Eclipse not recognizing the new jars when migrating from Play Framework 2.4.2 to 2.5.0 - eclipse

I've been trying to migrate from Play 2.4 to 2.5 by following the Migration Guide, and I've upgraded my sbt version to 0.13.11 and ensured that I'm using Scala 2.11. I believe I've been able to successfully migrate to 2.5 because I've changed my routes to fit the new default InjectedRoutesGenerator, but I can't seem to use the new play.libs.streams.Accumulator in a custom BodyParser I want to make.
Any ideas as to why I might not be able to reference Accumulator? If it helps, even when I clean, build, and refresh my project in Eclipse, the referenced jars stay as <jar_name>_2.11-2.4.2.jar.


How to add spark-core-assembly-0.7.0.jar to classpath in Ubuntu to run a Spark project

I am new to Spark. I am trying to run a simple spark project in local system.
So based on tutorials I have run 'sbt/sbt assembly'. Now jar file is created in core/target/scala-2.9.2/spark-core-assembly-0.7.0.jar. To run samples could you please tell where and how I have to add this jar to classpath?
The Spark documentation's quick start guide has documentation on developing standalone applications using Spark with Scala and Java. Those instructions show how to add a Spark dependency to your Maven or SBT projects.
If you're not using Maven or SBT to build your project, you'll have to pass the appropriate flags to javac and java to add the Spark assembly JAR to your classpath, the same as you'd do for any other JAR dependency.
As an aside, 0.7.0 is a pretty old version of Spark (it was released almost a year ago); I'd recommend using a newer version, such as 0.9.0.

GWT: Jetty version in dev mode

I have two questions:
1. Which Jetty version is used by GWT 2.5.1 in dev-mode?
2. Is there a way to change this version?
6.1.11 (source:
Note that 2.6 and 2.7 use Jetty 8.1.12.v20130726, and 2.8 uses Jetty 9.2.14.v20151106
Yes, you can implement a ServletContainerLauncher that starts another version of Jetty. Beware of classpath conflicts though! (but I suppose you'll want to use a recent version and the new versions use org.eclipse.jetty rather than org.mortbay.jetty as a root package so there shouldn't be any problem (with the old GWT pre-2.6).
FYI, gwt-dev will be split into several JARs in the next version of GWT (or maybe the one after that) and the dependency on Jetty will be moved to an optional JAR, and will possibly be updated as well. (note though that GWTTestCase also depends on Jetty)
EDIT: this finally happens with GWT 2.8, but Jetty is needed for SDM (CodeServer) and Jetty has a bad track of backwards compatibility.

Integration of GWT 2.5 to GWT 2.4

I am using GWT 2.4 with Hibernate 3.0. I wanted to know what changes I need to make in my application for integrating GWT 2.5 in my application ?
Nothing special.
Replace 2.4.0 dependencies with 2.5.0-rc1 ones (depending on how you manage dependencies, either download the SDK and drop the new JARs to replace the previous ones, or bump the version number in your POM –if using Maven– or similar build file).
If you're using Maven and the gwt-maven-plugin, make sure you re-define the plugin dependencies too (note gwt-maven-plugin 2.4.0 also needs gwt-servlet to be overridden); or you can test the gwt-maven-plugin 2.5.0-rc1.
Check the list of breaking changes though; chances are small that they affect you, but there's still a risk.

When will the Lift framework get compatible with Scala 2.9.1 and SBT 0.11?

I am starting a new Lift project from scratch and would like to develop it against Scala 2.9.1 and SBT 0.11. Where can I get the current development Lift branch compatible with these versions and when is it going to be released for production?
I could also make use of sample projects (a REST web service and a normal web site) for these versions.
UPDATE: I've came to the idea Lift doesn't support Scala 2.9.1 and SBT 0.11 because standard examples come with SBT 0.5.5 and, and there is a record on the Lift web site saying "We are in process of building Lift against Scala 2.9.1". But practically, I've managed to use 2.9.1 with Lift 2.4-M4, seems working just fine (and as Debilski has said below, SBT 0.11 can be used to build a Lift project). So the question is more about when Scala 2.9.1 and SBT 0.11 will become mainstream for Lift and when will Lift examples be available with these versions?

NetBeans + GWT 2.2.0 + Maven compile problem

I'm trying to create a Maven Web Application project with Google Web Toolkit in NetBeans 6.9. I've followed the steps shown on this video:
After creating the project and adding GWT to the frameworks my project compiles and deploys to Tomcat nicely. Now i like to change the default GWT version from 2.0.3 to 2.2.0. As i edit the gwt.version property in the POM and save the file, NetBeans fetches the new gwt-user-2.2.0.jar file and the javadoc. However if i try to compile the project i get this Maven error in the console:
Unable to find resource '' in repository central (
If i point my browser to the URL i can see that there's truly no gwt-dev-2.2.0-linux.jar present. However i can see there a gwt-dev-2.2.0.jar which i think will be the correct one to use.
What should i do to fix this error?
You're probably using old version of gwt-maven-plugin. Switch to 2.2.0 or remove version declaration and it'll fetch newest version.
It's also possible that you have some old-format dependency for GWT in your pom. There used to be tag required for old GWT versions. If you have one you can remove tag and it will fetch system independent version without -linux suffix.