Protected Inner class constructor in Scala - scala

I'm not sure why this won't compile - I'm trying to use an inner class (or trait) such that other objects can work with the resulting "RequestReturn", but only Trait Request and it's descendants can construct the object in the first place. I may be taking the wrong approach but shouldn't this code logically work? I've flagged the RequestReturn constructor as protected[Request] so it stands to reason that class RequestContinue would have the ability to call the constructor also.
trait Request {
class RequestReturn protected[Request](val x:Any)
def fulfill(item:Boolean):RequestReturn = new RequestReturn(item) //this line compiles
trait RequestContinue extends Request{
override def fulfill(item:Boolean):RequestReturn = new RequestReturn(item) //this won't compile
Error:(19, 54) constructor RequestReturn in class RequestReturn cannot be accessed in trait RequestContinue
Access to protected constructor RequestReturn not permitted because
enclosing trait RequestContinue in package .... is not a subclass of
class RequestReturn in trait Request where target is defined
override def fulfill(item:Boolean):RequestReturn = new RequestReturn(item)

The rules are here:
Access from RequestReturn, descendants and their companion modules; and from Request and its companion module.
You could define a protected factory method in Request for your use case.


Access modifier location explanation in scala

I discovered that we can use access modifier before class as well as after class name. For example, I have 2 classes as follows
protected class Animal1{
def makeSound(): Unit = println("Bow ow")
object Animal1{
def main(args: Array[String])
val animal = new Animal2()
class Animal2 protected{
def makeSound(): Unit = println("Meow")
object Animal2{
def main(args: Array[String])
val animal = new Animal1()
Here an error shows up in Animal1 main method saying Animal2 cannot be accessed in object Animal1.
If I extend Animal2 class, the sub class is able to access the parent class.
What I understand from this is if we write protected after the class name, it is not available to classes in same package and if I right it before class, it is available to all classes in the package, only to its sub classes, is this a correct assumption? What is the exact significance of location of an access modifier?
What is the exact significance of location of an access modifier?
The access modifier always comes before the thing whose access it modifies.
In your first example, protected comes before the class Animal1, so it regulates access to the class.
In your second example, protected comes before the primary constructor, so it regulates access to the primary constructor. (Note: it's not obvious that it comes before the primary constructor because Animal2 has an empty primary constructor, but the Scala Language Specification says that if there is no parameter list for a class, an empty () parameter list is inserted.)
So, your Animal2 class is actually equivalent to
class Animal2 protected () {
def makeSound(): Unit = println("Meow")
A typical reason for restricting access to the primary constructor is to control instance creation either through auxiliary constructors or factory methods in the companion module.
You can find the specification for access modifiers of the primary constructor in section 5.3 Class Definitions of the Scala Language Specification.
The access modified before a class is like the access modifier for any other value in a class. It specifies the visibility of that class outside the containing class and in subclasses.
The access modifier after the class applies to the constructor and specifies the visibility of the constructor outside the companion object for that class
Typically it is used to hide the default constructor:
class Positive private(val i: Int)
object Positive {
def apply(i: Int): Positive = new Positive(math.abs(i))
You can access the i field of a Positive but it can never be negative.

In Scala, How to perform compile-time type check on companion object?

