I already tried the brfs transformation, but I got the following error message:
08 03 2016 16:50:14.894:ERROR [framework.browserify]: bundle error
08 03 2016 16:50:14.894:ERROR [framework.browserify]: Error: tried to statically call { readFile: [Function: readFile], readFileSync: [Function: readFileSync], readdir: [Function: readdir], readdirSync: [Function: readdirSync] } as a function while parsing file
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 7 0.0.0) ERROR
You need to include some adapter that implements __karma__.start method!
when I try to use var fs = require("fs"); console.log(fs.readFileSync) in my code. Is there a way to use sync fs functions with browserify?
I want to process some non-js files which are served but no included by karma and not preprocessed by browserify. So what I need is glob and read. Any other idea how to process these files? The ideal solution would be to do it with nodejs, but I am not sure how to send the data from nodejs to the browser by using karma.
I did not manage to make the brfs work. I created a simple fs shim instead, which supports the following features:
existsSync(path) -> true/false
readdirSync(path) -> basename[]
statSync(path) -> {isDirectory}
readFileSync(path,"utf8") -> string
It uses path-browserify, so you need to replace the require("path") dependency if you use it in a non-browserify environment. Be aware that this fs shim uses window.__karma__.files, to build a directory and file tree, so it won't work without Karma. You can use the same logic if you are able to collect the file paths from browserify. I guess you need to write a browserify plugin for that.
module.exports = (function () {
var path = require("path");
function absolutePath(relativePath) {
return path.resolve(path.normalize(relativePath.split("\\").join("/")));
var KarmaFileSystem = function () {
this.registry = new KarmaPathRegistry();
this.converter = new KarmaUriPathConverter("/base/", "/");
this.reader = new KarmaFileReader(this.converter);
var servedUris = Object.keys(window.__karma__.files);
var servedFiles = this.converter.parseUris(servedUris);
servedFiles.forEach(this.registry.addFile, this.registry);
KarmaFileSystem.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaFileSystem,
workingDirectory: "/",
existsSync: function (path) {
return this.registry.exists(path);
readdirSync: function (path) {
return this.registry.getContent(path);
statSync: function (path) {
return {
isDirectory: function () {
return this.registry.isDirectory(path);
readFileSync: function (file, encoding) {
if (encoding !== "utf8")
throw new Error("This fs.readFileSync() shim does not support other than utf8 encoding.");
if (!this.registry.isFile(file))
throw new Error("File does not exist: " + file);
return this.reader.readFile(file);
var KarmaPathRegistry = function KarmaPathRegistry() {
this.paths = {};
KarmaPathRegistry.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaPathRegistry,
addFile: function (file) {
file = absolutePath(file);
this.paths[file] = KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_FILE;
var parentDirectory = path.dirname(file);
addDirectory: function (directory) {
directory = absolutePath(directory);
this.paths[directory] = KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_DIRECTORY;
var parentDirectory = path.dirname(directory);
if (parentDirectory != directory)
isFile: function (file) {
file = absolutePath(file);
return this.exists(file) && this.paths[file] === KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_FILE;
isDirectory: function (directory) {
directory = absolutePath(directory);
return this.exists(directory) && this.paths[directory] === KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_DIRECTORY;
exists: function (node) {
node = absolutePath(node);
return this.paths.hasOwnProperty(node);
getContent: function (directory) {
if (!this.isDirectory(directory))
throw new Error("Not a directory: " + directory);
directory = absolutePath(directory);
return Object.keys(this.paths).filter(function (node) {
if (node === directory)
return false;
var parentDirectory = path.dirname(node);
return parentDirectory === directory;
}, this).map(function (node) {
return path.basename(node);
KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_FILE = 0;
KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_DIRECTORY = 1;
var KarmaUriPathConverter = function KarmaUriPathConverter(baseUri, workingDirectory) {
this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
this.workingDirectoryPattern = this.patternFromBase(workingDirectory);
this.baseUri = baseUri;
this.baseUriPattern = this.patternFromBase(baseUri);
KarmaUriPathConverter.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaUriPathConverter,
patternFromBase: function (string, flags) {
var pattern = "^" + string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
return new RegExp(pattern, flags);
parseUris: function (uris) {
return uris.filter(function (uri) {
return this.baseUriPattern.test(uri)
}, this).map(function (uri) {
return uri.replace(this.baseUriPattern, this.workingDirectory);
}, this);
buildUri: function (file) {
file = absolutePath(file);
if (!this.workingDirectoryPattern.test(file))
throw new Error("Path is not in working directory: " + file);
return file.replace(this.workingDirectoryPattern, this.baseUri);
var KarmaFileReader = function KarmaFileReader(converter) {
this.converter = converter;
KarmaFileReader.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaFileReader,
readFile: function (file) {
var uri = this.converter.buildUri(file);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("get", uri, false);
return xhr.responseText;
return new KarmaFileSystem();
I use tinyMCE 5 in my web site to enter data stored in a database. Therefore I need to limit the entered size, including format information, to the size of the data field. How can I prohibit the user to enter more then the allowed number of bytes, say 2000?
