contact form not sending email to my specific address - forms

I have a php contact form on my website. It sends me email on my normal address. But when I put in the desired mail recipient address in the 'to' section. I do not get any email. What could be the issue??
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$name = $_POST['name'];
$number = $_POST['number'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$from = ' Contact Form';
$to = '';
$subject = 'Message from Website contact page ';
$body ="From: $name\n Number: $number\n E-Mail: $email\n Message:\n $message";
// Check if name has been entered
if (!$_POST['name']) {
$errName = 'Please enter your name';
if (!$_POST['number']) {
$errNumber = 'Please enter your mobile number';
// Check if email has been entered and is valid
if (!$_POST['email'] || !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$errEmail = 'Please enter a valid email address';
//Check if message has been entered
if (!$_POST['message']) {
$errMessage = 'Please enter your message';
// If there are no errors, send the email
if (!$errName && !$errNumber && !$errEmail && !$errMessage ) {
if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) {
$result='<div class="alert alert-success">Thank You! We will get in touch with you soon.</div>';
} else {
$result='<div class="alert alert-danger">Sorry there was an error sending your message. Please try again later.</div>';

can you check this:
$to = ",";
// Always set content-type when sending HTML email
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From:" . "\r\n";
// Check if name has been entered
$errName = '';
if ($_POST['name'] == '') {
$errName = 'Please enter your name';
//Other validation messages here...
// If there are no errors, send the email
if ($errName == '' && $errNumber == '' && $errEmail == '' && $errMessage == '' ) {
if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {
$result='<div class="alert alert-success">Thank You! We will get in touch with you soon.</div>';
} else {
$result='<div class="alert alert-danger">Sorry there was an error sending your message. Please try again later.</div>';


Using php mail() to do simple checks

I am using php mail() (Via piped to program) and my goal is to simply get the email and scan the "from" header to filter it and then if it passes my "rules" or "checks" pass it along to the intended receiver. I have been able to use a sample code to get the mail and I can actually get my "test check" done. The problem I am having is that I cannot get the php mail() function to resend the mail as it was (plain or html). Every time i get my test mail, it comes with all the headers exposed and code. Not a nice and neat email. I also found out that I could encounter problems with this if there are attachments to the mail. I have seen alot of suggestions about going thru PHPMailer and I am willing to entertain that option. I just don't need this to get to complicated. here is the code I am using -
#!/usr/bin/php -q
$notify= ''; // an email address required in case of errors
function mailRead($iKlimit = "")
if ($iKlimit == "") {
$iKlimit = 1024;
$sErrorSTDINFail = "Error - failed to read mail from STDIN!";
$fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
if (!$fp) {
echo $sErrorSTDINFail;
$sEmail = "";
if ($iKlimit == -1) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$sEmail .= fread($fp, 1024);
} else {
while (!feof($fp) && $i_limit < $iKlimit) {
$sEmail .= fread($fp, 1024);
return $sEmail;
$email = mailRead();
$lines = explode("\n", $email);
$to = "";
$from = "";
$subject = "";
$headers = "";
$message = "";
$splittingheaders = true;
for ($i=0; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
if ($splittingheaders) {
$headers .= $lines[$i]."\n";
if (preg_match("/^Subject: (.*)/", $lines[$i], $matches)) {
$subject = $matches[1];
$tst = substr($subject, -3);
if ($tst == "win" | $tst == "biz" | $tst == "net"){
$subject = $subject . "BAD ADDRESS";
if (preg_match("/^From: (.*)/", $lines[$i], $matches)) {
$from = $matches[1];
if (preg_match("/^To: (.*)/", $lines[$i], $matches)) {
$to = $matches[1];
} else {
// not a header, but message
$message .= $lines[$i]."\n";
if (trim($lines[$i])=="") {
// empty line, header section has ended
$splittingheaders = false;
mail('', $subject, $message);
I am interested in learning, I am code savvy. Somewhat new to email formatting, but very understanding of PHP. Any help is appreciated. Thanx.

