Algolia Hacker News search api #browse endpoint - algolia

It seems that the Algolia Hacker News search API is limited to returning 1000 records:
Algolia provides a #browse endpoint that can be used to gather all search results.
Does anyone know if this endpoint is exposed at without requiring an api key and Algolia app ID, and what the index names (for example for stories and comments) are?

You should consider using HackerNewsDownloader -> it simulates a browse iterating over all entries using the "created_at" criteria.


Clio API Filter data based on nested resource

Filtering data based on a top level resource is straightforward, but what is the proper syntax for the url when attempting to filter based on a nested resource? For example, if I want to return all tasks but only for open matters, how should I enter that into the URL endpoint since the Matter Status is a nested resource under Tasks?
I do not see the method for filtering based on nested resources covered in the Clio API documentation.
As far as I understand, you can only filter by the options Clio's API provides. For example when querying a Matter, you can filter by an originating_attorney_id but not a user_id as the API doesn't provide a way to do that. You'll just have to pull in all the data and filter it in your code logic.
You can reach out to the Clio API team and ask them to add a specific filter option and see if they'll do that for you. I've found that they are at least willing to have a dialog.

Search users in organization using Github Rest API

I am trying to search for users in a Github organization using the rest API.
I found the members list query that doesn't allow searching, and I found the user search query that apparently doesn't allow filtering by organization.
I basically want something in between these two queries but couldn't find it.
Is there another way to do it that I am missing?

how to get facebook search results

I am trying to build a network of people that match a search criteria on FB and get their friends. All public information of course, or at least accessible to my own account. Say I search for the name "Smith".
I want to get all the people that match that query, then search in their connections all those names that match "Smith" and the relationship to each others and so on. This way I create clusters of the various interconnected "Smith"(es).
I am fluent with R and so I tried the Rfacebook package. There is a function there called searchFacebook but it does not work anymore, because the API search was disabled by Facebook itself. for info I get:
Searching for posts was deprecated with version 2.0 of the Facebook Graph API.
What options do I have in this case? Is this even possible?
The language is not an issue, I can use Python too. I just used R cause it's faster for me.

Spotify Metadata API : Limit search results

Is there any way to limit the number of records returned in the search artist endpoint of Spotify's metadata api?
Currently, it seems the default is one hundred, and we're only really interested in the first record.
This has been answered previously; Spotify Web Apps - limit results to 50 instead of the default 100. To my knowledge, this has not changed and you are unfortunately still given page with up to 100 results.
However, I'd strongly recommend that you stay tuned for news regarding the Web API in the near future.
Edit: We've launched a new version of the Web API, allowing for limiting search results.
Please check out the official documentation for more information.

Map Search Results

I am trying to provide useful information on an area to users based on a search term and their location.
I thought googles geo api would return a best match list of results for a query such as "swimming+pool+'my location' that I could then place an annotation for each result in my map view but it only returns one best match location.
How can I go about doing this?
The Google gecoder only handles addresses. Google provide a completely separate API which will geocode business names and categories, the Google AJAX Search API in Local Search mode
Bing's map api will return multiple results for a business search near a location - which is essentially what you're doing. Unsure about Google's results.
You can't use Google's HTTP API for business info. You should take a look at Yelp or Foursquare's APIs, I think.