Best of all if I could add some information like "42/2000" on the status bar.
We had a similar requirement in our project (difference: the output should be <entered_chars>/<chars_left> instead of <entered_chars>/<max_chars>), and it ended up being a custom plugin, based on the wordcount plugin. There is some hacks in there, which could make it fail whenever tinyMCE changes, since there is no API for the statusbar in version 5 at this point of time.
But maybe you will still find it useful:
(function () {
'use strict';
var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager');
var maxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('number_max_chars', 3600);
var applyMaxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('restrict_to_max_chars', true);
var Settings = {
maxChars: maxChars,
applyMaxChars: applyMaxChars
var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.dom.TreeWalker');
var getText = function (node, schema) {
var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
var isNewline = function (node) {
return blockElements[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElements[node.nodeName];
var textBlocks = [];
var txt = '';
var treeWalker = new global$1(node, node);
while (node = treeWalker.next()) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
txt += node.data;
} else if (isNewline(node) && txt.length) {
txt = '';
if (txt.length) {
return textBlocks;
var strLen = function (str) {
return str.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, '_').length;
var countCharacters = function (node, schema) {
var text = getText(node, schema).join('');
return strLen(text);
var createBodyCounter = function (editor, count) {
return function () {
return count(editor.getBody(), editor.schema);
var createMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.maxChars(editor);
var createRestrictToMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.applyMaxChars(editor);
var get = function (editor) {
return {
getCount: createBodyCounter(editor, countCharacters),
getMaxCount: createMaxCount(editor),
getRestrictToMaxCount: createRestrictToMaxCount(editor)
var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Delay');
function isAllowedKeycode(event) {
// allow arrow keys, backspace and delete
const key = event.keyCode;
return key === 37 || key === 38 || key === 39 || key === 40 || key === 8
|| key === 46;
var updateCount = function (editor, api) {
'tox-statusbar__text-container')[0].textContent = String(
api.getCount()) + " / " + String(
Settings.maxChars(editor) - api.getCount());
var setup = function (editor, api, delay) {
var debouncedUpdate = global$2.debounce(function () {
return updateCount(editor, api);
}, delay);
editor.on('init', function () {
updateCount(editor, api);
global$2.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keyup', debouncedUpdate);
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keydown', function (e) {
if (!isAllowedKeycode(e) && Settings.applyMaxChars(editor) &&
api.getCount() >= Settings.maxChars(editor)) {
}, 0);
function Plugin(delay) {
if (delay === void 0) {
delay = 300;
global.add('charactercount', function (editor) {
var api = get(editor);
setup(editor, api, delay);
return api;
Currently I'm working on a preprocessor for the paste plugin, so that the max_length effects also pasted text. That's why you see the charactercount API in the code.
We have a language format command mint format src/main.mint which edits the file in place. Is there an appropriate way to register this action as a document formatter such that it can be fired when someone pressed Shift+Option+F?
You can copy the file to a temp directory, modify it with the command line tool, then read and provide it to VSCode
import vscode = require("vscode");
import cp = require("child_process");
import fs = require("fs");
import { getDirtyFile } from "./utils";
export class MintFormattingProvider
implements vscode.DocumentFormattingEditProvider {
public provideDocumentFormattingEdits(
document: vscode.TextDocument,
options: vscode.FormattingOptions,
token: vscode.CancellationToken
): vscode.TextEdit[] | Thenable<vscode.TextEdit[]> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let file = getDirtyFile(document);
let res = cp.spawnSync("mint", ["format", file], {
cwd: vscode.workspace.rootPath,
if (res.status !== 0) {
} else {
if (!fs.existsSync(file)) {
reject(file + " file not found");
} else {
let content = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf-8");
let range = document.validateRange(
new vscode.Range(
new vscode.Position(0, 0),
new vscode.Position(1000000, 1000000)
resolve([vscode.TextEdit.replace(range, content)]);
import fs = require("fs");
import path = require("path");
import os = require("os");
import vscode = require("vscode");
* Returns temporary file path of edited document.
export function getDirtyFile(document: vscode.TextDocument): string {
var dirtyFilePath = path.normalize(
path.join(os.tmpdir(), "vscodemintdirty.mint")
fs.writeFileSync(dirtyFilePath, document.getText());
return dirtyFilePath;
export function createAndShowOutputWindow(): vscode.OutputChannel {
var channel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel("mint");
return channel;
Below code is a copy with minor edits from https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples/tree/master/serial/ledtoggle. I am able to send a byte and receive a reply. I am not able to get an TimeoutError event in case of reply is not sent by the client. I have set timeout to 50 ms.