An easy thing to do in many languages but not in Scala is:
Define archetype 'Super', such that all implementations of 'Super' has to define a constructor 'create()'.
I found this constraint very important and is able to identify a lot of problems before runtime. However this feature is only partially enforced in Java (by defining an 'abstract' static method that always throws an error) and completely missing in Scala (companion object is completely detached from class and cannot be enforced in archetype).
is there a macro or tool that allows me to do this?
UPDATE Sorry my question was missing context and examples. Here is a formal use case in scala:
In project A, we define an interface that can be extended by all subprojects:
trait AbstractFoo {}
This interface should always have a default 0-parameter builder/constructor, so project A can initialize it on-demand, however, the implementation of each constructor is unknown to project A:
object AbstractFoo {
def default[T <: AbstractFoo: ClassTag](): T
So the problem becomes: How to rigorously define AbstractFoo, such that for all subprojects of A, any implementation(s) of AbstractFoo:
case class Foo(...) extends AbstractFoo
must satisfy:
'Foo' must have a 0-parameter builder/constructor defined (presumably in its companion object)
calling AbstractFoo.defaultFoo can invoke this 0-parameter builder/constructor
It should be noted that in an alternative conditions, a solution exists which is to define every companion object as an implicit type class:
trait FooBuilder[T <: AbstractFoo] {
def default(): T
object AbstractFoo {
implicit object Foo extends FooBuilder[Foo] {
def default() = {...}
def default[T <: AbstractFoo: FooBuilder](): T = {
Such that if the implicit object is undefined the compiler will give an implicit not found error (my code snippet may have some syntax error, the idea is from
Unfortunately it's not always convenient, because this subproject of A is usually unknown to project A. Yet the default implicit builder cannot be redefined, this makes every invocation of default() more covoluted.
I believe scala is a very extendable language, so there should be at least 1 way to enforce it whether if using macro, annotation or other metaprogramming techniques. Is my question clear enough now?
UPDATE2: I believe I found the solution after carefully study Scaladoc, there is a comment hidden in a corner:
if there are several eligible arguments which match the implicit parameter’s type, a most specific one will be chosen using the rules of static overloading resolution (see Scala Specification §6.26.4):
Implicit scope of type arguments (2.8.0)
So all I need is to write an implicit function in FooBuilder:
trait FooBuilder[T <: AbstractFoo] {
def default(): T
implicit def self = this
object Foo extends FooBuilder[Foo]
So everytime someone call:
scala will refer to the scope of class Foo, which include object Foo, which contains the implicit value Foo, and eventually find the 0-parameter constructor.
I think this definition is better than defining it under object FooBuilder, since you can only define FooBuilder once, thus its not quite extendable. Would you agree with me? If so, could you please revise your answer so I can award you point?
I don't understand why an abstract class or even a Trait won't allow this to be done?
abstract class DefineCreate{
def create(): Unit
case class Foo(one: Int)
object Foo extends DefineCreate{
def create(): Unit = { Console.out.println("side-effect") }
Thus I force a user to make a create method on the object in question because all implementations of DefineCreate must do so in order to compile.
Update Following Comments
Well, without having to resort to macros and the like, you could achieve the same sort of thing with type classes:
trait Constructor[A]{
def create(): A
object Construct{
def create[A](implicit cr: Constructor[A]): A = cr.create()
Which doesn't explicitly force the companion object to sprout methods but it does force a user to make the type class if they want to use the Constructor.create[Foo] pattern.

How to solve "Implementation restriction: trait ... accesses protected method ... inside a concrete trait method."

A Java library class I'm using declares
protected getPage(): Page { ... }
Now I want to make a helper Scala mixin to add features that I often use. I don't want to extend the class, because the Java class has different subclasses I want to extend at different places. The problem is that if I use getPage() in my mixin trait, I get this error:
Implementation restriction: trait MyMixin accesses protected method getPage inside a concrete trait method.
Is there a solution how to make it work, without affecting my subclasses? And why is there this restriction?
So far, I came up with a work-around: I override the method in the trait as
override def getPage(): Page = super.getPage();
This seems to work, but I'm not completely satisfied. Luckily I don't need to override getPage() in my subclasses, but if I needed, I'd get two overrides of the same method and this work-around won't work.
The problem is that even though the trait extends the Java class, the implementation is not actually in something that extends the Java class. Consider
class A { def f = "foo" }
trait T extends A { def g = f + "bar" }
class B extends T { def h = g + "baz" }
In the actual bytecode for B we see
public java.lang.String g();
0: aload_0
1: invokestatic #17; //Method T$class.g:(LT;)Ljava/lang/String;
4: areturn
which means it just forwards to something called T$class, which it turns out is
public abstract class T$class extends java.lang.Object{
public static java.lang.String g(T);
So the body of the code isn't called from a subclass of A at all.
Now, with Scala that's no problem because it just omits the protected flag from bytecode. But Java enforces that only subclasses can call protected methods.
And thus you have the problem, and the message.
You cannot easily get around this problem, though the error message suggests what is perhaps the best alternative:
public class JavaProtected {
protected int getInt() { return 5; }
scala> trait T extends JavaProtected { def i = getInt }
<console>:8: error: Implementation restriction: trait T accesses
protected method getInt inside a concrete trait method.
Add an accessor in a class extending class JavaProtected as a workaround.
Note the last line.
class WithAccessor extends JavaProtected { protected def myAccessor = getInt }
trait T extends WithAccessor { def i = myAccessor }

How does one "override" an inner class in Scala?

