applet cleanup when Java Web Start closes - applet

I have an Applet (AWT technology) running in Java Web Start. If the Web Start window closes, I need to perform some cleanup before the applet shuts down. Neither the overridden stop() nor the destroy() methods are executed. Any ideas how to force cleanup when Web Start is closed?

Implement the methods for the java.awt.event.WindowListener Interface and perform the cleanup somewhere in the windowClosing / windowClosed events. Leave those methods empty that you don't need.
Then find the top frame using something like
public Frame getFrame()
Container c = this;
while(c != null)
c = c.getParent();
if (c instanceof Frame)
appletFrame = (Frame)c;
return appletFrame;
and add your window listener by appletFrame.addWindowListener(. . .);


Unity WebGL doesn't properly unload and load Addressable scenes

I am trying to unload a previously added scene and then additively load another scene, in that sequence. I use the following code below to do this. This code works correctly in the editor and on all platforms except WebGL. I know that WebGL won't work with asynchronous code, but this uses a coroutine, which should be executed on the main thread. So, why would this not work in WebGL?
private IEnumerator UnloadAndLoadNextScene(IslandKey island)
// Avoid loading the same island twice.
if (island.ScenePath == previousIslandScenePath)
yield break;
string islandScenePath = island.ScenePath;
previousIslandScenePath = islandScenePath;
// Don't unload and load until previous unload and load is complete.
while (processingUnloadAndLoad)
yield return null;
// Immediately set processing unload and load to true to
// lock this method to only one instance at a time.
processingUnloadAndLoad = true;
// Unload previous scene.
if (unloadSceneHandle.IsValid())
AsyncOperationHandle unloadingScene = Addressables.UnloadSceneAsync(unloadSceneHandle);
yield return unloadingScene;
// Load scene.
AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> loadingScene = Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(islandScenePath, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
yield return loadingScene;
if (loadingScene.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded)
unloadSceneHandle = loadingScene;
// Unload and load is now complete, so unlock method.
processingUnloadAndLoad = false;

OnClientExitRoom function is called twice

I'm using NetworkRoomManager and NetworkDiscovery and when a player exits a room scene I call the NetworkManager.singleton.StopClient() in networkdiscoveryhud then you will found out that its calling the OnClientExitRoom function in networkroomplayerext script twice.
Or I should not use NetworkManager.singleton.StopClient() when client exit a room scene? Below is my script for client or server exiting a room.
public void StopHost()
if ( && NetworkClient.isConnected)
else if (NetworkClient.isConnected)
else if (
I recommend Lobby and Worlds. It's much more flexible than NetworkRoomManager and has a ton of built in features.
More info on it here.

Multi-scene launching of build, as is, from Unity, how?

