I have 2 systems [H]: y(n) = x(2n), [G]: y(n)=x(n).x(n-1).x(n-2) – 2y(n-1)
1. How can i check if whether 2 systems above is LTI or not? i can't use num,den, and filter function for those function.
2. How can i simulate the output signal with input x(n) = (0.5).^ .*u(n) ?
Thank you for helping me.
And how can i simulate the impulse response of G and H ?
Please explain "." in G and ".^.*" in x. It is not really clear.
1.Question: See https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/fp/Showing_Linearity_Time_Invariance.html
2.Question: The simulation is not difficult, because it is normal algebra. Firstly, the input signal is created:
u=rand(1,50); % 50 random values between 0 and 1
Then, x can be calculated.
x = 0.5.^u;
For H, the command is very simple:
y = x(1:2:end);
For G it is a little bit more difficult. The simplest solution would be a loop (or a function). An idea would be:
for n=3:length(x)
An alternative solution would be with a Simulink model.
I started to use Simulink and I have a question about changing a transfer function using matlab for loop.
Let say I have the following problem:
And my goal is that "system" will be equal to:
Basically I want to run 5 Simulink simulations from time = 0 to time = 10 for 5 different transfer functions.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Unless I misunderstood your question, I don't think you need to use Simulink for something like this. The following is my understanding of what you're trying to do, it can be done in plain MATLAB (with the control system toolbox):
t = 0:1e-3:10;
u = ones(size(t));
y = zeros(5,length(t));
for k=1:5
H = (1 + tf('s')*5/k)^k; % system transfer function
CL = 1/((tf('s'))^2*(1-H)); % closed-loop transfer function
y(k,:) = (lsim(CL,u,t))';
grid on
xlabel('Time [s]')
which produces the following plot (in Octave). Only the first 2 iterations give a non-zero output:
I have a differential equation: dx/dt = a * x. Using Matlab Simulink, I need to solve this equation and output it using Scope block.
The problem is, I don't know how to specify an initial condition value t = 0.
So far I have managed to create a solution that looks like this:
I know that inside integrator, there is a possiblity to set "Initial condition" but I can't figure out how that affects the final result. How can I simply set the value of x at t = 0; e.i. x(0) = 6?
Let's work this problem through analytically first so we know if the model is correct.
dx/dt = a*x % Seperable differential equation
=> (1/x) dx = a dt % Now we can integrate
=> ln(x) = a*t + c % We can determine c using the initial condition x(0)
=> ln(x0) = a*0 + c
=> ln(x0) = c
=> x = exp(a*t + ln(x0)) % Subbing into 3rd line and taking exp of both sides
=> x = x0 * exp(a*t)
So now we have an idea. Let's look at this for t = 0 .. 1, x0 = 6, a = 5:
% Plot x vs t using plain MATLAB
x0 = 6; a = 5;
t = 0:1e-2:1; x = x0*exp(a*t);
Now let's make a Simulink model which acts as a numerical integrator. We don't actually need the Integrator block for this application, we simply want to add the change at each time step!
To run this, we must first set a couple of things up. In Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters, we must set the time step to match the time step we've used to switch between dx/dt and dx (2nd Gain block).
Lastly, we must set the initial condition for x0, this can be done in the Memory block
Setting the end time to 1s and running the model, we see the expected result in the Scope. Because it matches our analytical solution, we know it is correct.
Now we understand what's going on, we can re-introduce the integration block to make the model more flexible. Using the integrator means that dt is automatically calculated, and we don't need to micro-manage the Gain block, in fact we can get rid of it. We still need a Memory block though. We now also need intial conditions in both the integrator, and the memory block. Put scopes in different locations and just complete the first few time steps to work out why!
Note that the initial conditions are less clear when using the integrator block.
The way to think about the integrator blocks is either completely in the Laplace picture, or as representing the equivalent integral equation for the IVP
y'(t)=f(t,y(t)), y(0) = y_0
is equivalent to
y(t) = y_0 + int(s=0 to t) f(s,y(s)) ds
The feed-back loop in the block diagram realizes almost literally this fixed-point equation for the solution function.
So there is no need for complicated constructions and extra blocks.
I want to solve a system of linear equalities of the type Ax = b+u, where A and b are known. I used a function in MATLAB like this:
x = #(u) gmres(A,b+u);
Then I used fmincon, where a value for u is given to this expression and x is computed. For example
J = #(u) (x(u)' * x(u) - x^*)^2
[J^*,u] = fmincon(J,...);
withe the dots as matrices and vectors for the equalities and inequalities.
My problem is, that MATLAB delivers always an output with information about the command gmres. But I have no idea, how I can stop this (it makes the Program much slower).