In the Scaladoc of class Enumeration#Val, I can read: "A class implementing the Value type. This class can be overridden to change the enumeration's naming and integer identification behaviour." I am puzzled: how do I override a class? Things like override class Val extends super.Val are not permitted.
There are no virtual classes in Scala (yet), so you can't write override class Val ..., and then be sure that invoking new Val will dynamically choose the right class for the new instance. What would happen instead is that the class would be chosen based on the type of the reference to the instance of the enclosing class (in this case, Enumeration).
The general trick to emulate virtual classes is to write class Val extends super.Val, and then override a protected method which serves as a factory for instances of the class. In this case, you would also have to override the method:
protected def Value(i: Int, name: String): Value = new Val(i, name)
Enumeration will create instances of Val only using this factory method. In general, this pattern requires discipline on the programmer's part, but can be ensured by declaring the constructors private, forcing the programmer to use the factory method.

Difference between object and class in Scala

I'm just going over some Scala tutorials on the Internet and have noticed in some examples an object is declared at the start of the example.
What is the difference between class and object in Scala?
class C defines a class, just as in Java or C++.
object O creates a singleton object O as instance of some anonymous class; it can be used to hold static members that are not associated with instances of some class.
object O extends T makes the object O an instance of trait T; you can then pass O anywhere, a T is expected.
if there is a class C, then object C is the companion object of class C; note that the companion object is not automatically an instance of C.
Also see Scala documentation for object and class.
object as host of static members
Most often, you need an object to hold methods and values/variables that shall be available without having to first instantiate an instance of some class.
This use is closely related to static members in Java.
object A {
def twice(i: Int): Int = 2*i
You can then call above method using A.twice(2).
If twice were a member of some class A, then you would need to make an instance first:
class A() {
def twice(i: Int): Int = 2 * i
val a = new A()
You can see how redundant this is, as twice does not require any instance-specific data.
object as a special named instance
You can also use the object itself as some special instance of a class or trait.
When you do this, your object needs to extend some trait in order to become an instance of a subclass of it.
Consider the following code:
object A extends B with C {
This declaration first declares an anonymous (inaccessible) class that extends both B and C, and instantiates a single instance of this class named A.
This means A can be passed to functions expecting objects of type B or C, or B with C.
Additional Features of object
There also exist some special features of objects in Scala.
I recommend to read the official documentation.
def apply(...) enables the usual method name-less syntax of A(...)
def unapply(...) allows to create custom pattern matching extractors
if accompanying a class of the same name, the object assumes a special role when resolving implicit parameters
A class is a definition, a description. It defines a type in terms of methods and composition of other types.
An object is a singleton -- an instance of a class which is guaranteed to be unique. For every object in the code, an anonymous class is created, which inherits from whatever classes you declared object to implement. This class cannot be seen from Scala source code -- though you can get at it through reflection.
There is a relationship between object and class. An object is said to be the companion-object of a class if they share the same name. When this happens, each has access to methods of private visibility in the other. These methods are not automatically imported, though. You either have to import them explicitly, or prefix them with the class/object name.
For example:
class X {
// class X can see private members of object X
// Prefix to call
def m(x: Int) = X.f(x)
// Import and use
import X._
def n(x: Int) = f(x)
private def o = 2
object X {
private def f(x: Int) = x * x
// object X can see private members of class X
def g(x: X) = {
import x._
x.o * o // fully specified and imported
An object has exactly one instance (you can not call new MyObject). You can have multiple instances of a class.
Object serves the same (and some additional) purposes as the static methods and fields in Java.
As has been explained by many, object defines a singleton instance. The one thing in the answers here that I believe is left out is that object serves several purposes.
It can be the companion object to a class/trait, containing what might be considered static methods or convenience methods.
It can act much like a module, containing related/subsidiary types and definitions, etc.
It can implement an interface by extending a class or one or more traits.
It can represent a case of a sealed trait that contains no data. In this respect, it's often considered more correct than a case class with no parameters. The special case of a sealed trait with only case object implementors is more or less the Scala version of an enum.
It can act as evidence for implicit-driven logic.
