Facebook API - Custom Audience from contact data - facebook

does any one has experience with using Custom Audience API in order to create audience for contact data of people outside of U.S.?
Part of the API which i refer to is: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/reference/custom-audience/users/
As you can see, documentation lacks of explanation in what format should be data for COUNTRY field provided. Also I don't know how to format data for ST field if the country is outside of US. Should I use some region name or just leave it blank?
I uploaded 1000 users and nobody has been recognized so I suppose that I just did not format data properly.
Sample request: payload={"schema":["FN","LN","CT","ST","COUNTRY"],"is_raw":true,"data":[["adam","nowak","wroclaw","","poland"]]}&access_token=____&format=json
As you can see I left state field blank, and provided country in English translation and lower caps. It is possible that valid value is e.g. PL a not "poland". Also any information about what should be filled in state field would help me a lot.
Thanks in advance.


Difference between Created and Created. in SharePoint REST API Call

I call SPO Rest API and in response I found two type of dates. I am not able to find any documentation on their difference especially the one with Dot (.)
Both Dates are shown here
We want to use one with Dot as its in standard format, but not sure about its authenticity. We are using RenderListDataAsStream as end point to get data.
Any documentation of properties coming with Dot(.) will be helpful to understand it. In attached image count is also another same example having dot.
P.S: here are the differnt ways to access them
I think the value of the normal named key (like technical field name) represents the value shown in UI to a user. So it is affected by the regional settings of the web.
The value of the additional "."-key (technical field name plus ".") represents the UTC-0 value in ISO format (like the data is stored in DB internaly).
For example:
"Created": "0;#2022-09-07 06:17:37", // timestamp by Regional Settings
"Created.": "2022-09-07T13:17:37Z", // UTC-0 in ISO format

Get state and country with suburb data

So I am trying to download from openstreetmap the list of suburbs in Australia. However I am noticing that they don't seem to store the data in away that would be classified as search friendly.
for example the properties part if the following suburb only includes the local_name, it does not include the state - technically it does by referring to ref:psma:loc_pid
Howeever it's not search friendly because no one is going to search loc_pid numbers - Also it would require another database with loc_pid matches, which I don't see as helpful.
So how can I get boundary information with State and Country codes.

Clio API - What is the correct format to Update (PATCH) a custom field value for a matter

Anyone been able to successfully update the custom_field_values for a matter via Clio's API?
I'm trying to update the value for custom_field_values under a single matter. I'm able to send a JSON string using PATCH and update the default values for a matter like location or description using the following format
But when it comes to updating a "custom field value" I'm getting a 422 Unprocessable Entity error. I'm following Clio's v4 API Documentation and my understanding is that to update a custom_field_value you need the following JSON:
{"data":{"custom_field_values":[{"id":658213,"custom_field":{"id":139385},"value":"New Value Goes Here!"}]}}
However here is the message coming with the 422 error:
{"error":{"type":"ArgumentError","message":"An invalid argument was supplied: invalid custom field value id provided, acceptable format is <type>-<unique id>"}}
I can't interpret the part suggesting the acceptable format!
I've also tried sending the JSON in the following format which is closest to Clio's V2 API Docs for updating a custom field:
{"data":{"custom_field_values":[{"custom_field":{"id":139385},"value":"New value goes here"}]}}
But then this is what I get back:
{"error":{"type":"ArgumentError","message":"An invalid argument was supplied: custom field value for custom field 139385 already exists"}}
Please note that this is being tested in POSTMAN regardless of my development environment. I appreciate your response!
I've successfully created queries to update custom field values in matters many times, and these run all the time for me. I've compared your json to some examples of the json I'm successfully sending. Your syntax appears correct, but there's enough missing for me to only guess at where your mistake might be.
First, you're sending a PATCH to https://app.clio.com/api/v4/matters/{matter id}.json right? It took me a while to learn that you can't update the value of a matter's custom field with a query to https://app.clio.com/api/v4/custom_fields/{id}.json.
Second, just to clarify, the 658213 id you used above (the first id field) should be the unique id of this instance of your custom field. You won't get this until you've created an instance of the custom field particular to this matter. The second id field, where you've put 139385 is the id for the custom field itself, which you could get with a query to https://app.clio.com/api/v4/custom_fields.json.
If you're looking in the V.4 docs under Custom Fields, you won't find this, or at least I didn't. BUT you can find it in the intro section to the Matters portion fo the documentation: https://app.clio.com/api/v4/documentation#tag/Matters
Hope this helps. I'd imagine someone at Clio could help by verifying your error string is delivered when you have an incorrect custom field value unique id.
To further clarify Jacob's answer for everyone else:
custom_field{id} is the id given to a custom_field when it's created and will be the same for all matters or contacts it's used in.
custom_field_value{id} is the id given to an instance of the custom_field added to a particular matter and unique only to that matter
To add a custom_field to a matter for the first time the following format is used:
{"data":{"custom_field_values":[{"custom_field":{"id":123456},"value":"string or integer depending on the type of CF"}]}}
To update a custom field already added to a matter the following format should be used:
{"data":{"custom_field_values":[{"id":"text_line-1234567", "custom_field":{"id":123456},"value":"string or integer depending on the type of CF"}]}}
To delete a custom field already added to a matter the following JSON format is sufficient:
{"data":{"custom_field_values":[{"id":"text_line-1234567", "custom_field":{"id":123456},"_destroy":true}]}}
Format for updating a custom field already added to a matter:
{"data":{"custom_field_values":[{"id":"unique_instance_of_your_custom_field", "custom_field":{"id":'custom_field_id'},"value":"value which should be updated"}]}}
Here, the first id field should be the unique id of this instance of your custom field. To get this value follow this documentation section, app.clio.com/api/v4/documentation#tag/Matters and the second id field is the id for the custom field itself.

Query URI service and return value to form field

I would like to have a form field that when filled returns the information that the specific company name is available for registration or not. I have checked companies house website and they have their URI service, but it looks like that the query should be made by company number and not by name:
Companies house
I'm newbie, so if with any answer you can provide me any code example that would be great, thanks in advance.

"sex" field in Users.getInfo in Facebook API

This is a noob question. According to Facebook API documentation, the sex field in Users.getInfo() function returns values based on users' locale. Hence, determine the gender of user is difficult.
Any solution suggested?
1) This isn't an elegant solution, and perhaps there's a better way that uses the API, but what if you manually created a look-up table for different values of 'sex' in different locales? You could try checking out facebook profiles of people from different countries and get the string displayed for their sex. Then, put that into some kind of dictionary data structure that allows you to grab the M-F string pair based on the locale's code (also given by getInfo()). For example en-US => (male, female), ja-JP => (男性, 女性). Of course, you could try using google translate too. After you gathered this data for a handful of the main locales, you'd be more-or-less covered. Maybe someone on the internets already has done it.
Of course, you could try emailing someone who works on the API for these values. The list of locale codes is here http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Facebook_Locales .
2) Here is probably a better solution than (1). If you directly query the FQL User table, the value returned in 'sex' will always be English, starting from February 7 2010. More information about that is here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/User_%28FQL%29 . So, perhaps in the future getInfo() will return only English too. Who knows.
3) The answer to your question is also given on this existing post: Facebook FQL user table `sex` field : how to return male/female even the user is using different locale?