this.receiveTimeout = 50;
Entire code follows.
const DEVICE_PATH = 'COM1';
const serial = chrome.serial;
var ab2str = function(buf) {
var bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
var encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bufView);
return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));
var str2ab = function(str) {
var encodedString = unescape((str));
var bytes = new Uint8Array(1);
bytes[0] = parseInt(encodedString);
return bytes.buffer;
var SerialConnection = function() {
this.connectionId = -1;
this.lineBuffer = "";
this.receiveTimeout =50;
this.boundOnReceive = this.onReceive.bind(this);
this.boundOnReceiveError = this.onReceiveError.bind(this);
this.onConnect = new chrome.Event();
this.onReadLine = new chrome.Event();
this.onError = new chrome.Event();
SerialConnection.prototype.onConnectComplete = function(connectionInfo) {
if (!connectionInfo) {
log("Connection failed.");
this.connectionId = connectionInfo.connectionId;
SerialConnection.prototype.onReceive = function(receiveInfo) {
if (receiveInfo.connectionId !== this.connectionId) {
this.lineBuffer += ab2str(receiveInfo.data);
var index;
while ((index = this.lineBuffer.indexOf('$')) >= 0) {
var line = this.lineBuffer.substr(0, index + 1);
this.lineBuffer = this.lineBuffer.substr(index + 1);
SerialConnection.prototype.onReceiveError = function(errorInfo) {
if (errorInfo.connectionId === this.connectionId) {
SerialConnection.prototype.connect = function(path) {
serial.connect(path, this.onConnectComplete.bind(this))
SerialConnection.prototype.send = function(msg) {
if (this.connectionId < 0) {
throw 'Invalid connection';
serial.send(this.connectionId, str2ab(msg), function() {});
SerialConnection.prototype.disconnect = function() {
if (this.connectionId < 0) {
throw 'Invalid connection';
serial.disconnect(this.connectionId, function() {});
var connection = new SerialConnection();
connection.onConnect.addListener(function() {
log('connected to: ' + DEVICE_PATH);
connection.onReadLine.addListener(function(line) {
log('read line: ' + line);
connection.onError.addListener(function() {
log('Error: ');
function log(msg) {
var buffer = document.querySelector('#buffer');
buffer.innerHTML += msg + '<br/>';
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function() {
Maybe I'm reading the code incorrectly, but at no point do you pass receiveTimeout into chrome.serial. The method signature is chrome.serial.connect(string path, ConnectionOptions options, function callback), where options is an optional parameter. You never pass anything into options. Fix that and let us know what happens.
I have recently started to work with requirejs and when I try to create a simple viewmodel I get an strange exception. The exception comes from the knockout-2.1.0.js file and the exception is "Only subscribable things can act as dependencies".
define("PageViewModel", ["knockout-2.1.0"], function(ko) {
return function PageViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.visiblePage = ko.observable("StartPage");
self.showPage = function (pageName) {
As you can see the viewmodel is extremly simple and since the error is in the knockout js file, it seems like requirejs is working as it should. I have been looking at: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/amd-loading.html
The exception occur when coming to the line: self.visiblePage = ko.observable("StartPage");
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
This is the module containing the pageviewmodel:
define("ViewModelFactory", ["StorageService", "PageViewModel", "AddUnitViewModel", "AddRoomViewModel"],
function (StorageService, PageViewModel, AddUnitViewModel, AddRoomViewModel) {
//var repositoryStorage = new StorageService();
var createAddRoomVM = function () {
var vm = new AddRoomViewModel();
vm.setRepository = StorageService.getRoomRepository();
return vm;
var createAddUnitVM = function () {
var vm = new AddUnitViewModel();
vm.setRepository = StorageService.getUnitRepository();
return vm;
var createPageVM = function () {
var vm = new PageViewModel();
return vm;
return {
createAddRoomVM: createAddRoomVM,
createAddUnitVM: createAddUnitVM
And the module calling the factory
define("ApplicationViewModel", ["ViewModelFactory"],
function (viewModelFactory) {
mainVM = null;
var initVM = function () {
mainVM = {
page: viewModelFactory.createPageVM(),
addRoom: viewModelFactory.createAddRoomVM(),
addUnit: viewModelFactory.createAddUnitVM()
var getVM = function (viewName) {
switch (viewName) {
case "AddRoom":
return mainVM.addRoom;
case "AddUnit":
return mainVM.addUnit;
return null;
var getPageVM = function () {
return mainVM.page;
return {
initVM: initVM,
getVM: getVM,
getPageVM: getPageVM,
mainVM: mainVM
And the class containing the applicationViewModel:
define("Bootstrapper", ["knockout-2.1.0", "Routing", "ApplicationViewModel"],
function (ko, routing, applicationViewModel) {
var run = function () {
applicationViewModel.initVM(); <-- after here mainVM.page is null
var mainVM = applicationViewModel.mainVM;
return {
run: run
Your problem may have been caused by Knockout 2.1, which didn't work well when ko was not a global variable.
