Syncfusion hyperlink in ejgrid column - syncfusion

Does anyone know how I can add a hyperlink to the Username column in my code below?
dataSource: data,
isResponsive: true,
allowScrolling: true,
allowFiltering: true,
allowSorting: true,
columns: [
{ field: "userDispName", headerText: 'Timesheet User', textAlign: ej.TextAlign.Left, width: 20},
{ field: "weekEndDate", headerText: 'Week End Date', textAlign: ej.TextAlign.Center, width: 20 }

Refer to the below knowledge base to place hyperlink in ejGrid.
The ejGrid uses JSRender template to render its content. So you can do like below to pass the parameter to the hyperlink.
. . . . .
columns: [
field: "userDispName",
template:"<a href=something/{{:userDispName}}>View</a>"
headerText: 'Timesheet User',
textAlign: ej.TextAlign.Left, width: 20
. . . .


tinyMCEPopup is not working in v4.2.6

We are upgrading tinyMCE from v3.5 to v4.2.6 and in previous we used tinyMCEPopup in many places for the requirement. But in new version it raising an error as "ReferenceError: tinyMCEPopup is not defined".
Please suggest me on this.
Please find the below sample custom plugin's js file where we used tinyMCEPopup.
var ImagepopupDialog = {
init : function() {
insert : function(text) {
tinyMCEPopup.editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, text);
tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(ImagepopupDialog.init, ImagepopupDialog);
In Tinymce 4 popups are working differently than with Tinymce 3.
Now, you need to call the editor.windowmanager to open up a popup.
The code would be something like this:
win ={
title: "Special character",
spacing: 10,
padding: 10,
items: [
type: 'label',
name: 'preview',
text: ' ',
style: 'font-size: 40px; text-align: center',
border: 1,
minWidth: 100,
minHeight: 80
type: 'label',
name: 'previewTitle',
text: ' ',
style: 'text-align: center',
border: 1,
minWidth: 140,
minHeight: 80
buttons: [
{text: "Close", onclick: function() {

ExtJS Using a Combobox in a popup window

I'm trying to add a combobox to a floating (popup) form panel in ExtJS. But I'm getting a "Cannot set property 'component' of null" error and the window will not load.
I use the following code in a controller to create the window:
onTreeAddDocClick: function () {
var f = new Ext.form.Panel({
frame: false,
header: false,
floating: true,
closable: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'addDoc'
The code for the window itself is as follows:
Ext.define('OPENhrm.view.dossier.widget.popup.AddDoc', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
xtype: 'addDoc',
requires: [
controller: "dossier-addDoc",
viewModel: {
type: "dossier-addDoc"
id: 'addDocForm',
frame: true,
title: 'Add document',
width: 400,
bodyPadding: '10 10 0',
layout: 'form',
closable: true,
defaults: {
anchor: '100%',
allowBlank: false,
msgTarget: 'side',
labelWidth: 50
items: [{
// item selector
xtype: 'filefield',
emptyText: 'Select Document',
fieldLabel: 'Document',
name: 'filePath',
id: 'filePath',
buttonText: 'upload document',
buttonConfig: {
icon : '/resources/images/icons/add.jpg'
}, {
xtype: 'combo',
fieldLabel: 'Test',
hiddenName: 'test',
store: new{
data: [
id: 0,
fields: ['text']
valueField: 'text',
displayField: 'text',
triggerAction: 'all',
editable: false
// buttons
buttons: [{
text: 'Add',
handler: 'onAddDockClick'
}, {
text: 'Reset',
handler: function () {
If I remove the combobox, the window works just fine. If I place the combobox in a form somewhere else in my application (e.g. on a page with 2 panels; a searchfilter/form and a grid with search results), it works just fine. That other page however, is not a floating/popup window.
I got it to work by defining the whole page in the controller, but as I'm using a MVC structure, that doesn't seem like the way to go. Does anyone know how to get the combobox to work in a floating window, without putting the whole code for that window in the controller?

How to get data from fieldset in Sencha Touch 2?

I hava a fieldset in Sencha Touch 2 as follows:
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Information',
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
label: 'First Name',
placeHolder: 'Your First Name',
xtype: 'textfield',
label: 'Last Name',
placeHolder: 'Your Last Name',
xtype: 'emailfield',
label: 'Email',
placeHolder: ''
xtype: 'button',
height: 37,
style: 'margin-left:35%',
width: 100,
iconAlign: 'center',
text: 'Submit',
xtype: 'hiddenfield',
id: 'HNumberOfBedRoom',
xtype: 'hiddenfield',
id: 'HPetFriendlyId',
In my controller,
I have the following:
refs: {
contactForm: '#contactForm'
I can retrive the value by using
var frmItems=this.getContactForm().getItems();
This works fine but i want to retrieve the values something like
frm.get('name/id of component')
is there any way to achieve this?
Use a Ext.form.Panel as your primary container.
example snippet
extend : 'Ext.form.Panel',
xtype : 'contactform',
id : 'contactForm',
config : {
items : [
xtype : 'fieldset',
items : [
xtype: 'textfield',
label: 'First Name',
placeHolder: 'Your First Name',
in your controller
refs : { contactForm : '#contactForm' }
then in your function you can either do
(uses the name value of the field)
var vals = this.getContactForm().getValues();
Avoid using Ext.getCmp() or a flat Ext.get() at the top level if you absolutely can help it. If you're building custom controls you might have to make use of those, otherwise you're making things too hard on yourself.
You should be able to assign an id to your field, and then Ext.getCmp('-yourId-'); or Ext.get('-yourId-');
(!/api/Ext.Component-cfg-id )
Dont struggle too much
first assign the id to that field and get the value using id thats it..
xtype: 'textfield',
id: 'username', // id
name: 'username',
placeHolder: '------UserName------',
Ext.getCmp('username').getValue(); // now get value using that id..
// selector:'#contentForm'
var form = Ext.getCmp('contentForm');
Assign itemId: firstName to textfield
And in Controller, where you want to get the value, use this:

use form for add and update data,how is that possible in extjs4?