Two forms with alert-box success, one works the other doesn't

I got an html template with a contact form from a site and I love it. I edited it to send the data to me, and it works. Once the user hits submit, the alert-box comes across the page indicating the message was sent. I need another form so I copied the original one, changed the name, edited the forms with the fields I need, copied the php file to one with a name that corresponds to my new form. The form works, I get the data however, instead of getting the alert-box, the page goes to a blank page with the url of the php file and the message "Thank you! We have received your message." I don't know what's wrong and why the alert box isn't working. Any help would be appreciated.
//Retrieve form data.
//GET - user submitted data using AJAX
//POST - in case user does not support javascript, we'll use POST instead
$full_name = ($_GET['full_name']) ? $_GET['full_name'] : $_POST['full_name'];
$h_address = ($_GET['h_address']) ?$_GET['h_address'] : $_POST['h_address'];
$h_city = ($_GET['h_city']) ?$_GET['h_city'] : $_POST['h_city'];
$h_state = ($_GET['h_state']) ?$_GET['h_state'] : $_POST['h_state'];
$h_zipcode = ($_GET['h_zipcode']) ?$_GET['h_zipcode'] : $_POST['h_zipcode'];
$h_phone_n = ($_GET['h_phone_n']) ?$_GET['h_phone_n'] : $_POST['h_phone_n'];
$c_phone_n = ($_GET['c_phone_n']) ?$_GET['c_phone_n'] : $_POST['c_phone_n'];
$h_email = ($_GET['h_email']) ?$_GET['h_email'] : $_POST['h_email'];
$w_fon_n1 = ($_GET['w_fon_n1']) ?$_GET['w_fon_n1'] : $_POST['w_fon_n1'];
$w_email = ($_GET['w_email']) ?$_GET['w_email'] : $_POST['w_email'];
$Voice = ($_GET['Voice']) ?$_GET['Voice'] : $_POST['Voice'];
$First_Second = ($_GET['First_Second']) ?$_GET['First_Second'] : $_POST['First_Second'];
$notify_by = ($_GET['notify_by']) ?$_GET['notify_by'] : $_POST['notify_by'];
$Experience = ($_GET['Experience']) ?$_GET['Experience'] : $_POST['Experience'];
//flag to indicate which method it uses. If POST set it to 1
if ($_POST) $post=1;
//Simple server side validation for POST data, of course, you should validate the email
if (!$full_name) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your full name.';
if (!$h_address) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your street address.';
if (!$h_city) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your city.';
if (!$h_state) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your state.';
if (!$h_zipcode) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your zipcode.';
if (!$h_phone_n) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your home phone.';
if (!$c_phone_n) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your cell phone.';
if (!$h_email) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your email.';
if (!$Voice) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your voice part.';
if (!$First_Second) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter whether first or second.';
if (!notify_by) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter how we should contact you.';
if (!$Experience) $errors[count($errors)] = 'Please enter your choral experience.';
//if the errors array is empty, send the mail
if (!$errors) {
//recipient - replace your email here
$to = '';
//sender - from the form
$from = 'MCC Audition Request <>';
//subject and the html message
$subject = 'MCC Audition Request from ' . $full_name;
$message = 'FullName: ' . $full_name . '<br/><br/>
Address: ' . $h_address . '<br/><br/>
City: ' . $h_city . '<br/><br/>
State: ' . $h_state . '<br/><br/>
Zipcode: ' . $h_zipcode . '<br/><br/>
HPhone: ' . $h_phone_n . '<br/><br/>
HCell: ' . $c_phone_n . '<br/><br/>
HomeEmail: ' . $h_email . '<br/><br/>
WPhone: ' . $w_phone_n . '<br/><br/>
WEmail: ' . $w_email . '<br/><br/>
Voice: ' . $Voice . '<br/><br/>
Voicepart: ' . $First_Second . '<br/><br/>
NotifyBy: ' . $notify_by . '<br/><br/>
Message: ' . nl2br($Experience) . '<br/>';
//send the mail
$result = sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from);
//if POST was used, display the message straight away
if ($_POST) {
if ($result) echo 'Thank you! We have received your message.';
else echo 'Sorry, unexpected error. Please try again later';
//else if GET was used, return the boolean value so that
//ajax script can react accordingly
//1 means success, 0 means failed
} else {
echo $result;
//if the errors array has values
} else {
//display the errors message
for ($i=0; $i<count($errors); $i++) echo $errors[$i] . '<br/>';
echo 'Back';
//Simple mail function with HTML header
function sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from) {
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n";
$result = mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);
if ($result) return 1;
else return 0;

Php form redirect to thank you page

I'd like to use this free form template but I want it to redirect me to a thank you page upon submission.
if(isset($_POST['email'])) {
$email_to = "e-mail here";
$email_subject = "subject here";
function died($error) {
// your error code can go here
echo "We are very sorry, but there were error(s) found with the form you submitted. ";
echo "These errors appear below.<br /><br />";
echo $error."<br /><br />";
echo "Please go back and fix these errors.<br /><br />";
// validation expected data exists
if(!isset($_POST['first_name']) ||
!isset($_POST['last_name']) ||
!isset($_POST['email']) ||
!isset($_POST['telephone']) ||
!isset($_POST['comments'])) {
died('We are sorry, but there appears to be a problem with the form you submitted.');
$first_name = $_POST['first_name']; // required
$last_name = $_POST['last_name']; // required
$email_from = $_POST['email']; // required
$telephone = $_POST['telephone']; // not required
$comments = $_POST['comments']; // required
$error_message = "";
$email_exp = '/^[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/';
if(!preg_match($email_exp,$email_from)) {
$error_message .= 'The Email Address you entered does not appear to be valid.<br />';
$string_exp = "/^[A-Za-z .'-]+$/";
if(!preg_match($string_exp,$first_name)) {
$error_message .= 'The First Name you entered does not appear to be valid.<br />';
if(!preg_match($string_exp,$last_name)) {
$error_message .= 'The Last Name you entered does not appear to be valid.<br />';
if(strlen($comments) < 2) {
$error_message .= 'The Comments you entered do not appear to be valid.<br />';
if(strlen($error_message) > 0) {
$email_message = "Form details below.\n\n";
function clean_string($string) {
$bad = array("content-type","bcc:","to:","cc:","href");
return str_replace($bad,"",$string);
$email_message .= "First Name: ".clean_string($first_name)."\n";
$email_message .= "Last Name: ".clean_string($last_name)."\n";
$email_message .= "Email: ".clean_string($email_from)."\n";
$email_message .= "Telephone: ".clean_string($telephone)."\n";
$email_message .= "Comments: ".clean_string($comments)."\n";
// create email headers
$headers = 'From: '.$email_from."\r\n".
'Reply-To: '.$email_from."\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
#mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers);
<!-- include your own success html here -->
Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you very soon.
How can I add a code where I will be redirected to a page of my choice?
Just insert this where you have the
<!-- include your own success html here -->