Multiscene editing in Unity, blessed be it, permits the launching (via Editor Play mode) of the current scenes, in their current hierarchical state.
However, building and running the project doesn't recognise the current scene setup in the editor, and starts with whatever is set in the Build Settings.
Is there some way to make builds aware of the current editor state of Multi-scene editing hierarchy, and build and run that setup?
1. Getting the editor scenes into the build settings
First for collecting the settings you can use an editor script using
EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup to receive the current setup of scenes in the editor
I assume you want only loaded Scenes so make a list of only scenes with isLoaded = true
EditorBuildSettings.scenes to add those scenes to the build settings
1.a. Update on MenuItem click
I made it an extra button in the menu since you might not want to have it always automatically.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
public static class UpdateBuildSettigns
public static void UpdateSettings()
// get current editor setup
SceneSetup[] editorScenes = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup();
// filter list e.g. get only scenes with isActive true
var activeEditorScenes = editorScenes.Where(scene => scene.isLoaded);
// set those scenes as the buildsettings
List<EditorBuildSettingsScene> editorBuildSettingsScenes = new List<EditorBuildSettingsScene>();
foreach (var sceneAsset in activeEditorScenes)
string scenePath = sceneAsset.path;
// ignore unsaved scenes
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scenePath)) continue;
editorBuildSettingsScenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(scenePath, true));
// Set the Build Settings window Scene list
EditorBuildSettings.scenes = editorBuildSettingsScenes.ToArray();
Updating on menu button
1.b. Update automaticly on (un)loading scenes
If you want it happening automatically you could also add the call as callback to EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened and EditorSceneManager.sceneClosed using InitializeOnLoad and a static constructor to get the callbacks added after recompile or opening the UnityEditor like
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public static class UpdateBuildSettigns
// ofcourse you still can also call it via menu item
public static void UpdateSettings()
static UpdateBuildSettigns()
// it is always save to remove callbacks even if they are not there
// makes sure they are always only added once
// this is a static constructor so actually there should be no
// callbacks yet ... but .. you never know ;)
EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened -= OnSceneLoaded;
EditorSceneManager.sceneClosed -= OnSceneUnloaded;
EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened += OnSceneLoaded;
EditorSceneManager.sceneClosed += OnSceneUnloaded;
private static void OnSceneUnloaded(Scene current)
private static void OnSceneLoaded(Scene current, OpenSceneMode mode)
Using automatic update
1.c. Enable/Disable automatic updates
If you want more control you can also add extra menu entries for enabling and disabling the automatic updates like
// flag to check if auto-updates are currently enabled
private static bool isEnabled;
// disable the "EnableAutoUpdate" button if already enabled
[MenuItem("Example/EnableAutoUpdate", true)]
private static bool CanEnable()
return !isEnabled;
// disable the "DisableAutoUpdate" button if already disabled
[MenuItem("Example/DisableAutoUpdate", true)]
private static bool CanDisable()
return isEnabled;
// add callbacks
private static void EnableAutoUpdate()
// it is always save to remove callbacks even if they are not there
// makes sure they are always only added once
EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened -= OnSceneLoaded;
EditorSceneManager.sceneClosed -= OnSceneUnloaded;
EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened += OnSceneLoaded;
EditorSceneManager.sceneClosed += OnSceneUnloaded;
isEnabled = true;
// remove callbacks
private static void DisableAutoUpdate()
EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened -= OnSceneLoaded;
EditorSceneManager.sceneClosed -= OnSceneUnloaded;
isEnabled = false;
Note since this uses the UnityEditor namespace you should either place this script in an Editor folder or use proper pre-processors like
// above code here
2. Loading all scenes from the build settings
Than later when running the app in the first scene there should be a script responsible for loading all those scenes. Something like e.g.
// making it a component to make sure it is inside of one scene
public class SceneLoader : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
var thisScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
// load all scenes
for(int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCountInBuildSettings; i++)
// skip if is current scene since we don't want it twice
if(thisScene.buildIndex == i) continue;
// Skip if scene is already loaded
if(SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(i).IsValid()) continue;
SceneManager.LoadScene(i, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
// or depending on your usecase
SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(i, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
What I would do is attach some sort of a script to the launching scene in unity that would then trigger the loading of the rest of the required scenes after the game has started. That would require some fiddling to start properly (e.g detect the fact that the scenes are not already loaded before trying to load them).
I might extend the answer with a code snippet to achieve the result if you need it.
For now you could take a look at the docs here:
The basic idea would be:
Get the necessary scenes using SceneManager.GetSceneByName and
filter out all the scenes that are already loaded.
For the scenes that are not loaded yet, call LoadSceneAsync and
attach some sort of
the coroutine to check the loading progress.
When all of the scenes are loaded, run a callback so that rest of
the game knows that the scenes are loaded and it is good to run the
rest of necessary actions which rely on those scenes being loaded.
If you want to preserve the current hierarchy (a set of scenes that are opened in the editor) when building, then it might be achievable with BuildPipeline:
There is a way to make a build with a programmatically-accessible list of scenes:
// Get filename.
string path = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Choose Location of Built Game", "", "");
string[] levels = new string[] {"Assets/Scene1.unity", "Assets/Scene2.unity"}; // You'd have to assemble this list yourself.
// Build player.
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(levels, path + "/BuiltGame.exe", BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows, BuildOptions.None);
(which you can determine based on the currently loaded scenes when running your build). This wouldn't be a standard (Cmd + b) build though, but pretty close.