I hope you know an answer.
It's a little hidden in the documentation, but it does say
No messages are displayed if the flag output is specified.
So you need to call gmres with at least two outputs. You can do this by making a wrapper function
function x = gmresnomsg(varargin)
[x,~] = gmres(varargin{:});
and use that for your handle creation
x = #(u) gmresnomsg(A,b+u);
I need to obtain the values of a, b and c in the following equations so that the step response of the system matches that of the figure below.
x_dot = a*x + b+u;
y = c*x;
Where x_dot is the first derivative of x.
I have been trying to achieve this through Matlab and have so far achieved the following, using just arbitrary values for a, b and c for testing purposes:
close all;
clear all;
tspan = [0:0.01:12];
x_dot = a*x+b*xu;
x = (a*x^2)/2 + b*u*x;
y = c*x;
f = #(t,x) [a*x(1)+b*x(2); c*x(1)];
[t, xa] = ode45(f,tspan,[0,0]);
This certainly sounds like a parameter estimation problem as already hinted. You want to minimise the error between the outcome modelled using your ode and the values in your graph (fitting your three parameters a,b and c to the data).
A first step is to write an error function that takes the ode output values and compares how close it is to the data values (sum of least squares error for instance).
Then you have to search through a range of a,b,c values (which may be a large search space) and you pick the set of (a,b,c) which minimise your error function (i.e. get as close to your graph as possible).
Many search/optimisation strategies exist (.. e.g. genetic algorithm/etc.).
Please Note that the parameters are elements of real numbers(which includes negative values and extremely large or small values), the large search space is usually what makes these problems difficult to solve.
Also I think you have to be careful of initial conditions e.g. [0,0] doesn't seem to lead to interesting results. (try a = -0.5,b=0.2 and c=-0.00000001, with IC of [0,10] as below)
close all;
clear all;
tspan = [0:0.01:12];
f = #(t,x) [a*x(1)+b*x(2); c*x(1)];
[t, xa] = ode45(f,tspan,[0,10]);
hold on
Here 10 is the starting point of the green line and blue line starts at 0. What I would also note is that the IC change the results.. so there any many possible solutions for a,b,c given IC.
Looks interesting.. good luck.
I am trying to use solve() to solve a system of equations of the following form
where a1 = .05 for values of x<5, .1 for values of 5
Is there a way to solve for this using solve? As in sol = solve(eq1,eq2);
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here. Can you please post a real example (with numbers) and what you would like the output to be?
I think you're trying to solve linear simultaeneous equations. Assuming that is what you are trying to do:
I would suggest multiplying all of your equations by 20, so that your minimum quanta size of 0.05 becomes 1.00. Your problem then becomes the solution of linear equations for integer values.
Note that if the system is fully constrained (that is, if there are n independent constraints on the n equations you want to solve) then there will only be one solution and it may not necessarily be an integer solution. For example the system:
1 = 2a + 4b
3 = a + b
has the solution a = 5.5, b = -2.5. No other solution is possible.
For under-constrained systems, i.e.
0 = 3x + y
x > 0
Then there will be an infinite number of solutions, some of which may have both x and y being integer values. (Or there may be no integer solutions at all.)
Okay let me give you a quick rundown.
if you want to solve an equation or a system of equations and conditions then you need to define them as such, so let me explain.
so by example
clear all; %just to be safe
syms x y b
eq1= a*x+a*y == somevalue; %this is your first equation
eq2= b*x+b*y == someothervalue; %this is your 2nd equation
cond1= x<5; %this is a condition which matlab sees as an "equation"
eqs=[eq1,eq2,cond1]; %these are the equations and conditions you want to solve for, use this for solve
eqs=[eq1,eq2]; %use this for vpasolve and set your condition in range
vars=[x,y,b]; %these are the variable you want to solve for
range = [-Inf 5; NaN NaN; NaN NaN]; %NaN means you set no range
%you can use solve or vpasolve, second one being numeric, which is the one you'll probably want
for i = 1:n
temp1 = vpasolve(eqs, vars, range, 'random', true);
temp = vpasolve(eqs, vars, 'random', true);
sol(i,1) = temp.x;
sol(i,2) = temp.y;
sol(i,3) = temp.b;
Now when I run this myself I can't get the range to properly work for some reason, still trying to figure that out. When you don't set a range it works just fine, if you can use the solve function then there also isn't a problem.
In theory the range function should work fine like this so it might be a bug on my end.
If you use solve you have some nice options where you can use assume to set extra conditions that are a bit more advanced, like only checking for real solutions or only integers, etc.