to a certain limit and when the list of arrays becomes almost sorted, I will use Insertion sort to sort those elements.
For left most pivot selection,I know the Average case complexity of Quick sort is O(nlogn) and worst case complexity ,i.e. when the list is almost sorted, is O(n^2). On the other hand, Insertion sort is very efficient on almost sorted list of elements with a complexity is O(n).
SO I think the complexity of this hybrid algorithm should be O(n). Am I correct?
The most important thing for the performance of qsort is picking a good pivot above all. This means choosing an element that's as close to the average of the elements you're sorting as possible.
The worse case of O(n2) in qsort comes about from consistently choosing 'bad' pivots every time for each partition pass. This causes the partitions to be extremely lopsided rather than balanced eg. 1 : n-1 element partition ratio.
I don't see how adding insertion sort into the mix as you've describe would help or mitigate this problem.