Part of my PlayerExpChangeEvent is being overridden by vanilla

I'm making a spigot plugin (version 1.8.8) that has an function that I know works because it fires flawlessly through my command. However, when I call it at the end of a PlayerExpChangeEvent, it seems like vanilla leveling overrides the bar, making it go up way more that it is supposed to. Running the command/function after this happens makes the bar go back to how it is supposed to be. I've tried setting my event's priority to highest (and when that didn't work, to lowest) but no matter what my function appears to be completely ignored when called inside the event.
Here is some code:
public void onXpGain(PlayerExpChangeEvent event)
// Load custom levels from config
ArrayList<String> levelList = new ArrayList<String>(plugin.getConfig().getStringList("levels"));
if (!((String)levelList.get(0)).equals("none"))
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Iterator<String> var4 = levelList.iterator();
while (var4.hasNext())
String s = (String);
String[] splits = s.split(" ");
int levelCompare = Integer.parseInt(splits[0]);
int playerLvl = player.getLevel();
// Detect if on correct tier, else continue iteration
if (playerLvl == levelCompare - 1)
// Calculate the player's new XP amount
int totalXp = player.getTotalExperience() + event.getAmount();
updateBar(event.getPlayer()); // <-- THIS IS THE FUNCTION
// At max level
player.setTotalExperience(player.getTotalExperience() + event.getAmount());
And here is the function itself. Keep in mind that it works fine when called through a command and not an event. It's purpose is to use the player's total XP to set the level and bar. Neither set correctly in the event; it instead embraces vanilla leveling.
public static void updateBar(Player player) {
ArrayList<String> levelList = new ArrayList<String>(plugin.getConfig().getStringList("levels"));
int totalXp = player.getTotalExperience();
player.setLevel(getHighestLevelForXp(totalXp, levelList));
if (player.getLevel() < getHighestLevel(levelList)) {
int lvlDiff = getTotalXpToLevel(player.getLevel() + 1,levelList) - getTotalXpToLevel(player.getLevel(),levelList);
int xpDiff = totalXp - getTotalXpToLevel(player.getLevel(),levelList);
} else {
The command where the function works correctly is a bare-bones call to the function and doesn't need a mention here. Does anyone know how to get my event to override vanilla xp gain? The update works through the command, just not natural xp gain. It is already confirmed that the event DOES fire, as the rest of the event changes the internal xp amount, but the visual effects are overridden by vanilla. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Only setting the Player's EXP won't be enough for your desired behaviour. The Vanilla behaviour will still complete, as you're not changing how the event will add EXP to the player.
Currently, your event is working like this:
And PlayerExpGainEvent isn't cancellable, so you cannot undo it's addition of EXP.
What you can do instead is to set the EXP the event will add to 0, therefore not changing the player's EXP after your interception.
event.setAmount(0); //Cancelling the EXP addition
I would recommend to set your event to a high priority, so that other events that depend on Experience gain won't trigger when you set the amount gained to 0.

Best practices Implementing ProgressMonitorDialog in Eclipse RCP

I wish to Show progress of a long running operation(process) in UI, so that the user can understand the status of the background job. This is the way I have implemented and I feel like the code is absurd. Below is my code,false, new IRunnableWithProgress() {
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
monitor.beginTask("Main process", 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (monitor.isCanceled()) return;
monitor.subTask("Status message");
// worked increases the monitor, the values are added to the existing ones
if(i == 3) {
callMe();//calling a long running function
if(i == 9) {
monitor.subTask("finishing setup..... please wait ");
Note: There is a sleep method somewhere in the code
here at i == 3 an operation/function is called that takes a minimum of 5 minutes, post execution of the function the progress continues.
I don't want the progress to be stopped while executing the function(long running operation) rather progress must be shown even while executing it.
can someone show the correct programming practices in showing progress
The reason your code feels absurd is that wrapping the long-running method in a really does not add much in itself, there is no magic.
To make the ProgressMonitorDialog (or e.g. the related Job API) work for you, you need to change "callMe()" so it takes "IProgressMonitor monitor" as a parameter, and use that to listen for cancel-requests, and use it also for reporting progress.
To say the same again, using different wording: You need to recursively add "IProgressMonitor monitor" as a parameter to all long-running method calls. All long-running operations must be build with this (IProgressMonitor) in mind if any progress is to be reported and/or you want it to be cancelable.