It introduces a singleton type.
It's a very powerful and general construct. What can be very confusing to Scala beginners is that the same construct can have vastly different uses. And an object can serve many of these different uses all at once, which can be even more confusing.
Defining an object in Scala is like defining a class in Java that has only static methods. However, in Scala an object can extend another superclass, implement interfaces, and be passed around as though it were an instance of a class. (So it's like the static methods on a class but better).
The formal difference -
you can not provide constructor parameters for Objects
Object is not a type - you may not create an instance with new operator. But it can have fields, methods, extend a superclass and mix in traits.
The difference in usage:
Scala doesn't have static methods or fields. Instead you should use object. You can use it with or without related class. In 1st case it's called a companion object. You have to:
use the same name for both class and object
put them in the same source file.
To create a program you should use main method in object, not in class.
object Hello {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello, World!")
You also may use it as you use singleton object in java.
In scala, there is no static concept. So scala creates a singleton object to provide entry point for your program execution.
If you don't create singleton object, your code will compile successfully but will not produce any output. Methods declared inside Singleton Object are accessible globally. A singleton object can extend classes and traits.
Scala Singleton Object Example
object Singleton{
def main(args:Array[String]){
SingletonObject.hello() // No need to create object.
object SingletonObject{
def hello(){
println("Hello, This is Singleton Object")
Hello, This is Singleton Object
In scala, when you have a class with same name as singleton object, it is called companion class and the singleton object is called companion object.
The companion class and its companion object both must be defined in the same source file.
Scala Companion Object Example
class ComapanionClass{
def hello(){
println("Hello, this is Companion Class.")
object CompanoinObject{
def main(args:Array[String]){
new ComapanionClass().hello()
println("And this is Companion Object.")
Hello, this is Companion Class.
And this is Companion Object.
In scala, a class can contain:
1. Data member
2. Member method
3. Constructor Block
4. Nested class
5. Super class information etc.
You must initialize all instance variables in the class. There is no default scope. If you don't specify access scope, it is public. There must be an object in which main method is defined. It provides starting point for your program. Here, we have created an example of class.
Scala Sample Example of Class
class Student{
var id:Int = 0; // All fields must be initialized
var name:String = null;
object MainObject{
def main(args:Array[String]){
var s = new Student() // Creating an object
println(" ";
I am sorry, I am too late but I hope it will help you.
The object keyword creates a new singleton type, which is like a class that only has a single named instance. If you’re familiar with Java, declaring an object in Scala is a lot like creating a new instance of an anonymous class.
Scala has no equivalent to Java’s static keyword, and an object is often used in Scala where you might use a class with static members in Java.
Object is a class but it already has(is) an instance, so you can not call new ObjectName. On the other hand, Class is just type and it can be an instance by calling new ClassName().
A class is just like any other class in other languages. You define class just like any other language with some syntax difference.
class Person(val name: String)
val me = new Person("My name")
However, object is a class with single object only. This makes it interesting as it can be used to create static members of a class using companion object. This companion object has access to private members of the class definition and it has the same name as the class you're defining.
class Person(var name: String) {
import Person._
def hi(): String = sayHello(name)
object Person {
private def sayHello(name: String): String = "Hello " + name
val me = new Person("My name")
Also, noteworthy point is that object class is lazily created which is another important point. So, these are not instantiated unless they are needed in our code.
If you're defining connection creation for JDBC, you can create them inside object to avoid duplication just like we do in Java with singleton objects.
Scala class same as Java Class but scala not gives you any entry method in class, like main method in java. The main method associated with object keyword. You can think of the object keyword as creating a singleton object of a class that is defined implicitly.
more information check this article
class and object keyword in scala programming
The object is similar to the static class in Java to some extend, the static characteristic means the static class need not to create an object when putting to the JVM, it can be used by it's class name directly and the same instance(same data state) is shared wherever it is used.
If you are coming from java background the concept of class in scala is kind of similar to Java, but class in scala cant contain static members.
Objects in scala are singleton type you call methods inside it using object name, in scala object is a keyword and in java object is a instance of class