kafka broker removed from zookeeper while leader election occurs error - apache-kafka

Today I met one issue,the broker 2 is not existent in zookeeper, I thought the borker 2 is down, but it's still running well. I checked the zookeeper log,
it only mentioned " Established session 0x153514345be0321 with negotiated timeout 6000 for client broker 2",
from the removed broker server and state-change log,
[2016-03-08 06:00:00,257] ERROR Controller 2 epoch 19 initiated state change for partition [robotEvents,186] from OfflinePartition to OnlinePartition failed (state.change.logger)
kafka.common.StateChangeFailedException: encountered error while electing leader for partition [***,186] due to: aborted leader election for partition [****,186] since the LeaderAndIsr path was already written by another controller. This probably means that the current controller 2 went through a soft failure and another controller was elected with epoch 20..
a lot of these kind of errors occur, from the source code, this error seems normal process during leader election, but it can't explain why the broker 2 was removed from zk. Any idea?
Thanks in advance


mysql table record not being consumed by Kafka

I just started learning kafka and I am running kafka 2.13-2.80 on windows server 2012 R2. I started zookeeper using the following:
zookeeper-server-start.bat ../../config/zookeeper.properties
I started kafka using the following:
kafka-server-start.bat ../../config/server.properties
I started a connector with the following:
connect-standalone.bat ../../config/connect-standalone.properties ../../config/mysql.properties
The content of my mysql.properties file is as follows:
I started a consumer with and without a partition option:
kafka-console-consumer.bat -topic test-mysql-jdbc-groups -bootstrap-server localhost:9092 -from-beginning [-partition 0]
All seemingly started without issues but when I add a record to my mysql table called groups, I do not see it in my consumer. I checked all the various logs. The only error messages I saw were in the state-change.log and they looked like the following:
ERROR [Broker id=0] Ignoring StopReplica request (delete=true) from controller 0 with correlation id 5 epoch 1 for partition mytopic-2 as the local replica for the partition is in an offline log directory (state.change.logger)
ERROR [Broker id=0] Ignoring StopReplica request (delete=true) from controller 0 with correlation id 5 epoch 1 for partition mytopic-1 as the local replica for the partition is in an offline log directory (state.change.logger)
ERROR [Broker id=0] Ignoring StopReplica request (delete=true) from controller 0 with correlation id 5 epoch 1 for partition mytopic-0 as the local replica for the partition is in an offline log directory (state.change.logger)
ERROR [Broker id=0] Received LeaderAndIsrRequest with correlation id 1 from controller 0 epoch 2 for partition mytopic-0 (last update controller epoch 1) but cannot become follower since the new leader -1 is unavailable. (state.change.logger)
ERROR [Broker id=0] Received LeaderAndIsrRequest with correlation id 1 from controller 0 epoch 2 for partition mytopic-1 (last update controller epoch 1) but cannot become follower since the new leader -1 is unavailable. (state.change.logger)
ERROR [Broker id=0] Received LeaderAndIsrRequest with correlation id 1 from controller 0 epoch 2 for partition mytopic-2 (last update controller epoch 1) but cannot become follower since the new leader -1 is unavailable. (state.change.logger)
I also notice this message in zookeeper
INFO Expiring session timeout of exceeded (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
Please could anyone give me pointers as to what I could be doing wrong? Thanks

Troubleshooting for kafka offline partitions

After unexpected shutdown of brokers, some of the topic partitions remain offline even if all the brokers are back up and running. Does anyone know the solution for this issue ?
2019-05-17T10:40:32,379 [myid:] - INFO [controller-event-thread:Logging$class#70] - [Controller 3]: Starting preferred replica leader election for partitions [topic,9]
2019-05-17T10:40:32,379 [myid:] - INFO [controller-event-thread:Logging$class#70] - [Partition state machine on Controller 3]: Invoking state change to OnlinePartition for partitions [topic,9]
2019-05-17T10:40:32,380 [myid:] - INFO [controller-event-thread:Logging$class#70] - [PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector]: Current leader -1 for partition [topic,9] is not the preferred replica. Triggering preferred replica leader election
2019-05-17T10:40:32,380 [myid:] - WARN [controller-event-thread:Logging$class#85] - [Controller 3]: Partition [topic,9] failed to complete preferred replica leader election. Leader is -1
My colleague and I just ran into a similar problem, however, we were trying to delete a topic that had offline partitions. The key to your problem is that your leader is -1.
The way we fixed this was by manually editing the znode in Zookeeper to point the leader to a broker that was online and doing a rolling restart of the cluster. Using the Zookeeper cli get the following znode:
In our case it returned:
Notice that the leader is -1. You might try updating the znode, setting the leader to a broker that is up and running.

