Element inspector icon or shortcut in Chrome menu bar - google-chrome-devtools

Would there be menu icon (or any other shortcut) available for Chrome that allows you to inspect the page HTML and CSS? Firebug provides this inspector element icon in Firefox' main toolbar and I'm using it quite a lot.
Currently the only way to toggle the element inspector glass is by toggling the whole development toolset, and then clicking the inspector, or by right-mouse clicking an element in the page, which is to my opinion far from accurate.
An menu icon (or shortcut - I'm on Mac) that shortcuts the inspector glass would save me a lot of time. Any ideas?

Cmd + Shift + C lets you use the element inspector directly, and opens DevTools if it's not open already.

The edit was rejected for some reason. Cmd + Alt + C seems to do the job for me. Thanks for pushing me in the right direction, Matt.


How do I AUTOMATICALLY hide side bar and panel when I minimize(reduced size) vscode

Problem: The sidebar and panel hides a lot of available screen space when I minimized vscode. It's tedius to always press the shortcut keys just to hide em.
What do you want? To automatically hide the sidebar and panel when I minimize vscode.
You may find this extention helpful: marketplace.
And also, Ctrl + B will help you hide the side bar mannually

How to close the search toggle for vscode?

This is an extremely stupid question... but how do I close/toggle the search box in vscode?
I hit [ cmd + shift + f ] to do a global search, but then I need to reach for my mouse to actually close the box to allow for more screen space.
I've searched through their issues, and there seems to be another user in the past who also experienced something similar --> https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/32613 , but the solution provided of cmd - b only works for closing the sidebar.
My developer speed has drastically dropped since this issue, and I'm certain there's been a fix.
Please help. :(
**added in picture here -->
Press CTRL + SHIFT + E. It will switch to and focus the explorer.
Your search results are appearing in the panel, not the sidebar.
To toggle the panel:
pc/mac: ctrl + ` (backtick)
mac: ⌘ + J
However, if you want your search results to appear in the sidebar (which I think is the default behavior), then add this line to your settings:
"search.location": "sidebar"
Similar to what Vijey has mentioned, you can use the Toggle Panel keyboard shortcut which will do the job for me. On A mac the shortcut is
⌘ Command+J
I'm coming from sublime where the search results appear in a new tab - making it much easier to close the results (just like closing an other tab)
The best way to get rid of the search panel is by doing the following: -
On a windows computer, press and hold CTRL + Q
A window will then pop up, you can then release Q when the window pops up but you still have to hold down the CTRL key to keep the pop up open
3.Now use your mouse to click on the option called explorer and the search menu is now gone
There is no keyboard shortcut to close the search panel. However, you can create a shortcut yourself as shown in the attached image.
1) Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
2) Search for the command 'Close Panel' and set it to your convenient keyboard shortcut.
In the image below, I set it to Ctrl+F8.
If the search box displays in the sidebar (see Amr Noman's answer on how to set that up if it isn't already), How do you close the search box and go back to your project folders? In this case, there is no tab you can close with a click of the mouse. One way is to set up a keymap shortcut, e.g.
"key": "cmd+'",
"command": "workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer"
You can figure this out by going to Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts and searching for sidebar. One of the hits is described as "File: Reveal Active File in Side Bar"
More generally, any action that hides your project folder view in the sidebar can be cancelled by this shortcut.

Netbeans Project Panel toggle

Is there any keyboard short cut in netbeans for toggling between project panel.
For example if I'm working on a laptop and sometime I need for space for see the code window and always I have to click on the project's panel to hide it.
Is there any way I can quickly hide and show that left side thing?
You can use Shift + ESCAPE to maximize the current window (e.g. the code editor).
Alternatively, right click on the editor's tab for the current file and choose "Maximize"
you can use shift+esc to hide or show your project panel.