Knockout 2.2 should work fine, and I see from your comment this did indeed fix the problem.
I need to transfer all the files dropped on an element to a server using HTML5 drag and drop.
I provided the corresponding js code below. I have a servlet in the server side to collect the files and put it in a folder. This is working fine if I drop 1 or 2 files on the page. But, if i drop 4-10 files, all the files are getting created in the server but multiple files are set to same content and some files content is 0K.
Can any of you please tell me how to achieve the correct behavior.
My requirement is similar to gmail attachments!!
Any solution which makes a sequential upload of files is much appreciable.
* Upload files to the server using HTML 5 Drag and drop from the folders on your local computer
function uploader(place, status, target, show) {
// Upload image files
upload = function(file) {
// Firefox 3.6, Chrome 6, WebKit
if(window.FileReader) {
// Once the process of reading file
this.loadEnd = function() {
bin = reader.result;
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', target+'?up=true', false);
var body = bin;
xhr.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'multipart/form-data;');
xhr.setRequestHeader("file-name", file.name );
xhr.setRequestHeader("mime-type", file.type );
// Firefox 3.6 provides a feature sendAsBinary ()
if(xhr.sendAsBinary != null) {
// Chrome 7 sends data but you must use the base64_decode on the PHP side
} else {
xhr.open('POST', target+'?up=true&base64=true', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('UP-FILENAME', file.name);
xhr.setRequestHeader('UP-SIZE', file.size);
xhr.setRequestHeader('UP-TYPE', file.type);
if (show) {
var newFile = document.createElement('div');
newFile.innerHTML = 'Loaded : '+file.name+' size '+file.size+' B';
if (status) {
document.getElementById(status).innerHTML = 'Loaded : 100%<br/>Next file ...';
// Loading errors
this.loadError = function(event) {
switch(event.target.error.code) {
case event.target.error.NOT_FOUND_ERR:
document.getElementById(status).innerHTML = 'File not found!';
case event.target.error.NOT_READABLE_ERR:
document.getElementById(status).innerHTML = 'File not readable!';
case event.target.error.ABORT_ERR:
document.getElementById(status).innerHTML = 'Read error.';
// Reading Progress
this.loadProgress = function(event) {
if (event.lengthComputable) {
var percentage = Math.round((event.loaded * 100) / event.total);
document.getElementById(status).innerHTML = 'Loaded : '+percentage+'%';
// Preview images
this.previewNow = function(event) {
bin = preview.result;
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.className = 'addedIMG';
img.file = file;
img.src = bin;
reader = new FileReader();
// Firefox 3.6, WebKit
if(reader.addEventListener) {
reader.addEventListener('loadend', this.loadEnd, false);
if (status != null)
reader.addEventListener('error', this.loadError, false);
reader.addEventListener('progress', this.loadProgress, false);
// Chrome 7
} else {
reader.onloadend = this.loadEnd;
if (status != null)
reader.onerror = this.loadError;
reader.onprogress = this.loadProgress;
var preview = new FileReader();
// Firefox 3.6, WebKit
if(preview.addEventListener) {
preview.addEventListener('loadend', this.previewNow, false);
// Chrome 7
} else {
preview.onloadend = this.previewNow;
// The function that starts reading the file as a binary string
// Preview uploaded files
if (show) {
// Safari 5 does not support FileReader
} else {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', target+'?up=true', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('UP-FILENAME', file.name);
xhr.setRequestHeader('UP-SIZE', file.size);
xhr.setRequestHeader('UP-TYPE', file.type);
if (status) {
document.getElementById(status).innerHTML = 'Loaded : 100%';
if (show) {
var newFile = document.createElement('div');
newFile.innerHTML = 'Loaded : '+file.name+' size '+file.size+' B';
// Function drop file
this.drop = function(event) {
var dt = event.dataTransfer;
var files = dt.files;
for (var i = 0; i<files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
// The inclusion of the event listeners (DragOver and drop)
this.uploadPlace = document.getElementById(place);
this.uploadPlace.addEventListener("dragover", function(event) {
}, true);
this.uploadPlace.addEventListener("drop", this.drop, false);
Thank you.
I spent sometimes this morning in analyzing the same code from html5uploader. With some lucks, I found the root cause.
Change reader = new FileReader(); to var reader = new FileReader(); should solve the issue.
I bet this is because javascripts behaviour of auto-declaring undeclared variable as global variable. This caused the reader variable being reused by all the uploade(file) calls when more than one file is dropped to the browser.