i have a form panel and a tree panel
the form is used to add new users, the tree is used to show the list of users
what i want is to right click a node in my tree ,click edit (already can do that) then i have my data in the add form panel and be able to modify there and update my user
so basically use the same form for adding and updating
this is how im trying to do up to know
but its not working at all
i added a model to my tree,i used loadRecord(rec), but i dont know how to bind my tree data with the form fields!
tried adding displayfield with same name from my tree model!!
my tree model and store:
Ext.define('TreeModel', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{ name: 'text' },
{ name: 'id' }
window.ATreeStore = Ext.create('', {
model: 'TreeModel',
root: Ext.decode(objt.TreeToJson()),
proxy: {
type: 'ajax'
sorters: [{
property: 'leaf',
direction: 'ASC'
}, {
property: 'text',
direction: 'ASC'
my tree menu:
var myContextMenu = new{
items: [{
text: 'Edit',
handler: function () {
my form:
Ext.define("", {
extend: "Ext.form.Panel",
title: 'Add user',
id : 'addform',
closable: true,
collapsible: true,
animCollapse: true,
draggable: true,
resizable: true,
margin: '5 5 5 5',
height: 400,
frame: true,
fieldDefaults: {
labelAlign: 'top',
msgTarget: 'side'
defaults: {
anchor: '100%'
items: [{
layout: 'column',
border: false,
items: [{
padding: '5',
columnWidth: .5,
border: false,
layout: 'anchor',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: ' Name',
name: 'name',
allowBlank: false,
anchor: '95%'
}, {
padding: '5',
columnWidth: .5,
border: false,
layout: 'anchor',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'First name',
name: 'fname',
allowBlank: false,
anchor: '95%'
}, {
xtype: 'textarea',
fieldLabel: 'Profile',
name: 'prof',
anchor: '95%'
buttons: [{
text: 'Save',
handler: function () {
url: 'AddData.ashx',
params: { action: 'add' },
success: function (form, action)
{{ title: 'Success !',
msg: 'User added successfully<br />',
icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK
}) }
}) }]
thank you
If your TreePanel uses a TreeStore which in turn has a, then when you right click on a node (say nodeA), you should be just able to do form.loadRecord(nodeA), the API for loadRecord is here
If it's still not clear, I think this blog post could help, it talks about loading a grid record into a form. I know it's not ExtJS 4, but the key functions are the same.
Ok, let me show this with a super simple example, hope it will help.
First we create the form that we want to display stuff in, note that the renderTo property is bound to a div inside my HTML, so you might need to change that. Also note that the name property of the textarea and textfield, they are the key for the loadRecord to work, they have to match the fields defined in the model later.
var form = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel',{
renderTo : 'form-div',
items : [{
xtype : 'textarea',
fieldLabel : 'label 1',
name : 'name'
xtype : 'textfield',
fieldLabel : 'label 2',
name : 'age'
Next, we create the tree to display our data, we start by creating a simple model :
extend : '',
fields : [{
name : 'name',
type : 'string'
name : 'age',
type : 'int'
Then we create a TreeStore that uses that model and initialize it with some inline data:
var store = Ext.create('',{
model : 'Person',
root : {
expanded : true,
children : [{
name : 'John',
age : 10,
leaf : true
name : 'Joe',
age : 100,
leaf : true
Then we create the tree to display the data in the store. (Note that the nodes will show up as "undefined" because we are not using the default "text" property of a Node)
var tree = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel',{
height : 300,
width : 300,
store : store,
rootVisible : false,
renderTo : 'tree-div',
listeners : {
itemclick : function(view, record){
Now, you should see a tree with two nodes both displayed as "undefined" on your page, as well as a Form with a textarea and a textfield. If you click on a node inside the tree, the form will display the name and age of the selected node.

ExtJS Table Layout not displaying fieldlabels or adding padding

I have a form which has a number of different fields and ultimately will become a dynamic formPanel.
I've opted for the table layout since it's easier to lay out the components but for some reason, the defaults settings are not applying and no field Labels are being displayed for any fields.
I've set out the configuration like:
SearchForm = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
id: 'myForm'
,title: 'Search Form'
,waitMessage: 'Please wait.'
,initComponent: function() {
var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'label',
name: 'dateLabel',
cls: 'f',
text: "Required:"
xtype: 'datefield',
fieldLabel: "From Date",
value: yesterday,
width: 110,
id: 'date1'
xtype: 'datefield',
fieldLabel: "To Date",
id: 'date2',
width: 110,
value: yesterday
xtype: 'displayfield', value: ' ',
buttons: [{
text: 'Submit',
id: "submitBtn",
handler: this.submit,
scope: this
text: 'Reset',
id: "resetBtn",
handler: this.reset,
scope: this
// apply config
Ext.apply(this, config);
Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config);
SearchForm.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
The problem is because you're defining the layout to be table, hence ExtJS not rendering the labels of fields correctly.
In each column, wrap your fields with an Ext.Container and give the panel a layout of form. That will tell ExtJS to render the labels correctly.