open chrome developer tools inside popup

Is it possible to open the developer tools inside(attached to) a popup and not detached? I'm currently working a site with popups and need to bebug javascript and find it quite annoying to toggle between the popup and the developer tools window.
When debugging popup windows you can convert them to tabs. You can do this by right-clicking the title icon and selecting the show as tab option. Then you can open the developer console as usual.
There is a tiny button waaay down to the left of the developer tools (in the row where Inspect Element and clear console log are), it looks kinda like two rectangles overlapping... The tooltip should read "Undock into separate window"...
Is that what you meant?
-Edit- Just reread the question better... I guess that is not what you meant... :)
Open Chrome Dev Tools (Cmd + Option + I)
Open the Console tab
Paste the following, the hit enter:
setTimeout(function(){debugger;}, 5000)
Navigate to your popup and wait- in 5 seconds, the debugger will pause the page, and you can see your code!
Enjoy your debugging! 🐛
Reference from Mitch Winkel-Davis
Please press and hold the tiny button for seconds.
After that, you will find the another icon (or button) at the same location.
Please release your mouse button.
You can see a popup window of developer tools.
Just press ⌥ + cmd + I when the pop up window is in focus and dev tools will open in a new pop up window

Keyboard shortcut to switch focus from web developer tools to page in Chrome on Mac

This question is directly related to following existing question with different tag:
Keyboard shortcut to switch focus from web developer tools to page in Chrome
As stated in the title, is there anyway we can switch focus from web developer tools to page in Chrome on Mac OSX.
I looked up online, and at Chrome Dev. doc and help forum, nothing there but they pointed to SO for an answer. Here are some links regarding this question, I already found useless:
Press F6 three times. To go back to DevTools press F6 one time.
F6 loop the focus in this order:
DevTools(if DevTools is open)
Address bar
You can move focus to the address bar with "Cmd + L". If you put javascript: in the address bar and hit the enter key, you can switch the focus to the page.
But javascript: is too long, isn't it? Then follow this.
Go to Chrome Settings page (Cmd + ,)
Click "Manage search engines..." in the Search section
Add a new search engine with
any name e.g. Back to page
any keyword e.g. j
URL - javascript:
Now you can move focus to the page only with j.
If you've un-docked dev-tools, on a Mac use Cmd+` (backtick) to move focus to active or next window.
This keyboard shortcut can be found and customized at:
System preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Select "Keyboard" category
I've had this exact same use case, and I'm surprised there isn't a simple shortcut for it. I've done some research, and it seems there are a few options:
Use command + option + J to toggle the console off. This will bring focus back to the web page. Then, hitting command + option + J again will open the console and direct the focus there once again. This is probably not the best way since there is a little bit of on each toggle.
Open Dev Tools in separate window. You can find this by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the dev tools, and then you can find a button for undocking the tools into a separate window. Then, to toggle focus between the web page and console, you can hit command + `.
The answer above from #Sangdol is a great solution for switching focus from the console to the web page. This is probably the fastest and best way of doing this once it's set up. The only thing I'd like to add is how to switch focus back to the console. For this, you can hit command + shift + C twice (hitting it only one will successfully switch the focus, but will leave the browser in 'Inspect Element' mode). I've found that if the focus on the webpage is in a text box, you may have to hit Esc first before hitting command + shift + C.
Press ⌘+L to go to address bar.
Press Esc.
You have now switched focus from web developer tools to page.
To switch back press focus back press ⌘+⌥+C.
This works for docked but is best for undocked dev tools and multiple windows/tabs.
With devtools focused hit ⌘+Shift+P
start typing in Debuggee
Hit enter when you see Focus debuggee, done! 
Then to go back to dev tools just hit ⌘+⌥+J to focus back on the tab you left them.
It saves me some time everyday - my tabs can grow on me over the day... or days... weeks - pretty sure you've all been there - R&D!
New Update: In chrome Version 92.0.4515.131.
When DevTools is open and focus.
Press (⌘ Command+⌥ Option+↓ Down) Twice.
First time pressed - the focus will transfer to the URL.
The second time pressed - the focus will transfer to the page.
OS X 10.8.3 - Mountain Lion
customize "Move focus to next window in application" short cut, because the default key map is "Command + F1", which is binded to show "Shortcuts for Developer Tools" on chrome.
Update in chrome 107
You can now customize keyboard shortcuts for commands in DevTools.
Go to DevTools Settings > Shortcuts > set shortcut for "Focus debuggee".
Hitting ⌘+⌥+J twice will hide the dev tools and focus on your actual window. Do you want to focus on window without hiding dev tools?