getRootLogger() equivalent in JBoss Logging - jboss

I am migrating an application from Weblogic to JBoss EAP 6.4. The application originally used Log4J and an external logging configuration properties file. From what I understand, using Log4J would require the log4j.xml or file to be packaged inside the EAR and it would prevent us from changing the logging configuration at runtime.
Currently, I am ok with using the JBoss Logging subsystem to do the logging. However, the application has calls like:
Logger rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger();
What is the equivalent in JBoss Logging, if I needed to get the RootLogger?

You can use log4j essentially as a logging facade. In other words you don't need to change your logging code at all.
If you want to use the logging subsystem for configuration just ensure your deployment does not have a log4j.xml or file as you stated.
If you want to swap out log4j and use JBoss Logging the equivalent for Logger.getRootLogger() would just be Logger.getLogger("").


What is the design of JBoss log manager design in wildfly 17?

From the documentation I understand that it supports multiple frameworks like log4j, log4jv2 and slf4j. log4j/log4jv2/slf4j are only the API interfaces and the actual logging will be done by the jboss-logmanager classes located in the "org.jboss.log4j.logmanager" module? If that is the case what is the logger implementation used by jboss-logmanager.
Logging in WildFly is configured via the jboss-logmanager. This is an extension of JUL and does not use log4j or any other log manager. The org.jboss.log4j.logmanager module you reference is like a log4j facade in that it replaces the log4j log manager to write to the jboss-logmanager.
WildFly itself uses jboss-logging. This is simply a logging facade like slf4j.

Wildfly 13 - Proper project setup using logback in an ear project

I am deploying my application as an ear archive in wildfly 13. The ear contains a war and an ejb. The ejb is used in different projects. I want to log the information from the war and the ejb into a single file to have the full context what happend in a single logfile.
I managed to log from the war via logback, but the logs from the ejb are not logged via logback.
My current setup:
In my ear-module I have a jboss-deployment-structure.xml in my ear file to exclude the logging subsystem
In my web-module the logback.xml is located in WEB-INF/classes
In my web-module I have the dependencies to logback-classic and slf4j
In my ejb-module I have a dependency to slf4j
Any suggestions?
If you're just logging to a file you could use a logging-profile which would allow you to make runtime changes and not have to redploy your application if you want to make changes to your logging configuration.
Using WildFly Logging
Example Profile Configuration
/subsystem=logging/logging-profile=ear1/pattern-formatter=PATTERN:add(pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%e%n")
/subsystem=logging/logging-profile=ear1/periodic-rotating-file-handler=FILE:add(append=true, suffix=".yyyy-MM-dd", named-formatter=PATTERN, file={relative-to=jboss.server.log.dir, path="ear1.log"})
/subsystem=logging/logging-profile=ear1/root-logger=ROOT:add(level=INFO, handlers=[FILE])
Then you'd just add Logging-Profile: ear1 entry in your EAR's manifest.
Using Logback
If you want to continue using logback you'd need to put the logback and slf4j dependencies in your EAR/lib directory. The trick will be figuring out where to put the logback configuration file. It might work in EAR/META-INF or in the EAR/lib, but I'm not certain. It may even work if you kept it in the WAR/WEB-INF/classes, but you'd need to ensure a logger is accessed in the WAR before one is accessed in the EJB.
You'll also want to ensure you exclude the org.slf4j.api module or the logging subsystem for the EAR and each subdeloyment in your jboss-deployment-structure.xml.

Externalizing log4j.xml in JBoss EAP 7.0.3

I have a possibly unique problem. We are using a thirdparty web library that uses log4j to log. Currently, our apps are set up to use the JBoss native logging.(We do this so we can vary the log printouts per environment)
The Thirdparty war file requires us to have a log4j.xml baked into the war its deployed in. Obviously we don't want that.
Here is what I have tried.
I have tried removing it and seeing if it will use the native jboss logger setup.
I have tried setting -Dlog4j.configuration to the path of the log4j.xml file.
I tried setting a system property of the jboss eap in the standalone-full file with the same name.
I dont have access to the source code, but I can decompile.
Any ideas?

Is it possible to change folder where JBoss 5.1 writes its boot traces?

By default JBoss 5.1 writes boot traces to $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/log folder.
Is it possible to change location for boot traces?
Boot traces - traces in file boot.log.
The log4j bootstrap log is configured, rather bizzarely, from the inside bin/run.jar. You need to override that configuration with your own.
See this page for a description of how it works, but essentially you can supply your own boot log4j config by using a system property, e.g.
run.bat -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./
Once the bootstrap has finished, JBoss will switch to the conf/jboss-log4j.xml configuration as before.

How to get JBoss log directory

We need to display JBoss log files from within our web application. Is it possible to achieve this without using ServerConfigLocator ? The application must be able to run also with Websphere and we don't want dependencies on specific JARs.
JBoss's defined log directory is held in the jboss.server.log.dir system property. You can resolve that directory to a, and read the files inside.
File logDir = new File(System.getProperty("jboss.server.log.dir"));
logDir.list(); // etc etc
You can also get this through ServerConfig.getServerLogDir() (on JBoss 4.x, anyway), but you said you wanted to avoid JAR dependencies.
You could use a custom log implementation. This would give you complete control over the logging behavior.
JBoss uses Log4j as its logging mechanism. WebSphere uses Jakarta Commons Logging, which can be configured to delegate to Log4j if it isn't already the default. If you already use Log4j in your application then I don't expect that this difference will cause you any new problems.