Kafka mirror maker duplicates when DCs are isolated

We have 5 kafka 1.0.0 clusters:
4 of them are made of 3 nodes and are in different regions in the world
the last one is made of 5 nodes and is an aggregate only cluster.
We are using MirrorMaker (later referenced as MM) to read from the regional clusters and copy the data in the aggregate cluster in our HQ datacenter.
And not sure about where to run it we have currently 2 cases in our prod environment:
MM in the region: reading locally and pushing to aggregate cluster in remote data-center (DC), before committing offsets locally. I tend to call this the push mode (pushing the data)
MM in the DC of the aggregate cluster: reading remotely the data, writing it locally before committing the offsets on remote DC.
What happened is that we got the entire DC where we have our aggregate server totally isolated from a network point of view. And in both cases, we got duplicated records in our aggregate cluster.
Push mode = MM local to the regional cluster, pushing data to remote aggregate cluster
MM started to throw errors like this:
WARN [Producer clientId=producer-1] Got error produce response with correlation id 674364 on topic-partition <topic>-4, retrying (2147483646 attempts left). Error: NETWORK_EXCEPTION (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender)
WARN [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node 1 could not be established. Broker may not be available. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
which is ok so far because of idempotence.
But finally we got errors like:
ERROR Error when sending message to topic debug_sip_callback-delivery with key: null, value: 1640 bytes with error: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for <topic>-4: 30032 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time
ERROR Error when sending message to topic <topic> with key: null, value: 1242 bytes with error: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Producer is closed forcefully.
causing MM to stop and I think this is the problem causing duplicates (I need to dig the code, but could be that it lost information about idempotence and on restart it resumed from previously committed offsets).
Pull mode = MM local to the aggregate cluster, pulling data from remote regional cluster
MM instances (with logs at INFO level in this case) started seeing the broker as dead:
INFO [Consumer clientId=mirror-maker-region1-agg-0, groupId=mirror-maker-region1-agg] Marking the coordinator kafka1.region1.internal:9092 (id: 2147483646 rack: null) dead (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator)
At the same time on the broker side, we got:
INFO [GroupCoordinator 1]: Member mirror-maker-region1-agg-0-de2af312-befb-4af7-b7b0-908ca8ecb0ed in group mirror-maker-region1-agg has failed, removing it from the group (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator)
INFO [GroupCoordinator 1]: Group mirror-maker-region1-agg with generation 42 is now empty (__consumer_offsets-2) (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator)
Later on MM side, a lot of:
WARN [Consumer clientId=mirror-maker-region1-agg-0, groupId=mirror-maker-region1-agg] Connection to node 2 could not be established. Broker may not be available. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
and finally when network came back:
ERROR [Consumer clientId=mirror-maker-region1-agg-0, groupId=mirror-maker-region1-agg] Offset commit failed on partition <topic>-dr-8 at offset 382424879: The coordinator is not aware of this member. (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator)
i.e., it could not commit in region1 the offsets written on agg because of the rebalancing. And it resumed after rebalance from previously successfully committed offset causing duplicates.
Our MM instances are configured like this:
For our consumer:
For our producer:
Any idea how we can get the "only once" delivery on top of exactly once in case of 30 min isolated DCs?

Possible causes of: "Exiting because log truncation is not allowed"

One of my Kafka brokers (ID: 2011 below) is failing to initialize due to the following error:
FATAL [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-2006]: Exiting because log truncation is not allowed for partition REDACTED, current leader 2006's latest offset 0 is less than replica 2011's latest offset 170 (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
It seems as though broker 2006 got the idea that it should become the leader of this partition with offset 0 and now 2011 doesn't know what to do with its data up to offset 170.
What are possible scenarios where this could have happened? "Unclean leader election" is disabled (by default), but is this what I would expect to see in the case of an unclean leader election?
One way to get the broker back online is to manually delete the partition from the affected broker. But, is there a way to recover the data from that partition?

When does kafka change leader?

I was running my services that work with kafka already for a year and no spontaneous changes of leader happens.
But for the last 2 weeks that started happens quite often.
Kafka log on that:
[2015-09-27 15:35:14,826] INFO [ReplicaFetcherManager on broker 2]
Removed fetcher for partitions [myTopic] (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherManager)
[2015-09-27 15:35:14,830] INFO Truncating log myTopic-0 to offset 11520979. (kafka.log.Log)
[2015-09-27 15:35:14,845] WARN [Replica Manager on Broker 2]: Fetch request with correlation id 713276 from client ReplicaFetcherThread-0-2 on partition [myTopic,0] failed due to Leader not local for partition [myTopic,0] on broker 2 (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)
[2015-09-27 15:35:14,857] WARN [Replica Manager on Broker 2]: Fetch request with correlation id 256685 from client mirrormaker-1 on partition [myTopic,0] failed due to Leader not local for partition [myTopic,0] on broker 2 (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)
[2015-09-27 15:35:20,171] INFO [ReplicaFetcherManager on broker 2] Removed fetcher for partitions [myTopic,0] (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherManager)
What can cause switching leader? If there is info in some kafka documentation - please - just point the link. I've failed to find.
System configuration
kafka version: kafka_2.10-
os: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)
server.properties (differs from default):
It appears like lead broker is down for that partition. It might be that data directroy(log.dirs) configured in server.properties is out of space and broker is not able to accommodate.
Also, what is replication factor of topic and cluster size of brokers?
I am assuming you have one topic and one partition with a replication factor of 2. Which is not a good configuration for optimal Kafka performance and consumers.
Your Logs are not clear enough for leader switch. Major issue in your topic may be having the only one leader due to the only partition. Now the single file in your logs is getting bigger in size day by day. Kafka internally does rebalancing at some level(details are not confirmed). That can be the reason for your leader switch. But i am not sure.
Also in your 2nd log line its says some of the logs are truncated. Can you please go though the logs in details and check is this happening only after truncation?
As you already mentioned you already checked your Kafka log directory files and their size. Please run the describe when you got this issue. The leader switch will reflect here as well. Or if you can setup some dashboard that will display the leader for past time. Then it will be easy for you to find the root cause.
bin/kafka-topics.sh --describe --zookeeper Zookeeperhost:Port --topic TopicName
Suggestion: i will suggest you to create a new topic with more partitions(read Kafka documentation to get a good idea about optimum number of partitions) and start writing to it. Or you can check, how to change partitions for current topic.
Last Thing: Is leader switch causing some issues in your Clients or you are worried only about warnings?