properly setting email subject line delivered from email form

I have a email form for my website but here is the issue: when i receive an email, the subject line in my inbox shows whatever the user inputted as subject in the form. id like to override that so that whenever an email comes in. the subject in the email header is always "an inquiry from your website". In the message body, sure i don't mind their specific subject they entered but when I receive an email, id like consistency in my inbox.
this is the current code:
<?php session_start();
if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { if( $_SESSION['chapcha_code'] == $_POST['chapcha_code'] && !empty($_SESSION['chapcha_code'] ) ) {
$youremail = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$fromsubject = 'An inquiry from your website';
$title = $_POST['title'];
$fname = $_POST['fname'];
$lname = $_POST['lname'];
$mail = $_POST['mail'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$country = $_POST['country'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$headers = "From: $nome <$mail>\r\n";
$to = $youremail;
$mailsubject = 'Message received from'.$fromsubject.' Contact Page';
$body = $fromsubject.'
The person that contacted you is '.$fname.' '.$lname.'
Address: '.$address.'
'.$city.', '.$zip.', '.$country.'
Phone Number: '.$phone.'
E-mail: '.$mail.'
Subject: '.$subject.'
|---------END MESSAGE----------|';
echo "Thank you for inquiring. We will contact you shortly.<br/>You may return to our <a href='/index.html'>Home Page</a>";
mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
} else {
echo 'Sorry, you have provided an invalid security code';
} else {
echo "You must write a message. </br> Please visit our <a href='/contact.html'>Contact Page</a> and try again.";
It appears as though you have set a variable called $subject elsewhere.
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
and then use that same variable to send your mail.
mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
Try creating another variable for the second use or changing it prior to suit your needs.

Redisplaying a form with fields filled in

I need a bit of help with redisplaying a form.
Basically, currently a user will fill out my contact form, the form and it's contents are passed to my verification page, and if the recaptcha was entered correctly it goes to a Thank You page.
When the recaptcha is entered INCORRECTLY, I want to redisplay the contact form with the fields already filled out. How do I do this? (As you'll see below, it currently goes to google on incorrect captcha)
Here is my verification code. Any help would be great:
<?php require('sbsquared.class.php'); ?>
$privatekey = "myprivatekey";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
if (!$resp->is_valid) {
// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
header("Location:"); <--- this is the bit that I want to redisplay the form with fields already filled out.
} else {
$sb = New SBSquared;
$name = $_POST['FullName'];
$post_keys = array_keys($_POST);
$my_db_string = "<table>";
$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
foreach($post_keys as $field)
if($_POST[$field] != "" && $field != "submit_y" && $field != "submit_x" && $field != "submit_x")
$my_db_string .= "<tr><td><b>".$field.":</b></td><td>";
if($field == "Email")
$my_db_string .= ''.$_POST['Email'].'';
$my_db_string .= $_POST[$field];
$my_db_string .= "</td></tr>";
$my_db_string .= "<tr><td><b>IP ADDRESS LOGGED: </b></td><td>".$ip_address."</td></tr>";
$my_db_string .= "</table>";
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 1)
$my_db_string = addslashes($my_db_string);
$name = addslashes($name);
$conn = $sb->openConnection();
$dts = time();
$sql = "INSERT INTO `contact_queries` VALUES ('', '$name', '$my_db_string', 'n/a', 0, $dts)";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$content = '<div id="main_middle">';
$content .= '<span class="title">'.$sb->dt('Contact').'</span>
<p>'.$sb->dt('Thank you for your enquiry. We will contact you shortly.').'</p>
// admin auto email.
$dts = date("d.m.y h:ia", time());
$admin_content = "New contact query at $dts";
$admin_content .= "\n\n--\n\n \r\n\r\n";
mail("email address", 'NOTIFICATION: new query', $admin_content, 'From: email address');
fwrite($FILE, $admin_content);
echo pageHeader($sb);
echo pageContent($sb, $content);
echo pageFooter($sb);
You probably already answered this for yourself, but if not you can set ReCaptcha to validate prior to submitting the form, much the same as HTML5 validation. It just won't let the user submit until the Captcha is correct. Now, I don't know if it will refresh the captcha if it is incorrect but most of the time I see people putting it into an iFrame so it doesn't refresh the page when refreshing the captcha.
As an alternative, you can use sessions to keep the data filled in.